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Zusammenfassung Die Typ I-Allergien gegen Latex sind in den vergangenen Jahren zu einem zunehmenden berufsdermatologischen Problem geworden, zumal mindestens 10% der Angestellten im Gesundheitswesen betroffen sind. In der Dermatologischen Klinik der Universit?t Erlangen-Nürnberg stieg die Anzahl der j?hrlich diagnostizierten Patienten mit Latexallergien von 1989 bis 1995 auf das 12fache, wobei der Anteil der schweren, generalisierten Formen der Erkrankung von 10,7% (1989/1990) auf 44% (1994/1995) zunahm. Unter den m?glichen Ausl?sern der Latexallergie (wasserl?sliche Proteine mit Molekulargewichten von 2 bis 200 kD) sind mindestens 5 Hauptproteine mit bereits bekannter Prim?rstruktur zu berücksichtigen. Zus?tzlich gibt es Hinweise für Markerproteine, die in bestimmten Risikogruppen geh?uft zur Ausl?sung spezifischer IgE-Antik?rper führen (z.B. 46 kD-Protein in medizinischen Berufen, 14,6 kD- und 27 kD-Proteine bei Kindern mit Spina bifida). Das Vorkommen von Kreuzreaktionen zwischen Latex und unterschiedlichen Früchten (besonders Avocado, Kiwi, Banane, E?kastanie) bei 60 bis 70% der Latexallergiker ist bei der allergologischen Abkl?rung und Beratung dieser Patienten zu beachten. Wesentliche Aspekte der Prophylaxe umfassen die konsequente Umstellung medizinischer Einrichtungen auf ungepuderte Latexhandschuhe mit niedrigem Proteingehalt. Eine Zusammenstellung von OP- und Untersuchungshandschuhen, welche Angaben über die von uns ermittelten Proteinkonzentrationen (modifizierte Lowry-Methode und Hochdruck-Flüssigkeits-Chromatographie, HPLC) enth?lt, soll ein Leitfaden bei der Auswahl allergologisch geeigneter Handschuhe sein. Eingegangen am 10. August 1996 Angenommen am 21. August 1996  相似文献   
Dystonia is a common movement disorder which is thought to represent a disease of the basal ganglia. However, the pathogenesis of the idiopathic dystonias, i.e. the neuroanatomic and neurochemical basis, is still a mystery. Research in dystonia is complicated by the existence of various phenotypic and genotypic subtypes of idiopathic dystonia, probably related to heterogeneous dysfunctions.In neurological diseases in which no obvious neuronal degeneration can be found, such as in idiopathic dystonia, the identification of a primary defect is difficult, because of the large number of chemically distinct, but functionally interrelated, neurotransmitter systems in the brain.The variable response to pharmacological agents in patients with idiopathic dystonia supports the notion that the underlying biochemical dysfunctions vary in the subtypes of idiopathic dystonia. Hence, in basic research it is important to clearly define the involved type of dystonia.Animal models of dystonias were described as limited. However, over the last years, there has been considerable progress in the evaluation of animal models for different types of dystonia.Apart from animal models of symptomatic dystonia, genetic animal models with inherited dystonia which occurs in the absence of pathomorphological alterations in brain and spinal cord are described.This review will focus mainly on genetic animal models of different idiopathic dystonias and pathophysiological findings. In particular, in the case of the mutant dystonic (dt) rat, a model of generalized dystonia, and in the case of the genetically dystonic hamster (dtsz), a model of paroxysmal dystonic choreoathetosis has been used, as these show great promise in contributing to the identification of underlying mechanisms in idiopathic dystonias, although even a proper animal model will probably never be equivalent to a human disease.Several pathophysiological findings from animal models are in line with clinical observations in dystonic patients, indicating abnormalities not only in the basal ganglia and thalamic nuclei, but also in the cerebellum and brainstem. Through clinical studies and neurochemical data several similarities were found in the genetic animal models, although the current data indicates different defects in dystonic animals which is consistent with the notion that dystonia is a heterogenous disorder.Different supraspinal dysfunctions appear to lead to manifestation of dystonic movements and postures. In addition to increasing our understanding of the pathophysiology of idiopathic dystonia, animal models may help to improve therapeutic strategies for this movement disorder.  相似文献   
Identification of a 28 kDa lychee allergen as a triose-phosphate isomerase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The aim of this study was to investigate the allergenic potency of the exotic fruit lychee (Litchi chinensis SONN.). For this purpose the lychee protein extract was separated by ion exchange chromatography and a purified allergen with a molecular weight of 28 kDa was identified by N-terminal sequencing and peptide mass fingerprinting. Both methods determined the lychee allergen as a triose-phosphate isomerase. To this protein 67% of patients showed allergic reactions respectively IgE binding of their sera. Similar enzymes from other plants were also recognized as allergens.  相似文献   
Long-term oral anticoagulation requires careful patient monitoring in order to optimize results and to limit hemorrhagic or thromboembolic complications of treatment. For this reason, any improvement in anticoagulant control and management can be expected to have far-reaching consequences in extending longevity and decreasing complications in anticoagulated patients after heart valve surgery. Because one attractive means of improving anticoagulant management is to give patients a share of the responsibility, a program was designed to encourage patients to take an active role in monitoring their own prothrombin time (PT) and managing their own oral anticoagulation. During the period from August 1986 to February 1992, 600 patients requiring long-term anticoagulation, mainly after heart valve replacement, were trained to measure their own PT at the Cardiac Rehabilitation Center (Herz-Krauslauf-Klinik, Bad Berleburg, Germany) and to manage their own therapy: 216 patients could be followed with regard to their self-determined prothrombin times. The results were within the target range in 83.1% of the PT determinations (n=12,306 measurements) taken by the patients themselves. Neither major bleeding nor thromboembolic complications were observed in 205 patient-years of self-monitoring of PT and self-management of oral anticoagulation.  相似文献   
Antimycotic Agents, XX Bioisosteric 6-Arylpyrimidine Derivatives Condensation of N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-N-methylguanidine-sulfate ( 1 ) with the β-diketones 4a - e bearing 1-aryl substituents leads to the bioisosteric 2-[(2-hydroxyethyl)-methylamino]-6-arylpyrimidines 5a - e . Compounds 5a - c exhibit significant antimycotic in vivo and in vitro activities.  相似文献   
Background: Sweating, vasoconstriction, and shivering have been observed during general anesthesia. Among these, vasoconstriction is especially important because-once triggered-it minimizes further hypothermia. Surprisingly, the core-temperature plateau associated with vasoconstriction appears to preserve core temperature better in infants and children than adults. This observation suggests that vasoconstriction in anesthetized infants may be accompanied by hypermetabolism. Consistent with this theory, unanesthetized infants rely on nonshivering thermogenesis to double heat production when vasoconstriction alone is insufficient. Accordingly, the authors tested the hypothesis that intraoperative core hypothermia triggers nonshivering thermogenesis in infants.

