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akerjordet k. & severinsson e. (2010) Journal of Nursing Management 18, 363–382
The state of the science of emotional intelligence related to nursing leadership: an integrative review Aim To explore the state of the science of emotional intelligence (EI) related to nursing leadership and its critiques. Background The phenomenon of EI has emerged as a potential new construct of importance for nursing leadership that enhances educational, organizational, staff and patient outcomes. Nevertheless, important questions and critical reflections related to exaggerated claims, conceptualizations and measurements exist. Method A literature search was conducted using international databases covering the period January 1999 to December 2009. A manual search of relevant journals and significant references increased the data. Results Critical reflection seems to be associated with the unsubstantiated predictive validity of EI in the area of nursing leadership. In addition, important moral issues are called into question. Conclusions It is important to possess in-depth knowledge of EI and its scientific critique when integrating the concept into nursing research, education and practical settings. More attention to the nature of emotion in EI is necessary. Implications for nursing leadership The dynamics of EI should be explored in the context of both the surrounding environment and individual differences, as the latter can be adaptive in some settings but harmful in others.  相似文献   
LYBERG A. & SEVERINSSON E. (2010) Journal of Nursing Management 18, 391–399
Midwives' supervisory styles and leadership role as experienced by Norwegian mothers in the context of a fear of childbirth Aim The aim of the present study was to describe the midwives’ supervisory style and leadership role as experienced by pregnant women and new mothers in the context of a fear of childbirth. Background A service led by midwives can influence the quality of care. Methods The sample consisted of 13 mothers. Data were interpreted by means of qualitative content analysis. Results The findings revealed that the midwives’ supervisory styles were related to their ability to create a trusting and caring relationship, demonstrate problem-solving capacity, and showing willingness, preparedness and courage to support the women. The midwives’ leadership role was described as involving a crucial set of professional management skills and techniques. Conclusion The findings have strengthened the argument for the provision of continuity of care to women who are afraid of childbirth. Further studies should focus more specifically on the implementation of research in practice. Implication for nursing management It is necessary for midwives to demonstrate leadership in order to develop practice, predict challenges and changes, provide different care delivery models and acquire an evidence base for care. This also demands systematic supervision to improve care outcomes.  相似文献   
The death of a partner in later life is generally experienced as the most stressful normative life event. This study reviewed evidence about the emotional state of widows. Both qualitative and quantitative studies were included in the review. A systematic search was made of the OVID Medline, PubMed, ProQuest, and EBSCOhost/Academic Search Premier databases using the following search words: “depression”, “elderly”/“older”, “emotional state”, “mood”, “self‐management”, “widows”, and “women” for the period January 2000 to December 2010. Thirteen articles met the inclusion criteria, and a qualitative content analysis was used to review them. The findings revealed one main theme: “A struggle to perceive meaning in the meaningless”, which was based on three themes: “Numbing the pain and struggling to control feelings”, “Feeling sad, yet trying to maintain close emotional relationships and meaningful activities”, and “The process of change and self‐management dominated by resilience”. The widows seemed overwhelmed by the need to overcome an unbearable emotional state. The resilience process was experienced as a struggle, and they required time to improve their well‐being and self‐management. To achieve self‐management, nurses should strengthen widows' optimism, control, well‐being, and the pathways that lead to recovery.  相似文献   
Severe antenatal fear of childbirth causes adverse effects on emotional well‐being during the postpartum period. The Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire is widely used to measure fear of childbirth among women before (version A) and after (version B) delivery. In this study, the original Swedish version was translated into Japanese, and its validity and reliability were examined among healthy, pregnant Japanese women. The Japanese‐translated version presented a multidimensional structure with four factors: fear, lack of positive anticipation, isolation, and riskiness. Exhibiting concurrent/convergent validity, the Japanese version correlated with other psychological measures at expected levels. The Cronbach's α (0.90) and the intraclass correlation coefficient (0.86, P < 0.001) were high. In conclusion, the results provide support for the Japanese version to be considered a valid and reliable measure of prenatal fear of childbirth among pregnant Japanese women.  相似文献   
Doctoral education in nursing and midwifery is expanding, placing higher demands on research supervision (RS). In this study, rights and responsibilities are examined, as well as academic supervisors' and postgraduate students' perceptions of important aspects of the RS process. A qualitative approach comprising 15 interviews and interpretative content analysis was employed. An overarching theme emerged: “the nature of the research supervisory relationship”, describing the creation of a caring, constructive, supportive, and empowering relationship. In addition, two categories were identified: “taking responsibility for engaging in transformational learning, creating a research culture, and contributing to knowledge development” and “taking responsibility for safeguarding rights, as well as for enhancing awareness of research ethics and codes of practice”. The findings suggest that a dynamic trusting supervisory relationship is a prerequisite for excellence in the RS process. In conclusion, this study provides evidence of the need for conceptualization of the RS process, and that it can be facilitated by a better understanding of how various ethical issues impact on research development.  相似文献   
Protracted bodily pain is a phenomenon that often affects a human being's whole life. Care of human beings with protracted pain is challenging because pain is not always measureable, and the experiences of pain are subjective, unique and shapeshifting. Therefore, the aim is to highlight what protracted bodily pain signifies for the human being, and human beings' experiences of what is caring in a context of protracted bodily pain. Four informants with protracted bodily pain took part in a focus group interview. The interview was analysed by using a qualitative content analysis with a hermeneutic approach. The findings show that protracted pain renders human beings speechless, limits and robs them of their lives. The pain is described as a domineering, unpleasant and unwelcome guest. The pain can change the human being's personality and creates feelings of guilt. Uncertainty about the origin of the pain as well as a nonchalant treatment or not being believed intensifies the pain. Human being experience mastering the pain, encounters with caregivers who can ease the burden, community with others and finding that little something extra in everyday life is experienced as caring. From a caring science perspective, the relation between protracted pain and suffering is obvious. Suffering emerges as illness suffering, as life suffering and as suffering caused by care. Professional as well as natural caring is important in a context of protracted bodily pain. The human being longs to encounter caregivers who are courageous enough to lay themselves on the line. Community with people who are prepared to share the burden eases the heavy burden that pain brings to life, it brings hope and relief.  相似文献   
severinsson e. & sand å. (2010) Journal of Nursing Management  18, 669–677
Evaluation of the clinical supervision and professional development of student nurses Aim The aim of the present study was to evaluate the clinical supervision and professional development of student nurses during their undergraduate education. Background Nursing education has undergone radical changes as a result of improvements in the academic-based clinical education required for the Bachelor’s degree. Methods The sample consisted of student nurses (n = 147) and data were collected by means of questionnaires. Results The results demonstrated that the frequency of sessions and the supervision model employed influence the student nurses’ professional development. Several significant correlations were found, most of which were related to the development of the student nurses’ professional relationships with their supervisors and reflection on the development of their skills. From the patients’ perspective, a high correlation was found between the factors ‘preserving integrity’ and ‘protecting participation by patients and family members’. Conclusions Clinical supervision strongly influences the student nurses’ development of a professional identity, enhancing decision-making ability and personal growth. However, development of documentation skills should include a greater level of user involvement. Implications for nursing management The findings highlight the need for management and staff nurses to engage in on-going professional development. Transformative leadership, which is value driven, can facilitate and enhance the supervision and development of student nurses.  相似文献   
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