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Objective To compare the effects of 2 vascular carriers, arteriovenous loop and arteri-ovenous bundle, on inducing angiogenesis in coral scaffold of vascularized tissue-engineered bone in animal models.Methods Thirty-six adult male New Zealand rabbits were randomized into 2 even groups.In group A, an arteriovenous loop (AVL) was formed by microsurgical anastomosis at the proximal ends between the femoral poptiteal artery and vein, and placed in the circular side groove of the coral block (6 mm × 8 mm × 10 mm) .In group B, flow-through vessels bundles of both femoral artery and vein were placed in the side grooves of the coral block.All the implants in 2 groups were wrapped by a micro-porous expand-ed-polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) membrane, and fixed subcutaneously by suturing.Evaluation methods included gross morphological observations, histological examinations, India ink perfusion and vascular casting after 2, 4, 6 weeks.The density of blood vessels was analyzed by the statistical software SPSS 10.0.Results All the corals were encased by newly formed fibrovascular tissues in 2 groups.Ink-stained vessels distributed the surfaces and side grooves, and invaded the interspaces of corals.The degree of vascularization increased over the course of experiment.Blood vessel density demonstrated a significant continuous increase between 2 and 6 weeks after implantation in group A.The mean value of blood vessel density in group A (2 weeks 276.60±4.67, 4 weeks 517.20±10.66, 6 weeks 707.00 ±11.87) was significantly higher than in group B (2 weeks 153.60 ±7.16, 4 weeks 269.40±6.80, 6 weeks 279.20±6.53) (P <0.01).Vascular casting showed that in group A, significant blood vessels sprouted from all areas of the loop, espe-cially at the entrance of the arteriovenous pediele where the small tubes were densely interconnected.In group B, however, no blood vessels sprouted from the arteriovenous bundles and only some small vessels grew from the entrance and exit.Conclusions A vascularized coral model can be constructed by inserting an ar-teriovenous loop or an arteriovenous bundle, useful in vascular bone tissue engineering.The former, however, have stronger abilities to induce angiogenesis than the latter.  相似文献   
目的 克隆人软骨来源形态发生蛋白-1(CDMP-1)成熟肽编码区的基因片段。方法 用异流氰酸胍一步法从人软骨组织和酶消化法原代培养的软骨细胞中分别抽提总RNA,利用RT-PCR方法扩增出人CDMP-1成熟区的基因片段(约1.0kbp),将所得基因片段插入pBluescript)质粒载体,重组质粒DNA,通过酶切分析和核苷酸序列分析鉴定阳性克隆。结果 从罗骨组织直接取到总RNA,其质量与从等重量软骨  相似文献   
目的:探讨在游离腓骨瓣移植重建下颌骨中应用CAD/CAM技术的方法,并尝试将计算机中的辅助设计准确的转化为手术中的实际操作.方法:为8 位下颌骨缺损患者进行了CAD/CAM血管化游离腓骨瓣移植修复,通过螺旋CT扫描获取缺损区及腓骨的数据,在软件中进行缺损区修复的模拟设计,在此基础上完成手术辅助导板的设计,利用快速成型机加工制作出导板实物,利用导板顺利的完成手术.结果:术中移植腓骨截取长度合适,截骨、塑形、定位速度明显加快,术后患者面部外形两侧对称,影像学检查显示下颌骨缺损区域的重建形态及固位良好.结论:游离腓骨瓣移植修复下颌骨缺损中应用CAD/CAM技术,能够降低手术难度,缩短手术时间,提高手术质量,保证手术效果.  相似文献   
目的:回顾我院应用牵张成骨序列治疗颞下颌关节强直及继发颌面部畸形的效果.方法:40例关节强直患者,平均年龄24.5岁(9~53岁),其中单侧强直11例,双侧29例,伴发OSAHS者27例.所有患者一期手术牵张成骨,二期手术拆除牵张器并同期行颞下颌关节成形术,同期或三期行正颌手术改善面部外形.通过术前术后最大张口度、面型及打鼾症状改善情况评估治疗效果.结果:关节成形术后40例患者张口度基本恢复正常,面型均得到显著改善,打鼾症状全部消失.经过4~72个月(平均20.5个月)的随访,4例患者关节强直复发.结论:应用一期牵张成骨二期关节成形治疗颞下颌关节强直及继发畸形能够精确控制面型和气道的改变.  相似文献   
