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Ninety-one high atopy-risk infants were prospectively followed up to 18 months of age with regard to the development of allergic/atopic manifestations and sensitization. They were randomized into one of two feeding groups, i.e., a hydrolyzed, ultrafiltered cow's milk whey formula, Profylac® ( n = 32), or an ordinary cow's milk formula ( n = 39), for 12 months, started after exclusive breast-feeding for 0–9 (median 6.0) months. Lactating mothers avoided milk, egg, and fish, as did the infants up to 12 months of age. Twenty of the 91 infants were breast-fed exclusively for more than 9 months and regarded as a control group. All infants were followed-up by questionnaires, physical examinations, skin prick tests, and determination of serum total IgE and cow's milk-specific IgE. The frequency of allergic/atopic disease was similar in the three groups. However, all three infants who developed cow's milk allergy with skin symptoms belonged to the cow's milk formula group. The skin prick test with whey hydrolysate was negative in all, while with cow's milk it was positive in eight infants. Growth was similar in the three groups. The study comprises too few infants to allow us to make statistically based statements. However, the difficulties encountered and the limited effects obtained by the use of whey hydrolysate at weaning at about 6 months of age made us conclude that we can spare high atopy-risk families this extra burden.  相似文献   
Peanut allergy has been associated with the intake of soy milk or a soy formula. We studied the development of immunoglobulin E antibodies specific to soy and peanuts and of allergic reactions caused by peanuts, in children with confirmed cow's milk (CM) allergy fed either a soy formula or an extensively hydrolyzed formula (EHF). One hundred and seventy infants with documented CM allergy (CMA) were randomly assigned to receive either a soy formula or an EHF. The children were followed to the age of 4 yr. Peanut-specific immunoglobulin E was measured at the age of 4. A detailed history of the occurrence of allergic reactions caused by peanuts was recorded by the parents. Soy-specific immunoglobulin E antibodies were measured at the time of diagnosis and at the ages of 1, 2 and 4 yr. Immunoglobulin E antibodies to soy (> or =0.35 kU/l) were found in 22 of 70 children fed the soy formula, and in 14 of 70 of the children fed the EHF (p = 0.082). In an open challenge with soy at the age of 4, no immediate reactions were observed. One of 72 children from the soy group had a delayed reaction. immunoglobulin E antibodies to peanuts (> or =0.35 kU/l) were found in 21 of 70 children fed the soy formula and 17 of 69 infants fed the EHF (p = 0.717). The incidence of reported peanut allergy in the soy group was two of 72 (3%) and four of 76 (5%) in the EHF group (p = 0.68). Development of immunoglobulin E-associated allergy to soy and peanuts was rare in our study group of milk allergic children. The use of a soy formula during the first 2 yr of life did not increase the risk of development of peanut-specific immunoglobulin E antibodies or of clinical peanut allergy.  相似文献   
The effects of therapeutic 4 weeks' inhaled salmeterol treatment on the cardiovascular and respiratory autonomic nervous regulation was studied in 11 asthmatic children using inhaled corticosteroid medication. The study followed a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled cross-over design. The salmeterol dose was 50 μg twice daily. The 4-week salmeterol treatment increased baseline heart rate, low-frequency/high-frequency (LF/HF) variability ratio of R–R intervals, LF variability of systolic arterial pressure (SAP) and maximum tidal volume during the deep breathing test, as well as morning and evening peak expiratory flow (PEF) values. The 4-week salmeterol treatment decreased baseline HF variability of R–R intervals. As a response to the acute 600 μg of salbutamol, the changes in heart rate, HF variability of R–R intervals and diastolic blood pressure were significantly smaller after 4 weeks' salmeterol treatment. In conclusion, 4 weeks' therapeutic salmeterol treatment decreases basal cardiovagal reactivity, increases sympathetic dominance in the cardiovascular autonomic balance and improves pulmonary function. A tolerance develops in the cardiovascular response but not in the bronchodilatory response.  相似文献   
