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Phase II Study of Mitoxantrone in Patients With Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A phase II study of mitoxantrone was performed in 24 patientswith non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Mitoxantrone was administeredby intravenous drip infusion of 12 mg/m2 every three weeks.There were no responders among the 21 evaluable patients includingfive patients without prior therapy. The major hematologicaltoxic effect was leukocytopenia. Thrombocytopenia and decreasein hemoglobin were slight. A change in the electrocardiogramwas observed in one patient and one patient experienced cardiogenicshock. Mitoxantrone is not acceptable for the treatment of NSCLC becauseof its low antitumor activity, and careful observation is neededfor administration of this agent to patients with pre-existingrisk factors, such as prior anthracycline exposure, mediastinalradiation or underlying cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   
Aim: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the differences in nutritive sucking patterns between very low, extremely low birth‐weight infants (LBWI) and full‐term infants (FTI) and to examine the change in those sucking patterns within 5 months after birth. Methods: Sucking patterns of eight LBWI and seven FTI were compared. In addition, sucking patterns were measured in four of the LBWI and seven of the FTI until 5 months of age to determine change in sucking wave patterns over time. Results: During the first month after birth, there was a significant difference in the sucking wave between the LBWI and FTI. The sucking cycle time was significantly shorter and the intensity of the sucking pressure was significantly smaller in the LBWI than that in the FTI. By 5 months, significant correlations were noted between the actual age or the modified age and the sucking pressure in both LBWI and FTI. Conclusions: The findings suggest that the weakness of oral muscular function and less sucking skill can bring about the weakness of intensity of sucking pressure, decreased time of the sucking stage in a sucking cycle, and unstable intensity of sucking pressure and time of the sucking stage in LBWI infants, causing low efficiency of milk intake and smaller amounts of milk swallowing during each sucking period as they obstructs the development of oral muscular function itself. These problems last for a longer period of time in LBWI than in FTI, leading to a deficit in the development of masticatory function in LBWI. The results of the current pilot study will serve as a foundation to investigate the development of masticatory function in LBWI as they grow into early childhood.  相似文献   
In a patient with sustained ventricular tachycardia, we obtained two different paced QRS morphologies from a single pacing site. In one QRS morphology the stimulus to the QRS complex was long, 150 msec, and in the other it was 100 msec. At the paced cycle length of 600 msec and the stimulus output of 4 V, one QRS morphology with the stimulus to the onset of QRS activation (St-QRS) interval of 150 msec was observed. At the paced cycle length of 400 msec, the other QRS morphology with a St-QRS interval of 100 msec was observed alternatively with the former. At the paced cycle length of 353 msec or 316 msec, the latter with a shorter St-QRS interval was exclusively observed. When the stimulus output was increased from 4 to 10 V, keeping with the paced cycle length at 400 msec, the St-QRS interval was shortened from 100 to 80 msec. For the two QRS morphologies with two St-QRS intervals, two slowly conducting pathways would be responsible. The site of the block in the faster pathway must be located at the proximity of the pacing site and the conduction at a shorter paced cycle length would be explained by "supernormal conduction."  相似文献   
