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Summary After prelabeling the adenine nucleotides (ATP, ADP, AMP) of isolated perfused guinea pig hearts with either14C-adenine or14C-adenosine for 35 min, labeled adenosine, inosine, hypoxanthine and cyclic 35-AMP (cAMP) were continuously released into the cardiac perfusate. Determination of the specific activities (SA) of the adenine nucleotides, cAMP, and their breakdown products (adenosine, inosine, hypoxanthine) in tissue and perfusate revealed: Under steady state conditions the SA of adenosine and cAMP in the perfusate were of the same order of magnitude and proved to be many times higher than the SA of the respective precursor adenine nucleotides. This difference was observed regardless whether adenine or adenosine was used as prelabeling substance. The SA of inosine and hypoxanthine in the perfusate were constantly lower than the SA of adenosine. Cardiac ischemia of 6 min, which resulted in a markedly increased formation of adenosine, led to a pronounced decrease in the SA of adenosine released from the heart.Our findings provide evidence that at least two different adenine nucleotide compartments of the heart serve as precursors for the formation of adenosine and cAMP, one characterized by a high, the other by a lower SA. Under normoxic conditions adenosine and cAMP released into the cardiac perfusate are derived mainly from a nucleotide fraction of high SA, which appears to be rather small. During ischemia a second compartment of much lower SA in addition contributes to the formation of adenosine.A preliminary report of part of this work appeared in Biochemistry and Pharmacology of Myocardial Hypertrophy, Hypoxia and Infarction Vol. 7 of Recent advances in studies on cardiac structure and metabolism. (P. Harris, R. J. Bing, A. Fleckenstein, eds.), pp. 171–175. München: Urban & Schwarzenberg 1976A preliminary report of part of this work appeared in Biochemistry and Pharmacology of Myocardial Hypertrophy, Hypoxia and Infarction Vol. 7 of Recent advances in studies on cardiac structure and metabolism. (P. Harris, R. J. Bing, A. Fleckenstein, eds.), pp. 171–175. München: Urban & Schwarzenberg 1976  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Immunization of mice with low doses of protein antigens like keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) results in high immunoglobulin (Ig) E Ab titers in the sera of those mice while the application of high doses leads to the production of only marginal amounts of IgE but high levels of IgG2a and IgG1 antibodies. The aim of these studies is to elucidate the role of interleukin-10 (IL-10) in the generation of memory T cells and their contribution to the production of IgE Ab. METHODS: Both IL-10-deficient mice and control mice were immunized repeatedly with KLH. Serum levels of KLH-specific Ab were measured. The frequencies of memory T cells were determined by flow cytometry and the role of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells was evaluated. RESULTS: IL-10-deficient mice show an augmented production of IgE in vivo. They exhibit enhanced ratios of CD4+:CD8+ memory T cells with a CD44+, CD62L- phenotype with a significantly raised generation of CD4+ memory T cells. On the other hand, the development of CD8+ memory T cells is reduced moderately in IL-10-deficient mice, which is an interesting fact since it has been shown that primed CD8+ T cells suppress IgE Ab production at least in vitro. The ratios of total CD4+:CD8+ T cells are augmented in IL-10-deficient mice compared to wild-type mice and in K01 mice compared to K100 mice in vivo. CONCLUSIONS: The elevated ratios of CD4+:CD8+ T cells indicate a higher capacity to provide B cell help, which results in a strongly elevated IgE response in IL-10-deficient mice. These altered ratios are furthermore interesting in view of the regulatory role of CD8+ T cells which provide a suppressive potential regarding IgE Ab production as shown in vitro. The capacity of IL-10 to suppress IgE Ab production by reduction of the CD4+:CD8+ memory T cell ratio opens new possibilities in the interference with allergic disorders.  相似文献   
