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Atrial Fibrillation Classification. Use of different classifications for atrial fibrillation reflects the complexity of the arrhythmia and the difficulty in grouping its different aspects. Current classifications are based on clinical presentation, etiology, substrates, mechanisms, etc. From the clinical point of view, the most relevant probably should be one directed at classifying patients in terms of therapeutic options. In this article, a review of known classifications is given, together with an attempt at a new classification based on the possibility of offering a nonpharmacologic treatment to patients.  相似文献   
The possibility that an asynchronous increase in the ventricularmonophasic action potential duration is the basis of the quinidine-inducedtorsade de pointes, has led us to study the electrophysiologicaleffects of increasing doses of intravenous quinidine. We measuredthe monophasic action potential duration and the ventriculareffective refractory period at several right ventricular myocardialsites in the anaesthetized dog.Our results showed that quinidineinduces a dose-dependent prolongation in ventricular effectiverefractory period and in ventricular monophasic action potentialduration. These increases were uniform throughout the rightventricle. No variations in repolarization or in refractorinesswere observed between the four ventricular sites studied.Theresults suggest that quinidine does not have a direct effecton dispersion of repolarization, and that mechanisms other thanits direct electrophysiological action are involved in the developmentof torsade de pointes.  相似文献   
Radiofrequeucy ablation of the atrioventricular conduction system (ACS) has become an estoblished theTapy for patients with drug refroctory atrial fibrillation. We observed eight patients with hemodynamic deterioration ofteT radiofrequency oblotion of the otTioventTicular conduction system. As we found hemodynamic deterioration related to worsening mitral regurgitation, we compared the clinical history, eiectrophysiologicai, ond echocardiographic dato from the patients with hemodynamic deteriorotion and worsening mitral regurgitation (group 1) to those without hemodynamic deterioration and stable mitral regurgitation after the procedure (group 2). Eight out of 108 patients (7.4%) undergoing ablation of the ACS deteriorated hemodynamically with acute pulmonary edema in three and congestive heart failure in five patients occurring at a mean of 3 and 8 weeks, respectively, after the procedure. Three of these patients were referred for mitral valve surgery. Two patients underwent ablation using a left-sided approach. A right-sided approach was used in five patients. In one patient, a left- and right-sided approach was used. Compared to group 2 patients, group 1 patients had significantly higher left ventricular end-diastolic diameters (64 ± 6 mm vs 56 ± 9 mm) at baseline despite similar fractional shortening (32%± Il% vs 34%± 13%), left ventricular end-systolic diameters (43 ± 9 mm vs36 ± 7 mm) and degree of mitral regurgitation (1.4 ± 1.1 vs 1.4 ±0.7) on echocardiographic analysis. Thus, hemodynamic deterioration together with progression of mitral regurgitation is a potential complication of ablation of the ACS (up to 7.4%). Patients with high left ventricular end-diastolic diameters ond moderate mitral regurgitation at baseline seem prone to this complication.  相似文献   
A patient who received an AAI Activitrax rate variable pacemaker for treatment of symptomatic sinus bradycardia is described. disopyramide prolonged the anterograde effective refractory period of the fast conducting atrioventricular (AV) nodal pathway to such an extent, that conduction switched to the slow AV nodal pathway at low atrial pacing rates. This gave rise to symptoms of the pacemaker syndrome during moderate exercise because the paced atrial event was conducted with a long, spike to Q interval with occurrence of the paced atrial event just after the preceding QRS complex. A change of medication solved this problem. Programming a bipolar electrode configuration avoided sensing of far-field QRS signals with the associated problems of resetting the basic pacing interval as well as the upper rate interval. AAI rate variable pacing requires careful evaluation of AV conduction properties, AV conduction intervals as well as the influence of medication to be given. The use of multiprogrammable pacemakers with marker channel capability will significantly facilitate the understanding and resolution of anomalous behavior.  相似文献   
Ablation of Concealed Accessory Pathways. Introduction: Feasibility of radiofrequency (RF) ablation using a two-catheter technique without coronary sinus catheterization was studied in 100 consecutive patients with a single concealed left free-wall accessory path-way.
