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The typical fourth criterion for transient entrainment is defined when both a sudden shortening in conduction interval to and a distinct change in electrogram morphology at a bipolar recording site are demonstrated while performing overdrive pacing of a reentrant tachycardia from a single pacing site at two different constant rates. The purpose of this article was to test the hypothesis that if an intracardiac recording site showing both orthodromic and antidromic capture with entrainment pacing is located suitably distant from the circuit, sudden shortening in conduction interval to that site may occur without any significant change in the bipolar electrogram morphology (i.e., atypical form of the fourth criterion). Atrial overdrive pacing of orthodromic tachycardia was performed in 20 patients with either left anterior (12 patients) or left posterior (8 patients) accessory pathways. We investigated the effects of overdrive pacing from the proximal or distal coronary sinus, specifically effects on the electrogram interval and the electrogram morphology at the right atrial appendage. Overdrive pacing of orthodromic tachycardia from the proximal coronary sinus was performed in 10 of the 12 patients with left anterior accessory pathways; those 10 patients demonstrated the first entrainment criterion at the right atrial appendage site. Overdrive pacing of orthodromic tachycardia at still shorter cycle lengths demonstrated a sudden shortening in conduction interval to the right atrial appendage site. Despite shortening in conduction interval the morphology of the right atrial appendage electrogram was completely or almost identical to that during orthodromic tachycardia, indicating an atypical form of the fourth criterion. This criterion was not demonstrated in patients with left posterior accessory pathways. Thus, atypical fourth entrainment criterion was demonstrated during overdrive pacing of orthodromic tachycardia from the proximal coronary sinus only in patients with left anterior accessory path ways. Demonstration of atypical fourth criterion seems largely dependent on the location of the accessory pathway, the pacing, and the recording sites.  相似文献   
Some recent works suggest that extranodal atrial fibers may form part of the reenlry circuit in the atrioventricular (AV) nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT). This hypothesis is based on the fact that the perinodal dissection successfully abolished AVNRT while preserving intact AV conduction. Apart from the surgical success, the electrophysiological evidence supporting this hypothesis has not been demonstrated, especially in the uncommon (fast-slow) form of AVNRT. We present some electrophysiological evidence suggesting atrial participation in eight patients with the fast-slow form of AVNRT. During the tachycardia, rapid pacing or extrastimulation was done from the orifice of the coronary sinus (CS) and the right atrium (RA), while recording the electrograms of the CS and the low septal RA. In seven patients, right and left atrial dissociation was demonstrated during pacing from the RA, while in the remaining one this was demonstrated from the CS. The interatrial dissociation will be unlikely if the intranodal reentry circuit connects with the atria via a single upper common pathway. This suggests that the upper turnaround of the reentry circuit involves atrial tissue and that the extranodal accessory pathway with long conduction times may form the ascending limb of the circuit (atrionodal reentry). Alternatively, the reentry circuit is entirely intranodal and two or more connecting pathways are present between the atria and the circuit.  相似文献   
Niacinamide is known to have effectiveness on sallowness, wrinkling, red blotchiness and hyperpigmented spots in aging skin. In this study, we have evaluated the anti‐wrinkle effects of a new cosmetic containing niacinamide. A randomized, placebo‐controlled, split face study was performed in 30 healthy Japanese females who had wrinkles in the eye areas. The tested cosmetic containing 4% niacinamide was applied on wrinkles of one side for 8 weeks, and a control cosmetic without niacinamide on another site. Anti‐wrinkle effects were evaluated with two methods: (i) doctors’ observation and photographs based on the guideline of the Japan Cosmetic Industry Association; and (ii) average roughness of skin surface (Ra value) using skin replica. This cosmetic showed marked and moderate improvement in 64% of the subjects with a significant difference as compared with the control site (P < 0.001). Wrinkle grades in the tested area significantly reduced more than pre‐application (P < 0.001) and the control (P < 0.001). Reduction in Ra value on the tested area was more than pre‐application (P < 0.01) and the control site (P < 0.05) with significant differences Only one subject stopped the study with minimal irritation. These results indicated that the tested lotion was well tolerated and may be an optional preparation for the treatment of wrinkles in the eye areas.  相似文献   
