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Alcohol abuse is associated with an increased risk of osteopeniaand fractures. Previous histomorphometric studies on iliac crestbone have found decreased bone formation and increased boneresorption in alcohol abusers but it has not been establishedwhether alcohol abuse has any effect on the anatomical locationor the healing time of tibial shaft fractures. We studied, retrospectively,199 adult male patients hospitalized for isolated tibial shaftfracture in the city of Malmö, Sweden, between 1980 and1990. Forty-nine of the patients had earlier been registeredat the Department of Alcohol Diseases and were judged to beproblem drinkers. Abusers sustained their tibial shaft fracturesmore often by falling at ground level (P<0.0001) or froma higher level (P=0.009) and the fractures were more often obliquethan transverse (P=0.002) as compared with non-abusers. Healingtime was impaired in abusers who had sustained a transversefracture (P=0.035), but no difference was observed in healingtime in those with an oblique fracture. We found no differencebetween the abusers and the non-abusers regarding duration ofhospital stay, fracture location, amount of displacement, occurrenceof open fractures or the rate of complications.  相似文献   
The aim was to study differences in filtration driving forces and glomerular filtration rates between superficial and deep nephrons when urine flow rate was altered at the macula densa region. In young rats stop-flow pressures and single nephron glomerular filtration rates (SNGFR) were measured in the superficial proximal tubules and in the loops of Henle in the papilla. SNGFR was also measured with a modified Hanssen technique. The stop-flow pressures of superficial nephrons amounted to 30.9±0.8 mmHg (mean ± SE) and those of juxtamedullary nephrons to 52.2±1.6 mmHg. In the stop-flow condition the net driving filtration forces were calculated to be about 19 mmHg and 50 mmHg for the superficial and deep glomeruli, respectively. In free flow conditions both net driving forces were calculated to be 19 mmHg. The micropuncture technique gave a SNGFR value for superficial nephrons of 29.6±2.9 and for deep nephrons of 84.1±8.5 nl±min-1 g-1 kidney weight (KW). With a modified Hanssen technique the corresponding values were 25.8±3.3 and 27.7±2.9 nl. min-1.g-1KW. The tubuloglomerular feedback mechanism is considered to have a powerful regulatory influence on the glomerular filtration rate of deep nephrons.  相似文献   
In previous reports we have suggested that nervous reflexes are involved in the pathophysiology of cholera secretion and that these nervous reflexes involve a cholinergic synapse and a neuron with vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) as neurotransmitter. These proposals were further analyzed in this study. Tetrodotoxin (TTX) and lidocaine applied on the serosal surface inhibited cholera secretion in segments of rat small intestine. Fluid absorption in control rats was not significantly changed. Hexamethonium given i. v. decreased cholera secretion in the cat. No additional inhibition of cholera secretion was observed after giving TTX close i. a. Furthermore, the intestinal secretion evoked by VIP was not influenced by hexamethonium given i. v. or TTX given close i. a. The present observations support the hypothesis of a role for nervous reflexes in cholera secretion. The results suggest that at least a major part of the proposed nervous reflex(es) in cholera have a cholinergic synapse. Furthermore, the VIP-ergic neuron is situated “distal” to the cholinergic neuron in the reflex(es) closer to the effector cells.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. In Norsjö in Northern Sweden a cardiovascular intervention programme, for adults is presently tested. The aim of the present study was to investigate the presence of factors related to cardiovascular disease in all 15-year-old adolescents living in Norsjö in 1987 and 1988. The total cholesterol concentration in serum, as an average for the test period, was 4.2 mmol/l and 4.7 mmol/l for boys and girls, respectively. Fourteen per cent of the boys and 32% of the girls had a total cholesterol concentration exceeding 5 mmol/l. Twenty-seven per cent of the adolescents had high values for two or more variables related to risk of developing cardiovascular disease. The evaluation of the dietary registrations showed unsatisfactory values for fibre, P/S ratio and total fat. The dietary habits were better in the 15-year-olds in 1988 than in 1987 as judged by significantly higher average daily intake of fibre as well as a higher content of fibre per megajoule in the food.  相似文献   
Inhibition of lactation by cyclofenil and bromocriptine   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Summary. In a double blind controlled study of the inhibition of lactation 13 women received 300 mg of cyclofenil and 11 women 2.5 mg of bromocriptine twice daily for 14 days. Lactation was effectively inhibited by both drugs, but with bromocriptine there was a significantly higher frequency of relapse. The plasma concentration of prolactin, which decreased rapidly with bromocriptine, returned to the pretreatment level the day after drug treatment stopped, but with cyclofenil it remained low. Plasma oestradiol followed a similar pattern. Plasma FSH increased more rapidly with bromocriptine than with cyclofenil. There was no significant difference between the treatment groups at any stage for haematology, coagulation or liver function tests. The more sustained effect of cyclofenil on prolactin secretion with a reduced frequency of relapse, and the lower oestradiol level, which might indicate a reduced risk of thromboembolism, suggest that this drug has some advantage over bromocriptine in the inhibition of postpartum lactation.  相似文献   