The primary antibody response in BALB/c mice to the T-independent bacterial antigen dextran B1355S [alpha(1 leads to 3)dextran] (Dex) was studied by means of isoelectric focusing, hemagglutination and immunodiffusion techniques. In response to a single immunization with 10 micrograms Dex all mice produce specific IgM antibodies. In addition, about 30% of conventionally raised BALB/c and BALB/c nu/ + mice, but 95% of germ-free (GF)-raised normal BALB/c and 100% of athymic BALB/c nu/nu mice produce specific IgG class anti-Dex antibodies. These antibodies include all IgG subclasses, carry predominantly the lambda light chain and the cross-reactive J558 idiotype and are specific for the alpha(1 leads to 3)glucosidic linkage. As compared to athymic and GF-raised mice, conventionally raised mice exhibit only a weak IgG response. The pronounced IgG production of GF-raised mice was not altered when adult mice were removed from their GF environment and housed under conventional conditions for several weeks prior to immunization with Dex. Reconstitution with isolated splenic T cells from conventionally raised, unprimed BALB/c mice reduces the remarkable capacity of BALB/c nu/nu mice to produce IgG anti-Dex antibodies. These findings suggest that the reduced capacity of conventionally raised BALB/c mice to mount an IgG response to the T-independent antigen Dex is due to a T cell-mediated suppressive mechanism which is neonatally induced by contact with environmental, i.e. bacterial, antigens.  相似文献   
Priming of CBA/J mice with different doses of antigen has aprofound effect on the ratio of IgE versus IgG antibodies appearingupon Immunization. Repeated injections of minute doses induceIgG and high titers of IgE antibodies. Large doses elicit ahigh IgG but a very low IgE antibody titer. In order to studythe modalities for activation and inactivation of IgE-producingB cells, an in vitro culture system was established in whichspleen cells from animals primed with keyhole limpet hemocyaninwere re-stliulated with antigen. In contrast to the expectationfrom the in vivo situation, spleen cells from animals Immunizedwith large doses of antigen and virtually lacking IgE antibodiesproduce high amounts of IgE antibodies upon re-stimulation invitro. The titers in spleen cell cultures from mice primed withminute doses remain proportional to the response measured asserum antibodies. In accordance with the induction of high amountsof IgE antibodies in spleen cell cultures from mice primed withlarge doses, the frequency of IgE antibody-secreting cells wasraised drastically, 1000-fold. The in vitro response is a trueanamnestic response. The sudden appearance in high frequencyof IgE antibody-forming cells among spleen cells isolated fromprimed mice which have high IgG but virtually no IgE antibodytiters is as yet unexplained and the origin of the B memorycells has not yet been traced. The answer might be crucial forour understanding of the down-regulation of the IgE Immune responses.  相似文献   
Summary Myocardial protein synthesis was studied in rats in vivo during the first five days of the development of cardiac hypertrophy induced by aortic constriction. Using l-14C-glycine or l-14C-leucine as precursor amino acids, rates of protein synthesis were determined from the total radioactivity of proteins and the mean radioactivity of the intracellular amino acid precursor pool and the leucine pool, respectively. During the first 5 h after aortic constriction the radioactivity of proteins did not change remarkably, whereas the radioactivity of the amino acid precursor pool was significantly elevated. Myocardial protein synthesis proved therefore to be diminished in this initial phase. After 24 h protein synthesis reached the range of sham-operated controls and thereafter increased almost parallel with the elevation of the ratio heart weight/body weight. The inhibition of protein synthesis was accompanied by a moderate decrease of ATP and creatine phosphate levels. A diminution of the high energy phosphate compounds, a decreased RNA synthesis or the action of inhibitory metabolites are considered possible factors involved in the decline of protein synthesis during the early phase of cardiac hypertrophy.Preliminary reports of this investigation were presented at the 36th Meeting of the German Physiological Society, Mainz, September 1969 [42] and at the XXV International Congress of Physiological Sciences, Munich, July 1971 [43].Supported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Ge 129/7,8).  相似文献   
