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The venous outlet of the corpus cavernosum is generally believed to be obstructed during erection. Some researchers, however, have demonstrated an increased venous outflow during erection. To elucidate this discrepancy, we carried out a pressure-flow study using a perfusion model of the penile deep artery in dogs. Various states of the corpus cavernosum, which were different in cavernous pressure, were induced by a delicate control of electrostimulation to the cavernous nerve. Inflow rate into the corpus cavernosum, inflow resistance and outflow resistance were simultaneously evaluated. The inflow rate in mild erection was higher than in the flaccid state, and the outflow rate was estimated to be also higher than in the flaccid state. A probable reason for the increased outflow rate was that the arterial resistance decreased remarkably, while the venous resistance only slightly increased. In full erection, both the inflow and outflow rates were lower than in the flaccid state because of a great venous resistance. Histological observation of the canine penis indicated that compression of draining veins passing through the tunica albuginea was weak in mild erection, while intense in full erection. It was proposed that in mild erection, the effect of venous occlusion was slight though that of arterial dilation was noticeable, resulting in an increase in the venous outflow.  相似文献   
A neuroradiological study of crossed cerebellar atrophy (CCA) was performed using X-ray CT in 103 patients suffering from unilateral supratentorial cerebrovascular diseases. CCA was demonstrated in 9 (8.7%) of 103 patients. No difference between the occurrence of CCA in cerebral hemorrhage and that in cerebral infarction was found. CCA was seen in the chronic stage of cerebrovascular disease more than 3 years since stroke occurrence, and was found to be present more frequently and to a greater extent 7 years later. No correlation between the site of bleeding and the occurrence of CCA was found. Trans-synaptic degeneration of the corticopontocerebellar tract was considered in CCA following putaminal and combined hemorrhage involving an internal capsule lesion. However, in thalamic hemorrhage, retrograde degeneration within the cerebellorubrothalamic tract was presumed. CCA following cerebral infarction was seen in patients with massive lesions in the territory of the middle cerebral artery. Multivariate analysis showed that lesions of the parietal and frontal lobes appeared to greatly contribute to the development of CCA. As the degeneration and atrophy in the thalamus on the side of the lesion appeared early and frequently, it was suggested that retrograde degeneration of the cerebellorubrothalamic tract participated, in addition to anterograde corticopontocerebellar tract degeneration, in CCA following middle cerebral artery infarction. It is likely that CCA is caused by both transsynaptic degeneration of the corticopontocerebellar tract and the cerebellorubrothalamic tract.  相似文献   
Subrenal Capsule Assay (SRCA) as a chemosensitivity test was performed on 14 esophageal squamous cell carcinomas in order to select a more effective form of chemotherapy. Of the 14 assays, 12 were evaluable. Mice were treated with anticancer agents (e.g. Cisplatin, Bleomycin, Methotrexate, Vindesine) on days 1 and 3 after transplantation, and on day 6, the sensitivities were determined. Fresh esophageal cancers yielded an evaluable assay rate of 74%. The implant grew progressively for six days in the remaining group of control mice. Histologically, host cell infiltration at the border of the implant was observed from day 3 after transplantation, and cells had degenerated or had been partially replaced by scar tissue by day 6. The results of chemosensitivity tests differed according to the anticancer agent used or from case to case. Clinically, correspondence between the assay results and clinical results was obtained in 5 out of 7 cases. SRCA is a new promising chemosensitivity test which is clinically useful, and the present results indicated the feasibility of its use in developing an effective chemotherapy for esophageal cancer.  相似文献   
A 17-year-old girl developed vomiting of sudden onset, followed by a state of confusion that progressed rapidly to coma within one day. Laboratory tests indicated iron deficiency anemia and reactive thrombocytosis, but there was no evidence of coagulopathy. There was no history of medication including the contraceptive pill, either. Emergency CT scan without contrast enhancement showed increased density along the course of the vein of Galen and internal cerebral veins. A repeated CT scan without contrast enhancement carried out 24 hours after the onset of the illness confirmed extensive bilateral hypodensity of the thalami, basal ganglia and adjacent white matter. There was also a prominent spontaneous increase in the density of the deep cerebral venous system. MRI was performed 3 days after the onset of the illness, which showed absence of a flow void in the region of the internal cerebral veins and septal veins on T1-weighed images. T2-weighted images showed low intensity in these veins. At autopsy, the bilateral internal cerebral veins were occluded by fresh thrombosis and hemorrhagic infarction was seen in the bilateral thalami.  相似文献   
