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To examine the influence of diet and age on organochlorine contaminant (OC) concentrations in two closely related ringed seal (Phoca hispida) populations enantiomeric fractions (EFs) of chiral contaminants and stable isotopes of nitrogen (δ15N) and carbon (δ13C) were measured along with OCs in ringed seals collected from the east and west side of the Northwater Polynya. Seals from these two locations were feeding at the same trophic level based on δ15N values in muscle but had slightly different sources of carbon based on δ13C measurements in muscle. After removing the influence of age, sex, and blubber thickness, OC concentrations did not vary between ringed seals from the east and west side of the polynya. ΣPCB, ΣDDT, and Σchlordane were found to increase with age for both male and female seals. The inclusion of older (>20 years) female seals, which may have a reduced reproductive effort, may influence the relationships in females. Stable isotopes failed to describe OC concentrations in ringed seals suggesting that diet was not a major factor in variation of OC concentrations within this ringed seal population. Cis- and trans-chlordane, oxychlordane, and heptachlor epoxide were all nonracemic in the ringed seal blubber but did not vary with age, sex, or collection site. α-HCH appeared racemic (enantiomeric fraction = 0.50 ± 0.01) in the seals, although this EF is different than those previously observed in their prey species, and was found to vary significantly with age. EF values in the ringed seals varied considerably from other Arctic marine mammals and seabirds, providing addition evidence that the type(s) and characteristic(s) of the enzymes involved in biotransformation of chiral OCs vary between these organisms. Received: 11 April 2001/Accepted: 27 June 2001  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To characterize amniotic pressure (AP) in pregnancies with normal amniotic fluid volume. DESIGN: Observational study, mainly cross-sectional. SETTING: Fetal medicine unit within a tertiary referral hospital. SUBJECTS: Patients undergoing transamniotic invasive procedures in whom amniotic fluid volume was subjectively assessed as normal on ultrasound. Those beyond 16 weeks with a deepest vertical pool on ultrasound less than 3.0 or greater than 8.0 cm were excluded. Overall 194 pregnancies were studied on 232 occasions between 7 and 38 weeks gestation. INTERVENTIONS: Manometry readings referenced to the top of the maternal abdomen were obtained via a fluid-filled line from the needle hub and either connected to a pressure transducer (n = 190) or held vertically against a ruler (n = 42). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: AP in mm Hg, AP corrected for gestational age (z scores), semi-quantitative ultrasonic indices of amniotic fluid volume, clinical variables. RESULTS: AP in singleton pregnancies increased with advancing gestation (P less than 0.001), and the sigmoid-shaped regression curve plateaued in the mid-trimester. AP z scores were not influenced by volume-related phenomena such as twin gestation, the deepest vertical pool, or amniotic fluid index, nor by maternal age, parity, gravidity, fetal sex, or subsequent spontaneous preterm delivery. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that AP is not principally determined by intrauterine volume. We speculate that AP, which reflects change in uterine tension as a function of radius, may instead be determined by gestation-specific anatomical and hormonal influences on gravid uterine musculature. A reference range for AP has been constructed for use in amnioinfusion and amnioreduction procedures.  相似文献   
以18-甲基-17β-羟基-17α-乙炔基-雌甾-4-烯-3-酮(18-甲基炔诺酮),17β-羟基-17α-乙缺基-雌甾-4-烯-3-酮(炔诺酮),17β-羟基-17α-乙炔基-雄甾-4-烯-3-酮(妊娠素)和17a-羟基孕甾-4-烯-3,20二酮(17α-羟基黄体酮)为原料,经NaBH,还原、脱水、双键转位和酯化等反应合成一系列3,5-甾二烯化合物,用1HNMR和MS证明了它们的结构。动物筛选结果表明,17β-丙酰氧基-17α-乙炔基-雌甾-3,5-二烯(IVb2有明显的抗早孕活性。中断早期妊娠的作用似与其雌激素活性有关。  相似文献   
