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 : 目的 探讨口服驱砷剂2,3-二巯基-1-丙基磺酸钠(DMPS)对砷中毒患者尿砷排泄量及其种类的影响 。方法 用激发实验原理设计实验方案, 盲法测定样品。高效液相色谱-氢化物发生-原子吸收光谱法(HPLC-HG-AAS)分离并测定尿中无机砷(iAs)、一甲基砷酸(MMA)和二甲基砷酸(DMA)3种形态砷的含量;尿液经消化后用氢化物发生-原子吸收光谱法(HG-AAS)测定尿中总砷。结果 无论对照还是砷中毒患者,服DMPS后尿中总砷、无机砷、MMA和DMA的排出量均有显著增加(P0.05),DMPS可使砷中毒患者比正常对照排出更多的无机砷(P<0.05)。结论 DMPS能够动员器官和组织中蓄积砷,增加经尿的排泄总量。所增加的尿砷排泄以无机砷和MMA为主。  相似文献   
目的 了解我国西南地区干辣椒氟水平,为辣椒氟污染防治措施的制订提供参考依据.方法 从我国西南9个地区76个县(市)的市场、农户家采集干辣椒样品,记录其干燥方式、储存时间;按照Bailey标准进行分类,用离子选择电极法测定辣椒总含氟量,用水浸超声法和酸性超声法测定辣椒中氟的赋存状态即含水溶性氟和酸溶性氟的量.根据辣椒的品种、部位、干燥方式、储存时间以及氟的赋存状态,对干辣椒样品的测定数据进行分析.结果 共采集干辣椒样品296个,含氟量(几何均数)为19.6 mg/kg.辣椒样品分为樱桃椒、圆锥椒、长椒、簇生椒4种,含氟量范围分别为1.7~233.4、3.4~367.3、2.0~380.3、3.9~104.0 mg/kg,含氟量(几何均数)由高到低依次为樱桃椒(25.9 mg/kg)、长椒(20.3 mg/kg)、圆锥椒(19.5 mg/kg)、簇生椒(15.3 mg/kg).干辣椒中含水溶性氟为15.2 mg/kg,约占全氟的77.5%(15.2/19.6);酸溶性氟为18.2 mg/kg,占全氟的93.0%(18.2/19.6).不同干燥方式、贮存时间干辣椒含氟量(几何均数)由低到高依次为当年晒干(1Q9mg/kg)、往年晒干(13.7mg/kg)、当年煤火烘干(21.4 mg/kg)、往年煤火烘干(53.9 mg/kg).结论 辣椒的干燥与储存方式不当是导致辣椒氟污染的主要原因.  相似文献   
2001年3月至2010年4月,我院收治因颅脑外伤收住526例颞叶损伤患者,其中148例为颞叶脑挫裂伤继发急性精神障碍,就其治疗体会总结如下。1对象和方法一般资料:在148例颞叶脑挫裂伤继发急性精神障碍患者中,男124例、女22例,年龄14~69岁,平均34.6岁。受伤原因:坠落伤26例、击打伤38例、车祸伤84例。  相似文献   
Objective To determine the distribution and influencing factors(dehydration method, storage time and chili varieties) of arsenic contents in chilies from southwest China, and the relationship between arsenic content and selenium content in chilies. Methods There were 272 dried chili samples, 76 groups of fresh chili samples and its corresponding soil samples, which were collected from the markets and peasant households in 76 counties of 9 regions in southwest China, and 36 dried chilies from other regions in China and abroad as a comparison. Their dehydration methods and storage time were investigated. The chilies were classified by Bailey Criteria. Arsenic content and selenium content in chilies were determined with hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry. Arsenic content in soils were determined with water bath hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrum. Results Their ranges of arsenic content in dried chili and fresh chili were 0.2 - 16 637.3,0.2 - 295.8 μg/kg, respectively. The median of arsenic content in the dried chili was 106.9 μg/kg while it was 0.2 μg/kg (dry weight) in the fresh chili. The chilies median arsenic of different drying methods and storage time, in order were: the furnace-dried stored for more 1 than year( 197.3 μg/kg), the sun-dried stored for more than 1 year (130.7 μg/kg), the furnace-dried stored for less than 1 year(94.1 μg/kg), the sun-dried stored for less than 1 year (55.5 μg/kg). The arsenic content of different kinds of solar-dried chilies and roast chilies were different. In solar-dried chilies, the median of arsenic contents from a order of high to low sequences were cluster chili (101.5 μg/kg), cherry chili (95.6 μg/kg), corn chili (86.8 μg/kg), and long chili (47. 