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The use of autologous blood transfusion in cardiac surgery is still controversial. This study was prospectively designed to evaluate the haemodynamic and haematological benefits of this method, with special attention to its impact on reducing bank blood requirements. Between November 1983 and October 1984, 160 patients underwent cardiac surgery with extracorporeal circulation and were randomly assigned to two groups: group I (81 patients) was the control group and group II (79 patients) received autologous transfusion following extracorporeal circulation. Blood was withdrawn immediately after the induction of anaesthesia via a jugular catheter and stored in CPD solution at room temperature. The volume of blood removed was replaced with gelatin solutions; after bypass, blood was returned to the patient. There was no difference in systolic, diastolic or mean blood pressures between the two groups. Right atrial pressure and heart rate were not statistically different in both groups. Myocardial perfusion and myocardial oxygen consumption remained unchanged in group II compared with group I. Complete haematological evaluation was carried out before and during bypass, and thereafter daily for the first twelve days of the postoperative period. There was no significative difference between the two groups in platelet counts, fibrinogen levels, prothrombin and partial thromboplastin times. During extracorporeal circulation, mean haematocrit was 22.9 +/- 0.4% in group II and 25.3 +/- 0.5% in group I (p less than 10(-3)). The mean haematocrit time course was similar in both groups during the postoperative period and returned to preoperative value at discharge.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Fever is one of the most frequent clinical signs encountered in pathology, especially with respect to infectious diseases. It is currently thought that the role of fever on immunity is limited to activation of innate immunity; however, its relevance to activation of adaptive immunity remains unclear. Dendritic cells (DCs) that behave as sentinels of the immune system provide an important bridge between innate and adaptive immunity. To highlight the role of fever on adaptive immunity, we exposed murine bone marrow-derived lipopolysaccharide (LPS)- or live bacteria-maturing DCs over a 3-h period to 37 degrees C or to fever-like thermal conditions (39 degrees C or 40 degrees C). At these three temperatures, we measured the kinetics of cytokine production and the ability of DCs to induce an allogeneic mixed lymphocyte reaction. Our results show that short exposure of DCs to temperatures of 39 degrees C or 40 degrees C differentially increased the secretion of interleukin (IL)-12p70 and decreased the secretion of IL-10 and tumor necrosis factor alpha by maturing DCs. These fever-like conditions induced a regulation of cytokine production at the single-cell level. In addition, short-term exposed LPS-maturing DCs to 39 degrees C induced a stronger reaction with allogeneic CD4(+) T cells than maturing DCs incubated at 37 degrees C. These results provide evidence that temperature regulates cytokine secretion and DC functions, both of which are of particular importance in bacterial diseases.  相似文献   
Summary Based on the geometric model developed by Netter [11], we determined the different positions of the femoral neck during monopodal support in walking in relation to a fixed frontal plane of reference (relative anteversion). This relative anteversion ranges on average from 24° of retroversion at the beginning of support to 15° of anterversion at the end if loading. We then studied the relations possibly existing between relative anteversion and acetabular orientation on the one hand, and the orientation of the resultant of the articular stresses on the other (both being variables during monopodal support in walking). The results showed that relative anteversion is well correlated with variations of position of the acetabulum since, at most, the deviation between the respective axes did not exceed the anatomic deviation due to absolute anteversion of the femoral neck and acetabulum. Lastly, analysis of the relations obtained with the orientation of the resultant of the articular stresses allowed a better comprehension of the functional distribution of forces.
Variations de l'antéversion relative du col fémoral au cours de la marche
Résumé Nous inspirant de la modélisation géométrique développée par R. Netter dans sa thèse, nous avons déterminé les différentes positions du col fémoral au cours de l'appui monopodal de la marche par rapport à un plan frontal fixe de référence (antéversion relative). Cette «antéversion relative» s'échelonne en moyenne de 24° de rétroversion en début d'appui à 15° d'antéversion en fin d'appui. Nous avons alors étudié les relations pouvant exister entre l'antéversion relative et l'orientation de l'acétabulum, d'une part, et, d'autre part, l'orientation de la résultante des sollicitations articulaires (toutes deux variables au cours de l'appui monopodal de la marche). Les résultats nous ont montré que l'antéversion relative est bien corrélée aux variations de position de l'acétabulum puisque, au maximum, l'écart entre leurs axes respectifs ne dépasse pas l'écart anatomique du à l'antéversion absolue du col et de l'acétabulum. Enfin, l'analyse des rapports existant avec l'orientation de la résultante des sollicitations articulaires nous permet de mieux entrevoir la répartition fonctionnelle des contraintes.
Summary Since the work of Pauwels, the forces exerted on the coxofemoral joint during walking have been studied either in different spatial planes (frontal, sagittal and horizontal) or by three-dimensional spatial analysis. Starting from the findings of our own studies, our aim was to compare the two methods of analysis (two-dimensional and three-dimensional) in order to provide a better understanding of the benefits and limitations of each method. In pursuit of this aim, we studied the pressure forces exerted on the coxofemoral joint, using a geometric plane technique following a method similar to that of Pauwels [20], and with a three-dimensional modelling technique using the finite element method. The material, taken from the published literature, was the same in both our studies. The results are expressed in terms of the size and orientation of the pressure force exerted on the coxofemoral joint during the monopodal weightbearing phase of walking. A comparison of these two methods of analysis clearly demonstrates the simplicity of two-dimensional analysis (which must incorporate as a minimum the frontal plane and the sagittal plane) and the richness of the three-dimensional analysis. The latter method, by appropriate manipulation of the information obtained, provides a starting point for computer simulations performed with the aim of testing a biomechanical or therapeutic hypothesis.
