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The functional relation between receptive fields of climbing fibres projecting to the C1, C3 and Y zones and forelimb movements controlled by nucleus interpositus anterior via the rubrospinal tract were studied in cats decerebrated at the pre-collicular level. Microelectrode tracks were made through the caudal half of nucleus interpositus anterior. This part of the nucleus receives its cerebellar cortical projection from the forelimb areas of these three sagittal zones. The C3 zone has been demonstrated to consist of smaller functional units called microzones. Natural stimulation of the forelimb skin evoked positive field potentials in the nucleus. These potentials have previously been shown to be generated by climbing fibre-activated Purkinje cells and were mapped at each nuclear site, to establish the climbing fibre receptive fields of the afferent microzones. The forelimb movement evoked by microstimulation at the same site was then studied. The movements usually involved more than one limb segment. Shoulder retraction and elbow flexion were frequently evoked, whereas elbow extension was rare and shoulder protraction never observed. In total, movements at the shoulder and/or elbow occurred for 96% of the interpositus sites. At the wrist, flexion and extension movements caused by muscles with radial, central or ulnar insertions on the paw were all relatively common. Pure supination and pronation movements were also observed. Movements of the digits consisted mainly of dorsal flexion of central or ulnar digits. A comparison of climbing fibre receptive fields and associated movements for a total of 110 nuclear sites indicated a general specificity of the input-output relationship of this cerebellar control system. Several findings suggested that the movement evoked from a particular site would act to withdraw the area of the skin corresponding to the climbing fibre receptive field of the afferent microzones. For example, sites with receptive fields on the dorsum of the paw were frequently associated with palmar flexion at the wrist, whereas sites with receptive fields on the ventral side of the paw and forearm were associated with dorsiflexion at the wrist. Correspondingly, receptive fields on the lateral side of the forearm and paw were often associated with flexion at the elbow, whereas sites with receptive fields on the radial side of the forearm were associated with elbow extension. The proximal movements that were frequently observed also for distal receptive fields may serve to produce a general shortening of the limb to enhance efficiency of the withdrawal. It has previously been suggested that the cerebellar control of forelimb movements via the rubrospinal tract has a modular organisation. Each module would consist of a cell group in the nucleus interpositus anterior and its afferent microzones in the C1, C3 and Y zones, characterised by a homogenous set of climbing fibre receptive fields. The results of the present study support this organisational principle, and suggest that the efferent action of a module is to withdraw the receptive field from an external stimulus. Possible functional interpretations of the action of this system during explorative and reaching movements are discussed.  相似文献   
The distinction between causes of acute infections is a major clinical challenge. Current biomarkers, however, are not sufficiently accurate. Human neutrophil lipocalin (HNL) concentrations in serum or whole blood activated by formyl-methionine-leucine-phenylalanine (fMLP) were shown to distinguish acute infections of bacterial or viral cause with high accuracy. The aim was therefore to compare the clinical performance of HNL with currently used biomarkers. Seven hundred twenty-five subjects (144 healthy controls and 581 patients with signs and symptoms of acute infections) were included in the study. C-reactive protein (CRP), the expression of CD64 on neutrophils, procalcitonin (PCT), and blood neutrophil counts were measured by established techniques, and HNL concentrations were measured in whole-blood samples after activation with fMLP. All tested biomarkers were elevated in bacterial as opposed to viral infections (P < 0.001). CRP, PCT, and CD64 expression in neutrophils was elevated in viral infections compared to healthy controls (P < 0.001). In the distinction between healthy controls and patients with bacterial infections, the areas under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were >0.85 for all biomarkers, whereas for the distinction between bacterial and viral infections, only HNL concentration in fMLP-activated whole blood showed an area under the ROC curve (AUROC) of >0.90 and superior clinical performance. The clinical performance of HNL in fMLP-activated whole blood was superior to current biomarkers and similar to previous results of HNL in serum. The procedure can be adopted for point-of-care testing with response times of <15 min.  相似文献   
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is the most common childhood malignancy, and until recently prophylactic cranial radiotherapy (CRT) was important for achieving long-term survival. Hypothalamic-pituitary hormone insufficiency is a well-recognized consequence of CRT for childhood cancer. Another problem is increased cardiovascular risk, which has been shown in long-term survivors of other childhood cancers. In the only previously reported study on cardiovascular risk after childhood ALL, obesity and dyslipidemia were recorded in a small subgroup treated with CRT, compared with patients treated with chemotherapy. The mechanisms behind the increase in cardiovascular risk in survivors of childhood cancer are not clarified.The aim of the present study was to elucidate mechanisms of increased cardiovascular risk in former childhood ALL patients. A group of 44 ALL survivors (23 males, median age 25 yr, range 19-32 yr at the time of study) treated with CRT (median 24 Gy, 18-30 Gy) at a median age of 5 yr (1-18 yr) and chemotherapy were investigated for prevalence of GH deficiency and cardiovascular risk factors. Comparison was made with controls randomly selected from the general population and individually matched for sex, age, smoking habits, and residence. All patients and controls underwent a GHRH-arginine test, and patients with a peak GH 3.9 microg/liter or greater were further investigated with an additional insulin tolerance test.Significantly higher plasma levels of insulin (P = 0.002), blood glucose (P = 0.01), and serum levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, apolipoprotein (Apo) B, triglycerides, fibrinogen, and leptin (all P 相似文献   
