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目前高龄备孕,尤其是超过40岁甚至45岁的超高龄人群备孕皆在增多,妇产科医生面临的除高龄所带来的高危产科外,如何最优化处理此类人群的妇科疾病同样是项巨大挑战。高龄孕妇常见妇科疾病如子宫肌瘤、卵巢囊肿、宫颈上皮内瘤变、瘢痕憩室等,临床关注的焦点在于能否妊娠、孕前是否需手术、手术治疗对妊娠影响以及尽少破坏生育功能的手术技巧等方面。文章结合相关文献,对上述问题进行阐述。  相似文献   
贺晶  陈璐  梁琤 《中华妇产科杂志》2010,46(12):333-337
Objective To investigate the clinical features,critical laboratory parameters,and fetal monitoring methods in intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy(ICP).Methods A retrospective analysis of 21 cases of ICP suffered with fetal death in Women's hospital.School of Medicine.Zhejiang University from January 1999 to December 2010 were discussed.Results(1)The average age of ICP patients suffered with fetal death were(30.2±4.6)years old.Among them,4 cases were older than 35 years,six cases were multipara.oneo of them suffered stillbirth 2 year before.Twenty cases were singleton pregnancies and 1 cage was twin pregnancy.(2)All 21 cases of fetal death occurred in the third trimester,12 cases occurred before 37 weeks,9 cases after 37 weeks.Nine cases were diagnosed by ultrasound in outpatient clinics,fetal heart beat disappeared in 9 patients after admission because of ICP, two disappeared after labor, one during anesthesia before emergent surgery. Perinatal mortality rate of ICP was 0. 148% (21/14 184), and fetal death occurred from 29 to 41 weeks with an average gestational age of ( 33.8 ± 4. 2 ) weeks, ( 3 ) Puritus occurred in all 21 cases while 11 of them had pruritus all over the body. Ten pregnant women felt the fetal movement decreased or disappeared before diagnosis of fetal death. The glycocholic acid levels increased in all of the 21 cases. Among them, glycocholic acid levels in 11 cases were (21.49 -64. 48) μmol/L, while in 10 cases were ≥64. 48 μmol/L Serum bile acid levels elevated in 16 cases which had been analyzed ( the other 5 cases had not been checked ), and the highest level reached 270 μmol/L Serum alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase were increased in 14 cases. Seven cases had their total bilirubin >21 μmoL/L, and 12 cases had their direct bilirubin levels significantly elevated. Among the 21 cases of ICP, 15 cases were in severe status, while the other 6 cases were mild. (4) Nine patients had no antepartum surveillance since fetal death were diagnosed before admission. The results of antepartum surveillance were as follows: 2 cases had nonreassuring nonstress test (NST), one had mild "V" type deceleration. Absence of diastolic flow in umbilical artery were found in 3 cases, and low fetal biophysical score was got in one case. ( 5 ) All 21 patients had vaginal delivery. Six of them delivered after natural contraction, and the remaining 14 cases delivered after oral intake of mifepristone and amniotic injection of ethacridine, or oxytocin induced labor within 48 hours, only one case delivered after additional dinoprostone suppositories. The appearance of fetus, placentas and membranes were normal, the lengths of umbilical cord were average. Four cases were found with cords binding the necks or the bodies. Eighteen cases had grade Ⅲ amniotic fluid with meconium-stained, and 2 cases complicated by oligohydramnios. Ten cases had their fetuses and placentas examined by pathologist. Among them, one case had multiple malformations, no more obvious pathological abnormalities were found in other fetuses. Pathologic examination showed that fibrin deposited around chorion and deciduas basalis, large vessels accompanied by calcification, degeneration,hemorrhagic infarction, and increased focal syncytial nodules could be seen in all of the ten placentas. Conclusions Fetal death in pregnant women with ICP of ten occurs after the contractions, Severe ICP may be a key factor that involved in the occurrence of fetal death. Up to now, there is no valid indicators in fetal monitoring, which can predict fetal death. Extensive assessment of the severity and careful antepartum surveillance should be achieved before timely termination of pregnancy.  相似文献   
患者34岁,G2P0,因停经38周,胎动减少2+小时,于2009年4月13日11时急诊入院.平素月经规则,曾行人工流产1次,末次月经2008年7月20日,预产期2009年4月27日.  相似文献   