Axonal transport was studied in transplanted frog sciatic nerves-dorsal ganglia for periods up to three months. The ganglia were either labeled prior to, or after varying periods of transplantation and the distribution of labeled proteins compared. The survival of the preparations was assessed by studying their ability to transmit compound action potentials, to maintain axonal transport and by their ultrastructural appearance. The sensory neurons retained their fast axonal transport and excitability during the transplantation periods. Morphologically about 30% of the axons appeared normal after one month of transplantation. The amount and distribution of protein incorporated radioactivity in the ganglia and the nerve changed with time but the decrease in the ganglia was not accompanied by a corresponding increase in the nerve. There was no evidence for a distinct slow phase of transport in spite of a functional fast transport system. The results indicate that either slow transport stops when the normal balance between release, degradation and recirculation is disturbed by the presence of a ligature or that there is a continuous change in the composition of transported material with time after labeling which is not reflected in altered transport characteristics.  相似文献   
Abstract. Smedby, B. and Ericson, A. (Department of Social Medicine, University of Uppsala, Uppsala, and National Board of Health and Welfare, Stockholm, Sweden). Perinatal mortality among children of immigrant mothers in Sweden. The perinatal mortality among the infants of foreign and Swedish mothers was studied with the help of the data submitted to the medical birth register in 1973–1976. Unexpectedly, the perinatal mortality was slightly lower among the infants of the immigrant mothers. This difference could not be explained by differences in the distribution by age or parity of the mothers or by the length of gestation of the infants. A conceivable explanation is that the foreign mothers constituted a favorably selected group.  相似文献   
Introduction and Aims. The decline in cardiovascular mortality in Russia following the Soviet anti‐alcohol campaign of 1985–1988 and the subsequent increase when these extreme alcohol controls were repealed suggested that alcohol consumption is responsible for a substantial number of ischaemic heart disease (IHD) deaths in Russia. To examine whether a similar conclusion can be drawn on the basis of a time‐series analysis covering a longer time period, namely 1959–1998. Design and Methods. Using ARIMA time‐series analysis, the male IHD mortality rates from 1959 to 1998 were analysed in relation to three indicators of alcohol consumption: estimated per capita consumption, mortality from liver cirrhosis and alcohol poisonings. Cigarette sales and lung cancer mortality were used as indicators of smoking. Results. Each indicator of alcohol consumption had positive and statistically significant relationships with male IHD mortality in bivariate autoregressive integrated moving average models. The association was stronger in models predicting changes in premature male IHD mortality (30–54 years). At least one alcohol indicator was significantly related to IHD mortality in multivariate models, and in the case of premature IHD mortality, both mortality indicators were significant. Discussion and Conclusions. The results provide additional empirical evidence supporting alcohol's conceivable negative effects on IHD in Russia and the idea that binge drinking could be the mechanism through which this effect is mediated. There were no signs of any protective effects from alcohol among Russian men.[Ramstedt M. Fluctuations in male ischaemic heart disease mortality in Russia 1959–1998: Assessing the importance of alcohol. Drug Alcohol Rev 2009;28:390–395]  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The effects of various social indicators on infant and child mortality were studied in Sweden with the use of a medical birth register to which census information was linked. Two years were studied: 1976 births linked to the 1975 census, and 1981 births linked to the 1980 census. Survival was followed to the age of 5 by linkage of the birth register with the death certificate register. The only statistically significant effect of a single socio-economic variable was that of housing conditions on perinatal death rate and postperinatal death rate up to the age of one. The family situation (e. g., cohabitation or not) had some effect, although it was not statistically significant. On the basis of cohabitation status and other social indicators, including housing conditions, we selected two groups: one privileged and the other underprivileged. Using crude mortality rates, we found no definite difference. There was evidence that the mortality rate had decreased more between 1976 and 1981 in the privileged than in the underprivileged group, but the difference may have been coincidental. After standardization for maternal age and parity, however, a difference appeared with a ratio of 1.14 between the underprivileged and the privileged groups, which was valid for deaths up to the age of one. After that age, no difference was seen. Following standardization for birthweight, the opposite was found: a higher weight-specific mortality rate in the privileged group than in the underprivileged group. The interpretation of these findings is discussed.  相似文献   
The rate of net water uptake from the feline small intestine has been investigated during control conditions, during graded infusions of the vasodilator drug isopropylnoradrenaline, and during electrical stimulation of the regional sympathetic nerve fibres to the gut. Net water absorption rate was largely unaffected by intestinal vasodilatation. The fraction of the absorbate transported via the lymphatics remained also constant at 20–40% of the total absorption regardless of blood flow rate. Stimulating the sympathetic nerve fibres to the small intestine increased, however, net water absorption rate. The increase was particularly pronounced when blood pressure was kept constant during the period of stimulation. The absorption rate was on an average almost doubled at a stimulation frequency of 8 Hz during constant pressure conditions. The mechanism(s) explaining this nervous control of water absorption are tentatively discussed.  相似文献   
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