1 μg/kg); in roast chilies, the median of arsenic contents from a order of high to low sequences were cherry chili(275.5 μg/kg), cluster chili (173.0 μg/kg), corn chili( 164.3 μg/kg), and long chili( 136.8 μg/kg). The medians of chilies from other regions of China and Turkey were higher than that of southwest China, their median were 125.8,112.3 μg/kg, respectively;the medians of chilies from America, France, and other countries were lower than that of southwest China, their median were 29.4,54.1,85.3 μg/kg, respectively. There was no significant correlation between fresh chilies and its corresponding soil arsenic(r = 0.010, P > 0.05). There was a significant positive correlation between the amount of arsenic and selenium in chilies(r = 0.616, P < 0.05). Conclusions The arsenic of dried chilies from southwest China was higher than that of fresh chilies. The arsenic of chili was different with different dehydration methods and storage time. There was a significant positive correlation between the amount of arsenic and selenium in chilies.  相似文献   
目的 了解我国西南地区新鲜辣椒中含氟量的分布规律,为确定新鲜辣椒中氟的污染判别值提供本底数据.方法 自西南76个县市采集新鲜辣椒175个,按照<食品中氟的测定>(GB/T 5009.18-2003)方法进行含氟量测定,根据地区及辣椒品种,对辣椒中含氟量进行统计分析.结果 新鲜辣椒干重含氟几何均数为8.9 mg/kg,有95.54%的新鲜辣椒干重含氟量低于24.7 mg/kg.结论 我国现行的食品中氟限量低于1.0mg/kg的标准(GB 2762-2005)可能不适用于辣椒,需要确定新鲜辣椒中氟的污染判别标准.  相似文献   
目的 了解我国西南地区辣椒含砷量分布和辣椒品种、制干方式、储存时间等因素对其的影响,以及辣椒中含砷、硒的相关性.方法自我国西南9个地区76个县(市)的市场、农户家采集干辣椒样品272个,新鲜辣椒及对应土壤样品76组,并采集我国其他地区及国外辣椒样品36个作为对比.所采样品均记录其制干方式、储存时间,并按照Bailey标准对辣椒品种进行分类.采用氢化物原子荧光光谱法测定辣椒含砷量,酸消解原子荧光光谱法测定辣椒含硒量,水浴消解原子荧光光谱法测定土壤含砷量.结果我国西南地区干辣椒含砷量中位数为106.9μg/kg,范围为0.2~16 637.3 μg/kg;新鲜辣椒含砷量中位数为0.2 μg/kg(干重),范围为0.2~295.8 μg/kg.不同制干方式与储存时间的辣椒含砷量中位数由高到低依次为:往年煤火烘干的辣椒(197.3 μg/kg)、往年晒干的辣椒(130.7μg/kg)、当年煤火烘干的辣椒(94.1 μg/kg)、当年晒干的辣椒(55.5μg/kg).不同品种辣椒晒干样品含砷量中位数由高到低依次为:簇生椒(101.5 μg/kg)、樱桃椒(95.6μg/g)、圆锥椒(86.8 μg/kg)、长椒(47.1μg/kg);而煤火烘干样品含砷量中位数由高到低依次为:樱桃椒(275.5μg/kg)、簇生椒(173.0 μg/kg)、圆锥椒(164.3μg/kg)、长椒(136.8 μg/kg).我国其他地区和土耳其的辣椒样含砷量中位数(125.8 112.3μg/kg)略高于我国西南地区;美国、法国及其他国家的辣椒样含砷量中位数(29.4、54.1、85.3μg/kg)明显低于我国西南地区.新鲜辣椒与其对应的土壤含砷量无显著性相关关系(r=0.010,P>0.05).辣椒含砷量与含硒量间存在显著的正相关关系(r=0.616,P<0.05).结论我国西南地区干辣椒含砷量明显高于新鲜辣椒,不同品种、制干方式和储存时间的辣椒含砷量不同,部分辣椒存在着一定程度的砷、硒同时污染.  相似文献   
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