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目前,抗2型糖尿病药物主要有胰岛素分泌促进剂、胰岛素增效剂和影响糖吸收的药物.根据化学结构的不同,胰岛素分泌促进剂分为磺脲类和非磺脲类降糖药物;胰岛素增敏剂包括PPAR激动剂,3-胍丙酸及其衍生物,β3-肾上腺素受体激动剂;影响糖吸收的药物分为双胍类和α-葡萄糖苷酶抑制剂.治疗糖尿病并发症的药物包括醛糖还原酶抑制剂和山梨醇脱氢酶抑制剂.  相似文献   
小儿静脉输液拔针后的护患交流小技巧   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
静脉输液完毕后拔针是一项重要的环节,尤其是小儿患者,拔针时由于恐惧和疼痛,易哭闹不安和不配合;如果拔针后交待不到位,还可能导致某些并发症,如穿刺部位出血、皮下出血或轻度的皮肤损伤,给患者造成不必要的痛苦,并留下护理纠纷的隐患。为此,我们总结了一些输液完毕后的护患沟通技巧,在临床护理中取得了良好的效果:(1)拔针前告知患儿家长,患儿会因为恐惧、疼痛造成哭闹不止,为防止针孔及皮下出血,一定要按血管走行方向压紧棉球,勿松手;(2)拔针前嘱患儿家长协助固定患儿穿刺部位的肢体或头部,防止护士拔针时因为患儿活动而使针头移位,造成不必要的皮肤损伤;(3)按压时不能揉,防止造成皮下出血;(4)按压时间要相对较长,防止针眼再次出血而造成不必要的恐惧及麻烦。  相似文献   
Objective To study the variation of blood concentration of tetramine in human body with acute tetramine intoxication treated with three different protocols and the levels in human body after discharge from the hos-pital. Methods The blood concentration of tetramine was determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). All 101 patients of acute tetramine intoxication were divided into 3 groups (routine comprehensive treat-ment group,hemoperfusion group,blood transfusion group) according to their blood concentration of tetramine and clinical symptoms. The patients were followed up to monitor the tetramine levels in a year. Results The level of tet-famine in blood was decreased from 33.0(1.7~115.0)μg/L to 18.0(0.3~47.6)μg/L in routine comprehensive treatment group. The total decrement was 45.5 %. The level was decreased from 108.0 (54.0~290.0)μg/L to 26.0 μg/L in hemoperfusion group. The total decrement was 75.9%. The decrement was 20.0%~45.0% after each he-moperfusion. The level was slightly high after 24 h of hemoperfusion. The total decrement in blood transfusion group was 33.5%~60.0%. The level was <0.3μg/L in all 25 out-patients 1 year after their intoxication. Conclusion Routine comprehensive treatment,hemoperfusion,blood transfusion are effective in the treatment of acute tetramine intoxication. The degradation of tetramine in human body is slow.  相似文献   
RP-HPLC法测定中药材黄柏中小檗碱的含量   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
用反相高效液相色谱法,安定为内标,ZorbaxC8柱,含30mmol/L。磷酸的乙腈-水(35:65)为流动相,于紫外346nm处测定了黄柏中小檗碱的含量。排除了巴马汀对小檗碱的干扰。平均回收率为101.7%,RSD为1.83%(n=20)。  相似文献   
高效毛细管电泳法检测生药龙胆中龙胆苦苷含量   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:建立高效毛细管电泳法测定生药龙胆中有效成分龙胆苦苷含量的方法。方法:毛细管区带电泳(CZE):运行电解质为含10%甲醇的20mmol.L~(-1)硼砂缓冲液(pH 10.6);工作电压18kV;柱温25℃;检测波长280mm。结果:测得龙胆苦苷的回归方程为Y=0.0787 1.9981X(r=0.9998);平均回收率为101%;RSD=2.64%(n=5)。结论:本方法简便,准确,快速,重复性好。可用于龙胆中龙胆苦苷的测定。  相似文献   
Objective To study the variation of blood concentration of tetramine in human body with acute tetramine intoxication treated with three different protocols and the levels in human body after discharge from the hos-pital. Methods The blood concentration of tetramine was determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). All 101 patients of acute tetramine intoxication were divided into 3 groups (routine comprehensive treat-ment group,hemoperfusion group,blood transfusion group) according to their blood concentration of tetramine and clinical symptoms. The patients were followed up to monitor the tetramine levels in a year. Results The level of tet-famine in blood was decreased from 33.0(1.7~115.0)μg/L to 18.0(0.3~47.6)μg/L in routine comprehensive treatment group. The total decrement was 45.5 %. The level was decreased from 108.0 (54.0~290.0)μg/L to 26.0 μg/L in hemoperfusion group. The total decrement was 75.9%. The decrement was 20.0%~45.0% after each he-moperfusion. The level was slightly high after 24 h of hemoperfusion. The total decrement in blood transfusion group was 33.5%~60.0%. The level was <0.3μg/L in all 25 out-patients 1 year after their intoxication. Conclusion Routine comprehensive treatment,hemoperfusion,blood transfusion are effective in the treatment of acute tetramine intoxication. The degradation of tetramine in human body is slow.  相似文献   
