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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences - A process for the preparation of defatted, debittered and off-flavour free guar meal flour (GMF) with high...  相似文献   
Scatophagus argus of the family Scatophagidae inflicts painful wounds in fishermen during handling. The clinical picture is characterized by excruciating and persistent local pain disproportionate to the size of injury, redness, swelling and a throbbing sensation that extends to the limbs, followed by dizziness. The biological properties of the S. argus venom were studied to assess its risk and lethal factors with regard to human welfare. In contrast to other fish venoms, S. argus showed relatively low LD50 (9.8 mg/kg via i.p.). Haemolytic activity in human erythrocytes was recorded. Platelet lysis expressed as LDH activity of lysed cells was dose dependent. S. argus venom failed to induce any clot in human plasma. No PLA(2) activity was found in S. argus venom. Mild proteolytic activity was observed. The injection of venom in mice produced lesions and nociception, which were not inhibited by antihistamine pheniramine maleate, suggesting that histamine was not involved in the inflammatory process. The increase in serum creatine kinase activity indicated myotoxicity. Cytotoxicity on HeLa cells was observed. The spectrum of activity in experimental animals of S. argus crude venom resembles those of other fish venoms previously studied and well correlated to the systemic manifestations that are described for S. argus envenomation.  相似文献   
Scatophagus argus of the family Scatophagidae inflicts painful wounds in fishermen while handling it. The venom induces prominent local tissue damage characterized by pain, edema and necrosis. The pathogenesis of acute muscle damage in gastrocnemius muscle induced by S. argus venom was studied in mice. The inflammatory response induced by S. argus venom in the mice hind paw was studied measuring paw edema. Intramuscular injection of S. argus venom induced motoxicity. The effect of S. argus venom on the cellular components of inflammatory response was investigated. Venom from S. argus were quantitatively analyzed for enzymic and biochemical activity. The biochemical changes induced by the sublethal concentration of S. argus venom and histopathological studies of effect of venom on mice were carried out. Venom induced a rapid increment in serum creatine kinase (CK) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) showing the myotoxicity of venom. Concomitant with this a reduction of muscle CK and LDH activity was observed, where as no increment in muscle lactate was detected. Our findings showed that the edematic activity was dose dependent and remained significantly elevated over 48 h after injection. Administration of S. argus venom caused a significant cell accumulation of neutrophils in to peritoneal cavity as well as foot pad up to 24 h with maximal being at 4-6 h. The venom components analyzed showed the presence of phosphodiesterase, acid phosphatases, alkaline phosphatases, proteinase, and caseinolytic activity. SDS PAGE revealed the presence of major and minor protein bands between 6.5 and 68 kDa. The biochemical changes induced by the sublethal concentration of S. argus venom showed reversible changes in the hematological (blood cell count, hematocrit, hemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin and platelet count) parameters which were significantly altered at 6 and 24 h (GLM repeated measures p < 0.05). Serum enzymes such as AST, ALT, ACP, ALP, LDH and urea were altered significantly which in turn confirmed the damage of vital organ tissue.  相似文献   
The microstructure of high‐density polyethylene (PE) and chlorinated polyethylene (CPE) blends, as well as their composites with graphene oxide (GO) is characterized. The filler dispersion improves as the extent of chlorination is enhanced. The platelets are also observed to be covered with a harder phase by atomic force microscopy (AFM), due to the stronger nucleating action of the graphene clusters, along with the alignment or ordering of the CPE phase at the interface with the filler. The filler and the CPE phases are observed to undergo chemical interaction during solution mixing, which enhances during melt mixing of the CPE–GO masterbatch with the PE matrix. The majority of the Cl atoms in the CPE chains are observed to be depleted during chemical reaction or thermal degradation at the melt compounding temperature, resulting in chlorine‐free materials.


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