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To assess adrenal medulla activity in states of hyperfunction, a single 0.3 mg oral dose of clonidine hydrochloride (Catapres) was given to twelve patients with varying evidence of familial adrenal medullary hyperplasia and pheochromocytomas from kindreds with Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia type 2 syndrome (MEN-2), seven patients with sporadic pheochromocytomas and six normal subjects. Mean arterial blood pressure and plasma norepinephrine (NE) levels were lower than baseline values 2 h after clonidine in the normal subjects. Plasma epinephrine (E) rose in one normal but fell in the remainder after clonidine administration. In sporadic pheochromocytoma patients, E fell slightly in 4 and NE fell in 3 while mean arterial blood pressure was not significantly lower than baseline values in 7 patients 2 h after clonidine. In MEN-2, mean arterial blood pressure fell and there was a variable response of plasma E and NE to clonidine, which appears to be related to the presence of detectable anatomic (CT scan) and functional (131I-mlBG scintigraphy) abnormalities of the adrenal medulla. These findings are thus compatible with the spectrum of adrenal medulla dysfunction and the presumed development of pheochromocytoma in this syndrome.  相似文献   
Encapsulated Staphylococcus aureus strains are more virulent than unencapsulated staphylococci, and this phenomenon has been associated with decreased opsonization of encapsulated bacteria by normal human serum. Peptidoglycan, a major cell wall component of S. aureus, has been shown to promote opsonization of this bacterial species by certain components of the serum complement system. However, when the processes of complement activation and opsonization of encapsulated staphylococci have been studied, it has been found that encapsulated bacteria activate complement efficiently and C3 is bacteria associated, yet these organisms are not efficiently phagocytized by human polymorphonuclear leukocytes. In this study, the hypothesis was tested that opsonically active molecules are not on the true external surface of encapsulated organisms but rather are cell wall associated and thus "hidden" from human polymorphonuclear leukocytes. By using immunoelectronmicroscopy, C3 was found to be localized on the cell wall of an encapsulated S. aureus strain after incubation of the organism in normal human serum. When shrinkage of the capsule was prevented by treatment with anticapsular antibody, the C3 was again shown to be cell wall associated and located beneath the bacterial capsule. These results suggest that encapsulated S. aureus may resist phagocytosis because opsonically active C3 molecules are not exposed at the true external surface of the bacterium.  相似文献   
Innate defense against microbial infection requires the action of neutrophils, which have cytoplasmic granules replete with antibiotic proteins and peptides. Bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein (BPI) is found in the primary granules of adult neutrophils, has a high affinity for lipopolysaccharides (or "endotoxins"), and exerts selective cytotoxic, antiendotoxic, and opsonic activity against gram-negative bacteria. We have previously reported that neutrophils derived from newborn cord blood are deficient in BPI (O. Levy et al., Pediatrics 104:1327-1333, 1999). The relative deficiency in BPI of newborns raised the possibility that supplementing the levels of BPI in plasma might enhance newborn antibacterial defense. Here we determined the effects of addition of recombinant 21-kDa N-terminal BPI fragment (rBPI(21)) on the growth and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-inducing activity of representative gram-negative clinical isolates. Bacteria were tested in citrated newborn cord blood or adult peripheral blood. Bacterial viability was assessed by plating assay, and TNF-alpha release was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Whereas adult blood limited the growth of all isolates except Klebsiella pneumoniae, cord blood also allowed logarithmic growth of Escherichia coli K1/r and Citrobacter koseri. Bacteria varied in their susceptibility to rBPI(21)'s bactericidal action: E. coli K1/r was relatively susceptible (50% inhibitory concentration [IC(50)], approximately 10 nM), C. koseri was intermediate (IC(50), approximately 1,000 nM), Klebsiella pneumoniae was resistant (IC(50), approximately 10,000 nM), and Enterobacter cloacae and Serratia marcescens were highly resistant (IC(50), >10,000 nM). All isolates were potent inducers of TNF-alpha activity in both adult and newborn cord blood. In contrast to its variable antibacterial activity, rBPI(21) consistently inhibited the TNF-inducing activity of all strains tested (IC(50), 1 to 1,000 nM). The antibacterial effects of rBPI(21) were additive with those of a combination of conventional antibiotics typically used to treat bacteremic newborns (ampicillin and gentamicin). Whereas ampicillin and gentamicin demonstrated little inhibition of bacterially induced TNF release, addition of rBPI(21) either alone or together with ampicillin and gentamicin profoundly inhibited release of this cytokine. Thus, supplementing newborn cord blood with rBPI(21) potently inhibited the TNF-inducing activity of a variety of gram-negative bacterial clinical pathogens and, in some cases, enhanced bactericidal activity. These results suggest that administration of rBPI(21) may be of clinical benefit to neonates suffering from gram-negative bacterial infection and/or endotoxemia.  相似文献   
