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Background and Aim: Duodenal lymphangitis carcinomatosa has been sporadically described, but so far little attention has been paid to duodenal lymphangitis carcinomatosa. Methods: Four cases with duodenal lymphangitis carcinomatosa were endoscopically and histologically examined. Results: The four cases exhibited multiple polypoid lesions along the Kerckring's folds and/or were covered by characteristically granular, non‐ulcerated mucosa upon thickening. The granularity seems to been caused by dilated lymph vessels containing the carcinoma cells. The lesions were microscopically characterized by: (i) involvement of lymph vessels located in the upper portion of the lamina propria; (ii) no inflammatory changes; and (iii) no desmoplastic changes. Primary sites were thought to be the stomach in case 1, the pancreas in cases 2 and 4, and unknown in case 3. All patients died within 6 months after admission or endoscopic examination. Conclusions: As duodenal lymphangitis carcinomatosis shows characteristic endoscopic appearance, endoscopic diagnosis is not difficult. We should realize that the lesion represents extremely poor prognosis, and it should be distinguished from ordinary metastatic duodenal carcinoma.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: We examined the prevalence of and risk factors for nocturia in Kurashiki city and the surrounding area, a rural area in Japan. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We collected data on 6517 individuals (4568 men and 1949 women) who participated in a multiphasic health screening. We analyzed the relationships between nocturia assessed by a questionnaire (voiding twice or more during night) and other variables including age, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes mellitus (DM), chronic renal failure, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), smoking habit and alcohol intake. RESULTS: Overall, 1856 individuals (28.5%) answered that they arose to urinate at least twice during the night. This rate increased with age from 16.5% in individuals younger than 50 to 60.0% in those older than 69. Logistic regression analysis revealed that cohorts of subjects 50-59, 60-69, and 70 years old or over had, respectively, 1.75, 3.35, and 6.21 times the prevalence of nocturia of the 49 years or younger cohort. Hypertension (odds ratio [OR] 1.64) and DM (OR 1.70) were other independent positive risk factors for nocturia. On the other hand, current smokers who smoked 20 or more cigarettes per day were less likely to have nocturia than non-smokers (OR 0.72). In male individuals, BPH was another independent positive risk factor (OR 1.35). Gender was not associated with nocturia. CONCLUSIONS: Although population bias is an important limitation to this study, nocturia is associated with various factors suggesting that multiple approaches are needed to the treatment of patients with nocturia.  相似文献   
Background: Colonic pseudolipomatosis is rare and the pathogenesis is controversial. The purpose of the present paper was to clarify endoscopic and histological characteristics of colonic pseudolipomatosis and to discuss the etiology. Methods: A total of 15 lesions from 14 patients was reviewed. They were able to be histologically classified into two groups on the basis of variety in size of the vacuoles: Group A, the ratio of largest vacuole to smallest vacuole in size is less than three, Group B, the ratio is more than four. Results: Four of 15 lesions were group A, and were endoscopically polypoid or flat lesions covered with normal‐looking mucosa. They were microscopically characterized by (i) predominant location in the upper portion of the lamina propria; (ii) no submucosal involvement; (iii) less variation in vacuolar size; and (iv) no association with lymph follicles. The vacuoles of group A contained proteinaceous materials in two of four lesions. Group B (11 lesions) had small elevated mucosa with normal‐looking surface or non‐elevated reddish mucosa. Microscopically, the lesions were mainly located in the lower portion of the lamina propria, occasionally also in the submucosa, had variable‐sized vacuoles, and were related to lymph follicles. Conclusion: It is suggested that the vacuoles in group A contain fluid, and may indicate an abnormal stagnation of interstitial fluid. Microscopic appearance of group B is essentially similar to that of pneumatosis coli. It is thought that group B probably results from penetration of gas from the crypts into the mucosa during colonoscopy. It is unclear why group B had a preference for ileocecal valve and an association with lymph follicles.