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目的分析嗅沟脑膜瘤的手术治疗和随访结果。方法收集20例嗅沟脑膜瘤手术病例,并分析其临床表现及随访结果。结果嗅沟脑膜瘤大多以精神症状、视觉障碍和嗅觉减退为首发症状,9例行冠状切口,4例行半冠状切口,分块切除肿瘤,5例翼点入路,1例纵裂入路。1例眶上入路,SimpsonI级切除6例。SimpsonⅡ级切除13例,SimpsonⅢ级切除1例,预后良好,1例复发。随访时间1~6年(平均3.1年),术前术后均保留嗅觉的为2例,精神状态改善18(91%)和视力障碍改善的15(75%)。1例(5%)复发再次手术。结论术式的选择取决诸多因素,预后取决于手术中的组织保护。  相似文献   
弱精子症是男性不育最常见的类型之一,是复杂多因素作用的结果,有30%~40%的病例无法明确病因和发病机制。有鉴于此,中国医师协会生殖医学专业委员会生殖男科学组组织了生殖男科领域的专家,从弱精子症的病因、诊断流程以及个体化治疗方案等多个方面进行了深入的探讨。主要内容包括基于2次及以上精液检测结果的弱精子症分级标准;建议进...  相似文献   
给SD大鼠皮下埋植17-β-雌二醇,60天后,其垂体重量显著增加;垂体前叶细胞明显增生,分化受抑制;用放射免疫法测定血浆催乳素含量显著增加;斑点杂交显示垂体细胞原癌基因c-myc的转录水平也显著增加。  相似文献   
Experiments were carried out in mongrel dogs anesthetized with pentobarbital. Escherichia coli endotoxin (5 mg/kg, iv) was given to produce circula- tory shock. In 6 dogs, 5 mg/kg of anisodamine was infused intravenously for 60 minutes causing an in- crease in heart rate, left ventricular systolic pressure, positive and negative maximum dp/dt and mean arterial pressure. Renal vascular resistance was decreased, while renal blood flow and urinary out flow increased. No such changes were observed in 6 control animals which were given saline infusion. The results obtained indicate that anisodamine given at early stage of endotoxin shock improves myocardial contractility.  相似文献   
Ella 28岁公务员仔细回想一下,血糖高也没有感觉特别之处,隐约记得是爱吃水果,甜橙一天吃三个,另外还有点口干,总想喝水。当时以为是妊娠反应造成的。看来这血糖升高真是潜入细无声。专家也没有什么特别建议,只是讲了半天饮食的重要性。要求准备血糖仪,每天自测血糖7次。持续一周,拿自测的记  相似文献   
健康成人血清5‘—核苷酸酶水平调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
肾脏是维持机体钠平衡及细胞外液量相对恒定的关键脏器。随着衰老的发生,肾脏的结构、功能以及神经体液调节机制都发生了变化,使得老年人的钠代谢具有与年轻人完全不同的特点。老年人的肾脏改变人到老年,肾脏的重量和体积减少,硬化的肾小球逐年增多,部分肾小球代偿肥大,使功能健全的肾小球明显减少;肾小管萎缩、数目减少,远曲小管可扩张或有  相似文献   
Six kinds of antigens from the eggs and adult worms of schistosoma japonicum were isolated. They included adult microsomal antigen (JAMA), aqueous soluble egg antigen (SEA), urea-soluble egg antigen (JEU) and its further fractionated products (JECt-D. They were analyzed by sodium polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), enzyme-linked immuno- electro-transfer blot (EITB) and kinetic-dependent enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (K-ELISA). They were quantitatively assayed by K-ELISA for specific antigenic activities against sera of 39 patients with schistosomiasis japonica. The sera of patients with diseases other than schistosomiasis and 10 healthy adults were tested simultaneously as control. JEC:} was antigenically more active (A A460/min X 10-j than other antigens. Determinatin of the specific antibody (IgG) levels of S. japonicum by using JEC:i, etc as diagnostic antigens in 30 chronic patients re- vealed that the level of anti-JEC:: antibody was the highest (11.7_0.7A A460/min X 10-j. EITB test showed tbat only JEC:; exhibited no cross reactivity with sera from patients with parago nimiasis and clonorchiasis sinensis, and that all posi- tive bands of JEC; disappeared in patients cured of chronic schistosomiasis. These findings suggest that JEC:; might become a more satisfactory antigen in the serodiagnosis of schistosomiasis japonica.  相似文献   
目的:探讨牵张成骨和正颌外科技术治疗火器伤性牙颌面畸形的临床应用。方法:1例患者因火器伤严重颌面部畸形,主要表现为右侧升支高度严重不足、咬合关系错乱和上颌牙弓缩窄。手术采用牵张成骨技术,分两次牵张,恢复右侧升支高度。继而采用正颌外科方法矫正咬合关系。结果:患者均顺利完成治疗,一期牵张成骨骨延长约10mm,二期延长约15mm,右侧下颌升支高度基本恢复,正颌外科术后,患者面型得到明显改善,咬合关系恢复,对治疗效果满意。结论:颌面部火器伤会导致严重的软组织瘢痕,骨再生能力降低,造成的畸形复杂,不规则。在应用牵张成骨和正颌外科治疗火器伤性牙颌面畸形必须要遵从其基本原理,同时要兼顾火器伤牙颌面畸形的临床特点,进行个性化设计,最终可以得到良好的治疗效果。  相似文献   
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