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Objective The aim of this study was to understand the role of PET/CT in monitoring the therapeutic effect of radiotherapy (RT) on lung cancer with Wistar rats. Methods Thirty Wistar in-bred strain rats (6-8 weeks, weighed 180-280 g, female, ordinary) were made into Lewis pulmonary tumor model rats. 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET/CT was performed when tumor reached 1.5-2.0 cm in greatest diameter (4-6 weeks) as a baseline. In order to get the optimal time point of PET/CT for moni-toring RT effect in rat cancer model, PET/CT was performed at the 3rd day, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th week after giving single dose of 5 Gy to each rat. Standardized uptake values (SUV) from FDG PET were measured and rats were sacrificed at different time point for validation. Besides, the expressions of glucose transport1 (Glut1) in tumor tissue were studied using immunohistochemistry. The level of tumor cell apoptosis, degra-dation, and necrosis were observed. SPSS 11.0 software was used for data analyses. Results A negative correlation of SUV uptake and time after RT and negative correlation of Glut1 expression and time after RT were observed in rat tumors, respectively. Positive correlation of SUV uptake and Glut1 expression in rat tumors was observed (Spearman rank correlation test, rs = 0.97, P < 0.01). Before RT, the SUV in rat tumor was 1.28 ± 0.31 and was decrease to 1. 00 ± 0.23 at the 3rd day and 0.18 ± 0. 10 at the 4th week after RT (F=15. 126, P<0.05). Before RT, the Glut1 in rat tumor was 0.2558 ±0.03 and was decrease to 0. 2320 ± 0. 01 at the 3rd day and 0. 1320±0.04 at the 4th week after RT. The amounts of tumor cell apopto-sis, degradation, and necrosis increased with time after RT. Conclusion Though FDG PET could monitor the therapeutic effect at the 3rd day after giving single dose of RT to rat lung tumor model, the optimal time was the the 4th week after treatment.  相似文献   
治疗1例多次发生血管内血栓形成伴肺栓塞患者,报告如下。1临床资料患者男,77岁,2001年11月—2005年11月4次发生双下肢血栓,两次导致肺栓塞,经多次溶栓、抗凝治疗,并行下腔静脉过滤网植入术。第1次静脉血栓形成于2001年11月6日,患者坐车5h后突发左下肢肿胀疼痛,伴胸痛发作。  相似文献   
1996年 4月至 1999年 8月 ,作者用三氧化二砷治疗骨髓增生异常综合征 (MDS) 2 2例 ,取得了一定疗效 ,并且发现骨髓中早幼粒细胞比值较高的患者疗效较好 ,现报道如下。1 临床资料1 1 一般资料  2 2例均为本院住院或门诊患者 ,符合MDS的诊断标准[1] ,男 9例 ,女 13例 ,年龄 19~ 6 4岁。难治性贫血伴有原始细胞增多 (RAEB) 9例 ,转变中的RAEB(RAEB T)11例 ,慢性粒单细胞白血病 (CMML) 2例。其中 18例曾接受1~ 3疗程化疗 ,12例服用过维甲酸 ,6例服用过维生素D3,4例用过干扰素 ,2例为初治患者。化疗者治疗时间为 2…  相似文献   
目的:探讨集体心理治疗对精神分裂症患疗效的影响。方法:将120例精神分裂症患随机分为药物治疗组和集体心理治疗(联合组)60例,药物治疗(药物组)60例,观察12周应用PANSS量表进行评定。结果:PANSS量表评分在8周后联合组显低于药物组(P<0.05),12周更加明显(P<0.01),治疗第12周末联合组的服药依从性显高于药物组(P<0.005)。结论:集体心理治疗能有效改善精神分裂症的精神症状,提高其服药依从性,促进其社会功能的恢复。  相似文献   
