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重度创伤急救原则的临床研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的探讨重度创伤(ISS评分≥16分)的急救原则。方法应用"ATP三原则"救治重度创伤:①外科主治以上医师(Attending)首诊并全权、全程指挥抢救原则;②患者入院后立即成立急救小组(Teamwork)救治原则;③抢救、检查、诊断同时进行,使抢救时间最短的并联(Parallel)原则。分析比较应用"ATP三原则"前、后各2年救治重度创伤的临床效果。结果应用"ATP三原则"前2年(2002-01-01~2003-12-31)共抢救、收治重度创伤388例,ISS评分(25.9±6.4)分,死亡152例,死亡率39.2%,抢救室抢救时间、入院至急诊手术时间分别为(102.8±16.7)min、(140.3±20.6)min。应用"ATP三原则"后2年(2004-01-01~2005-12-31)共抢救、收治重度创伤438例,ISS评分(28.6±7.8)分,死亡87例,死亡率19.9%,抢救室抢救时间、入院至急诊手术时间分别为(69.5±11.5)min、(89.6±9.3)min。两组治疗前ISS评分比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);两组治疗后死亡率、抢救时间、入院至手术时间比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),应用"ATP三原则"后均明显降低。结论应用"ATP三原则"救治重度创伤能显著缩短抢救时间,降低创伤死亡率。  相似文献   
作者对乳腺癌(Ⅰ、Ⅱ期)25例行改良根治术,并与同样病期乳腺癌行传统根治术的25例作比较,结果显示两者的临床疗效相似;随访显示改良根治术与根治术组的五年生存率分别为91.3%与92.7%;两组五年无瘤生存率分别为78.3%与81.8%;局部复发率分别为11.8%与10.9%;远期转移率分别为8.1%与7.3%。两组结果无显著差异。  相似文献   
Mirizzi综合征是胆囊结石的一种少见并发症,发病率为0.7%~1.3%,术中极易损伤肝外胆管,造成严重状况和手术处理困难,术中若不能及时合理有效的处理,往往引起术后严重并发症。本文综合我院近年收治的2例经手术证实的Mirizzi综合征,其中1例合并术中胆管损伤,结合文献,就该病诊断与治疗报告如下。  相似文献   
目的 探讨多发伤患者早期外周血单个核细胞NF-κB活性变化及乌司他丁的保护作用.方法 收集2008-01~2010-05急诊收治20~55岁的多发伤患者,将入选的多发伤患者随机分为多发伤对照组、乌司他丁治疗组.乌司他丁治疗组在创伤后12 h内开始给予乌司他丁治疗,20万U溶于100 mL生理盐水中静脉注射,以后每8 h 1次,连续7 d.采集患者在入院时(0)、第1天、第2天、第3天、第4天及第7天外周静脉血.测定外周血单个核细胞NF-κB活性及血清TNF-α、IL-1、IL-6浓度.分析比较不同组患者实验室指标和临床指标的差异.结果 多发伤患者创伤后第1天(24 h)外周血单个核细胞NF-κB活性、血清IL-6、TNF-α浓度均最高,随后逐渐降低,至第3天(72 h)后降至正常.乌司他丁治疗组单个核细胞NF-κB活性、血清IL-6、TNF-α浓度均较对照组降低,但差异无统计学意义.多发伤患者SIRS平均持续(10±3.5)d,乌司他丁治疗组平均持续(7±3.1)d,两组比较差异有统计学意义(t=2.31,P=0.029).多发伤患者MODS平均持续(8.8±2.6)d,乌司他丁治疗组平均持续(5.6±2.7)d,两组差异有统计学意义(t=2.27,P=0.025).结论 多发伤患者早期单个核细胞NF-κB活性及血清前炎症细胞因子呈一过性升高.乌司他丁能缩短多发伤患者SIRS、MODS持续时间,但未发现能显著降低外周血单个核细胞NF-κB活性.  相似文献   
Objective: To study the emergency care effect of in-hospital severe trauma patients with the injury severity score (ISS)≥ 16 after medical staff received advanced trauma life support (ATLS) training.Methods: ATLS training was implemented by lectures,scenarios, field practices, and examinations. The clinical effect of in-hospital severe trauma care was compared 2 years before and after ATLS training.Results: During 2 years (from January 1, 2004, to December 31, 2005) before ATLS training, 438 cases of severe trauma were admitted and treated emergently in our department. Among them, ISS score was 28.6±7.8 on average, and 87 cases died with the mortality of 19.9%. The duration in emergency department and from admission to operation were 69.5 min±l 1.5 min and 89.6 min±9.3 min respectively. Two years (from January 1,2007, to December 31, 2008) after ATLS training, 382 cases of severe trauma were admitted and treated. The ISS was 25.3 ±6.1 on average and 62 cases died with the mortality of 15.1%. The duration in emergency department and from admission to operation were 47.8 min±10.7 min and 61.5 min±9.9 min respectively. The ISS score showed no significant difference between the two groups (P>0.05), but the mortality, the duration in emergency department and from admission to operation were markedly decreased after ATLS training and showed significant difference between the two groups (P<0.05).Conclusion: ATLS course training can improve the emergency care effect of in-hospital severe trauma patients,and should be put into practice as soon as possible in China.  相似文献   