Copy-number variants (CNVs) are an abundant form of genetic variation in humans. However, approaches for determining exact CNV breakpoint sequences (physical deletion or duplication boundaries) across individuals, crucial for associating genotype to phenotype, have been lacking so far, and the vast majority of CNVs have been reported with approximate genomic coordinates only. Here, we report an approach, called BreakPtr, for fine-mapping CNVs (available from http://breakptr.gersteinlab.org). We statistically integrate both sequence characteristics and data from high-resolution comparative genome hybridization experiments in a discrete-valued, bivariate hidden Markov model. Incorporation of nucleotide-sequence information allows us to take into account the fact that recently duplicated sequences (e.g., segmental duplications) often coincide with breakpoints. In anticipation of an upcoming increase in CNV data, we developed an iterative, "active" approach to initially scoring with a preliminary model, performing targeted validations, retraining the model, and then rescoring, and a flexible parameterization system that intuitively collapses from a full model of 2,503 parameters to a core one of only 10. Using our approach, we accurately mapped >400 breakpoints on chromosome 22 and a region of chromosome 11, refining the boundaries of many previously approximately mapped CNVs. Four predicted breakpoints flanked known disease-associated deletions. We validated an additional four predicted CNV breakpoints by sequencing. Overall, our results suggest a predictive resolution of approximately 300 bp. This level of resolution enables more precise correlations between CNVs and across individuals than previously possible, allowing the study of CNV population frequencies. Further, it enabled us to demonstrate a clear Mendelian pattern of inheritance for one of the CNVs.  相似文献   
A fluorometric method for the evaluation of FITC-anti influenza conjugates is described. The titre and that dilution required for the complete detection of antigens can be determined. It is possible to verify the probability of detection in per cent for any dilution stage and to compare objectively different batches. For this microtest only 0,2 ml conjugate are necessary.  相似文献   
The influence of anti-fading-substances on the kinetic of fading FITC-labelled coverslip cultures was tested and a quantitative valuation theses compounds was performed. The half-life fluorescence intensity was detected with 2 different methods. The effect of 21 chemical substances was investigated whereof 7 compounds was determined as effective fading-inhibitors. The velocity constants of the 1st order (kapp) of photochemical reaction increase with rising hydrogen activity.  相似文献   
The antigen-specific T suppressor cell clone HF1 isolated from a CBA/J mouse made tolerant by low doses of bovine serum albumin has suppressive and cytolytic activity. The analysis of the latter gave the following results. Natural killer (NK)-sensitive YAC-1 (H-2a) and RBL-5 (H-2b) target cells are lysed whereas other NK targets, like EL4 (H-2b) or the human K562 cell line are resistant. Cytolytic activity is not antibody mediated. Its inhibition by sugar phosphate or monoclonal antibodies against LFA-1 antigens is such that HF1 can neither by typed as T killer nor as NK cells. It seems to represent a distinct T lymphocyte type.  相似文献   
Two T suppressor (Ts) clones of different specificity have been analyzed for their lymphokine spectrum. BVI/5 is an I-Ek-restricted bovine serum albumin (BSA)-specific Ts cell clone from a CBA/J mouse tolerized by low doses of BSA. It affects directly or indirectly the function of BSA-specific T helper (Th) cells. The Ts cell clone 178-4 from a BALB/c mouse is I-Ed restricted and recognizes the public J558 Id on B cells. It prevents alpha(1----3)dextran B 1355S (Dex)-specific IgG antibody production and drives Dex-specific J558 idiotype-bearing B cells into an anergic B IgG memory cell state. Both Ts cell clones thus cause specific suppression, yet in different experimental systems using different effector mechanisms. Upon stimulation with concanavalin A or fixed CD3-specific monoclonal antibody, both clones produce high levels of interferon (IFN)-gamma and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) but in contrast to Th1 cells no interleukin (IL)-2. Both clones produce low levels of IL-3 and IL-6 but no IL-4, IL-5 and IL-9. Furthermore, unlike Th2 cells, both clones do not respond to IL-1. The mechanism of the idiotype-specific induction of anergy in Dex-specific B IgG memory cells by 178-4 Ts cells is not yet understood. BVI/5 Ts cells suppress in vitro the BSA-specific proliferation of the BSA-specific Th cell clone 83/1, as well as the response of BSA-primed CBA/LN cells. Whereas the suppressive effect on 83/1 cells is due to IFN-gamma alone the suppression of BSA-specific lymph node cells can be simulated neither by IFN-gamma nor the combination of IFN-gamma and TNF. Thus these mediators cannot account for the antigen-specific suppression by BVI/5 Ts cells in polyclonal in vitro responses from lymph node cells and probably not for the induction of in vivo unresponsiveness.  相似文献   
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