Objective To study the variation of blood concentration of tetramine in human body with acute tetramine intoxication treated with three different protocols and the levels in human body after discharge from the hos-pital. Methods The blood concentration of tetramine was determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). All 101 patients of acute tetramine intoxication were divided into 3 groups (routine comprehensive treat-ment group,hemoperfusion group,blood transfusion group) according to their blood concentration of tetramine and clinical symptoms. The patients were followed up to monitor the tetramine levels in a year. Results The level of tet-famine in blood was decreased from 33.0(1.7~115.0)μg/L to 18.0(0.3~47.6)μg/L in routine comprehensive treatment group. The total decrement was 45.5 %. The level was decreased from 108.0 (54.0~290.0)μg/L to 26.0 μg/L in hemoperfusion group. The total decrement was 75.9%. The decrement was 20.0%~45.0% after each he-moperfusion. The level was slightly high after 24 h of hemoperfusion. The total decrement in blood transfusion group was 33.5%~60.0%. The level was <0.3μg/L in all 25 out-patients 1 year after their intoxication. Conclusion Routine comprehensive treatment,hemoperfusion,blood transfusion are effective in the treatment of acute tetramine intoxication. The degradation of tetramine in human body is slow.  相似文献   
Objective To study the variation of blood concentration of tetramine in human body with acute tetramine intoxication treated with three different protocols and the levels in human body after discharge from the hos-pital. Methods The blood concentration of tetramine was determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). All 101 patients of acute tetramine intoxication were divided into 3 groups (routine comprehensive treat-ment group,hemoperfusion group,blood transfusion group) according to their blood concentration of tetramine and clinical symptoms. The patients were followed up to monitor the tetramine levels in a year. Results The level of tet-famine in blood was decreased from 33.0(1.7~115.0)μg/L to 18.0(0.3~47.6)μg/L in routine comprehensive treatment group. The total decrement was 45.5 %. The level was decreased from 108.0 (54.0~290.0)μg/L to 26.0 μg/L in hemoperfusion group. The total decrement was 75.9%. The decrement was 20.0%~45.0% after each he-moperfusion. The level was slightly high after 24 h of hemoperfusion. The total decrement in blood transfusion group was 33.5%~60.0%. The level was <0.3μg/L in all 25 out-patients 1 year after their intoxication. Conclusion Routine comprehensive treatment,hemoperfusion,blood transfusion are effective in the treatment of acute tetramine intoxication. The degradation of tetramine in human body is slow.  相似文献   
在疗养院的基础上办康复医院是发展我国康复医学事业的一条捷径,现将我们的实践体会概述如下: 一、充分利用疗养院的基础,发挥优势,实现康复医疗专科化我院原来是服务于全省干部疗养的专  相似文献   
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