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A retrospective review of 56 patients operated upon for tumours of Oddi was performed in order to determine optimal diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Common presenting symptoms were jaundice (86%) and anemia (21%). Mean size of the tumour was 2.3 cm. Five tumours were benign and 51 were malignant. According to the classification of Martin, five were grade I: 10 grade II; 18 grade III; and 18 grade IV. Forty-seven patients underwent resection of the tumour: three local excisions for small benign tumors, six ampullectomies (followed in three by a Whipples’ procedure for recurrence) and 41 Whipples’ procedures. The hospital mortality was 5.3%, minor complications appeared in 21%. The overall five years survival was 41%. It was 75% in grade I, 50% in grade II, 40% in grade III and 10% in grade IV. The patients who received ampullectomies were alive with a follow-up of one, two and three years. All patients operated upon for a benign tumour were alive except one who died of cardiac failure. Ultrasonography and duodenoscopy are the most useful tests for the diagnosis of tumours of Oddi. Prognosis depends on the degree of infiltration of the duodenal wall and the presence of positive lymph nodes. Whipples’ procedure is best but ampullectomy can be used in elderly or poor risk patients. Malignant tumours of the ampullary region are infrequent and reported to constitute betwee 0.02 and five percent of all cancers of the digestive tract. With wider application of endoscopic techniques, there has been an increasing interest in this group of tumours during recent years. In the literature tumours of Oddi are usually reported in the group of periampullary tumours, including tumours of the ampulla itself, duodenal wall surrounding the ampulla, the distal part of the common bile duct and head of the pancreas. We have wanted to distinguish specifically the tumours of the ampulla of Vater and have adopted the term tumour of Oddi introduced by Marchal and Hureau.The sphincter of Oddi exactly delineates the junction between the bile duct, pancreatic duct and duodenum. We wanted to avoid using the anatomic term ampulla of Vater, since this structure rarely appears as an ampulla. This then excludes tumours in the head of pancreas, common bile duct above ths phincter of Oddi and tumours of the duodenal wall adjacent to the papilla. These tumours seem to behave differently from other pancreatic tumours, as they carry a different prognosis and need special attention. We have therefore reviewed retrospectively 56 patients with tumours of Oddi with special reference to diagnosis, histopathologic examination and surgical therapy.  相似文献   
Studies on human anti-influenza cytolytic activities have demonstrated that cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) from HLA-B37 individuals react preferentially with the peptide corresponding to residues 335-349 of the nucleoprotein, whereas CTL from HLA-A2 donors recognize peptide 57-68 from the viral matrix as a dominant epitope. We studied the secondary CTL response, obtained from peripheral blood mononuclear cells, of an HLA-A2+,B37+ individual stimulated either by infectious virus or by synthetic peptides. Only an HLA-B37-restricted response was detected after stimulation by the whole virus, showing an immunodominance of this activity over that restricted by HLA-A2. Moreover, human cytotoxic cell lines were successfully obtained after stimulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells with synthetic peptides. Under these conditions, it was possible to selectively reveal the existence of an HLA-A2-restricted activity directed against the matrix peptide. These results demonstrate that, at least in vitro, it is possible to stimulate a latent repertoire by using synthetic peptides. Nevertheless, we could not induce a response against the matrix or the nucleoprotein peptides in HLA-A2- or B37- individuals, suggesting that a finer selection of synthetic peptides would be necessary for their possible utilization to induce CTL during vaccination.  相似文献   
Anatomic bases for liver transplantation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary This study gathers the anatomic implications for a good liver transplantation. During hepatic removal a left hepatic a.exists in 20% of cases; a right hepatic artery originating from the superior mesenteric a. (SMA) can be the only arterial supply in 9% of cases; the whole lesser omentum has to be removed and the SMA from 6 cm to its origin. The SMA must be freed from the celiac ganglia and its ostium removed with the celiac trunk in an aortic patch cut on the anterior side in order to avoid the renal ostia. During total hepatectomy, dissection of the portal triad is often difficult because of portal hypertension dilating accessory portal veins (parabiliary arcade) and pedicular lymphatics. Nerve plexuses are thick in front of the hepatic artery or behind the portal triad. Transection of triangular ligaments leads to the retrohepatic inferior vena cava (IVC) that must be freed from its posterior tributaries (right suprarenal vein and inferior phrenic veins flowing either into the IVC or into the hepatic veins). One big problem during hepatic replacement is the biliary anastomosis which must be well irrigated. In the recipient, dissection up to the hilum preserves hepatic and pancreatico-duodenal pedicles. The biliary tract of the graft must be cut low, behind the pancreas, and several centimeters of the gastroduodenal artery must be preserved to save hepatic and gastroduodenal pedicles.
