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目的:了解公立综合医院职工对社区卫生服务的认知状况,分析其影响因素,为提高医院职工对社区卫生服务认知度,合理配置卫生资源提供依据。方法选取某市两所二级甲等公立综合医院,随机抽取医院职工进行问卷调查,利用 Epi-Data、描述性统计分析、Pearson 卡方检验等对收集的资料进行整理与分析。结果公立综合医院职工对社区卫生服务性质、特点等方面了解较少,不同职称、不同岗位类别的职工,对首诊负责制的了解及双向转诊参与度均存在差异。结论大多数公立综合医院职工对社区卫生服务机构的性质、居民健康档案的了解较多,但是对社区卫生服务实行部分药品零差价销售政策、社区卫生服务的特点以及医疗卫生体制改革中社区卫生服务的内容了解程度不够。职称、岗位类别、学历均是影响职工对社区卫生服务利用的影响因素。  相似文献   
四川三峡移民心理健康状况及影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解和分析四川外迁移民的心理健康状况及影响因素。方法通过整群分层随机抽样,采用居民基本情况调查表、症状自评量表(SCL-90)、团体用心理社会应激调查表(PSSG)及社会支持评定量表(SSRS)4种问卷调查,收集和分析移民和当地居民的心理健康状况及其影响因素。结果两人群性别、年龄、婚姻状况、文化程度、职业、经济状况、性格构成均一致,外迁移民有医疗保障的明显少于当地居民(P<0.01)。外迁移民的症状自评量表得分及心理应激水平高于当地居民(P<0.01),社会支持低于当地(P<0.01),移民后56.00%的居民职业发生了变化。多元线性回归分析,是否移民、年龄、婚姻、职业、心理应激及社会支持情况与移民的心理健康水平相关。结论外迁移民的心理健康状况比较差,政府应加强对他们的经济扶持,注重对他们的人文关怀。  相似文献   
目的分析医学院校管理类专业毕业生就业认知情况,为提高毕业生就业质量提供参考。方法采用自行设计的问卷进行调查,通过深入访谈了解毕业生对相关问题的具体看法,使用EpiData 3.2软件录入数据,SAS9.0软件进行统计分析。结果共调查128名大学生,8.6%的男生和19.4%的女生认为就业形势不严峻,差异不具有显著性(P>0.05);14.3%的男生和33.3%的女生不会选择自主创业,差异具有显著性(P<0.05);公共事业管理、劳动与社会保障、市场营销、信息管理与信息系统专业分别有78.6%、75.9%、67.8%和53.8%的学生接受与本专业不相关的工作,差异不具有显著性(P>0.05)。结论医学院校管理类专业毕业生普遍认为就业形势不乐观,这不利于其建立良好的专业认同感。  相似文献   
体罚(corporal punishment)是指通过对人身体的责罚,特别是造成疼痛,来进行惩罚或教育的行为。教师体罚学生是中西方古代教育的共同特点,古希腊、古罗马不仅教育灌输色彩浓厚,并带有一定强制性。在教育过程中,如果学生服从就好,如果学生不服从,就打骂威吓直到其服从。在中国古代社会,教师体罚现象是教师管理教导学生常用的手段。在我国最早的文字甲骨文中“教”字的意思就是教师手持棍棒(卜)迫使青少年在经典的约束下行动。我国的孔子、孟子、荀子、韩非子无论从性善论还是从性恶论的观点都主张体罚对人的意义,因而教师体罚学生的现象很普遍[1]。资产阶级革命以后,随着人文主义的兴起,越来越多的学者主张教育应尊重学生的人格,尊重学生的个性、主体性和创造性,体罚逐渐减少。体罚不仅影响儿童的认知,还与儿童的攻击性及反社会行为有关,对儿童的心理健康也会产生严重的不良影响[2]。我国从民国时期开始就严禁体罚学生,新中国成立以后更是多次颁布一系列法律法规禁止体罚学生[3]。  相似文献   
目的 了解重庆市抽样地区人群尿碘水平,探讨其影响因素.方法 选择重庆市渝东地区的云阳县和渝西地区的璧山县为调查县,采用多级整群随机抽样方法,在两县经济状况为中等的一类乡镇中,各抽取3所乡镇小学,在每所小学选择8~10岁儿童30名作为调查对象,检测其尿碘、家庭食用盐含碘量,采集当地居民饮用水水样,检测含碘量.结果 共检测儿童尿样571份,云阳县和璧山县总的尿碘中位数为261.47μg/L,尿碘<100μg/L和>300μg/L的比例分别为5.78%(33/571)和37.48%(214/571);云阳县儿童尿碘中位数(278.64μg/L)高于璧山县(240.6μg/L),二者比较差异有统计学意义(H=7.42,P<0.01).检测家庭食用盐556份,碘盐覆盖率、碘盐合格率、合格碘盐食用率分别为99.64%(554/556)、94.22%(522/554)、93.88%(522/556).检测居民饮用水87份,两县水碘均值分别为8.81、2.97μg/L.结论 云阳县、璧山县均为缺碘地区,人群尿碘水平达到消除碘缺乏病的标准.但在长期食用现行加碘量食盐的情况下,调查地区儿童尿碘水平有偏高的趋势,可考虑适当调整食盐含碘量.  相似文献   
糖尿病是一种慢性终身性疾病,久病可以引起全身多个系统的损害,其发生发展与患者的行为生活方式密切相关。因而在长期的治疗过程中,患者的自我管理及教育非常重要[1]。加强患者的自我管理,寻找有效的健康教育方式已成为目前糖尿病防治中的重要问题。但目前国内针对糖尿病的健康教育尚没有统一的要求与标准,仍需不断改进,丰富教育方式和内容,本文现对不同的健康教育方式在糖尿病中的应用进行分析与探讨。  相似文献   
Objective To determine the urinary iodine level of people in Yunyang and Bishan County of Chongqing and explore into its influencing factors. Methods Using multistage cluster stratified simple random sample method, Yunyang and Bishan County were chosen as research spots, then thirty children aged 8-10 in each 3 primary school of the 2 counties were selected using stratified randomization sampling method to inspected their urine and household salt for iodine and the iodine content in drinking water. Results Five hundred and seventy-one urine samples were inspected and the urinary iodine median was 261.47 μg/L. 5.78% (33/571) and 37.48%(214/571) of samples had an urinary iodine median less than 100 μg/L and more than 300 μg/L. The urinary iodine median of Yunyang County was higher than that of Bishan (H = 7.42, P < 0.01). The iodine salt coverage rate, the qualified rate and edible qualified iodine salt rate respectively were 99.64%(554/556), 94.22% (522/554) and 93.88% (522/556) in 556 samples of family table salt. Eighty-seven samples of drinking water were inspected, resulting an averaged iodine content of 8.81 and 2.97 μg/L, respectively in the 2 counties. Conclusions The 2 counties are all the area of iodine deficiency. The urinary iodine level, although meeting the demand of eliminating iodine deficiency diseases, is a little bit higher given that iodized salt of present doage has been taken for a long time. The content of iodized salt should be adjusted accordingly.  相似文献   
