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关于五味子制剂治疗病毒性肝炎屡有报道,其特点是降谷丙转氨酶活力的效果迅速、幅度大。但对其降酶机理至今不清,看法不一,因而有必要通过动物实验加以阐明,供临床应用之参考。  相似文献   
The preventive actions of oleanolic acid(OA) on experimental cirrhosis have been stu-died.Results indicate that the development ofcirrhosis in rats induced by the injection ofCCl_4 and dietetic injury may be prevented byOA.It was found that the necrosis and degene-ration of the liver cells in the oleanolic acidtreated rats were less severe than those of CCl_4controls.Also the infiltration of lipid and fibro-genesis in the liver were inhibited,andSGPT level was shown to be decreased in OArats.Moreover,oleanolic acid promoted rege-neration of the liver in partially hepatectomizedrats.OA may be a rational drug for treatmentof chronic liver diseases and prevention of cirr-hosis.The mechanism of action of OA was dis-cussed.  相似文献   
EfectsofnitricoxideonhepaticdysfunctioninducedbythioacetamindeinratsZhengXiaobin郑晓宾,HanDewu韩德五,MaXuehui马学惠,XuRuiling许瑞龄andZha...  相似文献   
The development of liver cirrhosis after hepatic injury remains a difficult clinical problem that is refractory to therapeutic intervention. A number of potential contributing factors have been proposed based on experi-  相似文献   
采用四氯化碳、高脂低蛋白膳食、饮酒等复合病因刺激复制肝硬变动物模型,在肝硬变形成后,经茯苓醇治疗三周,结果表明对照组动物仍有肝硬变,而给药组动物肝硬变明显减轻,肝内胶原蛋白含量低于对照组,而尿羟脯氨酸排出量高于对照组,表明药物可促进实验性肝硬变动物肝脏胶原蛋白降解,使肝内纤维组织重吸收。  相似文献   
Twenty cases each of acute and chronicviral hepatitis were treated with potassium gly-cyrrhizinate,and another 20 such cases weretreated with inosine and Poly I:C as controlgroup.Results showed that improvement of liverfunction,decrease of SGPT levels and negativeconversion of HBsAg and HBeAg were moremarked in the glycyrrhizin group than in thecontrol.Short-term follow-up of the 20 acutecases in the glycyrrhizin group showed clinicalcure in 17 and marked improvement in 3,whilethe 20 cases in the control group showed clinicalcure in 7,marked improvement in one,improve-ment in 7 and no effect in 5.Of the chroniccases,short-term follow-up of the 20 cases in theglycyrrhizin group showed clinical cure in 15,marked improvement in 2,improvement in oneand no effect in 2,while the 20 cases in the con-trol group showed clinical cure in 2,improve-ment in 5 and no effect in 13.Animal experi-ments revealed that glycyrrhizinic acid lessen-ed the liver damage induced by carbon tetra-chloride in rats,reduced the serum levels ofSGPT and triglyceride content in liver homo-genate,and promoted the detection of serumaFP.In experimental fatty liver and livercirrhosis,glycyrrhizinic acid markedly lessenedthe fatty changes and fibrohyperplasia.How-ever,resorption of fibrous tissue was not pro-moted in the rats with liver cirrhosis.  相似文献   
目的:研究大鼠实验性肝硬变晚期腹水形成与肿瘤坏死因子α(TNFα)及肠源性内毒素血症的关系,探讨肝硬变腹水形成的机理。方法:以大鼠为实验对象,分为正常对照组(n=8)、肝硬变对照组(n=12)和肝硬变伴腹水组(n=18)。实验组采用复合因子复制肝硬变动物模型。各组均测定腹主动脉血中TNFα和内毒素水平,肝硬变组还测定了腹水量。结果:随着肝硬变形成,大鼠血中TNFα水平增高,各组含量分别为9083±1071ng/ml和9577±1276ng/ml(肝硬变组和肝硬变伴腹水组)。相关分析表明,肝硬变组腹水量与血中TNFα成正相关(r=086,P<005),内毒素水平增高,并与TNFα的浓度成正相关(r=075,P<005)。结论:肝硬变腹水形成与血中TNFα升高有关,而TNFα的升高则源于肠源性内毒素血症的形成。  相似文献   
宫颈糜烂是慢性宫颈炎常见的一种病理改变。病理性糜烂面长期得不到治疗,可由单纯性糜烂发展为颗粒型糜烂,乃至发展为乳突型糜烂,均属于慢性宫颈炎的范畴之内,是妇科的常见病及多发病之一。临床上常以阴道分泌物增多,易有血性白带、性交后出血、或伴腰酸腹痛、下腹坠胀为主要临床表现,长期得不到治愈严重影响妇女的身心健康、生活及工作。近几年来,我院对广大育龄妇女开展生殖保健工作,并进行普查普治。对息宫颈糜烂496例妇女重点使用微波进行治疗,临床疗效满意。现报道如下:  相似文献   
自2000年4月~2004年5月,我院采用口服药物流产配伍丙酸睾丸酮终止12~14周妊娠108例,临床上取得了满意效果。现将108例临床用药过程报道如下:  相似文献   
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