In type I familial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP) caused by a variant Met30-transthyretin (TTR), genetic anticipation has been reported. To determine whether anticipation of the disease is a true biological phenomenon or the result of ascertainment bias, we compared age at onset of the affected child with that of the affected parent in 68 parent-child pairs (including data on assumed age at onset and on asymptomatic obligate heterozygotes and parents at obligate 50% risk) in 15 families. Excluding the parent-child pairs involving the proband and "bilineal pairs", onset occurred earlier in the child than in the transmitting parent in 60 out of 68 "unilineal pairs". After correction for ascertainment bias resulting from incomplete penetrance and reduced biological fitness in early onset patients, the number of anticipation pairs (60 pairs) was still significantly larger than that of non-anticipation pairs (29.7 pairs) (p < 0.05). When the children were sons, the difference in age at onset was significantly greater in the mother-son pairs than in the father-son pairs (p = 0.023). Although not all ascertainment biases could be eliminated, these data show strong evidence that anticipation in the transmission of Met30-TTR FAP is a true biological phenomenon.  相似文献   
Type III GM1-gangliosidosis is a rare hereditary storage disease caused by lack of lysosomal beta-galactosidase and characterized by a slowly progressive course, and extrapyramidal signs, but without prominent skeletal changes or visceromegaly. The storage substance was reported to be located only in the basal ganglia. There has been no detailed report on visceral lesions in type III GM1-gangliosidosis. In this report we describe a case of type III GM1-gangliosidosis, and the histochemical and ultrastructural findings from biopsied rectum. The patient was a 22-year-old female who exhibited dysarthria, gait disturbance, and generalized dystonia with rigidity. Beta-galactosidase activity in leukocytes was absent and sialidase activity in cultured fibroblasts was normal. Many histiocytes were found in biopsied rectal mucosa. Histochemical studies showed that the granules of histiocytes contained acidic glycoconjugates, beta-galactose, beta-N-acetylgalactosamine and sialic acid. Ultrastructural investigations revealed that ganglion cells of Meissner's plexus had many osmiophilic lamellar inclusions, similar to "membranous cytoplasmic bodies". These findings are crucial for the clinical diagnosis of type III GM1-gangliosidosis.  相似文献   
目的了解泉州市从1993年底开始按卫生部统一部署相继开展了五次十轮消灭脊髓灰质炎强化免疫活动的免疫接种状况.方法收集各县上报的强化免疫资料统计数据.结果通过调查摸底,共登记应种儿童1 917 426名,其中零剂次免疫儿童90 077名,服苗人数达3 867 454次,每轮报告接种率均大于97%,抽查接种率也均大于95%.结论人群免疫水平进一步得到提高,已连续三年无野毒株引起的脊灰病例出现.  相似文献   
The development of diabetic nephropathy shows remarkable variation among individuals. Therefore, not only hyperglycemia but also genetic factors may contribute to the development of diabetic nephropathy Heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) is thought to play an important role as a component of the charge selectivity barrier in the glomerular basement membrane. Recently, a BamHI restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) in the HSPG gene (HSPG2) was reported to be associated with diabetic nephropathy in Caucasian insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). The aim of the present study was to examine the contribution of the BamHI HSPG2 polymorphism to the development of diabetic nephropathy in Japanese non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). For this purpose, we recruited 102 patients with diabetic nephropathy and 64 age-matched patients without diabetic nephropathy from Japanese NIDDM patients. Since all the subjects had proliferative diabetic retinopathy, it seems likely that they would be exposed to hyperglycemia for a long time. In the present study, the BamHI HSPG2 genotype and allele frequencies were not significantly different between the patients with nephropathy and the patients without nephropathy. Therefore, we conclude that the BamHI HSPG2 polymorphism is not associated with the development of diabetic nephropathy in Japanese NIDDM.  相似文献   
The present study examined the occurrence of apoptosis, identified by an in situ technique for detecting DNA fragmentation, in the regenerating retina of adult newts following ablation of the retina. Apoptosis occurs in the initial phase of regeneration when retinal precursor cells are actively proliferating. In the late stage of regeneration, when two synaptic layers are forming, apoptosis occurs mainly in the ganglion cell layer and inner nuclear layer. We found that apoptosis occurred with proliferation, differentiation, formation of retinal layers and retinotectal projections during retinal regeneration. Our findings suggest that apoptosis is closely related to these phenomena.  相似文献   
目的 :探讨B超在近视眼巩膜后葡萄肿中的应用价值。方法 :用B型超声仪检查 >3.0 0D的 38例76眼进展性近视眼的巩膜后葡萄肿的发生情况。结果 :76眼中 5 8眼发生后葡萄肿。其中各级后葡萄肿的平均屈光度及眼轴差异均有非常显著性意义 (P <0 .0 1和P <0 .0 0 1)。 1~ 4级后葡萄肿与 0级葡萄肿的弧形斑发生率比较差异有非常显著性意义 (P <0 .0 1)。结论 :B超是诊断巩膜后葡萄肿最安全、快速、可靠的方法 ,对近视眼的预后判断有着重要作用。近视眼的屈光度和眼轴随巩膜后葡萄肿的加重而增加 ,眼底弧形斑的形成与后葡萄肿的形成有密切关系  相似文献   
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