Biomécanique de la hanche : les sollicitations à la marche
Résumé Depuis Pauwels, les sollicitations exercées sur l'articulation coxofémorale au cours de la marche ont été étudiées soit dans les différents plans de l'espace (frontal, sagittal et horizontal), soit par des analyses spatiales tridimensionnelles. A partir d'études personnelles, nous avons voulu comparer ces deux méthodes d'analyse (bidimensionnelle et tridimensionnelle) afin de dégager au mieux les apports et les limites de chacune. Pour cela, nous avons étudié les sollicitations en pression s'exerçant sur l'articulation coxofémorale, d'une part selon une étude géométrique plane dont la méthodologie s'apparente à celle de Pauwels [20], d'autre part selon une modélisation tridimensionnelle par la méthode des éléments finis. Le matériel, emprunté à la littérature, est commun à nos deux études. Les résultats intéressent l'intensité et l'orientation de la force en pression exercée sur l'articulation coxofémorale pendant la phase d'appui monopodal de la marche. La comparaison des deux types d'analyse met en valeur la simplicité de l'analyse bidimensionnelle (qui doit combiner le plan frontal et le plan sagittal au minimum) et la richesse de l'analyse tridimensionnelle qui, par la manipulation des informations obtenues, ouvre sur les simulations informatiques, en vue de tester une hypothèse biomécanique ou thérapeutique.
Pretransplant autoantibodies to LG3 and angiotensin II type 1 receptors (AT1R) are associated with acute rejection in kidney transplant recipients, whereas antivimentin autoantibodies participate in heart transplant rejection. Ischemia–reperfusion injury (IRI) can modify self‐antigenic targets. We hypothesized that ischemia–reperfusion creates permissive conditions for autoantibodies to interact with their antigenic targets and leads to enhanced renal damage and dysfunction. In 172 kidney transplant recipients, we found that pretransplant anti‐LG3 antibodies were associated with an increased risk of delayed graft function (DGF). Pretransplant anti‐LG3 antibodies are inversely associated with graft function at 1 year after transplantation in patients who experienced DGF, independent of rejection. Pretransplant anti‐AT1R and antivimentin were not associated with DGF or its functional outcome. In a model of renal IRI in mice, passive transfer of anti‐LG3 IgG led to enhanced dysfunction and microvascular injury compared with passive transfer with control IgG. Passive transfer of anti‐LG3 antibodies also favored intrarenal microvascular complement activation, microvascular rarefaction and fibrosis after IRI. Our results suggest that anti‐LG3 antibodies are novel aggravating factors for renal IRI. These results provide novel insights into the pathways that modulate the severity of renal injury at the time of transplantation and their impact on long‐term outcomes.  相似文献   
p16 gene homozygous deletions in acute lymphoblastic leukemia   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:15  
The p16 protein is a cyclin inhibitor encoded by a gene located in 9p21, which may have antioncogenic properties, and is inactivated by homozygous p16 gene deletion or, less often, point mutation in several types of solid tumors often associated to cytogenetic evidence of 9p21 deletion. We looked for homozygous deletion and point mutation of the p16 gene in acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), where 9p21 deletion or rearrangement are also nonrandom cytogenetic findings. Other hematologic malignancies including acute myeloid leukemia (AML), myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), and myeloma were also studied. Homozygous deletion of the p16 gene was seen in 9 of the 63 (14%) ALL analyzed, including 6/39 precursor B-ALL, 3/12 T-ALL, and 0/12 Burkitt's ALL. Three of the 7 ALL with 9p rearrangement (including 3 of the 5 patients where this rearrangement was clearly associated to 9p21 monosomy) had homozygous deletion compared to 5 of the 55 patients with normal 9p (the last patient with homozygous deletion was not successfully karyotyped). Single stranded conformation polymorphism analysis of exons 1 and 2 of the p16 gene was performed in 88 cases of ALL, including the 63 patients analyzed by Southern blot. Twenty-six of the cases had 9p rearrangement, associated to 9p21 monosomy in at least 12 cases. A missense point mutation, at codon 49 (nucleotide 164), was seen in only 1 of the 88 patients. No homozygous deletion and no point mutation of the p16 gene was seen in AML, MDS, CLL, and myeloma. Homozygous deletion of interferon alpha genes (situated close to p16 gene in 9p21) was seen in only 3 of the 9 ALL patients with p16 gene homozygous deletion, and none of the ALL without p16 gene homozygous deletion. Our findings suggest that homozygous deletion of the p16 gene is seen in about 15% of ALL cases, is not restricted to cases with cytogenetically detectable 9p deletion, and could have a pathogenetic role in this malignancy. On the other hand, p16 point mutations are very rare in ALL, and we found no p16 homozygous deletions or mutations in the other hematologic malignancies studied.  相似文献   
Numerous factors influence whether an individual is able and willing to seek professional help for psychological difficulties. One of these may be perfectionism, a multidimensional personality construct that has been linked to poor psychological adjustment. The current study investigated whether perfectionism traits and self‐presentational facets were associated with negative help‐seeking attitudes and concerns about psychotherapy. Samples of university (N = 299) and community (N = 77) men and women completed the Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale, Perfectionistic Self‐Presentation Scale, Attitudes Towards Seeking Professional Help Scale, and Thoughts About Psychotherapy Survey. Various components of perfectionism were associated with both negative help‐seeking attitudes and concerns about psychotherapy. The findings suggest that perfectionistic behaviour may be an important dispositional factor that interferes with seeking and obtaining help for psychological difficulties. Theoretical and clinical implications are discussed.  相似文献   
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