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Cell physiology and molecular biology typically follow a reductionistic approach in science. In the last decade, molecular principles and pathogenetic factors involved in the development of many diseases have been successfully discovered. Therefore, early biological concepts based on systemic and cybernetic thoughts have been largely overshadowed by these more recent molecular and pathogenetic factors. This review highlights discoveries on bone development and hypothalamic controlled feeding and eating behavior with a cybernetic and systemic perspective. Interestingly, ancient ideas on bone development and hypothalamic function are still reasonable considerations to embed new molecular discoveries into a systemic concept of principles organizing nature.  相似文献   
Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) is a treatment option in patients with severe heart failure and left bundle-branch block (LBBB). This study evaluated the effects of 4 and 13 mo of CRT on myocardial oxygen consumption (MVO2) and cardiac efficiency as compared with mild heart failure patients without LBBB. METHODS: Sixteen patients with severe heart failure and LBBB due to idiopathic cardiomyopathy were studied at baseline and after 4 and after 13 mo of therapy. Thirteen patients with mild heart failure without LBBB served as a comparison group. The clearance rate (k2) of 11C-acetate was measured with PET to assess MVO2. Stroke volume was derived from the dynamic PET data according to the Stewart-Hamilton principle and, furthermore, cardiac efficiency using the work metabolic index. RESULTS: After 4 mo of CRT, stroke volume index (SVI) increased by 50% (P = 0.012) and cardiac efficiency increased by 41% (P < 0.001). Global k2 remained unchanged but regional k2 demonstrated a more homogeneous distribution pattern. The parameters showed no significant changes during therapy. Under CRT, cardiac efficiency, SVI, and the distribution pattern of regional k2 did not differ from mild heart failure patients without LBBB. CONCLUSION: CRT improves cardiac efficiency for at least 13 mo, as demonstrated by a higher SVI, whereas MVO2 remains unchanged. Cardiac efficiency, SVI, and the MVO2 distribution pattern reach the level of patients with mild heart failure without LBBB. The unfavorable hemodynamic performance in heart failure with LBBB is effectively restored by long-term CRT to the level of an earlier disease state.  相似文献   
Object: Diesel soot has been recognized as probably carcinogenic to humans. Elemental carbon (also called black carbon) in soot is considered at the moment as the most significant surrogate to be measured for assessing the exposure to this pollutant. Its analysis is done by combustion in an oven and determination of the CO2 formed, after elimination of the organic fraction of the soot by heating and/or by solvent extraction. The analysis allows determination of both fractions of the soot: “elemental carbon” (EC) and organic carbon␣(OC). The sum of EC and OC is called TC (total carbon). Method: An informal European coordination group organized two round robin tests on filter samples collected from diluted diesel emissions. The first round (RRT1) was performed on 13 different samples analyzed by ten laboratories. The range of loading was 2.5 to 150 μg/cm2 of EC. No evaluation of the precision within laboratories could be made since each laboratory gave only one result per sample. Therefore a second round (RRT2) was organized with two samples and a blank filter sent in several portions to 11 laboratories. It should be stressed that each laboratory used its own method and that no standardization was planned at this stage. Results: Results of RRT1 showed that the coefficient of variation between laboratories decreased with higher loading and was around 10% to 15% for EC above about 20 μg/cm2. Dispersion of the results varied and it appeared that the way OC is removed from the soot is probably the most important factor of influence. The correlation between the laboratories was good as a whole but some systematic differences could be detected. Besides the different techniques to remove the organic carbon, the pretreatment of the filter by HCl (either as a vapor or as a solution) to remove the inorganic carbonates (potential interference sources), is probably also a significant factor of influence in the dispersion of the results between laboratories. It is not yet clear from these results whether the “environmental” laboratories give different results from the “occupational” laboratories, but it is clear that their objectives differ since for the “environmentalists”, EC is not a specific marker of diesel immissions, in contrast to the “occupationalists”. Conclusion: It can be concluded that, although significant differences exist between laboratories they can be attributed mainly to the narrow distribution of the results within a single laboratory, and that the overall agreement of the results for EC and TC is fairly good. These results obtained with pure diesel engine emissions, should be complemented by field samples, but they have already achieved relevant findings in the performance of the procedures used to assess exposure to diesel soot. Received: 30 December 1996 / Accepted: 21 February 1997  相似文献   
