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Objective To investigate the effect of dietary nutrition on dental fluorosis degrees of school children in endemic fluorosis areas. Methods Two hundred and eight children aged 8 to 12 years were chosen using cluster random sampling method from a village of municipal suburban and a town of autonomous region, both with a history of serious endemic fluorosis. Morning urinary fluoride was measured by fluoride ion electrode. The Tooth Surface Index of Dean was applied to measure the severity of dental fluorosis. Food and nutrient intakes were analyzed according to the 3-day diet records and duplicate meals. Results The urinary fluoride concentration of the children in the town [(6.80±3.90)mg/L]was much higher than those in the village [(5.20±2.75)mg/L, t= 3.21, P < 0.01]. Dental fluorosis index of the children in the town was 1.9, higher than that of the village of 1.8 (H=10.266, P < 0.01). The town had more children with fluoride tooth degree higher than Ⅱ [63.3%(57/90)]than the village did[48.3% (57/118), χ2=4.633, P < 0.05]. A 3-days diet records showed that children in the village ate more protein, calcium, vitamin C and so on but less dietary fiber, vitamin E, magnesium than those in the town did(all P < 0.01). Duplicate meals revealed that children in the town had more daily intake of magnesium, lithium, lead and less cadmium than those of the village did(P < 0.01 or < 0.05). Children in the village had higher intake of fluoride[(2.24±1.18)mg/d]than those of the town [(1.78±0.06)mg/d, t = 4.21, P < 0.01]. Conclusions Healthy diet can reduce the incidence of dental fluorosis or mitigate the degree of the impairment. This study can provide scientific basis for the future control and elimination of endemic fluorosis.  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the effect of dietary nutrition on dental fluorosis degrees of school children in endemic fluorosis areas. Methods Two hundred and eight children aged 8 to 12 years were chosen using cluster random sampling method from a village of municipal suburban and a town of autonomous region, both with a history of serious endemic fluorosis. Morning urinary fluoride was measured by fluoride ion electrode. The Tooth Surface Index of Dean was applied to measure the severity of dental fluorosis. Food and nutrient intakes were analyzed according to the 3-day diet records and duplicate meals. Results The urinary fluoride concentration of the children in the town [(6.80±3.90)mg/L]was much higher than those in the village [(5.20±2.75)mg/L, t= 3.21, P < 0.01]. Dental fluorosis index of the children in the town was 1.9, higher than that of the village of 1.8 (H=10.266, P < 0.01). The town had more children with fluoride tooth degree higher than Ⅱ [63.3%(57/90)]than the village did[48.3% (57/118), χ2=4.633, P < 0.05]. A 3-days diet records showed that children in the village ate more protein, calcium, vitamin C and so on but less dietary fiber, vitamin E, magnesium than those in the town did(all P < 0.01). Duplicate meals revealed that children in the town had more daily intake of magnesium, lithium, lead and less cadmium than those of the village did(P < 0.01 or < 0.05). Children in the village had higher intake of fluoride[(2.24±1.18)mg/d]than those of the town [(1.78±0.06)mg/d, t = 4.21, P < 0.01]. Conclusions Healthy diet can reduce the incidence of dental fluorosis or mitigate the degree of the impairment. This study can provide scientific basis for the future control and elimination of endemic fluorosis.  