Methods and Results: Tachycardia was induced by electrical stimulation in the right atrium/right ventricle, and the presence of a concealed left free-wall accessory pathway was suggested electrocardiographically (negative P wave in leads I and/or a VL during orthodromic tachycardia) or by earlier atrial activation in the pulmonary artery compared to the high right atrium. Mapping of the mitral annulus was performed during right ventricular pacing or orthodromic tachycardia, and RF energy was applied at the site with the earliest retrograde atrial activation. Ablation was considered effective if tachycardia could not be induced, and if VA dissociation or exclusive retrograde nodal conduction was observed. Ablation was initially successful in 98 of 100 patients. Mean number of radiofrequency pulses were 3.2 ± 2. Mean fluoroscopy time and total procedure time was 14 ± 9 and 107 ± 32 minutes, respectively. There were no complications related to the procedure. At a mean follow-up of 22 ± 13 months, two patients experienced tachycardia recurrence and required a second procedure, which was successful.
Conclusions: Our results suggest that RF catheter ablation of concealed left free-wall accessory pathways can be safely, effectively, and rapidly performed using a simplified two-catheter technique with no need for coronary sinus catheterization.  相似文献   
Anisotropic propagation may be involved in the development of areas of slow conduction in atrial flutter. We evaluated monophasic action potentials (MAPs) and simultaneous unipolar (0.2–400 Hz) and bipolar electrograms from multiple atrial sites of patients undergoing RF ablation of idiopathic atrial flutter. Nine patients (mean age 46 ± 20 years) with typical atrial flutter (one with both types) were studied. Unipolar electrograms with triphasic complexes of small amplitude and with a slow, negative deviation of the baseline preceding the rS deflection indicated transversal conduction in relation to the orientation of cardiac fibers; smooth rS complexes longitudinal conduction; QS complexes onset of activation; and R complexes end of activation or collision. In all patients with typical atrial flutter, slow conduction occurred in the corridor between the inferior vena cava, the tricuspid annulus, and the coronary sinus. Transversal conduction was observed in this area, whereas the remaining sites showed longitudinal conduction. Anatomically guided RF ablation was successful in five patients. Transversal conduction was recorded in all successful sites. In the patient with atypical atrial flutter, slow conduction was noted in the high lateral right atrium, also exhibiting transversal conduction. Ablation at this area terminated the arrhythmia. All the areas of transversal conduction during flutter displayed longitudinal conduction after restoration of sinus rhythm. MAPs were normal in all patients during atrial flutter and sinus rhythm, even at the areas where transversal conduction was recorded. These findings suggest that anisotropic propagation is involved in the genesis of functionally determined areas of slow conduction during typical atrial flutter.  相似文献   
La Stimulation programée manque une certaine standardisation en ce qui concerne son rôle diagnostique et thérapeutique en matière d'arythmies. Si la sensibilityé et la spécificité de ces tests doivent être considérées comme valables, l'evaluation de divers protocoles de stimulation est obligatoire. Les variables sont nombreuses et peuvent influencer les résultats de ces études.  相似文献   
Although the beneficial effects of DDD pacing are well known, currently available ICDs provide only fixed rate ventricular antibradycardia pacing. In a consecutive series of 139 patients with ICDs, we have analyzed the need for antibradycardia pacing and the indications for DDD pacing. We also report our initial experience with the Defender 9001 (ELA Medical, France) DDD-ICD. Out of 139 patients, 25 (18%) were in need of antibradycardia pacing. Ten patients already had a pacemaker at the time of ICD implantation and ten other patients had a conventional pacemaker indication at that time. Five patients became pacemaker dependent during a follow-up of 20 ± 8 months. The disorders necessitating pacemaker therapy were high degree AV conduction disturbances in 72%, sick sinus syndrome in 12%, and AF with a slow ventricular response in 16% of patients. Based upon current indications, DDD pacing was indicated in 20 (80%) of 25 patients. The Defender 9001 DDD-ICD (ELA Medical) was used in two patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy and pacemaker syndrome with VVI pacing. Cardiac output during DDD pacing increased by 36% in one patient with an increase in VO2 max during exercise of 29%. The other patient showed an increase in cardiac output of 50% with DDD pacing, and, while unable to exercise with VVI pacing, had a VO2max of 24 mL/kg per minute during DDD pacing. Up to 18% of our ICD patients are in need of antibradycardia pacing. Of these pacemaker dependent patients, 80% have an indication for DDD pacing. Our first clinical experience with a DDD-ICD confirms the hemodynamic benefit of AV synchronous pacing in ICD patients with pacemaker syndrome.  相似文献   
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