Methods: With Ethics Committee approval and written parental consent, the authors studied six infants undergoing abdominal surgery. All were aged 1 day to 9 months and weighed 2.4-9 kg. Anesthesia was maintained with propofol and fentanyl. The infants were mechanically ventilated and allowed to cool passively until core (distal esophageal) temperatures reached 34-34.5 degrees Celsius. Oxygen consumption-the authors' index of metabolic rate- was recorded throughout cooling. Because nonshivering thermogenesis triples circulating norepinephrine concentrations, arterial blood was analyzed for plasma catecholamines at [nearly equal] 0.5 degrees Celsius intervals. Thermoregulatory vasoconstriction was evaluated using forearm - fingertip, skin-surface gradients, with gradients exceeding 4 degrees Celsius, indicating intense vasoconstriction. The patients were subsequently rapidly rewarmed to 37 degrees Celsius. Regression analysis was used to correlate changes in oxygen consumption and plasma catecholamine concentrations with core temperature.

Results: All patients were vasoconstricted by the time core temperature reached 36 degrees Celsius. Further reduction in core temperature to 34-34.5 degrees Celsius did not increase oxygen consumption. Instead, oxygen consumption decreased linearly. Hypothermia also failed to increase plasma catecholamine concentrations.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Nur attenuierte Lebendimpfstoffe haben sich bisher für die Prävention der Mumpsvirusinfektion als wirksam erwiesen. Die verschiedenen Impfstämme unterscheiden sich im. Grad ihrer Attenuierung, die schwer steuerbar ist. Der Grat zwischen Restvirulenz und Überattenuierung ist schmal. Wenig attenuierte Impfstämme zeigten zwar eine höhere Immunogenität, aber auch häufiger Impfkomplikationen. Heute werden nur noch relativ stark abgeschwächte Impfstämme verwendet, die zwar kaum je zu einer impfassoziierten Erkrankung führen, deren Immunogenität aber geringer sein dürfte als ursprünglich angenommen.
Summary The prevention of mumps virus infection reties on the application of live, attenuated mumps virus vaccines. The process of attenuation from a wildtype mumps isolate to a safe vaccine has been empirical. A lower degree of attenuation results in solid immunity but carries an increased risk of post-vaccination meningitis due to the vaccine strain. Currently used vaccine strains are highly attenuated and essentially free of vaccine strain induced disease. However, their immunogenicity may be lower than previously reported.

Résumé La prévention des oreillons est effectuée grâce aux vaccins contenant des virus ourliens vivants atténués. La différence entre un virus ourlien sauvage et un atténué est très petite. Un virus légèrement atténué engendre une forte immunité mais augmente le risque de développer des méningites postvaccinales. Actuellement on utilise des souches fortement atténuées qui ne font que très peu de complications mais dont l'immunogénicité semble plus faible que prévue.
OBJECTIVE: The objectives of the present study were: (1) to analyze the cry features of infants with cleft lip and palate (UCLP) by means of spectral analysis, (2) to describe changes of the acoustic parameters from birth until 9 months of age, and (3) to compare these data with existing cry data of infants without cleft (control group). DESIGN: The study was designed on a interdisciplinary, prospective, and longitudinal basis. SETTING: Interdisciplinary study: (1) Institute of Anthropology at the Humboldt-University, Berlin; (2) Heidelberg University Hospital: Interdisciplinary Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Center. PATIENTS AND METHOD: The cry parameters of five patients with complete unilateral cleft lip, alveolar ridge, and hard and soft palate were analyzed from birth to 9 months of age. The patients were treated with the same protocol. At the age of 24 months, sensomotor development was assessed using the KIPHARD test. Perceptual judgment of speech, performed after 36 months of life, included nasal resonance, nasal emission of air, articulation disorders, and speech intelligibility. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: The cry parameters of fundamental frequency (F(0)), pitch period perturbation quotient (PPQ), and cry duration (Tsam) were analyzed. RESULTS: Contrary to the expectation that laryngeal parameters are not affected by vocal tract malformations, differences of cry parameters were found between the patients with UCLP and the non-cleft group. Particularly, the F(0) and its short-time variability (PPQ) were affected. CONCLUSIONS: The preliminary results of this study showed that F(0) and PPQ of spontaneous cries are influenced in patients with UCLP, and a cry analysis might become a noninvasive tool for early detection of an at-risk status for neuromuscular development and prediction of an at-risk status for later speech and language acquisition in infants with cleft lip and palate. Future research strategies are outlined.  相似文献   
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