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Morphological variations of the brachial plexus and variants in the distribution of the anterior division of the middle trunk are relatively frequent. Two of the rarest anomalies occurred in the left brachial plexus of a 62-y-old Japanese male, 1 of 104 plexuses dissected between 1996 and 1997 at Kanazawa University Faculty of Medicine. The superior trunk of the brachial plexus was formed by the anterior primary division of C5 and C6 and a thin branch (0.5 mm in diameter) from C4, the middle trunk by the C7, and the inferior trunk by C8 and T1 (Fig.). We could not determine whether there was a branch derived from T2 to T1, since the subject had died of lung carcinoma. The entire anterior division of the middle trunk crossed the axillary artery and joined the medial root of the median nerve which was the continuation of the medial cord after the cord branched off the ulnar nerve. The lateral cord pierced coracobrachialis and divided into the musculocutaneous nerve and the lateral root of the median nerve just after emerging from the muscle, finally joining the medial root of the median nerve superficial to the brachial artery ∼115 mm distal to the lower border of latissimus dorsi to form the median nerve. The musculocutaneous nerve gave rise to the nerves to biceps brachii, brachialis, and the long head of biceps brachii and finally continued as the lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm. The branch to coracobrachialis had already been cut and its course could not be traced.  相似文献   
We successfully performed cutting balloon angioplasty for a restenotic lesion involving the distal saphenous vein graft (SVG) anastomosis that had developed within 1 month after conventional balloon angioplasty. We considered that cutting balloon angioplasty, which has been considered to produce less vascular injury, could be a viable choice for the treatment of a lesion at the distal anastomosis of an SVG.  相似文献   
To see if the lower pacemaker in patients with atrioventricular (AV) block was modulated electrofonically by atrial excitation, we studied R-R intervals in two groups of AV block patients using a phase response curve (PRC). Group f consisted of 20 patients with high degree AV block, including seven patients in whom complete AV block was transiently observed in the course of acute inferior myocardial infarction. Group II consisted of 19 parents with complete AV block. In every patient, PRC was obtained from the continuous electrocardiogram by plotting each R1-R2 interval (response) on the ordinate as a function of the R1-Px interval (phase, x = 1, 2 …) on the abscissa, In Group I, the R-R interval was prolonged when the P wave fell in (he initial half of (he R-R interval, and was abbreviated when the P wave fell in the later half of the cycle. In Group II, the fluctuation of the R-R interval was minimum. In ten group I patients, with the improvement of the AV block, PRC became sharper and transition from prolongation to shortening occurred at shorter R-P intervals. We conclude that, in Group I, lower pacemaker was modulated electrotonicalIy by atrial excitations through decreased electrical coupling along the AV node.  相似文献   
Recto-peritoneal fistula following transperineal prostate biopsy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A recto-peritoneal fistula is an extremely rare complication after prostate biopsy. We report herein on a peritonitis arising from a recto-peritoneal fistula 5 days after undergoing prostate biopsy. To our knowledge, this is the first case of recto-peritoneal fistula following transperineal needle biopsy of the prostate in the published literature.  相似文献   
Tuberculids of the penis are extremely rare. The clinical features of tuberculids of the penis have been reported as ulceration or scars. We have experienced a case of tuberculid of the penis that appeared as a scab on nodule. A 56-year-old man presented with a 4-month history of a painless subcutaneous nodule at the glans penis. Pathological findings of the nodule showed granulomatous inflammation. Tuberculin tests were strongly positive, but tubercle bacilli could not be detected. The diagnosis was tuberculid of the penis and the patient received antituberculosis chemotherapy. The present paper reports an interesting and rare case of tuberculid of the penis with a scab on nodule.  相似文献   
We report a case of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) deficiency in a 68-year-old Japanese female with chronic hepatitis C. The serum was positive for antibody to hepatitis C virus (HCV) and HCV-RNA. Liver biopsy showed histological evidence of chronic active hepatitis. The level of serum aspartate aminotransferase (sAST) was elevated, but sALT was extremely low. The patient was followed up for her serum aminotransferase levels for 1.5 years under the treatment with ursodeoxycholic acid. The low sALT level persisted during all the follow-up period. The ALT activity in liver tissue was also decreased. Based on these findings, ALT deficiency was suspected. sALT activity was also found to be low in her two sons. This latter finding suggests the hereditary character of this abnormality.  相似文献   
