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BACKGROUND: The risk for allergic reactions depends on the sensitivity of individuals and the quantities of offending food ingested. The sensitivity varies among allergic individuals, as does the threshold dose of a food allergen capable of inducing an allergic reaction. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed at determining the distribution of minimum provoking doses of hazelnut in a hazelnut-allergic population. METHODS: Thirty-one patients with a history of hazelnut-related allergic symptoms, a positive skin prick test to hazelnut and/or an elevated specific IgE level, were included. Double-blind, placebo-controlled food challenges (DBPCFC) were performed with seven increasing doses of dried hazelnut (1 mg to 1 g hazelnut protein) randomly interspersed with seven placebo doses. RESULTS: Twenty-nine patients had a positive challenge. Itching of the oral cavity and/or lips was the first symptom in all cases. Additional gastrointestinal symptoms were reported in five patients and difficulty in swallowing in one patient. Lip swelling was observed in two patients, followed by generalized urticaria in one of these. Threshold doses for eliciting subjective reactions varied from a dose of 1 mg up to 100 mg hazelnut protein (equivalent to 6.4-640 mg hazelnut meal). Extrapolation of the dose-response curve showed that 50% of our hazelnut-allergic population will suffer from an allergic reaction after ingestion of 6 mg (95% CI, 2-11 mg) of hazelnut protein. Objective symptoms were observed in two patients after 1 and 1,000 mg, respectively. CONCLUSION: DBPCFCs demonstrated threshold doses in half of the hazelnut-allergic patients similar to doses previously described to be hidden in consumer products. This stresses the need for careful labelling and strategies to prevent and detect contamination of food products with hazelnut residues.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: One to two percent of infants suffer from IgE-mediated allergic reactions against cow's milk proteins. Most children develop clinical tolerance, but approximately 15% are still allergic by the age of 10 years. Little is known about the T cell epitopes in individual cow's milk protein in relation to allergy and tolerance. OBJECTIVE: To identify T cell epitopes in alphas1-casein, the most abundant milk protein, and to investigate T cell responses toward these epitopes in allergic, atopic and non-atopic children. METHODS: Allergen-specific T cell lines (TCLs) were derived from peripheral blood mononuclear cells of 11 cow's milk allergic, nine atopic and nine non-atopic children. T cell responses were measured to alphas1-casein and to overlapping peptides (18-mers), spanning the alphas1-casein molecule. Proliferation was determined by incorporation of (3)H-thymidine, and cytokine production (IL-10, IL-13 and IFN-gamma) was measured by ELISA. RESULTS: Four main regions (amino acid (AA) residues 43-66, 73-96, 91-114 and 127-180) in the alphas1-casein molecule were immunogenic to T cells, among which the AA residues 133-156 spanned the immunodominant part. Only subtle differences were found in peptide recognition between the subject groups. Some of the peptides induced slightly Th1- or Th2-skewed cytokine responses. The increased levels of IL-10 in response to alphas1-casein observed in TCLs from atopic children appeared not to be linked to recognition of specific IL-10-inducing epitopes. CONCLUSIONS: The immunodominant sequence in alphas1-casein is spanned by AA residues 133-156. Tolerance towards alphas1-casein in atopic children may be mediated by an overall induction of IL-10 and not by recognition of certain T cell epitopes. The identified T cell epitopes in children with cow's milk allergy may be useful targets in developing peptide immunotherapy.