妊娠期肝内胆汁淤积症发生死胎的临床因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Objective To investigate the clinical features,critical laboratory parameters,and fetal monitoring methods in intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy(ICP).Methods A retrospective analysis of 21 cases of ICP suffered with fetal death in Women's hospital.School of Medicine.Zhejiang University from January 1999 to December 2010 were discussed.Results(1)The average age of ICP patients suffered with fetal death were(30.2±4.6)years old.Among them,4 cases were older than 35 years,six cases were multipara.oneo of them suffered stillbirth 2 year before.Twenty cases were singleton pregnancies and 1 cage was twin pregnancy.(2)All 21 cases of fetal death occurred in the third trimester,12 cases occurred before 37 weeks,9 cases after 37 weeks.Nine cases were diagnosed by ultrasound in outpatient clinics,fetal heart beat disappeared in 9 patients after admission because of ICP, two disappeared after labor, one during anesthesia before emergent surgery. Perinatal mortality rate of ICP was 0. 148% (21/14 184), and fetal death occurred from 29 to 41 weeks with an average gestational age of ( 33.8 ± 4. 2 ) weeks, ( 3 ) Puritus occurred in all 21 cases while 11 of them had pruritus all over the body. Ten pregnant women felt the fetal movement decreased or disappeared before diagnosis of fetal death. The glycocholic acid levels increased in all of the 21 cases. Among them, glycocholic acid levels in 11 cases were (21.49 -64. 48) μmol/L, while in 10 cases were ≥64. 48 μmol/L Serum bile acid levels elevated in 16 cases which had been analyzed ( the other 5 cases had not been checked ), and the highest level reached 270 μmol/L Serum alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase were increased in 14 cases. Seven cases had their total bilirubin >21 μmoL/L, and 12 cases had their direct bilirubin levels significantly elevated. Among the 21 cases of ICP, 15 cases were in severe status, while the other 6 cases were mild. (4) Nine patients had no antepartum surveillance since fetal death were diagnosed before admission. The results of antepartum surveillance were as follows: 2 cases had nonreassuring nonstress test (NST), one had mild "V" type deceleration. Absence of diastolic flow in umbilical artery were found in 3 cases, and low fetal biophysical score was got in one case. ( 5 ) All 21 patients had vaginal delivery. Six of them delivered after natural contraction, and the remaining 14 cases delivered after oral intake of mifepristone and amniotic injection of ethacridine, or oxytocin induced labor within 48 hours, only one case delivered after additional dinoprostone suppositories. The appearance of fetus, placentas and membranes were normal, the lengths of umbilical cord were average. Four cases were found with cords binding the necks or the bodies. Eighteen cases had grade Ⅲ amniotic fluid with meconium-stained, and 2 cases complicated by oligohydramnios. Ten cases had their fetuses and placentas examined by pathologist. Among them, one case had multiple malformations, no more obvious pathological abnormalities were found in other fetuses. Pathologic examination showed that fibrin deposited around chorion and deciduas basalis, large vessels accompanied by calcification, degeneration,hemorrhagic infarction, and increased focal syncytial nodules could be seen in all of the ten placentas. Conclusions Fetal death in pregnant women with ICP of ten occurs after the contractions, Severe ICP may be a key factor that involved in the occurrence of fetal death. Up to now, there is no valid indicators in fetal monitoring, which can predict fetal death. Extensive assessment of the severity and careful antepartum surveillance should be achieved before timely termination of pregnancy.  相似文献   
总结59例凶险性前置胎盘患者并发症的观察及护理.对此类患者护理的关键是:足够的认识和重视,积极充分的术前准备,严密观察、及时发现大出血、弥漫性血管内凝血(DIC)等并发症,采取积极有效的抢救措施.59例患者中发生并发症28例.产前大出血8例,产后大出血28例,失血性休克8例,DIC 5例,感染7例,膀胱损伤1例.所有患者均痊愈出院.  相似文献   
臀位为产科常见的异常胎位,单胎足月臀位发生率为3%~5%。臀位围产儿发病率和死亡率高于头位,且臀位阴道分娩围产儿发病率和死亡率亦显著高于剖宫产者。尽管普遍报道臀位剖宫产安全,但仍有一定比例的新生儿产伤,尤其是臀位新生儿骨折。文章重点阐述臀位剖宫产新生儿产伤焦点问题及可对应采取的预防措施及处理,以达到尽可能降低新生儿损伤的目的。  相似文献   
<正>自经典"正常产程"研究以来,孕产妇的临床情况及特点已经发生显著变化,生育年龄增加、分娩前体质量增加、各种产科合并症和并发症增多、子宫颈不成熟者引产和镇痛分娩增加。具有这些特征的女性产程不同于Friedman既往研究。根据美国妇产科学会(ACOG)和母胎医学会(SMFM)的指南~([1]),新的宫  相似文献   
子痫前期(PE)是造成母儿发病和死亡的常见妊娠期并发症,尽管相比经产妇,其在初产妇人群中的发生率更高。然而,前次妊娠有PE病史者,再次妊娠则属于再发高风险人群,且前次发病孕周越早,或并发子痫、HELLP综合征、胎儿生长受限等,再次发病的概率更高,程度更重。有关PE再发的研究对产科医生极具挑战性,又值再生育人群高峰,如何做好孕前咨询,分层管理,采取合适的预防措施,监测病情和适时分娩,争取母儿利益最大化,是产科医生临床处理的重点。  相似文献   
1 诊 断①38周妊娠剖宫产术后,产后出血;②妊娠期急性脂肪肝;③肾衰竭;④DIC;⑤泌尿系统感染.2 诊断依据及分析  相似文献   
子宫内膜异位症(EMs)发病原因尚未明了。EMs是妇科常见良性疾病,但却有增生、浸润、转移及复发等恶性行为,对其预防和治疗仍是目前难点。凋亡是基因控制的程序性细胞自我消亡过程,对机体维持自身稳态和组织器官正常生理功能至关重要。近年有资料表明,凋亡异常可促进EMs的发生发展。综述细胞凋亡途径,凋亡相关基因及凋亡在正常子宫内膜与EMs的在位、异位内膜中的不同表达,期望能操控细胞程序性死亡并应用于EMs的预防和治疗中。  相似文献   
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