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目的 了解宁夏彭阳县饮茶型氟中毒的流行现状、病区分布等基础资料,为饮茶型氟中毒防治、监测、健康教育提供科学依据.方法 2007年在宁夏彭阳县抽取4个乡(镇)作为调查点,在每个调查点抽取8~12岁儿童和16岁以上成人(成人中有饮茶习惯者50人为饮茶组,无饮茶习惯者50人为对照组)作为观察对象,采用Dean法检测儿童及成人氟斑牙;用氟离子选择电极法检测饮用水、尿、茶水含氟量,用水浸-电极法检测砖茶含氟量.结果 饮茶组、对照组,儿童氟斑牙检出率分别为24.75%(99/400)、9.50%(38/400)和15.96%(71/445),饮茶组明显高于对照组(χ2=32.73,P<0.05);三种人群尿氟分别为(3.38±2.37)、(2.09±1.33)、(1.41±0.67)mg/L,饮茶组明显高于对照组(u=9.49,P<0.05).4个调查点总的茶水含氟量为(3.63±2.05)mg/L,饮用水含氟量为(1.01±0.49)mg/L.王洼镇水氟[(1.31±0.33)mg/L]超过国家生活饮用水标准(1.0mg/L),饮茶组、对照组,儿童三种人群氟斑牙检出牢及饮用水、尿、茶水、砖茶样品含氟量均高于其他3个调查点(P均<0.05).结论 宁夏彭阳县居民通过饮用砖茶引起蓄积性氟中毒,表明当地存在饮茶型氟中毒病区,其中王洼镇是饮茶型和饮水型氟中毒叠加病区.  相似文献   
Objective To understand current prevalence of fluorosis, of drinking tea type in Pengyang County of Ningxia to offer scientific basis for preventing and curing, monitoring, health education. Methods Four towns were chosen as investigating spots in Pengyang County of Ningxia in 2007, from each 50 children aged 8-12 year old and 50 adults who either had tea or did not were investigated. Dean method was used to measure dental fluorosis of children and adult; meanwhile fluoride content in water, urine and drinking tea was tested using the fluoride ionic electrode method and that in brick tea using water immersion electrode method. χ2 testing, analysis of variance, u test, q test were performed. Results In adult drink tea group, control group, and children, the detaction rate of dental fluorosis were respectively 24.75%(99/400),9.5%(38/400)and 15.96%(71/445), obviously higher in drink tea group than the control group(χ2= 32.73, P<0.05). Urine average concentration of fluoride was (3.38±2.37), (2.09±1.33 ). (1.41±0.67)mg/L, obviously higher in drink tea group than the control group(u= 9.49, P<0.05). In 4 investigation spots tea fluoride averaged at (3.63±2.05)mg/L, fluoride content in drinking water was averagely (1.01±0.49) mg/L, with that of Wangwa Town [(1.31±0.33)mg/L] exceeding the national standard for drinking water (1.0 mg/L), where dental fluorosis rate was higher and fluoride content was higher than that in 3 other investigation spots (P<0.05). Conclusions Residents in Pengyang County in Ningxia who drink brick tea can cause accumulation of fluorine to poison in Ningxia, leading to fluorosis of drinking tea type; Wangwa Town have both drink tea and water fluorine poison.  相似文献   
为了查清宁夏彭阳县饮用高砷水源地区分布,掌握地方性饮水型砷中毒病区分布状况及病情危害程度,为防治地方性饮水型砷中毒提供科学的防治依据,作者于2008年5月对彭阳县生活饮用水含砷量进行抽样调查,现将结果报道如下.  相似文献   
为了解彭阳县改水项目工程运转,供水质量及改水前后水氟变化情况,按照<2007年宁夏自治区地方病防治项目技术方案>的要求,彭阳县疾病预防控制中心于2007年6月对全县所有改水工程进行了调查,并采集改水工程水源水,末梢水水样进行含氟量检测,现将结果报道如下.  相似文献   
目的 了解宁夏彭阳县人间布鲁氏菌病(简称“布病”)疫情特点。方法 对2010—2021年传染病报告信息管理系统中宁夏彭阳县人间布病资料进行回顾性分析。结果 2010—2021年全县共报告488例布病病例,全县12个乡镇均有病例报告。2010—2013年属散发,2014年以后报告发病率呈上升趋势(P<0.05),2017年发病率为35.69/10万(71例)、2021年发病率为81.61/10万(131例)出现两个高峰期,2021年报告发病率较2018年增长了271.29%。报告病例数居前五位的乡镇分别为交岔乡71例(14.55%)、小岔乡56例(11.48%)、王洼镇54例(11.07%)、孟塬乡50例(10.25%)和红河乡49例(10.04%)。报告男性病例341例(69.88%),女性病例147例(30.12%),男性年均发病率(41.27/10万)高于女性(17.28/10万)。病例主要以30~60岁中青年(394例,80.74%)、农(牧)民(397例,81.35%)为主。全年各月均有发病,3~8月份为发病高峰期(306例,62.70%)。结论 宁夏彭阳县人间布病疫情严...  相似文献   
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