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氯地滴眼液的含量测定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:采用HPLC法测定氯地滴眼液中氯霉素和地塞米松磷酸钠的含量。方法:色谱分析条件:ODS柱作分析柱,流动相为甲醇/水体系,0 ̄8min使用40%甲醇,8 ̄16min使用60%甲醇,流速1ml/min,0 ̄9min240nm紫外检测,:二组分分离良好。各组各组性关系良好,平均回收率氯霉素99.8%(RSD=1.2%,n=5),地塞米松磷酸钠99.4%(RSD=0.7%,n=5),结论:该法用于氯  相似文献   
Based on the results of the phase III PROWESS trial, recombinant human activated protein C (rhAPC) was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in severely septic patients. Concerns regarding rhAPC's inconsistent effects, incomplete understanding of its mechanism of action, and its safety in particular subgroups were raised during the FDA's evaluation. This study attempts to assess the cost-effectiveness rhAPC by comparing its effects during recent clinical use to its prior phase III trial testing and by considering other potentially less expensive treatments with effects that may overlap those of rhAPC. In patients with similar numbers of injured organs, mortality rates may be higher with rhAPC during clinical use compared with the phase III trial. There may also be an increased risk of hemorrhage and other adverse events that necessitate early discontinuation of treatment. Many of the patients receiving rhAPC during clinical use may have otherwise been excluded from its phase III trial testing. Data from several recent phase III trials as well as a recent meta-analysis suggest that heparin and physiologic dose steroids offer substantially less expensive alternatives to rhAPC. Further phase IV testing will be required to confirm such possibilities.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Based on the association between the neutrophil and ventilator-induced lung injury, the authors hypothesized that neutrophil inhibition with fucoidin would be beneficial and stimulation with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) would be harmful in a rat model of lethal ventilator-induced lung injury. METHODS: Animals (n = 111) were randomly assigned to be pretreated with fucoidin, G-CSF, or placebo (control) before 4 h of low-tidal-volume (10 ml/kg) or high-tidal-volume (40 ml/kg) mechanical ventilation. RESULTS: All low-volume animals survived. With high volumes, compared with controls, fucoidin did not improve survival (3 of 20 control animals and 5 of 20 fucoidin animals died; P = 0.51) but G-CSF significantly worsened it (18 of 22 animals died; P < 0.001). Circulating neutrophils were increased early with G-CSF and late with fucoidin with low and high tidal volumes (P < 0.05 for each treatment and tidal volume). Fucoidin decreased lung neutrophils, but these were only significant with high tidal volumes, whereas G-CSF increased lung neutrophils but only significantly with low tidal volumes (P < or = 0.01 for each). Fucoidin did not alter any cardiopulmonary measure significantly. Compared with control, G-CSF increased airway pressures with high tidal volumes and worsened lung edema and arterial oxygen with both tidal volumes (P < 0.05 for each). CONCLUSIONS: In this model, neutrophil stimulation by G-CSF increased lung dysfunction and with high tidal volumes worsened survival rates. Extrapolated clinically, neutrophil stimulation either by agents such as G-CSF or conditions such as sepsis may aggravate ventilator-induced lung injury.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Previously, neutrophil stimulation with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) pretreatment increased survival rates in canines challenged with intraperitoneal or intrabronchial Escherichia coli and in rats challenged with intrabronchial Staphylococcus aureus. We investigated whether G-CSF pretreatment would be beneficial with intravascular challenge in these models. METHODS: Animals were randomized to G-CSF or placebo pretreatment followed by intravenous E. coli challenge in canines (n = 24) or intravenous or intrabronchial S. aureus challenge in rats (n = 273). All animals were treated with antibiotics. RESULTS: In canines, G-CSF before intravenous E. coli did not decrease mortality rates (7 of 12 [58%] G-CSF vs. 5 of 12 [42%] controls), which contrasted with prior reductions during extravascular infection (10 of 35 [29%] G-CSF vs. 37 of 65 [57%] controls). Consistent with the present and previously published studies in canines, in rats, G-CSF decreased mortality rates with intrabronchial S. aureus (22 of 90 [24%] G-CSF vs. 26 of 51 [51%] controls, p = 0.009) but did not decrease them with intravenous infection (34 of 67 [50%] G-CSF vs. 27 of 65 [42%] controls, p = 0.2) in patterns that were very different (p = 0.005 for the effects of G-CSF with intravascular vs. intrabronchial S. aureus). CONCLUSION: In contrast to extravascular infection, sepsis with intravascular E. coli in canines and S. aureus in rats may not provide a compartmentalized nidus of bacteria on which G-CSF-stimulated neutrophils can exert a beneficial antimicrobial effect. Extrapolated clinically, a proinflammatory agent like G-CSF may be most beneficial with sepsis related primarily to a compartmentalized extravascular site of infection.  相似文献   
Inhaled nitric oxide: more than a selective pulmonary vasodilator   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:由于技术原理的限制,目前尚不能对所有的HLA等位基因进行严格的区分,特别是以往没有发现的新基因序列只能通过测序的方法解决,然而,当遇到等位基因杂合时,测序给出的结果仍然无法确认新的序列改变发生在等位基因的哪一侧,这时需要用分子生物学方法分离杂合子然后进行测序才能确定新的基因序列。采用基因克隆方法确认HLA新等位基因。 方法:实验于2006-01/05在河南省红十字血液中心HLA实验室,美国海军骨髓库HLA实验室完成。造血干细胞血样由中华骨髓库提供。采用荧光微珠HLA分型方法对中华骨髓库捐献者血样进行HLA分型检测,无法给出确切结果的摸棱两可结果标本用基因克隆(TOPO TA Cloning)、DNA测序的方法确认新的HLA基因序列。 结果:通过克隆分离杂合等位基因,再进行测序确认发现新的序列与B^*3709相比,出现4个核苷酸改变:1.355nt C〉A,2.363nt C〉G,3.412nt G〉A,4.477ntC〉G,而且均发生在H哺B基因外显子3(exon3)。4处改变引起氨基酸编码改变:①编码95CTC〉ATC,氨基酸改变L〉1(亮氨酸〉异亮氨酸)。②97AGC〉AGG.S〉R(丝氨酸〉精氨酸)。③114GAC〉AACD〉N(天门冬氨酸〉天冬酰胺)。(9135GCC〉GCGA=A无氨基酸改变。 结论:①新的基因序列已经在GenBnak注册,被WHO的HLA因子命名委员会得到正式命名为HLA-B^*3712基因。②基因克隆是确认HLA新基因的根本方法。  相似文献   
Once is not enough: clinical trials in sepsis   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
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