目的:探讨严重多发伤及创伤后多器官功能障碍综合征(MODS)的临床特点和诊治方法。方法:回顾性分析多发伤中导致多脏器功能障碍综合征251例的临床资料。结果:251例患者共有726个器官衰竭,死亡98例(39.0%),其中2个器官衰竭死亡率12.6%,3个为41.3%,4≥个为91.2%;休克203例,感染146例。结论:损伤严重度评分越高、患者衰竭器官数越多,死亡率越高;休克、感染为常见的MODS促发因素;积极处理原发伤,强化休克、感染的早期诊治,预防性维护重要脏器功能,是严重多发伤救治和MODS防治的关键环节。  相似文献   
Objective: To study the emergency management principles of severe trauma in hospital (injury severity score ≥ 16). Methods: We used " ATP principle" to manage severe traumatic patients. The ATP principle is composed of: 1 ) attending surgeons offering initial management (A) ; 2 ) teamwork commencement immediately after patients admitted to hospital ( T ) ; 3 ) parallel principle, ie, emergency resuscitation, evaluation and laboratory test performed simultaneously (P). Clinical effects before and after applying ATP principle were retrospectively analyzed and compared. Results: During January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2003, 338 patients were treated without applying ATP principle, in which ISS was 25.9 ± 6.4, 152 cases died with the mortality being 39. 2%, and the time stayed in emergency department and the time to operation room after admission were (102.8±16.7) rain, (140.3 ±20.6) rain,respectively. During January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2005, 438 patients were treated based on ATP principle, in which ISS was 28.6 ± 7.8, 87 cases died with the mortality being 19.9%, and the time in emergency department and the time to operation room after admission were (69.5 ± 11.5) rain, (89.6 ±9 .3) min, respectively. ISS showed no significant difference between the two groups ( P 〉 0.05 ), but the mortality, the time stayed in emergency department and the time to operation room after admission were greatly reduced and showed significant difference between the two groups ( P 〈 0.05 ). Conclusions: Applying ATP principle to treat severe traumatic patients can shorten emergency treatment time in hospital and decrease mortality.  相似文献   
高级创伤生命支持(advanced trauma life support,ATLS)培训自1978年在美国首次开展以来,已被认为是创伤救治培训的规范教程和创伤救治方法的指南,被世界广大医务人员所接受、推广~([4]).  相似文献   
急性胰周积液和胰腺坏死对急性胰腺炎预后的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨急性胰周积液和胰腺坏死对急性胰腺炎(AP)预后的影响.方法 回顾分析2003年1月至2007年12月收治的323例AP患者早期CT影像学表现,探讨急性胰周积液、胰腺坏死程度与全身炎症反应综合征(SIRS)、胰腺感染及病死率的关系.结果 发病5 d内出现SIRS并持续2 d或以上者97例(30%),12例(3.7%)在病程中、后期出现胰腺感染;病死14例(4.3%).有急性胰周积液者142例(44.0%).单个部位发生急性胰周积液者76例,其中31例发生SIRS,病死2例;多个部位急性胰周积液者66例,发生SIRS 62例,病死11例.急性胰周积液部位数量与早期SIRS发生及病死率显著相关(P<0.01).277例(85.8%)无胰腺坏死,均未继发胰腺感染,病死4例;46例(14.2%)有不同程度胰腺坏死.胰腺坏死面积≤30%32例,胰腺感染发生率12.5%,病死率15.6%;>30%~≤50%7例,感染发生率42.9%,病死率28.6%;>50%7例,感染发生率为71.4%,病死率42.9%,胰腺坏死的程度与胰腺感染的发生及病死率显著相关(P<0.05).结论 急性胰周积液和胰腺坏死对AP预后的影响不同.急性胰周积液与病程早期SIRS的发生及病死率相关;胰腺坏死与胰腺继发感染的发生及病死率有关,坏死面积越大,越容易发生胰腺感染,病死率越高.  相似文献   
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