赵晋龙  何黎升  刘宝林  马秦 《中国临床康复》2004,8(8):1452-1453,T003
目的:研究珊瑚人工骨表面贴附移植后与同期植入的钛种植体的结合情况。方法:10只杂种犬被随机数字表法分为5组,每组2只。将复合重组人骨形态发生蛋白(rhBMP-2)的珊瑚块置于下颌骨表面,按标准方法植入纯钛种植体2枚,使种植体一半位于珊瑚块内,另一半位于下颌骨内,rhBMP-2珊瑚块固定。共植入材料2块,种植体4枚。同法作对侧下颌骨,植入单纯珊瑚块作为对照。术后于不同时间点取材,制作组织学切片,光学显微镜下观察,并行组织形态学测量。结果:单纯珊瑚成骨较少,未成骨区域由软组织充填,珊瑚与种植体之间可形成部分骨结合;复合材料组成骨明显多于单纯珊瑚,近下颌骨区与种植体形成更完善的骨界面,界面骨成熟。组织形态学测量,珊瑚组成骨量(2.32&;#177;0.27)mm,骨结合率23.92%;rhBMP-2珊瑚组成骨量(2.61&;#177;0.14)mm,骨结合率50.73%。结论:单纯珊瑚与rhBMP-2珊瑚表面贴附移植后二者成骨量差别不大,均可与种植体形成骨结合,但骨结合率有明显差别。  相似文献   
目的:研究珊瑚人工骨表面贴附移植后与同期植入的钛种植体的结合情况。方法:10只杂种犬被随机数字表法分为5组,每组2只。将复合重组人骨形态发生蛋白(rhBMP-2)的珊瑚块置于下颌骨表面,按标准方法植入纯钛种植体2枚,使种植体一半位于珊瑚块内,另一半位于下颌骨内,rhBMP-2珊瑚块固定。共植入材料2块,种植体4枚。同法作对侧下颌骨,植入单纯珊瑚块作为对照。术后于不同时间点取材,制作组织学切片,光学显微镜下观察,并行组织形态学测量。结果:单纯珊瑚成骨较少,未成骨区域由软组织充填,珊瑚与种植体之间可形成部分骨结合;复合材料组成骨明显多于单纯珊瑚,近下颌骨区与种植体形成更完善的骨界面,界面骨成熟。组织形态学测量,珊瑚组成骨量(2.32±0.27)mm,骨结合率23.92%;rhBMP-2珊瑚组成骨量(2.61±0.14)mm,骨结合率50.73%。结论:单纯珊瑚与rhBMP-2珊瑚表面贴附移植后二者成骨量差别不大,均可与种植体形成骨结合,但骨结合率有明显差别。  相似文献   
Serum adipocyte fatty acid-binding protein (A-FABP) was raised in metabolic syndrome (MS)patients (n= 121) as compared with age-matched healthy subjects [n = 120, (14.7±4.8 vs 6.8 ±3. 0) μg/L,P<0.001]. It reached higher level in MS subjects with visceral obesity [(15.7±4.2 vs 12.6±5.1) μg/L, P<0.001]. Serum A-FABP concentration was positively correlated with body mass index, waist circumference, waist-tohip ratio, fasting insulin, homeostasis assessment for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), fasting glucose, triglycerides,total cholesterol,and mean arterial blood pressure, whereas negatively correlated with HDL-C (r =-0. 448, P< 0.001).  相似文献   
Serum adipocyte fatty acid-binding protein (A-FABP) was raised in metabolic syndrome (MS)patients (n= 121) as compared with age-matched healthy subjects [n = 120, (14.7±4.8 vs 6.8 ±3. 0) μg/L,P<0.001]. It reached higher level in MS subjects with visceral obesity [(15.7±4.2 vs 12.6±5.1) μg/L, P<0.001]. Serum A-FABP concentration was positively correlated with body mass index, waist circumference, waist-tohip ratio, fasting insulin, homeostasis assessment for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), fasting glucose, triglycerides,total cholesterol,and mean arterial blood pressure, whereas negatively correlated with HDL-C (r =-0. 448, P< 0.001).  相似文献   
目的:探究透明质酸(HA)对下颌骨髁突软骨钙化的影响及其机制。方法:取新生小鼠(3 d)的髁突软骨及长骨软骨分别置于空白(培养对照组)和加有 HA(HA 组)的培养基中行小组织块培养,分别培养6周后,HE、茜素红、碱性磷酸酶(ALP)染色观察2组软骨组织的钙化情况,免疫组化观察 VEGF、MMP-13蛋白表达情况。结果:培养对照组髁突软骨内观察到钙化、基质中 VEGF 和 MMP-13表达阳性以及阳性细胞较多。HA 组未观察到髁突和长骨软骨内成骨和钙化发生,但观察到软骨表面积的增大,VEGF 及 MMP-13在软骨细胞基质内表达阴性,阳性细胞率减少(P <0.05)。结论:在体外培养环境下,HA 可以抑制下颌骨髁突软骨钙化,其机制可能是抑制了 VEGF 及 MMP-13的表达。  相似文献   
目的:建立人涎腺腺样囊性癌嗜神经侵袭的动物模型,为研究腺样囊性癌在不同部位嗜神经侵袭的发生发展提供实验依据和条件。方法:将人涎腺腺样囊性癌肺高转移癌Acc—M细胞系接种于裸鼠臀部肌肉内及面后部皮下,分别于接种后7d,10d,16d,20d,28d 36d及动物自行死亡时用HE染色观察坐骨神经及面神经受肿瘤侵袭的对比情况,并同时观察肺转移情况。结果:面神经组荷瘤率为82.1%,神经侵袭率为17、9%,.未发现功能障碍:而坐骨神经组荷瘤率为71、4%,神经侵袭率为53.6%,出现功能障碍率10.7%,均未见肺转移。结论:该模型是研究人涎腺腺样囊性癌嗜神经侵袭的良好模型,为研究嗜神经侵袭机制及探索新的治疗途径提供了一个极为有用的工具。  相似文献   
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