Bile duct calculi in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have designed a rapid cloning and screening strategy to identify new members of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily that are expressed during the onset of Drosophila metamorphosis. Using this approach, we isolated three Drosophila genes, designated DHR38, DHR78, and DHR96. All three genes are expressed throughout third-instar larval and prepupal development. DHR38 is the Drosophila homolog of NGFI-B and binds specifically to an NGFI-B response element. DHR78 and DHR96 are orphan receptor genes. DHR78 is induced by 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) in cultured larval organs, and its encoded protein binds to two AGGTCA half-sites arranged as either direct or palindromic repeats. DHR96 is also 20E-inducible, and its encoded protein binds selectively to the hsp27 20E response element. The 20E receptor can bind to each of the sequences recognized by DHR78 and DHR96, indicating that these proteins may compete with the receptor for binding to a common set of target sequences.  相似文献   
Previous studies have reported chromosome aberrations in humanpre-embryos after in-vitro fertilization (IVF). Although thereason for these abnormalities is not clear, there is evidencethat they can arise during gametogenesis, fertilization or cleavage.The present study has examined further the incidence of chromosomeabnormalities in human pre-embryos after IVF, using oocytesrecovered from normal volunteer women and from women undergoinginfertility treatment in an embryo-replacement programme. Chromosomepreparations were performed for 75 pre-embryos. Of these 35(47%) gave at least one metaphase in which analysis was possible.The overall incidence of abnormal pre-embryos was 40% (14/35).The absolute frequency of aberrations was 9% for trisomies,3% for polyploidies, 26% for structural anomalies and 3% forhypodiploidies. Five pre-embryos were found to be mosaics, threeof which had each one trisomic metaphase. In five of the pre-embryosmultiple anomalies were found. In 13 of the 14 abnormal pre-embryosthe aberrations were found in only one metaphase. The presentstudy demonstrates that trisomic mosaicism may not be a rareevent in human pre-embryos. Further evidence is provided thatmitotic non-disjunction is important for the production of aberrationsin human pre-embryos  相似文献   
Summary Accurate volume determination of the encephalic ventricles is of importance in several clinical conditions, including Alzheimer's presenile dementia, schizophrenia, and benign intracranial hypertension. Previous studies have investigated the accuracy with which magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be used in clinical practice to evaluate the encephalic ventricles. However, adequate evaluation of pathological conditions depends on a sufficient amount of morphometric data from normal subjects. To begin establishing this data base for normal subjects, we evaluated the MRI scans of 38 subjects found to have no apparent pathology and calculated the ventricular volume in each case by using methods previously developed in our laboratory. The results were then compared with published volumes determined from studies that used either ventricular casts or computerized tomographic scans. The average total ventricular volume for all 38 subjects was 17.4 cm3, while that for males was 16.3 cm3 and that for females was 18.0 cm3. A small but significant correlation was found between age of subject and ventricular volume, with ventricular size increasing with age.
Evaluation du volume des ventricules cérébraux à partir des images obtenues en résonance magnétique nucléaire chez 38 sujets humains
Résumé La détermination exacte du volume des ventricules cérébraux est importante en clinique comme par exemple dans la démence présénile d'Alzheimer, la schizophrénie et l'hypertension intracrânienne bénigne. Des études antérieures ont étudié la fiabilité de la résonance magnétique nucléaire en pratique clinique pour évaluer le volume des ventricules cérébraux. Toutefois une évaluation correcte dans les conditions pathologiques implique une bonne connaissance des données morphométriques du sujet normal. Pour établir ces données sur « le sujet normal », nous avons étudié les coupes obtenues en IRM chez 38 sujets apparemment indemnes de toute pathologie; nous avons calculé le volume ventriculaire dans chaque cas en utilisant des méthodes mises au point auparavant dans notre laboratoire. Les résultats ont été ensuite comparés avec ceux obtenus par d'autres études utilisant soit des moules ventriculaires, soit des coupes tomographiques computérisées. Le volume ventriculaire total moyen chez 38 sujets est de 17,4 cm3, mais il est chez les sujets masculins de 16,3 cm3 et chez les sujets de sexe féminin de 18 cm3. Une corrélation faible mais significative a été trouvée entre l'âge du sujet et le volume ventriculaire, étant entendu que la taille du ventricule augmente avec l'âge.
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