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Abstract  Although respiration in trained canines is well investigated, the process of preparing dogs has not been described in any great detail. Moreover, their daytime patterns of sleep and wakefulness during 1 or 2 h of electroencephalogram (EEG) and electrocardiogram (ECG) recordings are not clear. Therefore, we describe the process of selecting and training dogs, in which we recorded EEG and ECG in the laboratory. First, 14 of 1242 dogs dealt with over a 1 year period were chosen. They were trained for 2 h to lie quietly and to sleep in the laboratory; this training procedure was repeated 152 times. Three dogs were then selected and a permanent tracheostomy was performed in one. Finally, EEG and ECG were recorded with the bipolar fine needle electrodes; respiration was recorded simultaneously through a tube inserted to a tracheostomy in one dog. Wakefulness, slow wave sleep (SWS) and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep (REMS) were identified according to the EEG pattern and on the basis of the behavioral criteria. Recordings were performed 12 or 13 times in each dog. Complete sleep cycles, including wakefulness, SWS and REMS in this sequence, were observed 3.9–4.1 times. The mean duration of SWS was 2.2–4.4 min and that of REMS was 3.5–4.6 min. The REMS latency was 33.9–41.8 min. Fluctuation of heart rate with respiration, termed respiratory sinus arrhythmia, was noted in the ECG. Heart beat increased with inspiration and decreased with expiration. The present study demonstrates how to select and train sleeping dogs and shows their undisturbed daytime sleep and wakefulness patterns.  相似文献   
Abstract The long-term natural course of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is studied in order to determine whether severity of nocturnal oxygen desaturation associated with apnea/hypopnea, body mass index (BMI), and hypertension influence survival in young (<40 years), middle-aged (40–64 years), and aged (65 years) using a questionnaire survey. One hundred and forty-eight patients with OSAS aged 17–78 years (136 men, 12 women, mean 52.0±12.3 yean), who were diagnosed by standard polysomnography (PSG) between 1983 and 1993, participated in the study. The survey revealed 15 deaths and 101 survivors; 32 subjects could not be located. The survival rate was 71.4% (95% confidence interval:55.6–87.2%). The survival rate in patients with OSAS was significantly lower than that in the age and sex-adjusted control Japanese population (87.6%). In the young group, only one death (a 19–year-old woman) occurred unexpectedly during sleep. The patient showed an apnea/hypopnea index (AHI) of 33 per h and the length of time that the nocturnal oxygen saturation (SaO2) fell below 90% (time of SaO2 < 90%) of 205 min. The survival rate in middle-aged patients with OSAS was significantly lower than that in the age and sex-adjusted control Japanese population (79.2 vs 91.0%), but this pattern was not seen among the aged. Time of SaO2 <90% was significantly longer in the middle-aged patients than in the aged patients, but AHI did not differ between the two groups. Moreover, it was significantly correlated with AHI in middle-aged patients, but not in the aged patients. The survival rate was significantly lower in patients with hypertension than in the patients without such complications in the middle-aged group (57.9 vs 90.4%). Cox proportional-hazard regression model including age, hypertension, BMI, AHI, lowest SaO2, and time of SaO2 <90% showed that hypertension was only significantly associated with lower survival rate in total group and middle-aged patients, but not in the young or aged patients. The prognosis in patients with OSAS may differ among the generations. The prognosis in the middle-aged population may depend on the role of OSAS on the complications of hypertension or severity of oxygen desaturation, but not on AHI only.  相似文献   
TAKEUCHI, T., et al. : A Case of a Short-Coupled Variant of Torsades De Pointes with Electrical Storm. This case report describes a short-coupled variant of Torsades de Pointes with a characteristic ECG pattern consisting of a prominent J wave in leads V3–V6, in which an electrical storm was evoked with autonomic receptor stimulation and a blockade test. The patient's frequent VF attacks were triggered by short-coupled premature ventricular contractions with a right bundle branch block morphology and left-axis deviation, and were suppressed by deep sedation followed by a combination therapy using verapamil and mexiletine. Interestingly, with the use of those drugs, the prominent J wave diminished. The mechanism underlying this syndrome is discussed. (PACE 2003; 26[Pt. I]:632–636)  相似文献   
