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To increase our understanding of the clinical anatomy of the epidural space, the human lumbar anterior epidural space was studied morphologically and developmentally. Histological transverse sections of human lumbar spines were taken at the level of the intervertebral disc and the vertebral body in adult specimens and in fetuses aged 13, 15, 21, 32 and 39 weeks (menstrual age). At 13 weeks, connective tissue filled the epidural space. The dura mater was attached anteriorly to the posterior longitudinal ligament (PLL). The PLL was attached to the vertebral body beside the midline, whereas it adhered to the posterior edge of intervertebral disc. The anterior internal vertebral venous plexus was located anterolaterally and anteromedially. The vertebral canal was lined with connective tissue that differentiated in a periosteum in contact with the ossification centers. At 15 weeks, the PLL was composed of deep and superficial layers. At 21 weeks, the attachment between the dura mater and PLL was ligament-like at the level of the vertebral body. At 32 weeks, the dura mater was adherent to the superficial layer of PLL. At 39 weeks, groups of adipocytes were identified, and the dura mater was attached to the PLL by some ligaments. There were many more similarities between the adult and the 39-week fetus. In conclusion, some differences in the anatomy of the epidural space exist at each fetal stage studied. The structures of the epidural space are already formed in the fetus of 13 weeks, but they differentiate progressively within the connective tissue.  相似文献   
Considering that the 1.32-μm Nd-YAG laser should have physicothermal properties close to those of the CO2 laser, a series of experiments were conducted on rat cortex (N = 51). Three laser wavelengths were compared: CO2 laser (10.6 μm), 1.06-μm Nd-YAG, and 1.32-μm Nd-YAG lasers. For each shot, temperature measurements were recorded with an infrared thermographic videocamera. The digitized signals were figured as thermal profiles and temperature developments. Ninety-five shots were correctly studied and analyzed: CO2, N = 29; 1.06-μm Nd-YAG, N = 20; 1.32-μm Nd-YAG, N = 46. The histological lesions produced by these three lasers were compared on animals killed 24 hours (N = 20), 8 days (N = 20), and 30 days (N = 5) after the laser impacts. For equivalent densities of energy, the depth of cortical necrosis was comparable for the CO2 laser (200–250 μm) and the 1.32-μm Nd-YAG laser (210–260μm) whatever the date of death; the 1.06-μm Nd-YAG laser shots were responsible for much more important damage (400–550μm). Because of its important absorption in water and nervous tissue, the authors consider the 1.32-μm Nd-YAG laser most suitable for neurosurgery, particularly because it is conducted through optic fibers, and therefore is easy to handle during neurosurgical procedures.  相似文献   
We have recently reported a missense mutation in exon 4 of the tubulin alpha 1A (Tuba1a) gene in a hyperactive N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) induced mouse mutant with abnormal lamination of the hippocampus. Neuroanatomical similarities between the Tuba1a mutant mouse and mice deficient for Doublecortin (Dcx) and Lis1 genes, and the well-established functional interaction between DCX and microtubules (MTs), led us to hypothesize that mutations in TUBA1A (TUBA3, previous symbol), the human homolog of Tuba1a, might give rise to cortical malformations. This hypothesis was subsequently confirmed by the identification of TUBA1A mutations in two patients with lissencephaly and pachygyria, respectively. Here we report additional TUBA1A mutations identified in six unrelated patients with a large spectrum of brain dysgeneses. The de novo occurrence was shown for all mutations, including one recurrent mutation (c.790C>T, p.R264C) detected in two patients, and two mutations that affect the same amino acid (c.1205G>A, p.R402H; c.1204C>T, p.R402C) detected in two other patients. Retrospective examination of MR images suggests that patients with TUBA1A mutations share not only cortical dysgenesis, but also cerebellar, hippocampal, corpus callosum, and brainstem abnormalities. Interestingly, the specific high level of Tuba1a expression throughout the period of central nervous system (CNS) development, shown by in situ hybridization using mouse embryos, is in accordance with the brain-restricted developmental phenotype caused by TUBA1A mutations. All together, these results, in combination with previously reported data, strengthen the relevance of the known interaction between MTs and DCX, and highlight the importance of the MTs/DCX complex in the neuronal migration process.  相似文献   