The distribution of human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) and varicella-zoster virus (VZV) was examined in autopsy samples from a fatal case with both virus infections. A 9-month-old boy developed convulsive seizures followed by macular skin rashes, rapidly progressed to brain death, and died 15 days after the onset, when signs of varicella were noted. An isolation of HHV-6 from blood and evaluation of antibody activities to various viral agents including HHV-6 were performed before his death. Postmortem examinations included: (i) isolation of HHV-6 and VZV from tissues or organs; (ii) detection of both virus antigens in tissues or organs by an indirect immunofluorescent assay using monoclonal antibodies to both viruses; (iii) amplification of both viruses and human herpesvirus 7 DNA sequences by a nested polymerase chain reaction assay; and (iv) endonuclease digestion of amplified products of HHV-6 DNA for differentation of variants A and B. Human herpesvirus 6 DNA was detected in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and plasma obtained at the eruptive stage but present only in PBMC 15 days after, indicating the primary infection with HHV-6, although the virus was not isolated from the same blood sample and a significant rise in the antibody titers to HHV-6 was not observed. Both virus antigens and DNA were detected in various tissues or organs obtained at autopsy, but only VZV was isolated from these samples, suggesting disseminated infection with both viruses in an infant. All the amplified products of HHV-6 DNA were variant B. Among the findings for the distribution of virus antigens, it was noteworthy that HHV-6 antigen was demonstrated in the endothelial cells of small vessels in the frontal lobe of the brain. There was no evidence of HHV-7 infection. These data indicate that the primary HHV-6 infection closely followed by the primary VZV infection had the potential hazard of an unexpected and apparently life-threatening event, in which disseminated infections with both viruses were noted in multiple tissues or organs including the brain.  相似文献   
Anomalies of the brachial plexus and its terminal branches are not uncommon. Variations in the course and branches of the musculocutaneous nerve have been noted (Clemente, 1985; Bergman et al. 1988) and its absence was reported by Le Minor (1990). Several anomalies were present in the left plexus of a 59-y-old Japanese man (Fig.). There were no anterior and posterior divisions of the middle trunk, although there were communications between the posterior, medial and lateral cords. The musculocutaneous nerve was absent (Le Minor, 1990) and the medial and lateral roots of the median nerve did not unite in the axillary fossa but in the upper arm about 5 cm distal to the lower border of latissimus dorsi (Adachi, 1928; Buch-Hansen, 1955). The hitherto unreported findings were branches arising directly from the lateral cord to supply coracobrachialis, both heads of biceps brachii and brachialis. The lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm was derived from the lateral cord with a small contribution from the medial root of the median nerve. Since there were communications between the posterior cord (a continuation of the middle trunk) and the medial and lateral cords, it is theoretically possibly, but not proven, that the root values of branches innervating the flexor muscles of the arm and forearm and the skin of lateral border of the forearm were normal.  相似文献   
PROBLEM: Fc receptor for immunoglobulin (FcγR) is an important mediator of immunological functions in the feto-maternal relationship. We have demonstrated by immunohistochemical means that three distinct classes of FcγRS are expressed in the different cell components of the human placenta. METHOD: In this study, FcγRIII isoform expressed on placental trophoblasts (PTs) was investigated by indirect immunofluorescence and cDNA cloning. PTs, isolated from human term placenta by digestion with proteolytic enzyme, were reacted with monoclonal antibodies (MAb) against the Fc-γRs and other surface markers of leukocytes and subjected to flow cytometric analysis. RESULTS: PTs were positively stained with 3G8 and Leul lb against FcγRIII, partially stained with MAb against MHC class I, but not with 32.2 (FcγRI), IV3 (FcγRII), or MAbs against CD4, CD19, or CD56, indicating that only low affinity receptor, FC7RIII, is γexpressed on PTs. The DNA sequence of cloned FcγRIII CDNA from PTs by PCR was identical to that of natural killer (NK) cell isoform, including the position of the stop codon that differs from the granulocyte isoform by several nucleotide substitutions. We further analyzed the susceptibility of PTs against phosphatidylinositol specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC) to determine the structural topology of PT isoform. While the reactivity with 3G8 on PTs was not influenced by treatment with PI-PLC, that on granulocytes was significantly diminished with PI-PLC. CONCLUSIONS: This result confirmed that FcγRIII on PTs is a membrane-spanning molecule, and that it is distinctive from PI anchoring FcγRIII on granulocytes.  相似文献   
We report herein a case of ureteral obstruction associated with pelvic inflammatory disease in a long-term intrauterine contraceptive device (IUD) user. A 62-year-old woman presented with a 2-week history of left flank pain and high fever, but no abdominal pain. She had forgotten the use of an IUD. Retrograde pyelography showed a stricture in the lower third of the left ureter. Magnetic resonance showed swelling of the uterus wall and left parametria, but did not reveal the presence of an IUD. Subtotal hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy and left nephronureterectomy was performed. The IUD was then found in the uterine cavity. The results of pathological and bacteriological findings for Actinomyces infection were negative. Therefore we diagnosed this case as ureteral obstruction associated with pelvic inflammatory disease. Ureteral obstruction associated with pelvic inflammatory disease in a long-term IUD user is extremely rare.  相似文献   
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