Characteristics of motile curved rods in vaginal secretions   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Motile curved rods seen in vaginal secretions have been isolated on Columbia agar supplemented with 5% human blood and vitamin K. Growth occurred anaerobically and in 5% oxygen but not in more aerobic conditions. There were two distinct groups of these organisms, distinguishable by morphology, biochemical activity and susceptibility to metronidazole. All isolates were sensitive to a wide range of antimicrobial agents, with the exception of nalidixic acid and polymyxin, but one group was resistant to metronidazole. There was little difference between the results of tests of susceptibility to aminoglycosides or to metronidazole performed in anaerobic and microaerophilic conditions. Motile curved rods were isolated from 18 of 80 patients with a clinical diagnosis of non-specific vaginitis, but from only two of 39 without the disease.  相似文献   
The immunohistochemical localization of epinephrine (E), norepinephrine (NE), and chromogranin was analyzed in normal and neoplastic neuroendocrine cells. The immunohistochemical detection of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), dopamine beta-hydroxylase (DBH), and phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PNMT) was used to distinguish between uptake and biosynthesis of catecholamines. E, NE, chromogranin, TH, DBH, and PNMT were found in the normal human adrenal medulla and in pheochromocytomas. Although many neuroendocrine tissues outside of the adrenal gland contained immunoreactive NE, only a small percentage of these tissues contained DBH. E was found in a few neuroendocrine tissues outside of the adrenal, including cardiac paragangliomas, and the enzyme PNMT was localized in some of these neoplasms. There was very close agreement between the localization of chromogranin and of catecholamines in normal and neoplastic neuroendocrine tissues. These results indicate that the presence of catecholamines and chromogranin in neuroendocrine cells and tumors within the adrenal medulla and in many other sites may be closely related.  相似文献   
Usher syndrome is recognized as the most frequent cause of hereditary deaf-blindness. Usher syndrome type I (USH1), the most severe form of the disease, is characterized by profound congenital sensorineural deafness, constant vestibular dysfunction, and retinitis pigmentosa of prepubertal onset. This form is genetically heterogeneous and five loci (USH1A-E) have been mapped thusfar. However, only the gene responsible for USH1 B (which accounts for approximately 75% of USH1 cases) has been characterized. It encodes a long-tailed unconventional myosin, myosin VIIA, with a predicted 2215 amino acid sequence. Primers covering the complete myosin VIIA coding sequence as well as the 3' non coding sequence were designed, allowing direct sequence analysis of each of the 48 coding exons and flanking splice sites in seven patients affected by USH1. Four novel mutations were thereby identified. The possibility should now be considered of a sequence-based prenatal diagnosis in some of the families affected by this very severe form of Usher syndrome.   相似文献   
The discovery of nucleated erythrocytes in maternal circulationprovides a potential source for non-invasive prenatal diagnosis.We have evaluated the use of a three-stage procedure to determinethe number of cells that are of fetal rather than maternal origin.First, monoclonal antibodies specific for CD45 and CD14 wereused in conjunction with a magnetic (MACS) column to depleteunwanted leukocytes from maternal blood. This was followed bya positive MACS enrichment for nucleated erythrocytes, usingan anti-CD71 (transferrin receptor) monoclonal antibody. Todiscriminate between fetal nucleated erythrocytes and thoseof maternal origin, enriched fractions were simultaneously stainedwith an anti-fetal haemoglobin (HbF) antibody and hybridizedwith probes specific for X and Y chromosomes. Samples were thensubjected to blind analysis along with negative control samplesfrom non-pregnant volunteers. Using this dual analysis, we wereable to determine that less than one nucleated erythrocyte perml of maternal blood was of fetal origin. Small numbers of thesefetal cells were found in 87.5% of pregnancies, ranging from6 to 35 weeks gestational age. Comparison of HbF and X/Y probedata also suggests that the fetal cells are less suitable forfluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH) analysis than similarpreparations from other sources. cell separation methods/fluorescence in-situ hybridization/hereditary diseases/polymerase chain reaction/pregnancy  相似文献   
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