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Allergic rhinitis, asthma or the atopic eczema/dermatitis syndrome (AEDS) may independently impair quality of life in patients. However, although many allergic patients may suffer from more than one disorder, the effect of concomitant disease -- in particular, the impact of AEDS -- is largely unknown. As part of a large multicenter clinical trial on the efficacy of mattress casings in house-dust mite (HDM) allergy, generic quality of life in a mixed population of 224 subjects with rhinitis (n = 198) and/or asthma (n = 111) and/or AEDS (n = 64) was studied. The study aimed to estimate quality of life impairment in these atopic patients and to address the question/issue of whether one atopic disorder goes beyond other existing allergic diseases, thereby causing further impairment to quality of life. METHODS: Generic quality of life was assessed by SF-36. Quality of life in the atopic group was compared with a Dutch norm population. Multiple linear regression was used to determine the effects of disease (i.e. the presence of allergic rhinitis, asthma or AEDS) or disease severity, as assessed by visual analog scores (VAS) for asthma, rhinitis, VAS sleeplessness and VAS itching being considered as major symptoms in AEDS on SF-36 domains. RESULTS: Compared to the norm group, atopic patients were impaired in: physical functioning; role physical functioning; general health; vitality; and social functioning. The diagnosis of asthma was negatively associated with the SF-36 subscales for physical functioning (P = 0.02), and general health (P < 0.01). In line with these findings, asthma severity (VAS asthma) was negatively associated with physical functioning (P < 0.01), role physical functioning (P < 0.01), general health (P < 0.0.1), social functioning (P = 0.01), emotional functioning (P = 0.01), and vitality (P = 0.01). VAS sleeplessness had significant negative effect on role physical functioning (P < 0.01), bodily pain (P < 0.01), General health (P = 0.01), mental health (P < 0.01), social functioning (P < 0.01), and vitality (P < 0.01). In contrast, neither the diagnosis of allergic rhinitis or AEDS, nor VAS itching as an outcome parameter of AEDS, exerted additional effects on the SF-36 domains. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with atopic disease based on HDM allergy may have impaired quality of life. The majority of these patients have allergic rhinitis. The (co)existence of asthma, expressed in terms of diagnostic criteria or symptom severity, or the presence of sleep disorders as a consequence of AEDS, may further impair quality of life.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The central role of specific IgE in cow's milk allergy (CMA) is well documented. However, less is known about the function of other immunoglobulin isotypes in allergy and tolerance to cow's milk proteins (CMPs). OBJECTIVE: To determine differences in the antibody responses that are associated with allergy and tolerance to cow's milk in allergic, atopic and non-atopic individuals of different age groups. METHODS: Nineteen infants (<1 year), 18 children (6-14 years) and 41 adults (21-68 years) were included. Each age group was comprised of subjects with CMA, atopic individuals without a history of CMA and non-atopic subjects. Levels of specific IgE, IgG4, IgG1 and IgA to whole cow's milk and the six most abundant individual CMPs were determined in plasma by ELISA. For comparison, specific IgE and IgG4 were measured to ovomucoid and house dust mite (HDM) in individuals allergic for the respective allergens, and in atopic and non-atopic subjects without allergy. RESULTS: In infants and children with CMA, alphas1-casein and beta-lactoglobulin induced the highest specific IgE response, whereas alphas1-casein was the most allergenic CMP in adult patients. Specific IgG4 and IgG1 responses were the highest to alphas1-casein and beta-lactoglobulin in all age groups, while kappa-casein and alpha-lactalbumin induced the highest levels of IgA. CMP-specific IgG4 was higher in atopic children and adults without CMA, as compared with non-atopic individuals. A similar difference between tolerant atopic and non-atopic subjects was observed for IgG4 specific to ovomucoid, whereas HDM-specific IgG4 was not detectable in these subjects. CONCLUSION: Maintenance of tolerance to cow's milk in atopic children and adults without CMA is associated with elevated levels of specific IgG4, in combination with low specific IgE. The up-regulation of specific IgG4 in tolerant atopic individuals may be related to the type of allergen and its regular dose of exposure.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Environmental control has been put forward as an integral part of the management of house dust mite (HDM) allergy in sensitized patients. To validate this statement allergic disorders involved in HDM allergy--allergic asthma, rhinitis and atopic eczema/dermatitis syndrome (AEDS)--should be taken together and studied in terms of the efficacy of environmental control. Because a generic quality of life questionnaire exceeds the border of disease, this may be used as major outcome parameter. RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: To study the effects of bedding encasings in HDM allergic patients with asthma, rhinitis and AEDS. