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Introduction Triple puncture, first appeared in Miraculous Pivot (灵枢), is an ancient method of acupuncture, which has been used to treat relatively small and deep disorders caused by pathogenic wind by puncturing the center of the affected area with one needle and the surrounding areas with two other needles.  相似文献   
(2)立位训练 患肢肌力在3级以下的患者,应在完成上述各项动作后,方可进入本阶段训练。患肢肌力在3级以上的患者,立位与步行练习,应尽早开始。 立位,就是站立。应设置固定的约1米高的平行杠(单杠、双杠均可)。练习步骤如下: 1.起一坐训练:座椅靠近平行杠,使健侧靠其杠。健侧上肢伸展后握紧杠,双下肢用力,臀部离开座椅。如此,起一坐一起一坐一起,反复练习。约2~3日。主要训练下肢支撑力。 直立训练:起一坐练习完成后,进入直立训练。当握杠站立起来时,坚持直立1~5分  相似文献   
针灸疗法在中风病人早期康复的临床疗效观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
急性中风患者生命指征稳定之后 ,争取早日康复是关键。有资料表明在急性脑卒中存活者中 ,75 %的患者不同程度地丧失劳动能力或需要各种不同程度的照顾 ,是国内致残率最高的一种疾病[1] 。针灸疗法是康复的一种手段 ,针灸治疗的意义不仅在于改善患者的功能 ,防止和减轻误用、废用综合征 ,肩手综合征等 ,而且针灸的针刺感传作用还可“促通”中枢神经 ,从而改善脑循环 ,间而保护脑细胞。因此针灸疗法介入中风早期治疗有利于患者早日康复 ,从而提高日常生活能力和生存质量 ,回归家庭和社会。本文通过临床观察针灸治疗中风早期患者 ,并设药物对照…  相似文献   
从运气学说的大司天理论,探讨中医各学派创始人物与运气大司天的关系,发现中医各学派学术思想的形成不是偶然,与其所处大司天的特性密切相关。大司天的更替变化,可能是中医七大主要学派创始人学术思想形成的主要根源。这一结果显示了运气学说大司天的重要价值;提示其在学习和继承各学派经验时,如果能明了各学派创始医家当时所处大司天的运气特征,不仅能更好地理解前贤的学术思想,还可以深化解读中医不同学术思想的源流。  相似文献   
目的探索治疗血管性痴呆(VD)的方法和药物.方法采用醒脑开窍法(针刺加醒脑静注射液)治疗VD,临床观察简易智力状态检查量表(MMSE)、长谷川量表(HDS)、神经功能缺损程度评分量表、临床症状研究.结果治疗前后MMSE、HDS测试积分变化的差异有非常显著性意义(P<0.01),神经功能缺损程度与临床症状也相应有明显改善.结论醒脑开窍法治疗VD有确切的疗效.  相似文献   
IntroductionTriple puncture,first appeared in Miraculous Pivot(灵枢),i0s an ancient method of acupuncture,whichhas been used to treat relatively small and deepdisorders caused by pathogenic wind by puncturingthe center of the affected area with one needle and thesurrounding areas with two other needles.The tender point is selected as the main point where aneedle is inserted perpendicularly until the needlingsensation is elicited;then other two needles are  相似文献   
由于文化和历史因素,中医在人体的衰老和抗衰老方面的理论研究和实践独到而丰富。长期临床实践表明,针灸可调整和改善人体免疫、代谢和内分泌等功能,从而明确具有抗衰老的作用。此外,中药抗衰老亦具有一定疗效。  相似文献   
笔者近几年来应用针刺、刺络拔罐配合TDP灯综合治疗肩周炎60例,取得良好的效果,现报告如下。一般资料本组中男性22例,女性38例;年龄23~71岁,平均48岁;病程15天~2年。治疗方法选取患侧肩骨禺、肩髎、肩贞、臂月需、天宗、曲池、外关、合谷、风池、阿是穴。皮肤常规消毒后,以1寸毫针直刺风池穴,行捻转泻法,得气后留针20min,余穴均以1.5寸毫针直刺,行提插泻法,得气后留针20min。留针同时用TDP灯照射患者肩关节,温度以患者感觉舒适为度,每日照射20min。起针后选定阿是穴,每次1~2穴…  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the therapeutic effects and long-term efficacy of acupuncture for neurogenic dysphagia.METHODS:Subjects with neurogenic dysphagia undergoing routine swallowing management were randomized to receive either 20 sessions of true acupuncture(experimental group) or sham acupuncture(control group 1) for approximately one and a half months.A third group(control group 2) comprised of non-randomized subjects with neurogenic dysphagia who received routine care were recruited from separate wards.The outcomes were assessed by the Royal Brisbane Hospital Outcome Measure for Swallowing(RBHOMS),as well as by the consistencies of ingested food and fluid.RESULTS:A total of 87 subjects(experimental group,n= 20;control group 1,n=19;control group 2,n=48) were recruited into the trial.The average RBHOMS score showed a greater improvement in the experimental group and in control group 1 than in control group 2.The average levels of foodand fluid consistencies displayed greater improvement in the experimental group than in the two control groups.CONCLUSIONS:This study demonstrates that acupuncture may have therapeutic effects and long-term efficacy for neurogenic dysphagia.However,due to an insufficient sample size and the lack of follow-up for control group 2,multi-centre trials employing a larger sample size may be required to draw concrete conclusions.  相似文献   
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