We describe two fetal cases of microphthalmia/anophthalmia, pulmonary agenesis, and diaphragmatic defect. This rare association is known as Matthew-Wood syndrome (MWS; MIM 601186) or by the acronym "PMD" (Pulmonary agenesis, Microphthalmia, Diaphragmatic defect). Fewer than ten pre- and perinatal diagnoses of Matthew-Wood syndrome have been described to date. The cause is unknown, and the mode of transmission remains unclear. Most cases have been reported as isolated and sporadic, although recurrence among sibs has been observed once. Our two cases both occurred in consanguineous families, further supporting autosomal recessive transmission. In addition, in one family at least one of the elder sibs presented an evocatively similar phenotype. The spatiotemporal expression pattern of the FGF10 and FGFR2 genes in human embryos and the reported phenotypes of knockout mice for these genes spurred us to examine their coding sequences in our two cases of MWS. While in our patients, no causative sequence variations were identified in FGF10 or FGFR2, this cognate ligand-receptor pair and its downstream effectors remain functional candidates for MWS and similar associations of congenital ocular, diaphragmatic and pulmonary malformations.  相似文献   
The authors present a new laser wavelength for neurosurgery: the 1.32 micron Nd-YAG laser. Schematically, it combines the advantages of both the 1.06 micron Nd-YAG laser and the CO2 laser. As for nervous tissue it has the same physico-thermal properties as the CO2 laser: an important absorption and little thermal diffusion. Like the 1.06 Nd-YAG laser, the 1.32 Nd-YAG has very good maneuverability, because its beam is conducted through optical fibers. Experimental studies have been made on rats. They consisted of comparison between the thermal effects and the consequent histological lesions of three lasers: 1.32 micron Nd-YAG, 1.06 micron Nd-YAG, CO2. 145 impacts on the cortex of 45 rats have been studied. Each shot was registered with an infrared camera, measuring the cortex surface temperature around the impact. The signals were digitalized; they allowed us to obtain a numerical image and the profile of temperature for each shot, as well as the development of temperature of each point of the profile. These results have been correlated with the histological data. It appears that for equivalent efficient outputs, the cortical lesions, 8 days after the shots, were similar for the 1.32 Nd-YAG laser and the CO2 laser. For instance, the depth of the coagulation necrosis varied from 200 to 250 microns after CO2 laser impacts (P = 3W; t = 0 05s; Fluence = 5 Joules/cm2), and from 210 to 260 microns after 1.32 Nd-YAG laser impacts (P = 5-14W; t = 0.4s; F = 50-170 J/cm2).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
This paper represents a comparative study on brain tissue of three lasers: Nd-YAG (1.32m); Nd-YAG (1.06 m); and CO2 laser. The experimental studies were performed on rats. They consisted of a comparison between the thermal effects and the consequent histological lesions produced. The surface temperature of the cortex induced by each laser shot was measured with an infrared camera. The results show that there exists an excellent correlation between surface temperature and the histology of the lesions produced. It appears that for equivalent surface temperatures the cortical lesions 8 days after irradiation were similar for Nd-YAG (1.32m) and for CO2 lasers but significantly different for the Nd-YAG (1.06m) laser. For example the depth of coagulation necrosis varied between 20 to 250m with the CO2 laser using the power of 3 to 10 W at an exposure of 0.05 s with a fluence of 5J/cm2 and varied from 210 to 260m using the Nd-YAG (1.32m) with the power of 5 to 14 W with an exposure of 0.4 s with a fluence of 50–170 J/cm2. With the Nd-YAG (1.06m) the depth of coagulation necrosis varied from 490m to 550m using a power of 12 to 19 W with an exposure of 0.4 s with a fluence of 150–250 J/cm2. It would appear that the Nd-YAG laser at a wavelength of 1.32m should be valuable in neurosurgery as this wavelength is highly absorbed by brain parenchyma and is transmissible with a fibre optic delivery system.
Résumé Les auteurs presentent une étude comparative de la coagulation du parenchyme cérébral au moyen de différents lasers. Les études expérimentales ont été effectuées sur le cortex du rat. Elles ont consisté à comparer les effets thermiques et histologiques de 3 longueurs d'onde: Nd-YAG (1.32m), Nd-YAG (1.06m) et CO2 (10.6m). La température corticale de surface induite par le tir laser a été mesurée au moyen d'une caméra infrarouge. Les courbes du profil thermique de chaque tir et de son évolution au cours du temps ont ainsi été obtenues. Les résultats montrent qu'il existe une excellente corrélation entre les données thermiques et les données histologiques recueillies pour chaque tir. Il apparaît ainsi que pour des augmentations de température équivalentes, les lésions corticales 8 jours après le tir sont similaires pour les lasers Nd-YAG (1.32m) et CO2, mais significativement différentes pour le laser Nd-YAG (1.06m).Par exemple, le profondeur de nécrose varie entre 200 et 250m pour le laser CO2 utilisé avec une puissance de 3 à 10 W, un temps d'exposition de 0.05 s et une fluence de 5 J/cm2. La profondeur de nécrose varie entre 210m et 260m lorsqu'on utilise le laser Nd-YAG (1.32m) avec une puissance de 5 à 14 W, un temps d'exposition de 0.4 s et une fluence de 50 à 170 J/cm2. Avec le laser Nd-YAG (1.06m), la profondeur de nécrose est beaucoup plus importante. Elle varie entre 490m et 550m pour une puissance comprise entre 12 et 19 W, un temps d'exposition de 0.4 s et une fluence de 150 à 250 J/cm2.Ces résultats expérimentaux montrent que la longueur d'onde 1.32m est bien adaptée à la neurochirurgie puisqu'elle est bien asbsorbée par le parenchyme cérébral et qu'elle est transmissible par une fibre optique.
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