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The process of micro-insemination by single or muhiple spermtransfer into the perivitelline space (PVS) or by direct sperminjection into oocytes was examined by transmission electronmicroscopy. Spermatozoa from normal and oligozoospermic menwere injected into oocytes, obtained from consenting IVF patients,mostly by zona-puncture using micromanipulators. Spermatozoawere washed by the Percoll or Ficoll methods and capacitatedusing Whittingham's T6 or modified Tyrode's medium or incubatedin strontium medium before injection. The women were stimulatedby three IVF methods and oocytes were recovered by laparoscopyor ultrasonography. Sixty-one oocytes were cultured in T6 orHam's F-10 media (3–24 h) and were subjected to micromanipulation.Four oocytes were also studied after zona-drilling. Normal 2-pronuclearova were developed after single-sperm transfer satisfying allmorphological criteria of fertilization. Both monospermic andpolyspermic fertilization resulted after multiple sperm transfer,indicating that a vitelline block to polyspermy may exist inhumans. The majority of oocytes examined were unfertilized.Spermatozoa with intact or reacted acrosomes and those undergoingthe acrosome reaction were found in the PVS and in the ooplasm.Abnormal spermatozoa were also seen in these locations. Quantitatlonof acrosomal status in 16 oocytes after multiple-sperm transfer,revealed that 24% of spermatozoa were acrosome reacted or reactingin the PVS following Ficoll entrapment, while 76% of spermatozoawere intact (33% of these abnormal). Sperm transfer seemed tobe the least invasive, while direct sperm injection was comparativelydestructive to oocytes. Drilling with acid made larger breachesin the zona when compared with mechanical perforation and spermatozoaoccasionally escaped through breaches. Three 2-pronuclear ovaobtained after multiple sperm transfer have resulted in twopregnancies, in cases of severe oligozoo spermia, during thecourse of this study.  相似文献   
Micro-centrifugation (MC) at 6500 r.p.m. (3352 g) has not beenused previously for spermatozoal concentration and subsequentfertilization. We investigated MC for micro-insemination spermatozoaltransfer (MIST) of human spermatozoa from normal donors intohamster oocytes. MC resulted in reduced penetration of hamsteroocytes, both after MIST [77.4% (41/53) versus 87.8% (43/49)for control; NS] and after exposure to zona-free hamster oocytes[60.8% (79/130) versus 72.7% (88/121) for control; P < 0.05].However, MIST under the zona resulted in better incorporationof sperm nuclei when compared with zona-free hamster oocytes,for spermatozoa exposed to micro-centrifugation (77.4 versus60.8%, P < 0.05) and controls (87.8 versus 72.7%, P <0.05). Polyspermy was higher after MIST [22.0% (9/41) versus13.9% (11/79); NS] for MC + , and [25.6% (11/43) versus 13.6%(12/88); NS] for MC-. We conclude that MC does have a negative,but minimal effect on the fertility of human spermatozoa withrespect to hamster oocytes.  相似文献   
Ova with two pronuclei were co-cultured with established human ampullary cell lines and various stages of preimplantation embryonic development were monitored by Nomarski optics and then assessed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Fifteen embryos ranging from the 2-cell stage to blastocyst hatching were examined for normal and abnormal features. Their ultrastructure was similar to that of embryos cultured in Whittingham's T6 medium, reported previously. Seven embryos were evidently morphologically normal and showed good organization of fine structure. Most cellular organelles underwent progressive changes during early development. There was evidence of enhanced embryonic genome activation at the 8-cell stage. Invariably, all embryos had few too many fragments, some internalized, which were later segregated into the blastocoele or found outside the trophoblast of the late morula and blastocysts. Six grossly 'normal' embryos assessed by Nomarski had multiple nuclei of various dimensions, which highlights the subjectivity of embryo assessment in the IVF laboratory. Incomplete incorporation of chromatin into nuclei and formation of micronuclei were evident in some blastomeres. The results are discussed in relation to early embryonic loss, prevalent in IVF. Significant events reported include the detection of centrioles at the 8-cell stage, cavitation of the early blastocyst and the initiation of blastocyst hatching visualized by TEM.  相似文献   
Embryonic stem cells are currently derived from the inner cell mass of human blastocysts, generated from spare embryos donated for research. To overcome ethical concerns raised by destruction of the embryo, two groups of workers have attempted to derive these cells from isolated blastomeres of 8- to 10-cell stage embryos using the embryo biopsy method akin to that used in preimplantation diagnosis. This paper briefly discusses these two techniques in relation to the routine derivation of stem cells from blastocysts. Some embryological aspects of using the inner cell mass of blastocysts in preference to early embryonic cells are presented. The paper also considers some pitfalls in therapeutic cloning, especially in non-human primates, since legislation to allow this procedure for stem cell research is currently being passed in Australia.  相似文献   