PURPOSE: We evaluated retrospectively health-related quality of life (HRQOL) after radical prostatectomy (RP) in Japanese men with localized prostate cancer. METHODS: The study was based on self-reported HRQOL of 280 patients. Patients were divided into seven groups: time 0 (T0), baseline before operation; T1, 1-3 months after RP; T2, 4-6 months after RP; T3, 7-12 months after RP; T4, 13-24 months after RP; T5, 25-36 months after RP; and T6, more than 36 months after RP. We measured the general and disease-specific HRQOL using the RAND 36-item Health Survey 1.0 (SF-36) and the University of California, Los Angeles Prostate Cancer Index (UCLA PCI). RESULTS: The general HRQOL of the postoperative groups was assessed by SF-36. The postoperative groups showed almost the same or higher scores than those of the baseline group. Urinary function scores decreased substantially after surgery. In contrast, there was no difference in urinary bother between the baseline and postoperative groups. Sexual function deteriorated substantially in all postoperative groups. Similarly, the sexual bother score significantly deteriorated after RP. The sexual bother score of men aged 65-years or younger was significantly worse than that of their counterparts in the T1-2 groups. CONCLUSION: Despite reports of problems with sexual activity and urinary continence, general HRQOL was mostly unaffected by RP. Although there was a substantial decrease in urinary function, recovery from urinary bother was rapid. Since the deterioration of sexual function was marked through the postoperative period, careful attention should be paid to this issue during preoperative counseling, especially for younger patients.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Acute lower respiratory infections are major causes of hospitalization in children and are mainly caused by respiratory viruses. In the present study, we investigated the etiologic agents responsible for acute lower respiratory infections from the period November 1986 to October 1992 in order to determine the seasonal pattern and different characteristics of age distribution of respiratory infectious agents, mainly virus infections. METHODS: A total of 1521 patients with lower respiratory infections was hospitalized in Saiseikai Central Hospital, Tokyo, Japan. Nasopharyngeal secretions were obtained for virus isolation and paired sera in the acute and convalescent phases were obtained for serological examination. RESULTS: Etiological agents were identified in 668 of 1521 patients (43.9%) by serological antibody responses, virus isolation and/or detection of virus antigen: 240 (15.8%) with respiratory syncytial (RS) virus; 62 (4.1%) with influenza virus type A; 26 (1.7%) with influenza virus type B; 86 (5.7%) with adenovirus; 81 (5.3%) with parainfluenza virus; 32 (2.1%) with measles virus; 20 (1.3%) with enteroviruses or Herpes virus other than respiratory viruses; 75 (4.9%) with Mycoplasma pneumoniae; 10 (0.7%) with pertussis; and 36 (2.4%) with mixed infections. In the remaining 853 patients (56.1%), etiologic agents were not identified. Respiratory syncytial (RS) virus was a main causative agent of respiratory infections in patients younger than 3 years of age. Influenza virus and M. pneumoniae were two main causative agents in patients with acute respiratory illness over 5 years of age. Parainfluenza virus type 3 was frequently observed in infants from 9 to 12 months of age. A distinct seasonal pattern of viral infections was consistently observed in each year during the study period; RS and influenza viruses were prevalent in winter, parainfluenza virus was prevalent in spring and M. pneumoniae was prevalent in summer and autumn. However, adenovirus infections were observed in all seasons. Serological responses were poor in patients younger than 1 year of age and they were mainly diagnosed by virus isolation or detection of virus antigen. CONCLUSIONS: Virological epidemiology provides useful information in daily clinical practice for the prediction of etiological agents based on patient age and the seasonal distribution of agents. We should examine virus isolation and the detection of virus antigen, along with serological examinations in patients with respiratory infections, especially in infants younger than 1 year of age because of poor serological responses.  相似文献   
