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Objective To evaluate diagnostic value of fragmented QRS complex (fQRS)in patients with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC). Methods Forty-three patients [33 men, aged (40. 4 ± 13.9)years]meet the ISFC/ESC diagnostic criteria for ARVC were enrolled in this study. A standard twelve-lead electrocardiogram was obtained during the resting status. Characteristics of fQRS were detailedly studied by three doctors independently. A comparison of the prevalence among fQRS, epsilon wave and T wave inversion( TWI )in the right precordial leads exceeding V3 was done. Results Most fQRS could be found in the inferior leads (44. 3% ) and the right precordial leads (24. 2% ). Within the QRS complex, the prevalence of fQRS in the R wave was significantly higher than it in the S wave(58. 4% vs 32. 9% ,Z =4. 30,P <0. 01 ).fQRS could be found in a total of 31 of 43 cases( mean 4. 6 ± 1.7 ( range 2 to 9) per patient). The prevalence of fQRS was significantly higher than that of epsilon wave ( 73.8% vs 30. 2%, Z = 3.67, P < 0. 01 ) and TWI (73.8% vs41.9% ,Z =2. 61 ,P<0. 01 ). Conclusion fQRS was a common electrocardiographic abnormality,and most was found in the inferior and right precardial leads in patients with ARVC. It may be used as an important noninvasive preliminary screening electrocardiographic criteria.  相似文献   
目的 调查单中心致心律失常性右心室心肌病(ARVC)患者PKP2突变发生率.方法 对50例考虑诊断为ARVC的患者采用2010年新诊断标准进行重新评估.采用聚合酶链式反应(PCR)扩增PKP2基因各外显子片段并测序,结果与200例正常对照组进行比对分析.结果 37例被确诊ARVC,9例为临界诊断,另4例为疑似诊断.确诊患者中有10例(27%)携带7个新突变和3个已报道突变,包括7个无义突变和3个错义突变,临界诊断及疑似诊断患者均未检测出PKP2基因突变.携带PKP2突变的患者与未携带突变的患者临床特征差异无统计学意义.结论 本组ARVC患者PKP2基因突变发生率与欧美国家相似,但突变谱存在差异.  相似文献   
目的评价碎裂QRS波(fQRs波)在致心律失常性右心室心肌病(ARVC)诊断中的价值。方法43例符合ARVC诊断标准的患者,男性33例,平均年龄(40.4±13.9)岁。采集临床资料,记录静息状态下标准12导联心电图,描述fQRs波的心电图特征,判断是否存在fQRs波、epsilon波和右胸前导联T波倒置(TWI)并比较其阳性率之间的差异。结果本组患者fQRs波以下壁导联(44.3%)和右胸前导联(24.2%)最为多见。QRS波中,fQRs波见于R波者多于S波者(58.4%对32.9%,Z=4.30,P〈0.01)。共31例患者判断为fQRS波阳性,2~9(4.6±1.7)个/例。fQRs波阳性率较epsilon波(73.8%VS30.2%,Z=3.67,P〈0.01)和TWI(73.8%对41.9%,Z=2.61,P〈0.01)显著增高。结论fQRs波阳性是ARVC患者常见的心电图异常,常见于下壁和右胸前导联,可作为提示诊断的无创心电指标。  相似文献   
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