The fraction of exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) has gained interest as a non-invasive tool to measure airway inflammation in asthma since it reflects allergic inflammation. Recent controlled clinical studies have, however, questioned its role in the management of asthma in children. To assess the clinical value of FeNO in paediatric asthma management, a meta-analysis was performed on the controlled studies of childhood asthma management guided by repeated FeNO measurements, and relevant publications on the confounders of FeNO were reviewed. The data suggests that utilising FeNO to tailor the dose of inhaled corticosteroids in children cannot be recommended for routine clinical practice since there is a danger of excessive inhaled corticosteroid doses in children without meaningful changes in clinical outcomes. Many disease and non-disease related factors (most importantly atopy, height/age and infection) affect FeNO levels which can easily confound the interpretation.  相似文献   
We evaluated a new Seralyzer Aris reagent strip test (Ames Div., Miles Labs.) for the determination of theophylline in human serum. The method is based on the monoclonal enzyme immunoassay with dry reagent chemistry. The analysis is rapid and simple to perform: results are available only 5-10 min after receipt of the sample. Intra-assay precision (CV) was 2.2-3.3% (n = 15) for theophylline concentrations of 5-25 mg/L; interassay CV was 5.9% (n = 19) at 15 mg/L. The results (y) agreed well with those by liquid chromatography (x): r = 0.949 (p less than 0.001), and y = 0.967x + 0.214. We conclude the method is useful for rapid evaluation of theophylline concentrations in asthmatic patients.  相似文献   
We wanted to test the hypothesis that the efficacy of systemic corticosteroid is associated with atopic characteristics in wheezing children. A randomized controlled trial comparing oral prednisolone (2 mg/kg/day in 3 divided doses for 3 days) with placebo in hospitalized wheezing children (n = 266, median 1.6 years, range 3 months to 15.2 years) was conducted. In this post-hoc analysis, we assessed the link between the efficacy of prednisolone and several atopic characteristics, such as atopy, aeroallergen sensitization, total IgE level, number of sensitizations, eczema, atopic eczema, blood or nasal eosinophils, exhaled nitric oxide, positive modified asthma predictive index/asthma, inhaled corticosteroid medication and parental asthma/allergy. Virology was studied comprehensively. Our primary endpoint was the time until ready for discharge, and the most important secondary endpoint was the occurrence of relapses during the following 2 months. For statistics, we used interaction analyses in uni- and multivariate regression models. Overall, prednisolone did not decrease any of our predefined clinical endpoints. Neither was the efficacy of prednisolone associated with atopy. However, prednisolone significantly decreased the time until ready for discharge in children with positive modified asthma predictive index/asthma, inhaled corticosteroids, or rhinovirus infection and/or in children without azithromycin treatment. Prednisolone significantly decreased relapses in children with eczema, nasal eosinophilia and rhinovirus infection. The multiple clinical, inflammatory and viral markers associating with the efficacy of prednisolone should be confirmed in prospective trials. It is important that corticosteroid intervention trials have strict design for these potentially confounding factors.  相似文献   
Circulating immune complexes (CIC) were determined from dog-allergic asthmatic children (n = 35) receiving immunotherapy with dog dander and hair extract. The results from CIC are expressed in SDU (standard deviation units) and presented as follows: pretreatment results (n = 20), rush results (n = 11), mid-schedule results (n = 20), maintenance results (n = 15) and the results of the placebo-treated group (n = 12). The results of the placebo-treated group (n = 12) and those of the untreated atopic (n = 12) and non-atopic (n = 14) were controls. CIC levels were analysed by means of KgB-ELISA (conglutinin binding enzyme linked immunosorbent assay), C1qB-ELISA (C1q-binding enzyme linked immunososrbent assay), RFb-ELISA (rheumatoid factor binding enzyme linked immunosorbent assay) and by PIPA (platelet 125J-labelled staphylococcal protein-A test). The CIC level determined by KgB-ELISA in dog-allergic asthmatic children was higher than that of the atopic controls (P less than 0.05) already before the onset of the hyposensitization. During conventional hyposensitization with dog dander and hair the CIC level remained the same as before treatment. On day 5 of rush hyposensitization the mean level of CIC showed no increase when compared with the pretreatment values. A statistically significant correlation (P less than 0.01) was observed between the dog dander and hair-specific IgG antibodies and the CIC level measured by KgB-ELISA during the maintenance period of conventional immunotherapy. The samples of sera to measure this correlation were collected before the injection of allergen and after 2 weeks of injection during maintenance treatment.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
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