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the effect of dietary nutrition on dental fluorosis degrees of school children in endemic fluorosis areas. Methods Two hundred and eight children aged 8 to 12 years were chosen using cluster random sampling method from a village of municipal suburban and a town of autonomous region, both with a history of serious endemic fluorosis. Morning urinary fluoride was measured by fluoride ion electrode. The Tooth Surface Index of Dean was applied to measure the severity of dental fluorosis. Food and nutrient intakes were analyzed according to the 3-day diet records and duplicate meals. Results The urinary fluoride concentration of the children in the town [(6.80±3.90)mg/L]was much higher than those in the village [(5.20±2.75)mg/L, t= 3.21, P < 0.01]. Dental fluorosis index of the children in the town was 1.9, higher than that of the village of 1.8 (H=10.266, P < 0.01). The town had more children with fluoride tooth degree higher than Ⅱ [63.3%(57/90)]than the village did[48.3% (57/118), χ2=4.633, P < 0.05]. A 3-days diet records showed that children in the village ate more protein, calcium, vitamin C and so on but less dietary fiber, vitamin E, magnesium than those in the town did(all P < 0.01). Duplicate meals revealed that children in the town had more daily intake of magnesium, lithium, lead and less cadmium than those of the village did(P < 0.01 or < 0.05). Children in the village had higher intake of fluoride[(2.24±1.18)mg/d]than those of the town [(1.78±0.06)mg/d, t = 4.21, P < 0.01]. Conclusions Healthy diet can reduce the incidence of dental fluorosis or mitigate the degree of the impairment. This study can provide scientific basis for the future control and elimination of endemic fluorosis.  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the effect of dietary nutrition on dental fluorosis degrees of school children in endemic fluorosis areas. Methods Two hundred and eight children aged 8 to 12 years were chosen using cluster random sampling method from a village of municipal suburban and a town of autonomous region, both with a history of serious endemic fluorosis. Morning urinary fluoride was measured by fluoride ion electrode. The Tooth Surface Index of Dean was applied to measure the severity of dental fluorosis. Food and nutrient intakes were analyzed according to the 3-day diet records and duplicate meals. Results The urinary fluoride concentration of the children in the town [(6.80±3.90)mg/L]was much higher than those in the village [(5.20±2.75)mg/L, t= 3.21, P < 0.01]. Dental fluorosis index of the children in the town was 1.9, higher than that of the village of 1.8 (H=10.266, P < 0.01). The town had more children with fluoride tooth degree higher than Ⅱ [63.3%(57/90)]than the village did[48.3% (57/118), χ2=4.633, P < 0.05]. A 3-days diet records showed that children in the village ate more protein, calcium, vitamin C and so on but less dietary fiber, vitamin E, magnesium than those in the town did(all P < 0.01). Duplicate meals revealed that children in the town had more daily intake of magnesium, lithium, lead and less cadmium than those of the village did(P < 0.01 or < 0.05). Children in the village had higher intake of fluoride[(2.24±1.18)mg/d]than those of the town [(1.78±0.06)mg/d, t = 4.21, P < 0.01]. Conclusions Healthy diet can reduce the incidence of dental fluorosis or mitigate the degree of the impairment. This study can provide scientific basis for the future control and elimination of endemic fluorosis.  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the effect of dietary nutrition on dental fluorosis degrees of school children in endemic fluorosis areas. Methods Two hundred and eight children aged 8 to 12 years were chosen using cluster random sampling method from a village of municipal suburban and a town of autonomous region, both with a history of serious endemic fluorosis. Morning urinary fluoride was measured by fluoride ion electrode. The Tooth Surface Index of Dean was applied to measure the severity of dental fluorosis. Food and nutrient intakes were analyzed according to the 3-day diet records and duplicate meals. Results The urinary fluoride concentration of the children in the town [(6.80±3.90)mg/L]was