目的:观察不同温度诱导细菌形成L型。方法:抗生素纸片诱导。以苯唑青霉素(每片40μg)、羧苄青霉素(每片500μg)在37℃、32℃及28℃分别诱导金黄色葡萄球菌和福氏痢疾杆菌L型。结果:三种不同温度诱导细菌形成L型,其菌落特征、形态及染色性等均无差别。结论:抗生素诱导L型除37℃外,32℃和28℃均可形成。为探讨L型可在自然界产生和存在是否与某些传染病流行和传播有关提供依据。  相似文献   
特异性真菌作用于龙血树材质形成血竭的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
杨靖  江东福  马萍 《中草药》2004,35(5):572-574
目的 探讨剑叶龙血树血竭的形成与微生物活动之间的关系。方法 用分离自剑叶龙血树根部的内生真菌9568D镰孢霉接种于剑叶龙血树材质(经灭活处理)。结果 保湿培养4~5个月后,在接种部位有红色血脂颗粒形成,经UV、IR光谱分析及抗菌活性实验,初步证实该血脂与来自剑叶龙血树的天然血竭无本质差异。结论 特异性真菌作用于龙血树材质可促成血竭的形成。  相似文献   
目的 为探索海宁市合理制订恶性肿瘤二级预防措施 ,改进诊疗方法 ,优化卫生资源配置 ,进行相关性调查研究。方法 随机抽样调查海宁市 1999年度诊断的 2 5 8例恶性肿瘤病例进行流行病学分析。结果 病理诊断为恶性肿瘤者 40 .0 % ;晚期病例占 85 .3% ,手术治疗占 36 .4% ,已死亡病例中位生存时间为 4个月 ,平均每例医疗开支 170 6 1元 ,专科医院与非专科医院比较 :住院时间 t=2 .32 ,P<0 .0 5 ,病死率 χ2 =4.80 ,P<0 .0 5。城镇病例与农村相比 :医疗费用高出近 1倍 ,平均生存时间反而农村比城镇长 ,t=15 .87,P<0 .0 1,差异有高度显著性。结论 医疗费用支出与生存时间不成正比 ;专科医院与非专科医院病死率存在显著差异。  相似文献   
在一些严重创伤、重大手术、感染性休克及多器官功能障碍综合征(MODS)等疾病时病人血循环中的一些重要激素有不同程度的变化,探讨相关激素的变化对疾病的诊断、治疗转归和预后有积极的临床意义。为此我们进行动物实验,监测胰岛素(INS)的变化,现报告如下。  相似文献   
研究型教师是重视教学规律研究,有理论追求和实践创新。能较好地把握社会变革对教育影响的教师。研究型教师是高等职业教育师资队伍建设的重要内容。是高等职业教育对学生进行德育素质、专业素质、社会综合素质培养的关犍因素。研究型教师的培养和管理也是一所高等职业院校生存、发展,办出自身特色的基础。  相似文献   
Objective To evaluate the effect of haploidentical lymphocyte infusion on refractory and relapse acute leukemia. Methods The haploidentical donor lymphocyte infusion was used to treat for relapse acute myeloid leukemia 3 patients (M2 2 eases, M4 lcase), one relapse acute lymphocyte leukemia from April 2006 to October 2007. Four cases who had accepted secondly regimens were ineffective,after relapse. Collecting donor lymphocytes, parents children as donor supply in 3 cases, mother as donor supply one case. Before donor lymphocyte infusion patients received chemotherapy of different regimens. Donor haploidentical iymphocytes irradiated by 6-8 Gy radial were infused when patients white cell count was at the lowest after the chemotherapy. The average of infusion cells was 2.3 (1.4-3.1)×108/kg. Results One patient acquired complete remission and two patients were effective in three relapse acute myeloid leukemia. It was ineffective in relapse acute lymphocyte leukemia. No transfusion related graft versus host disease was observed. One patient has had herpes zoster virus infection. Conclusion Haploidentical donor lymphocyte infusion with chemotherapy are effective for refractory and relapse in acute myeloid leukemia, but the infused cell quantity and irradiated dosage must be further discussed.  相似文献   
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