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目的:采用比率低频振幅(fALFF)评价青少年网络游戏成瘾(IGA)者静息态下脑功能区激活特点.方法:对17例符合IGA诊断标准的青少年(IGA组)及19例在年龄、性别、受教育年限、利手等方面相匹配的青少年健康志愿者(正常对照组)行静息态fMRI扫描,两组间fALFF的差异采用两样本t检验.结果:与正常对照组相比,IGA组静息态下双侧额上回及额中回、右侧额内侧回、右侧扣带回前部及左侧扣带回后部、右侧海马旁回、右侧颞下回、右侧楔前叶脑区fALFF增高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05,未校正).右侧颞上回及颞中回、双侧舌回、双侧枕叶、右侧胼胝体压部及双侧小脑脑区fALFF降低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05,未校正).结论:IGA者静息态下脑功能存在异常,fALFF有助于对IGA者静息状态脑功能变化的理解.  相似文献   
目的探讨磁共振膝关节矢状位扫描角度对前交叉韧带的显示价值及足踝固定装置的应用,为前交叉韧带损伤的影像学诊断提供影像解剖学依据。方法对14~68岁正常膝关节扫描病例90例及60例志愿受检查者,进行前交叉韧带(ACL)矢状位扫描,利用自行设计制作的足踝固定装置,用冠状定矢状,定位线向腓侧倾斜角度进行定量研究,分14~25岁、26~35岁、36~45岁、46~60岁、60岁以上5个年龄段进行资料分析,结合ACL的显示率及韧带显示的连续影像,对不同年龄组定位线向腓侧倾斜角度较准确定量。结果足踝固定装置设计与制作,替代了绑带、胶带等临时固定装置,彻底解决了工作不便且足外旋角度难以把握等问题;5个年龄段定位线向腓侧分别倾斜4°、4°、5°、6°、6°ACL的显示率为100%,韧带显示的连续影像分别为86.6%、93.3%、90%、90%、83.3%。结论前交叉韧带MRI扫描足踝固定装置应用及矢状位扫描定位线向腓侧倾斜角度的准确定量,提高了工作效率和前交叉韧带的显示率及准确性。  相似文献   
目的随着MRI设备成像技术的成熟和普及,MRI在临床上得到广泛的应用,为了使临床医生更好地了解磁共振弥散加权成像的原理及临床应用,使得磁共振弥散加权成像技术充分发挥其技术优势。  相似文献   
目的 探讨游戏经验对网络游戏成瘾者注意定向的影响.方法 采用改良的注意网络测试范式对17名网络游戏成瘾者进行测试,分析成瘾者的相应行为学表现.结果 1.网瘾组与对照组在有效和无效两种提示线索条件下的平均反应时(RTs)分别为[(614.27 ±85.25)ms,(645.46 ±80.24)ms],[(710.24 ±131.42)ms,(765.53 ±142.53)ms].组内平均RTs差异具有显著性(P<0.05);组间平均RTs差异具有显著性(P<0.01).2.网瘾组在3个提示线索水平上的RTs[网络游戏图片(643.65 ±90.82)ms,中性面孔图片(616.73 ±82.19)ms,中性风景图片(629.21 ±78.20)ms],短于对照组[网络游戏图片(744.54 ±140.42)ms,中性面孔图片(727.98 ±142.26)ms,中性风景图片(741.13 ±138.21)ms],差异具有显著性(P<0.05).3.网瘾组在三个提示线索图片水平上RTs从有效提示[网络游戏图片(619.02±91.00)ms,中性面孔图片(604.90 ±90.71)ms,中性风景图片(618.87 ±77.85)ms]至无效提示[网络游戏图片(668.28 ±86.27)ms,中性面孔图片(628.56 ±73.53)ms,中性风景图片(639.54 ±79.54)ms]的变化趋势(斜率)差异具有显著性(P<0.05).结论 网络游戏成瘾者在外源性和内源性注意定向两方面同时提升,其中内源性注意能力的提升权重可能大于外源性注意.
Objective To explore the facilitative mechanism of the behavioral improvement resulting from gaming experience in internet gaming addicts. Methods Seventeen gaming addicts and twenty normal subjects were involved in the study, and their behavioral performance were evaluated by using the revised paradigm of event-related design. Results 1. Mean reaction times (RTs) under valid and invalid cue conditions were ( (614.27 ± 85.25)ms,(645.4±80.24)ms)and ((710.24 ± 131.42)ms,(765.53 ± 142. 53)ms) respectively. There were statistically significant differences of mean RTs within each group (P < 0. 05 ) and between the two groups (P < 0.01 ). 2. There were statistically significant differences of mean RTs on three cue levels between addiction group (online game picture(643.65 ±90.82) ms,neutral face picture(616. 73 ±82. 19)ms,neutral picture(629. 21 ± 78.20)ms) and control group(game picture (744. 54 ± 140. 42) ms, neutral face picture ( 727. 98 ± 142.26)ms, neutral picture(741. 13 ±138. 21)ms, P<0.05).3. There were statistically significant differences on trends of mean RTs on three cue levels of addiction group between valid cue condition ( online game picture (619. 02 ± 91.00) ms,neutral face picture (604.90 ±90. 71 )ms,neutral picture (618.87 ±77.85)ms) and invalid cue con-dition( online game picture ( 668. 28 ± 86. 27 ) ms, neutral face picture ( 628. 56 ± 73. 53 ) ms, neutral picture (639.54 ±79. 54) ms, P<0. 05). Conclusion Both exogenous and endogenous attention orientation are improved in internet gaming addicts. Enhancement of endogenous attention function resulting from gaming experience might be greater than that of exogenous attention.  相似文献   
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