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ABSTRACT. A new method has been evaluated for measuring ventilation and lung mechanics in spontaneously breathing infants by means of a face chamber. Airway flow is measured with a pneumotachograph inserted between the face chamber and a stable pressure source. Oesophageal pressure is measured via a water-filled oesophageal catheter. The method is suitable for use in conjunction with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment in neonatal intensive care. A flat frequency response curve up to 15 Hz for the two measuring systems (i.e., airway flow and oesophageal pressure), and a time shift between the two respective signals of less than 2 msec are prerequisites for correct evaluation of respiratory mechanics. In preterm infants with chest distortion, the inhomogeneity of pleural pressure affects the significance of resistance and compliance values, as calculated from oesophageal pressure. Supra-diaphragmatic pressure variations reflect the resistive and elastic load on the diaphragm exerted by the lungs and thorax. Thus, oesophageal pressure is still useful in studies of respiratory mechanics in preterm infants.  相似文献   
This study was designed to investigate the impact of family and peer role models during the early adolescent years on smoking onset and on subsequent daily smoking among young adults. Baseline data were collected from a sample of 827 students and their parents in 1979. Participating students were recruited among 5th, 6th and 7th graders (11–14 years old) attending six schools in Oslo, Norway. The same students were invited to participate in a 2-year follow-up survey in 1981 and in a 10-year follow-up survey in 1989 when their average age was 23.4 years. Both at baseline and in 1981, smoking (experimental or regular) was strongly associated with smoking behaviour of friends and siblings. Parental smoking and parents ‘educational level were not significant predictors of their offspring's smoking in 1979. While friends’ smoking in 1979 or 1981 remained a significant bivariate predictor of daily smoking in 1989, mother's baseline smoking emerged, in multivariate analysis, as the most important long-term predictor of daily smoking among young adults. These results point to the importance of including parents in smoking prevention efforts targeting adolescents.  相似文献   
The Oslo Youth Study (1979–1981) was designed to evaluatethe impact of a school-based health education programme targetingstudents' eating patterns, physical activity levels and cigarettesmoking. The study was implemented with participants from 6combined elementary and junior high schools, half of whom receivedthe educational programme. In the autumn of 1991, students enrolledas part of the Oslo Youth Study grade cohorts in 1981 were invitedto participate in a follow-up study. The purpose of this studywas to investigate the potential long-term impact of the OsloYouth Study health education programme. A total of 711 subjectscompleted a questionnaire in 1991 (an overall participationrate of 75.1%). Analysing the cross-sectional data obtainedin 1991, we observed no overall long-term positive impact ofeither the smoking, nutrition or physical education programmes.Among the 1979–1991 cohort participants, we found thatsubjects exposed to the educational programme reported a significantlyhigher prevalence of regular vigorous exercise than did subjectsfrom comparison schools (49 versus 40%; p=0.01). No similareffect was seen with smoking or eating behaviour. The resultsfrom this 12 year follow-up study seem to confirm findings fromprevious studies indicating that school-based education canhave a positive short-term impact on health-related behaviours,but that these effects tend to disappear over time.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT A family is described in which 3 of 12 members suffered from Behçet's syndrome. Four members, including the three patients with Behçet's syndrome suffered from recurrent aphthous stomatitis. These four family members possessed the HLA-haplotype HLA A2, B15, Cw3, DR4. However, one relative had inherited the same HLA-haplotype without showing any symptoms of the disease. Genetic influence from the actual HLA-haplotype may interact in manifestation of the syndrome.  相似文献   
Using a health promotion perspective, nationwide surveys onhealth behaviours and life-styles were carried out in 11 countriesin 1985–1986. The surveys were part of the study 'HealthBehaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC), a World Health Organizationcross-national survey'. The analyses of these survey data from13 and 15 year olds in Austria, Norway and Wales indicated thathigh levels of participation in physical activity by adolescentsare associated with the physical activity levels of their parentsand best friends, finding it easy to make new friends and likingschool. Intervention aimed at increasing the number of adolescentswho adopt and maintain participation in leisure-time physicalactivities is likely to be more successful if a greater numberof strategies in several different settings are applied. Thefindings are explained as being a result of the social reproductionprocess and it is suggested that awareness about how this processaffects the development of health behaviour and life-stylesis vital in establishing realistic goals when planning and evaluatingyouth health promotion efforts.  相似文献   
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