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临床医学   1篇
内科学   2篇
  1986年   2篇
  1979年   1篇
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The aim of the present investigation was to discover whetherdisturbed left ventricular (LV) function limits renal replacementtherapy in patients with juvenile onset diabetes mellitus. Seventeenpatients given functioning kidney grafts were studied non-invasively(M-mode echocardiography, apexcardiography, phonocardiography)before renal transplant and an average of six, 13 and 44 monthsafter transplant. The main pretransplant findings were pronouncedLV hypertrophy with impaired diastolic LV function (prolongedrelaxation time + signs of decreased LV distensibility) anda hyperdynamic circulation. Most of these abnormalities were significantly less severe aftersuccessful kidney transplantation. LV mass decreased by 37%44 months after transplant (p<0.01) and LV diastolic andsystolic volumes decreased with a subsequent increase in ejectionfraction from 0.65 to 0.78 (p<0.01). The LV distensibilityand filling pattern improved significantly while the prolongedrelaxation time was unchanged. These findings imply that pretransplant disturbances in LV functionare related more to factors such as hypertension, volume overloadand uraemia than to diabetes per se because no pronounced improvementin the metabolic disorder resulting from diabetes can be expected,even after the most successful transplant. Disturbed LV functionshould not, therefore, exclude uraemic diabetics from renalreplacement.  相似文献   
Lipid and carbohydrate metabolism variables were studied in twenty-eight patients with chronic renal failure (mean GFR 7.7 +/- 2.5 ml/min) and uraemic symptoms. 71% of the patients had hypertriglyceridaemia (greater than or equal to 2.2 mmol/l). Total serum cholesterol was normal while VLDL cholesterol was high and alpha-lipoprotein cholesterol was low. The fractional elimination rate of Intralipid was low and inversely correlated to serum triglyceride levels. Intravenous glucose tolerance was reduced with normal or slightly increased fasting blood glucose and insulin values before and during the test. Serum triglycerides were correlated to plasma insulin but not to residual renal function or serum urea levels. The cause of hypertriglyceridaemia and lowering of alpha-Lp cholesterol is not unequivocally clear. Present evidence indicate that retarded catabloism of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins is important but accentuated release of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins may have occurred in a number of cases. The commonly used treatment with beta-blocking agents for hypertension in chronic renal failure may accentuate certain of the metabolic responses in uraemia.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT The muscle strength of the quadriceps muscle was measured in a computerized modified Cybex II muscle dynamometer. The method used is easy and has an error of >5%. A marked increase in muscular strength was found after successful surgery for primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) with normalization of serum calcium levels. The results support the opinion that all patients with PHPT, with or without muscle weakness, should be recommended an operation if no serious contra-indications exist.  相似文献   
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