The effect of insulin-induced hypoglycaemia and methacholine on plasma cAMP and cGMP levels was studied in normal volunteers, hyperthyroid and hypothyroid patients. A significant positive correlation existed between the maximal increase in plasma cAMP and the maximal decrease in plasma glucose in normals during insulin-induced hypoglycaemia. Therefore, the plasma cAMP response is considered to be dependent on the degree of hypoglycaemia, rather than the dose of insulin. The cAMP response to hypoglycaemia was significantly higher in hyperthyroid patient, and was lower in patients with hypothyroidism than in normals. The cAMP response of the hyperthyroid patients was normalized when their hyperthyroidism was controlled after 3 months of treatment. The plasma level of cGMP was slightly elevated during hypoglycaemia, but there was no significant difference between controls and hyperthyroid patients. The cGMP response to methacholine, which is probably mediated by cholinergic receptors, was significantly potentiated in hyperthyroid patients. The cAMP response, which is presumably dependent on endogenous catecholamines secreted during methacholine-induced hypotension, was also enhanced in hyperthyroid patients. It is likely that beta-adrenergic receptor responses and cholinergic receptor responses are both enhanced in hyperthyroidism.  相似文献   
In two-thirds of patients with splenic lymphoma with villous lymphocytes (SLVL) a small amount of M-protein can be detected in association with the presence of plasma cells in the peripheral blood (PB) and/or bone marrow (BM). However, it is not known whether lymphoma cells and plasma cells originate from the same clone. In this report we describe a case of SLVL which was characterized by the presence of marked monoclonal gammopathy (IgG-κ 90 g/l) and increased plasma cells in the BM. In an attempt to elucidate the origin of lymphoma cells and plasma cells, we performed morphological, cytogenetic and molecular studies on PB mononuclear cells (PBMNC) without plasma cells and BMMNC containing 10% plasma cells from this patient.
Immunofluorescence showed that lymphoma cells and plasma cells were positive for cytoplasmic γ heavy and κ light chains. Well-developed endoplasmic reticulum was observed in the cytoplasmic organelles of PBMNC using an electron microscope. The mean IgG concentration in the 3 d supernatant cultures of PBMNC was 374±24μg/l. More than 50% PBMNC differentiated into plasmacytoid cells in 6 d of liquid culture with IL-3 and IL-6. Analysis by two-colour FISH revealed that karyotypic abnormalities of monosomy X and trisomy 17 existed simultaneously in both lymphoma cells and plasma cells. JH gene rearranged bands from PBMNC and BMMNC by Southern blot hybridization were identical, whereas DNAs from PBMNC failed to hybridize with the Cμ probe.
These observations strongly suggest that lymphoma cells and plasma cells originate from the same clone, and that plasma cells, as well as lymphoma cells, which have undergone class switch recombination, could produce IgG type M-protein in this case.  相似文献   
Previous study revealed that calcium channel blockers (CCBs)reduced embryonic heart rates (HRs) and produced morphologicalabnormalities when Gestational Day (GD) 11.5 rat embryos werecultured for 20 hr. The present study was to investigate whethera calcium channel agonist, Bay K 8644 (BAY), prevented CCB-inducedembryotoxicity in vitro. GD 11.5 embryos were exposed to nifedipine(NIF), diltiazem (DIL), and verapamil (VER) either alone orin combination with BAY at 0.1, 1.0, and 10 µg/ml. Thesedoses of BAY alone had no effect on gross morphology. EmbryonicHRs were increased at 10 µg/ml of BAY, but were withincontrol levels at 0.1 and 1.0 µg/ml. The doses of NIF,DIL, and VER were 40, 6.0, and 2.0 µg/ml, respectively,and were the minimum concentrations to produce a 100% effecton morphological abnormalities. Embryonic HRs were reduced to22, 31, and 34% below control levels in the NIF, DIL, and VERgroups, respectively. The negative chronotropic effects of CCBswere inhibited by coadministration with BAY, depending on itsconcentration. When embryos exposed to each CCB were supplementedwith BAY at 1.0 or 10 µg/ml, embryonic HRs were comparableto those of controls. Combined exposures of each CCB and 10µg/mlBAY did not cause any morphological abnormalities. These resultssuggested that mechanisms of CCB embryotoxicity were directlyrelated to pharmacological consequences of calcium channel blockagein developing rats.  相似文献   
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