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to clarify the clinical characteristics of facial nerve palsy and the frequency of varicella-zoster virus association in Japanese children, retrospectively. METHODS: The subjects were 30 facial nerve palsy patients less than 15 years old, treated in the Department of Pediatrics, Kawasaki Medical School Hospital, Okayama, Japan, during the last 10 years. RESULTS: The male/female and right/left ratios were 16/14 and 16/13, respectively. The patients included 21 cases (70%) of Bell's palsy, four cases (13%) due to otitis media, three cases (10%) of Ramsay Hunt syndrome and two cases (7%) due to birth trauma. There were six cases of zoster sine herpete among the Bell's palsy cases. CONCLUSION: Varicella-zoster virus-associated facial palsy was found in nine (36%) of the 25 patients examined. Zoster sine herpete was more frequently encountered in children than adults. Ramsay Hunt syndrome was found in school-age children and zoster sine herpete was often found in preschool children. The period of recovery was fast for facial nerve palsy due to acute otitis media, which occurred within 23 months of age, after myringotomy and administration of antibiotics.  相似文献   
Abstract:   Pulmonary surfactant (PS) is a mixture of several lipids (mainly phosphatidylcholine; PC) and four apoproteins (A, B, C and D). The classical hypothesis of PS transport suggests that PS is synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum and transported to the lamellar body (LB) via the Golgi apparatus. However, recent studies have raised questions regarding this single route. This study examined, independently, the intracellular trafficking route of three different components of PS, that is, PC, SP-A and SP-B. Alveolar type II cells were isolated from Sprague–Dawley rats or Japanese white rabbits. The cells were cultured with either [3H]choline or [35S]methionine/cysteine with or without brefeldin A, which disassembles the Golgi apparatus. LB was purified from disintegrated cells with sucrose density gradient centrifugation. [3H]PC was extracted from radiolabeled media, cells, and the LB fraction with Bligh–Dyer's method. [35S]SP-A or [35S]SP-B was immunoprecipitated from each sample with a specific antibody. [3H]PC was transported and stored to the LB via a Golgi-independent pathway. [35S]SP-A was transported to the Golgi apparatus, underwent glycosylation, and was then constitutively secreted. The secreted [35S]SP-A was re-uptaken into the LB. [35S]SP-B was transported and stored to the LB via the Golgi-dependent pathway. These results indicate that, rather than a single route, surfactant components take different pathways to reside in the LB. These different pathways may reflect the different nature and role of each surfactant component such as surface tension-lowering activity and innate host defense.  相似文献   
Transurethral resection is usually performed using an all-in-one drape with a fluid collection pouch, drainage port and hose. Gravity drainage of irrigation fluid through the hose is often hampered, resulting in fluid retention in the pouch. We applied a siphon principle to facilitate fluid drainage by making a U-shaped bend near the distal end of the hose, using an adhesive tape, and hooking the distal end of inverted U shape on the edge of bucket placed on the floor. When the hose is filled with irrigation fluid up to the crest of the siphon, fluid flow driven by atmospheric pressure continues until the pouch is evacuated. Repriming and restarting occur automatically throughout the operation. This simple device has virtually eliminated fluid retention in the pouch and proved to be especially useful in transurethral prostatectomy, which requires a large amount of irrigation fluid.  相似文献   
A female infant with 21 trisomy syndrome associated with congenital chylothorax was reported. She was born at a gestational age of 34 weeks by Cesarean section because of fetal hydrothorax and hydrops fetus, confirmed by ultrasonography at 32 weeks. Emergent resuscitation and immediate thoracentesis were performed soon after birth. After beginning breast feeding, the serous pleural fluid became opalescent and a diagnosis of congenital chylothorax was made. Feeding was changed to medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) feeding and the production of pleural effusion disappeared after thoracentesis was performed several times. Accumulating evidence suggested that MCT feeding and intermittent thoracentesis under echo guide were effective. Some reports on patients, including this one, suggest that there may be more patients with 21 trisomy associated with congenital hydrothorax. Therefore, congenital hydrothorax might be listed as a complication of 21 trisomy.  相似文献   
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