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In a patient with sustained ventricular tachycardia, we obtained two different paced QRS morphologies from a single pacing site. In one QRS morphology the stimulus to the QRS complex was long, 150 msec, and in the other it was 100 msec. At the paced cycle length of 600 msec and the stimulus output of 4 V, one QRS morphology with the stimulus to the onset of QRS activation (St-QRS) interval of 150 msec was observed. At the paced cycle length of 400 msec, the other QRS morphology with a St-QRS interval of 100 msec was observed alternatively with the former. At the paced cycle length of 353 msec or 316 msec, the latter with a shorter St-QRS interval was exclusively observed. When the stimulus output was increased from 4 to 10 V, keeping with the paced cycle length at 400 msec, the St-QRS interval was shortened from 100 to 80 msec. For the two QRS morphologies with two St-QRS intervals, two slowly conducting pathways would be responsible. The site of the block in the faster pathway must be located at the proximity of the pacing site and the conduction at a shorter paced cycle length would be explained by "supernormal conduction."  相似文献   
Glass wool and continuous glass filaments have been used in industry. We examined the irritability of those among Japanese. A patch test was performed on 43 volunteers for the followings: glass wool for non-residential use with and without a urea-modified phenolic resin binder, that for residential use with and without the binder, and continuous glass filaments with diameters of 4, 7, 9, and 13 µm. Materials were applied to an upper arm of each volunteer for 24 h. The skin was observed at 1 and 24 h after the removal. At 1 h after removal, slight erythema was observed on the skin of a woman after the exposure to glass wool for residential use without the binder. Erythema was observed on the skin of another woman at 1 h after a 24-h exposure to glass wool for non-residential use without the binder. There were no reactions at 24 h after the removal. The low reactions in the patch test suggested that the irritability caused by glass wool, irrespective of a resin component, could be induced mechanically, and that the irritability caused by continuous glass filaments with resin could be slight and either mechanical or chemical.  相似文献   
Electrophysiological studies can be useful in the presence of idiopathic ventricular fibrillation (VF) and may be used when selecting antiarrhythmic drugs. However, the yield, the mode, and the long-term reproducibility of the induction of VF have not yet been fully elucidated. Eight patients with idiopathic VF underwent electrophysiological study. The mean age (± SD) was 45 ± 17 years. Six were males and two were females. Diagnosis was done by exclusion. VF was induced in 6 (75%) of 8 patients using double extra stimuli at coupling intervals of 233 ± 39 and 191 ± 20 ms for the first and second extra stimuli, respectively. Of note, VF was induced by stimulation exclusively at the origin of the premature ventricular beat, which was the first complex of VF in two patients. In another patient, VF was initiated by two premature stimuli and also by a pause produced by rapid pacing. The inducibility of VF was reproduced 9–18 months after the first induction in all of the four patients studied. When the ability of antiarrhythmic drugs to suppress VF inducibility was confirmed, no recurrence was observed during the follow-up period of 40–160 months, but a recurrence of VF was observed in one of two nonresponders. In one patient, amiodarone administration failed in preventing VF induction 9 months after initiation of therapy, and reassessment of long-term drug-efficacy might be indicated in some patients. In conclusion, idiopathic VF was highly inducible (75%) with double extra stimuli. In this study, it was induced from a specific site (2/8) or by a pause (1/8). Induction of VF seemed to be reproduced 9–18 months after the first study. The outcome was considered favorable when the inducibility of VF was suppressed by antiarrhythmic drugs.  相似文献   
In 23 consecutive patients, radiofrequency (RF) ablation was used as treatment for idiopathic ventricular tachycardia (VT) originating from the outflow tract of the right ventricle. In this study, we focused on the repetitive ventricular response (> 5 consecutive QRS beats during RF application). The incidence and clinical implications of the repetitive ventricular response were examined through the results of endocardial mapping and RF ablation. VT origin was mapped as the earliest activation site during VT, and it was determined within 0.5 × 0.5 cm (narrow site) in 13 patients and wider than 0.5 × 0.5 cm (wide origin) in the other 10 patients. The repetitive ventricular response was induced during application of RF current in 14 of 23 patients (61%), and it was more frequently observed in VT from a wide origin (100%) than in the VT from a narrow site (31%). The QRS morphology of the repetitive ventricular response was identical to that of clinical VT. As RF application was continued and/or repeated, the RR interval of the repetitive ventricular response was gradually prolonged, the number of consecutive QRS complexes was decreased, and clinical VT was finally eliminated. The overall success rate of RF ablation was 96% (22/23 patients), and no complications were observed. In conclusion, a repetitive ventricular response was frequently observed in idiopathic right VT. The changing pattern of repetitive ventricular response, slowing, and/or disappearing was consistent with successful RF ablation.  相似文献   
We performed radiofrequency current catheter ablation in two patients with nonischemic sustained ventricular tachycardia (VT). In one patient, two morphologically distinct VTs were induced by electrical stimulation. One showed right bundle branch block pattern and the other left bundle branch block pattern. The earliest site of activation during each VT was determined at the septum of the right ventricle. However, these two sites were close to the His-bundle elecfrogram recording area. In the other patient, a VT with a left bundle branch block pattern occurred spontaneously after the administration of isoproterenol. The earliest site of activation during VT was determined at the outflow tract of the right ventricle. During tachycardia, radiofrequency current ablation (40 W ± 30 sec) was delivered to the earliest site of activation, A few seconds after fulguration, each VT was terminated and additional radio-frequency currents were given near these sites. After the ablation, VT could not be induced by the electrical stimulations, nor did it recur. No side effects were observed and the atrioventricular conduction remained intact. We feel that nonischemic VTs could possibly be treated by using radiofrequency current catheter ablation.  相似文献   
In the past 4 years, 34 asymptomatic patients with the Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) pattern underwent electrophysiologic study. The effective refractory period (ERP) of antegrade conduction over the accessory pathway was 288 +/- 29 msec. In three asymptomatic patients (9%), the antegrade ERP of the accessory pathway was shorter than 250 msec. The antegrade ERP of the accessory pathway became shorter than 250 msec in an additional 12 of 22 (55%) patients after isoproterenol administration. Nineteen (56%) of the asymptomatic patients showed the absence of retrograde conduction over the accessory pathway even after isoproterenol administration. The rate of induction of orthodromic reciprocating tachycardia in the asymptomatic WPW patients was 15% (5/34), which was significantly lower than that in the symptomatic patients. These data suggest that in the asymptomatic patients, the absence of retrograde conduction over the accessory pathway is the reason they remained asymptomatic, free of reciprocating tachycardia. However, even in the asymptomatic patients, some had the accessory pathway in which antegrade ERP was shorter than 250 msec. They may result in rapid ventricular conduction over the accessory pathway when atrial fibrillation develops.  相似文献   
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