Bases anatomiques de la transplantation hépatique
Résumé Ce travail rassemble les notions anatomiques nécessaires au bon déroulement d'une transplantation hépatique. Le prélèvement du greffon doit enlever tout le petit omentum contenant une éventuelle a. hépatique gauche née de l'a. gastrique gauche (20%) et emporter l'a. mésentérique supérieure jusqu'à 6 cm de son origine pour ne pas oublier une a. hépatique droite née de cette dernière: son ostium est pris avec le tronc clique dans un patch aortique découpé sur la face antérieure. Lors de l'hépatectomie totale, la dissection du pédicule hépatique est rendue délicate par l'hypertension portale qui dilate les veines portes diets accessoires (arcade parabiliaire) et les lymphatiques pédiculaires. Les plexus nerveux sont riches devant l'artère hépatique et derrière le pédicule. La section des ligaments triangulaires droit et gauche amène à la veine cave inférieure (VCI) rétro-hépatique qu'il faut libérer de ses afférences postérieures (en particulier la veine surrénale principale droite toujours haut située et les veines phréniques inférieures qui s'abouchent soit dans la VCI soit dans les veines hépatiques du carrefour). Lors du remplacement, l'anastomose biliaire doit être vascularisée. Chez le receveur la dissection jusqu'au hile permet de conserver les pédicules. La voie biliaire du greffon doit être coupée bas derrière le pancréas et les premiers centimètres de l'artère gastro-duodénale conservés pour préserver les pédicules hépatique et pancréaticoduodénal.
Ascites, generally directly reflecting portal hypertension, is the commonest cause of hospitalisation in patients with cirrhosis. In almost 10% of patients with ascites, optimal medical treatment combining bed rest, salt and water restriction, and diuretic treatment, is unable to induce sodium excretion and decrease the volume of the ascites, corresponding to the definition of refractory ascites. In other cases, it is the treatment of ascites itself (salt and water restriction and diuretics) which induce complications: water and electrolyte disturbances, functional renal failure, encephalopathy, the development of which also corresponds to refractory ascites. The therapeutic armamentarium for the management of refractory ascites remains varied, with the use of aspiration of ascites with compensation, peritoneovenous shunts, transhepatic or surgical porto-systemic anastomoses, and finally, liver transplantation. At the present time, each therapeutic measure must be taken while keeping in mind the possibility of subsequent liver transplantation and the potential risk of compromising liver transplantation by inappropriate treatments. In this context, the authors review and analyse the respective places of the various therapeutic modalities in the management of refractory ascites in cirrhotic patients.  相似文献   
The immunogenicity and the safety of a new heat-stable 17D yellow fever vaccine have been assessed in a randomized comparative study by reference to a non-stabilized vaccine preparation. Seronegative adults were used and 115 and 143 were given the heat-stable and the non-stabilized vaccine, respectively. Fifty two days after the immunization, haemagglutination inhibiting antibodies were found in 77.6 and 73.9% of the vaccinees, neutralizing antibodies in 99.3 and 100% of them. The percentage of seroconversion and the geometric mean of antibody titres were not significantly different. No complaints or adverse reactions in association with the vaccines were recorded. This study demonstrates the high immunogenicity of this new stabilized vaccine whose stability has already been proven.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: The use of ultrasonography is widespread for both the diagnosis and treatment of liver tumors. However, the measurement of liver volume by ultrasonography is not commonly done. We report an original method of liver volumetry using ultrasonography and an investigation into the usefulness of ultrasonography in this context. METHODS: The data for 50 patients undergoing various types of major hepatectomy were collected. We preoperatively measured liver volume using ultrasonography, dividing the liver into three main compartments according to precise anatomical landmarks, and then made comparisons with the volume of the actual specimen after hepatectomy, for all of the study participants. RESULTS: Total volume correlation between the two groups was good (r = 0.916, P < 0.001). However, the correlation was weaker in cases of right hepatectomy compared with other types of hepatectomy. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates the possibility of doing liver volumetry using an ultrasound device. Further investigation to establish the reliability of this easily available and noninvasive approach is needed.  相似文献   
