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放射性核素全身骨显象诊断骨转移的临床价值   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Of 628 patients with extra-osseous malignancies diagnosed by surgery and/or pathology, 207 (33.0%) were identified as having skeletal metastasis by bone imaging. There was statistical significant difference in the incidence of metastasis in in different malignancies (P less than 0.02). The metastatic rates of nasopharyngeal, lung, prostate and breast cancers were higher than gastrointestinal, kidney, and other malignancies. There was significant differences in the different sites of skeletal metastasis (P less than 0.01). They were thorax, spine, pelvis, limbs and skull in order of incidence. Solitary metastatic rate was 15.9%. Biopsy is advised for patients suspected to have metastatic disease but with only one single "hot spot" in skeletal imaging, particularly in the rib.  相似文献   
Of 628 patients with extra-osseous malignancies diagnosed by surgery and/or pathology, 207 (33.0%) were identified as having skeletal metastasis by bone imaging. There was statistical significant difference in the incidence of metastasis in different malignancies (P<0.02). The metastatic rates of nasopharyn-geal, lung, prostate and breast cancers were higher than gastrointestinal, kidney, and other malignancies. There was significant differences in the different sites of skeletal metastasis (P<0.01). They were thorax, spine, pelvis, limbs and skull in order of incidence. Solitary metastatic rate was 15.9%. Biopsy is advised for patients suspected to have metastatic disease but with only one single "hot spot" in skeletal imaging, particularly in the rib.  相似文献   
我科自1986年5月开始用~(99m)Tc—EHIDA显像剂作肝胆动态显像共31例,结果分析报导如下: 资料与方法一、资料1.正常对照组;13例(男11例,女2例)。年龄23岁~65岁(平均40岁)。其中11例为志愿者;2例为肝  相似文献   
资料方法与结果临床资料:本科自1985年6月~1990年3月共作肾动态显像及GFR测定636例。方法:全部病例均按本科操作常规。简言之,即将γ相机探头置于检查床下,患者仰卧在检查床上,自肘静脉“弹丸”或注入~(99m)TC—DTPA296MBq(8mCi),当荧光屏上放射性“弹丸”在两肺底出现时,立即连续摄像,开始每3sec一帧共20帧,接着每30sec一帧共38帧,共计需20min。最后计算机进行“感兴趣区”的局部计  相似文献   
核素骨显像异常表现的甲状旁腺腺瘤一例李伟,陈雅清,屈婉莹原发性甲状旁腺功能亢进(以下简称甲旁亢)临床一般依据血清钙和甲状旁腺激素(PTH)增高而诊断.1993年8月本科根据1例腰腿痛患者核素骨显像所显示的特殊征象拟诊为甲旁亢而收治入院.后经99mTc...  相似文献   
全身肝素抗凝和低分子肝素抗凝是血液透析(HD)最常用的二种抗凝方法,但对于有活动性出血、高度出血危险和对肝素过敏的HD患者,这二种方法均可诱发和加重出血,严重者可导致患者死亡。  相似文献   
放射性核素骨显像是应用骨显像剂和r相机或SPECT显示骨骼影像的核医学技术。与X线、CT、MRI相比,它不仅能显示骨骼的形态,而且可反映骨骼的血供和代谢情况。它以一次成像能显示全身骨骼、探测成骨病变的高灵敏度、无绝对禁忌症和价格相对低廉等优点,在各种医学影像检查骨骼中占有优势。在国内外综合医院中,骨显像检查人次  相似文献   
 自从131碘和99m锝应用于临床以来,甲状腺扫描已成为诊断甲状腺肿物的常规方法之一,其临床价值已得到充分肯定。但用131碘(或99m锝)示踪作甲状腺扫描主要反映甲状腺结节的位置、大小、功能状态和形态上的异常,对良恶性病变的鉴别有一定限度。实践证明,131碘(或99m锝)扫描为冷结节则提示有癌变的可能,国外文献报道认为单个冷结节癌变的发生率为15%-58%。  相似文献   
药用:60度白酒适量,与白面合成泥状。用法:敷于患处,立时止疼。约10分钟后,白酒吸收,应揭去再换,大约3次即可.如起水泡,可针刺排液后再敷。伤处面积大,可敷药后以纱布包之即可。  相似文献   
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