The clinical and laboratory data available on hepatitis A virus infections reported in Europe were reviewed by the Blood Products Advisory Committee of the Food and Drug Administration. The panel's consensus was that the clotting factor concentrates currently available in the United States are safe with respect to viral diseases, hepatitis A transmissions do not appear to be a significant health problem, and there is a paucity of epidemiologic data on hepatitis A in patients with hemophilia in the United States.  相似文献   
Nonuniform soft-tissue attenuation affects the diagnostic accuracy of SPECT in myocardial perfusion imaging. The attenuation map required for attenuation correction can be acquired using x-ray tomography (CT). Frequent findings in attenuation-corrected images are defects in the apical and anterior myocardial wall. We assume that these are artifacts produced by misalignment of SPECT images and the attenuation map. METHODS: One hundred forty patients underwent myocardial perfusion imaging with 99mTc-methoxyisobutylisonitrile. Twenty-seven of 140 showed pronounced defects in the apical or anterior wall only after CT-based attenuation correction. SPECT and corresponding CT slices were examined for misalignment in the ventrodorsal direction (y-direction) visually and by threshold-based delineation of the body surface. Mismatched studies were realigned and image reconstruction and analysis were redone. The effect of the correction was assessed visually and by semiquantitative analysis based on a 20-segment model using 4D-MSPECT. RESULTS: In 15 of 27 patients, the improved coregistration led to smaller and less-pronounced defects in the regions mentioned. In 6 of 27 patients, former defects were judged as normal. No improvement was seen in only 4 patients. In these 4 subjects, the mismatch in the y-direction was <1 pixel (7 mm), and visual inspection suggested a coincident mismatch in the craniocaudal direction. In 2 cases, coregistration was not possible because the body outline extended beyond the CT field of view. Semiquantitative analysis revealed a significant increase of the relative uptake in the apex; in the apical segments of the anterior, septal, and inferior wall; and in the mid-anterior and mid-anteroseptal segment. Basal segments of the anterolateral, lateral, and inferolateral wall and the middle inferolateral segment showed a significant decrease of relative uptake. CONCLUSION: Misalignment in the y-direction between SPECT and the attenuation map can lead to artifacts in the apical, septal, and anterior wall, which will appear as defects. It also can cause overcorrection in the basal inferior and lateral segments. There is evidence that mismatches along the other directions may have a similar effect. The coregistration of SPECT and the attenuation map needs to be verified for every patient, even when using integrated dual-modality imaging devices.  相似文献   
An international collaborative study was carried out to determine the suitability of the current WHO II-IX-X concentrate standard, 84/681, for assigning potency to the more highly purified factor IX concentrates. Three Coagulation Factor IX (Human) preparations and one Factor IX Complex preparation were assayed by the one stage method against WHO 84/681 following predilution to 1.0 u/ml in buffer, 1% albumin, or factor IX deficient plasma. There were no cases of non-parallelism between any of the preparations and the current WHO standard. Predilution of the Coagulation Factor IX (Human) preparations in 1% albumin or factor IX deficient plasma gave similar potency values. Predilution in buffer gave significantly lower (p less than 0.01) potency values. For the Factor IX Complex preparation, potency estimates were significantly different (p less than 0.01) with each prediluent. The overall precision was similar within each predilution for all preparations with predilution in buffer being less precise than predilution in albumin or in deficient plasma. WHO standard 84/681 appears to be a suitable standard for the potency determination of the more highly purified factor IX preparations. Predilution in 1% albumin or factor IX deficient plasma is recommended as they give equivalent results with the least variability.  相似文献   