The onset of walking is a fundamental milestone in motor development of humans and other mammals, yet little is known about what factors determine its timing. Hoofed animals start walking within hours after birth, rodents and small carnivores require days or weeks, and nonhuman primates take months and humans approximately a year to achieve this locomotor skill. Here we show that a key to the explanation for these differences is that time to the onset of walking counts from conception and not from birth, indicating that mechanisms underlying motor development constitute a functional continuum from pre- to postnatal life. In a multiple-regression model encompassing 24 species representative of 11 extant orders of placental mammals that habitually walk on the ground, including humans, adult brain mass accounted for 94% of variance in time to walking onset postconception. A dichotomous variable reflecting species differences in functional limb anatomy accounted for another 3.8% of variance. The model predicted the timing of walking onset in humans with high accuracy, showing that this milestone in human motor development occurs no later than expected given the mass of the adult human brain, which in turn reflects the duration of its ontogenetic development. The timing of motor development appears to be highly conserved in mammalian evolution as the ancestors of some of the species in the sample presented here diverged in phylogenesis as long as 100 million years ago. Fundamental patterns of early human life history may therefore have evolved before the evolution of primates.  相似文献   
The spontaneous secretion of growth hormone during a 24 hour period and the response of growth hormone to growth hormone releasing hormone was studied in 13 girls who had received treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia that included cranial irradiation with 20-24 Gy in 12-14 fractions. At the time of investigation the girls were at varying stages of puberty and had normal concentrations of thyroid hormones. The mean interval between the end of treatment and investigation was 4.6 years. The mean age at onset of the disease was 3.2 years and at investigation 10.7 years. The average attained height equalled -0.3 SD at onset, and -1.0 SD at the time of investigation. Secretion of growth hormone was substantially reduced compared with controls and did not increase during puberty. A prompt rise in growth hormone secretion was seen after injection of growth hormone releasing hormone, but the mean maximum growth hormone concentration was, however, only 25 mU/l. There was no correlation between the 24 hour secretion and growth hormone response to growth hormone releasing hormone, or the time since irradiation. These results confirm earlier work that suggested that girls who had received treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, that included cranial irradiation, have a comparative growth hormone insufficiency characterised by normal prepubertal growth and slow growth during puberty because of an inability to respond to the increased demands for growth hormone at that time.  相似文献   
Six hundred and fifty-six children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) have been diagnosed in the five Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden) during the period from July 1981 through June 1985. Annual incidence of ALL was 3.6/100,000 children aged less than 15 years, with an incidence for males of 3.8 and for females of 3.4 respectively. Half of the children were younger than 5 years of age at diagnosis, with a peak incidence between 2-3 years of age. The leukemias were classified as Standard Risk (SR), Intermediate Risk (IR) or High Risk (HR) leukemia according to prognostic criteria at diagnosis. The remission rate was 95%. In children greater than or equal to 1 year of age with non-B-cell ALL at diagnosis, the Event-Free Survival (EFS) was 0.58; 0.65 for SR-children, 0.51 for IR-children and 0.52 for HR-children. WBC count at diagnosis was the most important prognostic factor and a WBC count of 11-20 X 10(9)/l was associated with the worst prognosis of all WBC values (EFS = 0.30), independent of other prognostic factors. Male sex was the second most important adverse prognostic criterion. The follow-up in January 1986 (observation time 6-54 months), showed that 442 of the 656 children (67%) were in complete continuous remission. The total results indicate a possibility to improve the prognosis for most of the risk groups of ALL with a more intensive treatment.  相似文献   
Inactivation of the Ink4 gene locus locus on 9p comprising the tumour suppressor gene p16ink4a and its neighbours p14ARF and p15ink4b is common in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL), but the prognostic significance is controversial. DNA from 230 patients was retrospectively analysed by Southern blotting, single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) and sequencing techniques. The results were correlated with clinical characteristics and outcome. One hundred and ninety-four fully analysed patients, similarly treated using the Nordic NOPHO-86 or the current NOPHO-92 protocols, were included in the outcome analysis. Deletions approached a minimally deleted region between the p16ink4a and p15ink4b genes, making the p14ARF gene the most commonly deleted coding sequence. Bi-allelic deletion was associated with high white blood cell count (WBC) (P < 0.001), T cell phenotype (P < 0.001) and mediastinal mass (P < 0.001). Patients with Ink4 locus bi-allelic deletions had an inferior pEFS (P < 0.01) and multivariate analysis indicated that bi-allelic deletion of the p16ink4a and the p14ARF genes was an independent prognostic risk factor (P < 0.05). Sub-group analysis revealed a pronounced impact of deletion status for high-risk patients, ie with high WBC. Deletion-status and clinical risk criteria (WBC) could thus be combined to further differentiate risk within the high-risk group. The analysis of the Ink4 locus adds independent prognostic information in childhood ALL treated by Nordic protocols and may help in selection of patients for alternative treatment.  相似文献   
The improved treatment of childhood leukemia is a major achievement. The late effects of the treatment need further investigation. Growth inhibition has been demonstrated in earlier studies. Growth and the timing of puberty were studied in 179 girls who had been treated for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden. The patients were divided into two groups according to mode of CNS prophylaxis: with or without cerebral irradiation. Longitudinal analysis of 103 patients showed no difference in prepubertal growth in irradiated and nonirradiated girls. Growth during puberty was normal in girls without irradiation and below normal in irradiated girls. There was no difference in growth between girls after 24 Gy or 20 Gy of cerebral irradiation. Irradiated girls had a final height which was one SD less than expected before puberty and menarche occurred one year earlier than in the nonirradiated girls. Prophylactic cerebral irradiation is the most important factor for subnormal growth after treatment for ALL. There is no short-term influence on growth but the effects of irradiation become apparent several years after therapy when girls enter puberty somewhat early and have a subnormal pubertal growth. Growth and growth hormone (GH) levels should be evaluated several years after CNS irradiation, and treatment with GH and/or luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) analogues may be considered. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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