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患者 女,42岁,因"双侧甲状腺次全切除术后2年,发现右侧颈部肿块7个月"于2006年2月25日入院.患者于2年前因"双侧甲状腺结节"在外院行"双侧甲状腺次伞切除术",术中顺利,术后恢复佳,无不适.术后病理诊断:双侧结节性甲状腺肿.于本次入院7个月前无意中发现右侧颈部有一约核桃大肿块,无明显不适,无畏寒发热、心悸、食欲亢进及消瘦、声音嘶哑、呼吸困难等,当时未作治疗.后肿块逐渐增大,一直未作治疗.  相似文献   
结节性脂膜炎以皮下结节为主要临床特征,常伴有发热、食欲减退、肌肉关节疼痛、甚或内脏损害,易误诊误治。现将本院1例结节性脂膜炎患者误诊情况分析如下。  相似文献   
心理护理是一种运用心理学理论和知识,预防减轻疾病或促进疾病痊愈的护理手段。1992年以来,我院共收治20例服毒轻生病人。在抢救治疗中,我们采用心理护理,效果甚佳。其中痊愈出院14人,好转2人,死亡4人。下面谈一下我的初浅体会。  相似文献   
目的寻找影响医学生自我评价的有关因素,为提高他们的自信程度提供参考.方法采用个人评价问卷(PEI)、应付方式 问卷、症状自评量表(SCL-90)及一般情况调查表(自制)对450医学生进行调查.结果性别、身高、体重、班委、恋爱、母亲文化程度、父亲健康状况、 家庭经济状况,解决问题、求助等因素与PEI量表总分呈显著正相关,SCL-90各因子呈显著 分和总均分及自责、幻想、退缩、合理化与PEI量表总分负相关.结论医学生的自我评价受到自身心理状况、应付方式、家庭状况等因素的影响.  相似文献   
作者对1118眼囊外白内障摘除并后房人工晶体植入后视力低于0.5的患眼分两组进行随访。甲组为出院时小孔片视力低于0.5的101眼(101/1118,9.03%)。乙组为随机选择术后不同时期的150只眼。分析两组中视力低下的原因。甲组随访得53眼(随访率52.47%)。其中12眼随访时视力已≥0.5。而视力仍在0.5以下的41眼中,39眼是由原有眼病所致,以眼底病为主;仅2眼与手术并发症有关。乙组随访表明视力低于0.5者共15限(15/150,10%),其中12眼为原有眼病所致,仅3眼与手术有关。两组中导致视力低下的术并发症为虹膜睫状体炎(3眼)及继发性青光眼(2眼)。  相似文献   
大鼠实验性肺损伤肺组织中TNF-α和IL-8浓度的动态变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 观察腹腔感染时肺组织中肿瘤坏死因子菌α(TNF—α)和白介素-8(IL-8)的变化,探讨其作用机制。方法 采用大鼠盲肠结扎并穿孔造成腹腔感染。分别在0、24、48、72、96、120h处死一组大鼠,检测肺毛细血管通透性,取支气管肺泡灌洗液(BALF)进行细胞学分析,检测血浆、肺组织和BALF的TNF-α和IL-8的含量。结果 肺毛细血管通透性和BALF的中性粒细胞百分率逐渐增加,时间越长越明显。血浆、肺组织和BALF的TNF—α、IL-8逐渐增加,肺组织和BALT的TNF-α、IL-8分别显著相关,两者分别与血浆的TNF-α、IL-8无明显相关性。结论 TBF-α和IL-8在腹腔感染的早期阶段就参与了肺的炎症反应,检测BALF的TNF-α和IL-8可早期发现肠源性肺损伤。  相似文献   
陈钟  明志祥  戴向华  朱李瑢 《中华实验外科杂志》2004,26(1):904-907,插图7-3
Objective To explore the effect on blood vessel regeneration of distal esophagus in ca-nines of portal hypertension with liver cirrhosis after different procedures with paraesophagastrie devascular-ization. Methods Portal hypertension models were produced in canines by subcutaneous injection of 60% CC14 combined with food restriction. Forty eight model canines were randomly divided into 4 groups: group A, traditional paraesophagastrie devascularization;group B, selective paraesophagastric devascularization;group C, paraesophagastric devascularization plus distal esophageal transaction and reanastomosis with sta-pler;group D,control group. Every group had 12 canines which were randomly divided into A1 ,B1 ,C1 ,D1, A2,B2,C2 and D2 groups after the operation. Canines in groups A1 ,B1 ,C1 and D1 were executed at first month after the operation,and those in groups A2, B2, C2 and D2 were executed at the 6th month after the operation. The distal esophagus was segmented when the canines were executed. The upside and downside of the stoma in group C were distinguished and signed as Ca and Cb. Immunohistochemieal methods were used to detect VEGF,CD34 and FVⅧ-Rag,blood vessel-related factors,in lower esophagus. Results The expres-sion levels of VEGF and CD34 MVD,FⅧ-Rag MVD in groups A1 ,B1 and C1 were lower than those in group D1 one month after the operation (P <0.05). All the indices in group B1 were lower than those in groups A1 and Clb,but higher than those in group Cla (P <0.05). The indices in group Cla were lower than those in group C1b (P < 0.05 ). The indices in groups A2 and B2 were higher than those in groups A1 and B1, re-spectively at the 6th month after the operation (P <0.05). They were higer in outer membrane in group C1a than in group C2a (P <0.05). The indices in group C2b were higher than those in group Clb (P<0.05). Conclusion At the first month after operation, the expression of blood vessel-related factors was declined in three different procedures of paraesophagastric devascularization,which indicated that all three different pro-cedures could diminish the vessels in distal esophagus. The effect in group C was most obvious among all groups. At the 6th month after traditional paraesophagastrie devascularization and selective paraesophagastrie devascularization, the expression of blood vessel-related factors in distal esophagus was declined. But there were no significant changes in the expression of blood vessel-related factors in distal esophagus after parae-sophagastric devascularization plus distal esophageal transaction and reanastomosis with stapler. It indicated that the blood vessel regeneration in paraesophagastric devascularization pins distal esophageal transaction and reanastomosis with stapler was inferior to that in other procedures.  相似文献   
IgA肾病患者IgA1对足细胞nephrin mRNA表达的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年研究发现IgA肾病患者的血清IgA1与正常人相比具有明显的异质性,其中起致病作用的主要是聚合型IgA1(polymeric IgA1,pIgA1)。新近研究也发现IgA肾病(IgAN)不仅是系膜细胞受累的疾病,而且在疾病的发生发展过程中也存在着足细胞的破坏。目前关于患者血清IgA1分子异常和足细胞损伤之间有何关系尚不清楚,我们亦未检索到相关报道。本研究拟观察IgAN患者血清IgA1对足细胞分子nephrin表达的影响。  相似文献   
姐妹3例双子宫双宫颈双阴道柴建财,娄金环,焦凤英,傅晓霞甘肃省酒泉地区计划生育服务站(735000)我站遇到一家三姐妹均为双子宫双宫颈双阴道,甚为罕见,现报道如下。[例1]杨某,30岁.1989年10月在地区人民医院因阴道内有不完全纵隔行剖宫产术,术...  相似文献   
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