The present text deals with the relationship of muscle force and mass to bone mass and geometry in the developing skeleton of children and adolescents. Recent results of the last ten years are discussed with reflection on Harold Frost's 'mechanostat hypothesis'. Bone mass and geometry follow the development of body size and muscle force in children and adolescents. Thereby, bone is adapted to the tissue strain due to biomechanical forces. This process is modified by hormonal signals (i.e., estrogens and androgens). Therefore, the quantified relationship of muscle force to bone stability is a reasonable approach to distinguish between primary and secondary bone diseases. Primary bone diseases are characterized by a disturbed adaptation of bone to biomechanical forces. In contrast, secondary bone diseases show a correct adaptation of bone to loaded forces in combination with a decline of muscle force. Therefore, the 'Functional Muscle-Bone Unit' was introduced into the diagnostics of pediatric bone diseases. The ratio of two parameters--referred to bone strength on the one and to biomechanical forces on the other side--is a reasonable diagnostic approach to distinguish between primary and secondary bone diseases.  相似文献   
The Barthel Index (BI), the Modified Barthel Index (MBI) and the Functional Independence Measure (FIM) are all widely used by occupational therapists as assessment tools for clinical decision-making and outcome measurement. All of these tools have demonstrated validity and the BI and the FIM have demonstrated inter-rater reliability. The MBI has been modified to increase sensitivity; however, there have been no publications on the inter-rater reliability of this tool following the changes. The purpose of this research was to examine the inter-rater reliability of two versions of the Barthel Index, and draw some comparisons between this assessment tool and the FIM. Twenty-five patients with neurological and orthopaedic conditions were assessed by three occupational therapists using the three tools. The method of analysis selected was percentage agreement and intraclass correlation coefficient. The results indicated that both the original and modified versions of the Barthel Index possess good inter-rater reliability. As all three tools have demonstrated adequate reliability and validity, it is suggested that clinicians select the most sensitive tool that best meets their clinical needs, and use this assessment tool in its standardized format.  相似文献   
Electrophysiology of dentate gyrus granule cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The orthodromic synaptic responses, membrane properties, and responses of dentate gyrus granule cells (DGCs) to several convulsant agents were studied in the in vitro hippocampal slice preparation. Orthodromic stimulation via the perforant pathway (PP) evoked excitatory-inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (EPSP-IPSP) sequences in 27 of 34 DGCs studied. In the majority, only one action potential could be evoked by supramaximal orthodromic stimulation. In recordings from DGC somata, overshooting spikes could be evoked either orthodromically or by current injections. Small-amplitude, fast transients were seen in 5 of 34 DGCs. The current/voltage (I-V) characteristic of most DGCs was linear throughout a range of membrane potentials between 15 and 20 mV negative and 5 and 15 mV positive to the resting potential. At the extremes of this range nonohmic behavior was noted. Exposure of slices to agents that block IPSPs, such as penicillin, bicuculline, picrotoxin, and media containing low Cl- concentrations, eliminated PP-evoked hyperpolarizations in DGCs and prolonged the repolarizing phase of the PP EPSP. In contrast to findings in hippocampal pyramidal cells and neocortical neurons, blockade of IPSPs did not lead to the development of orthodromically evoked slow depolarizations and burst discharges. After slices were exposed to 5 mM tetraethylammonium, current pulses evoked slow spikes, which were resistant to tetrodotoxin and presumably mediated by Ca2+. Spontaneous burst discharges or bursts evoked by brief depolarizing pulses did not occur under these conditions. Substitution of Ba2+ for Ca2+ in the perfusion solution resulted in development of spontaneous slow membrane depolarizations and burst discharges in DGCs. Burst discharges could be directly evoked and spikes were prolonged and resistant to tetrodotoxin (TTX). After hyperpolarizations lasting 200-1,000 ms, associated with a conductance increase and presumably due to a Ca2+-activated K+ conductance, followed directly evoked spike trains in 5 of 20 DGCs. These data suggest that Ca2+ conductances may be evoked in DGCs under certain circumstances but are not prominent during activation of DGCs under standard in vitro recording conditions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
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