To determine whether or not ST segment deviation on admissionelectrocardiograms can identify patients with anterior acutgemyocardial infarction due to proximal left anterior descendingartery occlusion, the magnitude and location of ST segment elevationor depression were compared between patients with proximal leftanterior descending artery occlusion (group A, n=47) and thosewith distal left anterior descending artery occlusion (groupB, n =59). ST segment depression in each of the inferior leadswas significantly greater in group A than in group B. The incidenceof ST segment depression 1 mm in each of the inferior leads(II; 81% vs 27%, III; 85% vs 54%, aVF; 87% vs 47%, P<0·01)was significantly higher in group A than in group B. In addition,the incidence of ST segment depression 1 mm in all of the inferiorleads was significantly greater in group A than in group B (77%vs 22%, P<0·01). In group A, maximal ST segment elevationwas more frequent in lead V alone (43% vs 14%, P<0·01).Group A had greater ST segment elevation in lead a VL than groupB, and the incidence of ST segment elevation 1 mm in lead aVL was significantly higher in group A than in group B (66%vs 47%, P<0·05). ST segment depression 1 mm in allof the inferior leads was most valuable for identifying groupA patients (77% sensitivity and 78% specificity). In contrast,the maximal ST segment elevation in lead V2 alone or ST segmentelevation 1 mm in lead a VL had a low diagnostic value (43%sensitivity and 86% specificity, 66% sensitivity and 53% specificity,respectively). In conclusion, this study indicates that analysisof ST segment deviation in the inferior leads is useful foridentifying patients with acute anterior myocardial infarctiondue to proximal left anterior descending occlusion.  相似文献   
[目的]了解城市交通区不同地区和不同时间内颗粒物中多环芳烃的分布特征。[方法]对某城市某交通区不同地点颗粒物和多环芳烃的含量分别进行了监测,同时在1个地点进行了连续24h监测。[结果]不同地段颗粒物中多环芳烃的含量不同,总体趋势是:高架下大气中颗粒物多环芳烃的污染比高架上严重;城区比郊区污染严重;隧道内比隧道外污染严重。同时,同一地点颗粒物及其中多环芳烃连续24h的监测结果表明,在24h内,大气中颗粒物及其中的多环芳烃含量有规律的波动,在清晨、下午出现两个高峰。研究还发现在颗粒物和其中多环芳烃之间存在明显的相关性,相关系数为0.231,并得到了回归模型;对不同粒径的成分分析结果表明,PM2.5占PM10的30%~50%,是主要的多环芳烃携带颗粒物。[结论]交通因素以及周围环境因素是导致大气中颗粒物多环芳烃污染浓度改变的主要因素之一;PM2.5是主要的多环芳烃的携带者。  相似文献   
抚顺大气悬浮颗粒物、PAHs和NPAHs污染调查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 了解抚顺大气悬浮颗粒污染物,特别是可吸入性颗粒物(PM10 )、细颗粒物(PM2 5)和超细颗粒物(PM1 0 )、多环芳烃(PAHs)和硝基多环芳烃(NPAHs)的浓度、分布及季节变化情况。方法 选择抚顺市内距同一污染源下风侧不同距离的3所小学为监测点,于2 0 0 2年7月~2 0 0 3年4月每季监测2周,每次4 8h连续采样,重量法测定大气悬浮颗粒物浓度、粒径分布和季节变化情况;用高压液相色谱/荧光检测仪、化学发光检测仪检测PAHs、NPAHs的种类与含量。结果 3监测点的大气悬浮颗粒物污染情况相近;TSP在冬、春两季超过国家环境空气质量二级标准1. 2 8~1 .5 4倍;PM10 全年各季节、每次采样测量均超标1. 0 7~2 . 2 2倍;PM2 . 5超美国EPA细颗粒物空气质量标准3. 84~7 76倍,甚至每次采样测量值几乎都超美国标准的每日最高允许值。冬季大气悬浮颗粒物污染加重。在大气悬浮颗粒物中检出9种PAHs、12种NPAHs ,冬季浓度高于夏季,以苯并(b)荧蒽(BbF)、艹屈(Chr)和荧蒽(Flu)等4苯环的PAHs浓度较高;NPAHs在12月采暖期以2 -硝基荧蒽(2NF)为高,7月非采暖期以2 -硝基芘(2NP)为高,是其它NPAHs的几十到几千倍。PAHs、NPAHs在<2 . 1μm粒径颗粒物中的重量百分比为6 7. 2 3% ,79 .73%。结论 抚顺大气悬浮颗粒物、多环芳烃和硝基多环  相似文献   
Severe short stature as a result of intra-uterine growth retardation is one of the characteristics of Dubowitz syndrome. There have been few reports elaborating growth hormone secretory status in this syndrome. A child with Dubowitz syndrome, who was found to have complete growth hormone (GH) deficiency and who responded to growth hormone therapy, is described. This appears to be the first documentation of GH deficiency in this syndrome.  相似文献   
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