Objective To determine the urinary iodine level of people in Yunyang and Bishan County of Chongqing and explore into its influencing factors. Methods Using multistage cluster stratified simple random sample method, Yunyang and Bishan County were chosen as research spots, then thirty children aged 8-10 in each 3 primary school of the 2 counties were selected using stratified randomization sampling method to inspected their urine and household salt for iodine and the iodine content in drinking water. Results Five hundred and seventy-one urine samples were inspected and the urinary iodine median was 261.47 μg/L. 5.78% (33/571) and 37.48%(214/571) of samples had an urinary iodine median less than 100 μg/L and more than 300 μg/L. The urinary iodine median of Yunyang County was higher than that of Bishan (H = 7.42, P < 0.01). The iodine salt coverage rate, the qualified rate and edible qualified iodine salt rate respectively were 99.64%(554/556), 94.22% (522/554) and 93.88% (522/556) in 556 samples of family table salt. Eighty-seven samples of drinking water were inspected, resulting an averaged iodine content of 8.81 and 2.97 μg/L, respectively in the 2 counties. Conclusions The 2 counties are all the area of iodine deficiency. The urinary iodine level, although meeting the demand of eliminating iodine deficiency diseases, is a little bit higher given that iodized salt of present doage has been taken for a long time. The content of iodized salt should be adjusted accordingly.  相似文献   
2007年重庆市云阳县和璧山县8~10岁儿童尿碘水平分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Objective To determine the urinary iodine level of people in Yunyang and Bishan County of Chongqing and explore into its influencing factors. Methods Using multistage cluster stratified simple random sample method, Yunyang and Bishan County were chosen as research spots, then thirty children aged 8-10 in each 3 primary school of the 2 counties were selected using stratified randomization sampling method to inspected their urine and household salt for iodine and the iodine content in drinking water. Results Five hundred and seventy-one urine samples were inspected and the urinary iodine median was 261.47 μg/L. 5.78% (33/571) and 37.48%(214/571) of samples had an urinary iodine median less than 100 μg/L and more than 300 μg/L. The urinary iodine median of Yunyang County was higher than that of Bishan (H = 7.42, P < 0.01). The iodine salt coverage rate, the qualified rate and edible qualified iodine salt rate respectively were 99.64%(554/556), 94.22% (522/554) and 93.88% (522/556) in 556 samples of family table salt. Eighty-seven samples of drinking water were inspected, resulting an averaged iodine content of 8.81 and 2.97 μg/L, respectively in the 2 counties. Conclusions The 2 counties are all the area of iodine deficiency. The urinary iodine level, although meeting the demand of eliminating iodine deficiency diseases, is a little bit higher given that iodized salt of present doage has been taken for a long time. The content of iodized salt should be adjusted accordingly.  相似文献   
正在不同医学观指导下,医生对病人(或健康人)的照顾存在着两种不同的模式,即以疾病为中心的照顾模式和以人为中心的照顾模式。随着社会的发展、医学观的转变及人们卫生服务需求的不断增长,以疾病为中心的照顾模式越来越暴露出其不足和缺陷,从而被以人为中心的照顾模式所替代。  相似文献   
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