Background. Advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma is a rapidlyfatal disease for which an active chemotherapy regimen is sought.Here we report the outcome of a phase II trial to assess thetoxicity and efficacy of a combination of 5-flu-orouracil (5-FU),leucovorin and cisplatin (CDDP). Methods. A regimen combining leucovorin (200 mg/m2/d x 5d),5-FU (375 mg/m2/d x 5d in a 2-hour infusion) and CDDP (15 mg/m2/dx 5d) was given to 52 patients with histologically-proven, previouslyuntreated, locally advanced (n = 13) and/or metastatic (n =39) pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Results. Of 48 patients evaluable for response, 10 achievedpartial responses, for an overall response rate of 21% (95%CI 9.5%–32.5%), and a palliative effect was observed in52%. The median survival was 9.5 months (18 months for locally-advancedand 5 months for metastatic disease) with a 1-year survivalof 34.6% and a median progression-free survival of 4.5 months.Chemotherapy was well tolerated with grades 3 or 4 nausea/vomitingin 12%, diarrhea in 6%, anaemia in 17%, neutropenia in 12%,and thrombocytopenia in 10%. Eleven patients (21%) had Grade2 peripheral neuropathy. Conclusion. The combination of leucovorin, 5-FU and CDDP seemsto be an effective palliative treatment, with moderate toxiceffects, in advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma. advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma, cisplatin, 5-fluorouracil, leucovorin  相似文献   
Hepatic vascular exclusion (HVE) combines portal triad clamping and occlusion of the inferior vena cava. Although HVE has been performed for major liver resections during the last 2 decades, little is known about the mechanisms that explain its satisfactory hemodynamic tolerance. Consequently, we performed a comprehensive study of both hemodynamic and hormone responses to HVE. Twenty-two patients who underwent liver resection for secondary tumors developed in noncirrhotic livers were prospectively studied. Heart rate, arterial blood pressure, pulmonary artery pressure, mixed venous saturation, cardiac output, and left ventricular dimensions determined by transesophageal echocardiography were monitored in HVE patients. Blood concentrations of arginine vasopressin (AVP), epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine, and atrial natriuretic peptide and plasma renin activity (PRA) were measured before clamping; 5, 15, and 30 min after clamping; and 15 min after unclamping. Hemodynamic response to HVE was characterized by a significant (P < 0.05) decrease in left ventricular dimensions, fractional area change, and pulmonary artery pressure. We also observed a marked decrease in cardiac output (50%) and an increase in heart rate and systemic vascular resistance. After unclamping, there was peripheral vasodilation, assessed by a significant decrease in systemic vascular resistance from the preclamping value to unclamping. An acute and sustained increase in AVP and norepinephrine that returned to baseline after unclamping and the absence of modification in PRA concentrations were noted. The marked decrease in venous return that characterizes HVE is compensated for by an increase in vascular resistance secondary to an important activation of the AVP and sympathetic systems. The PRA system does not play an important role in maintaining arterial blood pressure during HVE. IMPLICATIONS: Hemodynamic and hormonal responses to the acute interruption of caval venous return to the heart were investigated in patients undergoing liver resection with hepatic vascular exclusion. A compensatory role for arginine vasopressin and sympathetic systems that provoked increased vascular resistance was demonstrated.  相似文献   
Aldolase B is critical for sugar metabolism, and a catalytic deficiency due to mutations in its gene may result in hereditary fructose intolerance (HFI) syndrome, with hypoglycaemia and severe abdominal symptoms. This report describes two cases of HFI, which were identified by intravenous fructose tolerance test and a new RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) test that detects the two most common mutations, A149P and A174D. The method includes PCR of a 224-base-pair segment of exon 5, a subsequent 3h incubation with Cac8I and agarose electrophoresis, which reveals either or both of the mutations in one single reaction. The method might be useful for screening of these mutations, which may account for more than 70% of the mutations causing HFI.  相似文献   
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