In patients with dual atrioventricular (AV) nodal pathways,double ventricular responses to a single atrial depolarizationhave been shown to occur, but virtually only during a trialpacing in sinus rhythm. We report on a patient with a slow-fastform of AV nodal reentrant tachycardia who exhibited doubleventricular responses following extrastimulation during AV nodalreentrant tachycardia. The phenomenon of double ventricularresponses during the tachycardia was demonstrated by ex trastimulationfrom the proximal coronary sinus. Retrograde unidirectionalblock in the slow pathway, and an anterograde effective refractoryperiod that was shorter in the fast pathway than that in theslow pathway, are suggested.  相似文献   
A case of melorheostosis in a 57-year-old Japanese woman is presented. This case is noteworthy because of its unusual radiographic features and local findings and its unusually long follow-up period of more than 29 years. Melorheostosis progresses very slowly over a long period of time, and can show bizarre features, simulating malignant tumor.  相似文献   
Anterograde concealed conduction into the concealed accessory atrioventricular (AV) pathway has been postulated to be one of the factors preventing the reciprocating process via the accessory pathway in patients with the concealed Wolff-Parkinson-White(WPW) syndrome but its presence has not been documented. To demonstrate the occurrence of anterograde concealment, 12 patients with the concealed WPW syndrome were selected for study. A pacing protocol was designed in which the retrograde conduction of the ventricular extrastimulus over the accessory pathway was assessed during ventricular pacing aione (conventional method) and during the AV simultaneous pacing (simultaneous method); the results were then compared. When the high right atrium was simultaneously paced, the effective refractory period of the concealed accessory pathway shortened as compared with the conventional method in five of 12 patients (from 341.7 ± 110.8 to 312.5 ± 108.2 msec, n = 12), whereas, it decreased in all patients studied when the coronary sinus near the accessory pathway was simultaneously paced (from 375.7 ± 135.0 to 287. ± 116.1 msec, n = 7). These results demonstrate that the AV simultaneous pacing frequently shortens the refractoriness of the concealed accessory AV pathway and such facilitation seems to he well explained by the probable anterograde concealment in it and peeling back of the refractory barrier.  相似文献   
AH Shortening During ORT. Introduction: During extrastimulation or entrainment of orthodromic atrioventricular (AV) reciprocating tachycardia (ORT), the atriuni-His (AH) interval as measured at the His-bundle recording site is expected to lengthen due to extrastimu-Lation-dependent or pacing rate-dependent slowing of AV nodal conduction by impulses that penetrate the tachycardia circuit. We report 6 patients in whom the AH interval “paradoxically” shortened during ORT in response to extrastimulation and rapid pacing from the proximal coronary sinus. Methods and Results: Accessory pathway location was right anterior (1 patient), right anteroseptal (1 patient), and left anterior (4 patients). Cycle length of ORT was stahle (variation ≤ 5 msec) and ranged from 325 to 410 msec. During ORT, extrastimulation and rapid pacing were performed from the proximal coronary sinus and the right atrium. Extrastimulation from the proximal coronary sinus late in diastole caused significant shortening of AH interval in all patients hy a mean of 18 ± 3 msec (range 15 to 20 msec). AH shortening was demonstrated without a change of either the timing or morphologic appearance of the low septal right atrium at the H is-bundle recording site. This phenomenon was not ohserved during right atrial extrastimulation. Rapid pacing from the proximal coronary sinus at cycle lengths of 305 to 390 msec (i.e., 15 to 20 msec shorter than the cycle length of each ORT) again demonstrated shortening of AH interval in all patients by a mean of 15 ± 3 msec (range 10 to 20 msec). By contrast, rapid pacing from the right atrium demonstrated classical AH prolongation at any paced cycle length. Conclusion: AH shortening without a change of either the timing or morphologic appearance of the low septal right atrium at the His-handle recording site confirms the existence of a distinct posterior atrial input to the AV node. In this setting low septal right atrial activation is not requisite for AV nodal conduction. Whether activation of the low septal right atrium is essential for. or contributes to, AV nodal conduction of atrial impulses from locations other than the proximal coronary sinus needs to he determined.  相似文献   
A case of mycotic aneurysm secondary to septicemia is reported. A 59-year-old man with end-stage renal failure underwent renal transplantation from a living donor. On the fifteenth postoperative day, he was febrile and his arm around an entry wound of the drip infusion had infectious signs. Cultures of the blood and pus discharge grew Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Vancomycin was administered intravenously for 30 days. Then the existence of a mycotic aneurysm on the transplant artery was not suspected by computed tomography. After his infectious signs disappeared, examinations revealed a pseudoaneurysm measuring 4 cm in diameter at the site of anastomosis between the renal transplant and external iliac arteries by computed tomography. He has been carefully followed up with a conservative management. This is the first case of a mycotic aneurysm treated conservatively and displaying an uneventful course without rupture.  相似文献   
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