much higher than those in the village [(5.20±2.75)mg/L, t= 3.21, P < 0.01]. Dental fluorosis index of the children in the town was 1.9, higher than that of the village of 1.8 (H=10.266, P < 0.01). The town had more children with fluoride tooth degree higher than Ⅱ [63.3%(57/90)]than the village did[48.3% (57/118), χ2=4.633, P < 0.05]. A 3-days diet records showed that children in the village ate more protein, calcium, vitamin C and so on but less dietary fiber, vitamin E, magnesium than those in the town did(all P < 0.01). Duplicate meals revealed that children in the town had more daily intake of magnesium, lithium, lead and less cadmium than those of the village did(P < 0.01 or < 0.05). Children in the village had higher intake of fluoride[(2.24±1.18)mg/d]than those of the town [(1.78±0.06)mg/d, t = 4.21, P < 0.01]. Conclusions Healthy diet can reduce the incidence of dental fluorosis or mitigate the degree of the impairment. This study can provide scientific basis for the future control and elimination of endemic fluorosis.  相似文献   
目的 探讨氟中毒病区小学生的膳食营养状况对其氟斑牙发病程度的影响.方法 从饮水型氟中毒历史重病区某直辖市郊区镇(以下简称郊区镇)和某自治区某旗镇(以下简称某旗镇)整群随机抽样208名8~12岁小学生作为调查对象,用离子选择电极法测定尿氟,按Dean分类法检查氟斑牙病损程度,采用三日膳食调查法和双份饭菜法分析小学生营养素摄入状况.结果 某旗镇小学生尿氟为(6.80±3.90)mg/L,明显高于郊区镇小学生[(5.20±2.75)mg/L,t=3.21,P<0.01].郊区镇小学生氟斑牙指数为1.8,某旗镇小学生氟斑牙指数为1.9,二者比较差异有统计学意义(H=10.266,P<0.01).某旗镇小学生氟斑牙临床分度数加权值≥2的人数所占比例[63.3%(57/90)]高于郊区镇小学生[48.3%(57/118),χ2=4.633,P<0.05].三日膳食调查法发现,郊区镇小学生对蛋白质、钙、维生素C等12种营养素的摄入量明显高于某旗镇小学生,而膳食纤维、维生素E、镁等5种营养素的摄入量则低于某旗镇小学生(P均<0.01).双份饭菜法发现,某旗镇小学生镁、锂、铅的日摄入最高于郊区镇小学生,而镉的日摄入量则低于郊区镇小学生(P<0.01或<0.05).郊区镇小学生膳食中氟的日摄入量[(2.24±1.18)mg/d]高于某旗镇小学生[(1.78±0.06)mg/d,t=4.21,P<0.01].结论 良好的膳食营养可以减少氟斑牙的发生或减轻其病损程度,为今后控制和消除地方性氟中毒的危害提供科学依据.  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the effect of dietary nutrition on dental fluorosis degrees of school children in endemic fluorosis areas. Methods Two hundred and eight children aged 8 to 12 years were chosen using cluster random sampling method from a village of municipal suburban and a town of autonomous region, both with a history of serious endemic fluorosis. Morning urinary fluoride was measured by fluoride ion electrode. The Tooth Surface Index of Dean was applied to measure the severity of dental fluorosis. Food and nutrient intakes were analyzed according to the 3-day diet records and duplicate meals. Results The urinary fluoride concentration of the children in the town [(6.80±3.90)mg/L]was much higher than those in the village [(5.20±2.75)mg/L, t= 3.21, P < 0.01]. Dental fluorosis index of the children in the town was 1.9, higher than that of the village of 1.8 (H=10.266, P < 0.01). The town had more children with fluoride tooth degree higher than Ⅱ [63.3%(57/90)]than the village did[48.3% (57/118), χ2=4.633, P < 0.05]. A 3-days diet records showed that children in the village ate more protein, calcium, vitamin C and so on but less dietary fiber, vitamin E, magnesium than those in the town did(all P < 0.01). Duplicate meals revealed that children in the town had more daily intake of magnesium, lithium, lead and less cadmium than those of the village did(P < 0.01 or < 0.05). Children in the village had higher intake of fluoride[(2.24±1.18)mg/d]than those of the town [(1.78±0.06)mg/d, t = 4.21, P < 0.01]. Conclusions Healthy diet can reduce the incidence of dental fluorosis or mitigate the degree of the impairment. This study can provide scientific basis for the future control and elimination of endemic fluorosis.  相似文献   
大气中可吸入颗粒物对人体健康的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
经正 《职业与健康》2006,22(23):2045-2048
总悬浮颗粒物是指漂浮在空气中的固态和液态颗粒物的总称,其粒径范围约为0.1~100μm。有些颗粒物因粒径大或颜色黑可以为肉眼所见,比如烟尘;有些则小到使用电子显微镜才可观察到。通常把粒径在10μm以下的颗粒物称为PM10,又称为可吸入颗粒物或飘尘。PM10在空气中持续的时间很长,对人体健康和大气能见度影响都很大。一些颗粒物来自污染源的直接排放,比如烟囱与车辆;另一些则是由环境空气中硫的氧化物、氮氧化物、挥发性有机化合物及其他化合物互相作用形成的细小颗粒物,它们的化学和物理组成依地点、气候、1年中的季节不同而变化很大。可吸…  相似文献   
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