Exendin-(9,39) is a competitive antagonist of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) at its receptor. However, it is unclear if it has direct and unique effects of its own. We tested the hypothesis that exendin-(9,39) and GLP-1-(9,36)amide have direct effects on hormone secretion and β-cell function as well as glucose metabolism in healthy subjects. Glucose containing [3-3H]glucose was infused to mimic the systemic appearance of glucose after a meal. Saline, GLP-1-(9,36)amide, or exendin-(9,39) at 30 pmol/kg/min (Ex 30) or 300 pmol/kg/min (Ex 300) were infused in random order on separate days. Integrated glucose concentrations were slightly but significantly increased by exendin-(9,39) (365 ± 43 vs. 383 ± 35 vs. 492 ± 49 vs. 337 ± 50 mmol per 6 h, saline, Ex 30, Ex 300, and GLP-1-[9,36]amide, respectively; P = 0.05). Insulin secretion did not differ among groups. However, insulin action was lowered by exendin-(9,39) (25 ± 4 vs. 20 ± 4 vs. 18 ± 3 vs. 21 ± 4 10−4 dL/kg[min per μU/mL]; P = 0.02), resulting in a lower disposition index (DI) during exendin-(9,39) infusion (1,118 ± 118 vs. 816 ± 83 vs. 725 ± 127 vs. 955 ± 166 10−14 dL/kg/min2 per pmol/L; P = 0.003). Endogenous glucose production and glucose disappearance did not differ significantly among groups. We conclude that exendin-(9,39), but not GLP-1-(9,36)amide, decreases insulin action and DI in healthy humans.The incretin hormone glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) arises by posttranslational processing of preproglucagon in the enteroendocrine L cells distributed throughout the intestine. GLP-1 secretion occurs within minutes of food ingestion, is a potent insulin secretagogue, and suppresses glucagon (1). However, the active form(s) of GLP-1 are rapidly deactivated by a serine protease dipeptidyl peptidase-4, which cleaves the two NH2-terminal amino acids necessary for activation of the GLP-1 receptor (GLP-1R). This enzyme is widely distributed so that the half-life of active GLP-1 in the circulation is ∼1 min (2). The resulting metabolite GLP-1-(9,36) has been proposed as a potential antagonist of GLP-1R, although at present there is no evidence of an effect of this peptide on insulin secretion (3).Exendin-(7,39) is a naturally occurring analog of GLP-1-(7,36) and is an agonist of the GLP-1R. This compound binds to GLP-1R with greater affinity than the natural ligand due to a nine–amino acid COOH-terminal sequence absent in native GLP-1 (4). On the other hand, exendin-(9,39), which arises from the removal of the two NH2-terminal amino acids, is a competitive antagonist of GLP-1 at the GLP-1R (5). It has been used to examine the effects of endogenous GLP-1 secretion on glucose homeostasis (6). Although it is presumed that exendin-(9,39) has no direct effects on glucose metabolism, it alters gastric emptying and capacitance through vagal mechanisms, thereby altering glucose tolerance independent of its ability to inhibit GLP-1-(7,36) effects on insulin and glucagon secretion (7,8). A direct effect of GLP-1-(9,36) signaling on glucose metabolism has been reported (9).The present studies were undertaken to determine whether exendin-(9,39) and GLP-1-(9,36)amide have direct effects on β-cell function, insulin action, glucagon secretion, and glucose metabolism. We did so by infusing glucose in a manner that mimicked the systemic appearance of glucose after ingestion of carbohydrate. Since glucose was infused intravenously, this created a model that resulted in the stimulation of insulin and suppression of glucagon in the absence of a change in endogenous GLP-1 concentrations. Subjects were studied on four occasions: receiving, in random order, saline, exendin-(9,39) infused at 30 pmol/kg/min (Ex 30) and at 300 pmol/kg/min (Ex 300), and GLP-1-(9,36)amide. Glucose turnover was measured on each occasion using [3-3H]glucose; insulin secretion and action were measured using the minimal model.  相似文献   
The contribution of elevated glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) to postprandial glucose metabolism after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) has been the subject of uncertainty. We used exendin-9,39, a competitive antagonist of GLP-1, to examine glucose metabolism, islet hormone secretion, and gastrointestinal transit in subjects after RYGB and in matched control subjects. Subjects were studied in the presence or absence of exendin-9,39 infused at 300 pmol/kg/min. Exendin-9,39 resulted in an increase in integrated postprandial glucose concentrations post-RYGB (3.6 ± 0.5 vs. 2.0 ± 0.4 mol/6 h, P = 0.001). Exendin-9,39 decreased insulin concentrations (12.3 ± 2.2 vs. 18.1 ± 3.1 nmol/6 h, P = 0.002) and the β-cell response to glucose (ϕTotal, 13 ± 1 vs. 11 ± 1 × 10−9 min−1, P = 0.01) but did not alter the disposition index (DI). In control subjects, exendin-9,39 also increased glucose (2.2 ± 0.4 vs. 1.7 ± 0.3 mol/6 h, P = 0.03) without accompanying changes in insulin concentrations, resulting in an impaired DI. Post-RYGB, acceleration of stomach emptying during the first 30 min by exendin-9,39 did not alter meal appearance, and similarly, suppression of glucose production and stimulation of glucose disappearance were unaltered in RYGB subjects. These data indicate that endogenous GLP-1 has effects on glucose metabolism and on gastrointestinal motility years after RYGB. However, it remains uncertain whether this explains all of the changes after RYGB.  相似文献   
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