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 224 adult HDM allergic patients with rhinitis and/or asthma and/or dermatitis were randomly allocated impermeable or nonimpermeable encasings for mattress, pillow and duvet. Short form 36 (SF-36) was filled in at baseline and after 12 months. Results: Lower physical (P = 0.01) and emotional (P < 0.001) sumscores were seen in females. Also, the presence of asthma resulted in lower physical sumscore (P = 0.01). However, no effect was seen of encasings on either sumscore. CONCLUSION: Bedding encasings do not improve quality of life in a mixed population of subjects with combinations with rhinitis, asthma and atopic dermatitis and sensitized to HDMs.  相似文献   


Non-hereditary angioedema (non-HAE) is characterized by local swelling due to self-limiting, subcutaneous or submucosal extravasation of fluid, and can be divided into three subtypes. These subtypes are believed to have different pathophysiological backgrounds and are referred to in recent guidelines as bradykinin-mediated (e.g. caused by angiotensin-converting-enzyme-inhibitors), mast cell-mediated (e.g. angioedema with wheals) or idiopathic (cause unknown). Bradykinin-mediated subtypes are more closely related to hereditary angioedema than the other forms. Because clinical features of these non-HAE subtypes have not been studied in detail, we have looked at the clinical characteristics of symptoms and potential differences in clinical presentation of bradykinin-mediated and mast cell-mediated angioedema (AE) subtypes.


A questionnaire was sent to patients presenting with AE at our tertiary outpatient clinic to document clinical characteristics, potential triggers and location of AE. The severity of AE attacks was analysed using visual analogue scales (VAS).


The questionnaire was returned by 106 patients, of which 104 were included in the analysis. AE with wheals, idiopathic AE, and drug-associated AE occurred in 64 (62%), 25 (24%) and 15 patients (14%) respectively. Most patients (62%) reported prodromal symptoms while 63% reported multiple locations for an attack. Face and oropharynx were the main locations of AE attacks of any subtype while swelling was the symptom most frequently reported as severe. Overall severity of the last attack was indicated as severe by 68% of the patients. There were no differences between the subgroups.


This similarity in clinical presentation raises the possibility that ACEi-induced, mast cell-mediated and idiopathic AE share common pathways.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13601-015-0049-8) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Ultraviolet B radiation can suppress cellular immunity. One of the mechanisms related to this immunosuppression is the disappearance of Langerhans cells from the epidermis. The aim of this study was to establish the mechanism of ultraviolet B-induced Langerhans cell disappearance in healthy individuals. The two most likely mechanisms for Langerhans cell disappearance are apoptosis and migration. Apoptosis was assessed in vivo by exposing buttock skin of 10 healthy volunteers to six minimal erythema doses of ultraviolet B. Only very few apoptotic Langerhans cells could be observed in sections from the ultraviolet B-exposed skin. Migration of Langerhans cells cannot be established in skin sections and suction blisters were therefore raised in an attempt to trap migrating Langerhans cells in the sub-basal membrane blister fluid. Blisters were raised on the flexor side of the lower arm of 30 healthy volunteers at several time points after exposure of the skin to six minimal erythema doses of ultraviolet B. Blister fluid was collected and blister roofs were removed to check for Langerhans cell disappearance. Langerhans cells were detected in the blister fluid of the ultraviolet B-exposed skin and not of the unexposed skin. The number of Langerhans cells in the blister fluid peaked at about 18 h after ultraviolet exposure, which coincided with the largest depletion of Langerhans cells in the blister roof. A fraction (20-30%) of the Langerhans cells in the blister fluid stained positive for DNA damage (cyclobutyl pyrimidine dimers), showing that they originated from the epidermis. Ultraviolet B-induced Langerhans cell disappearance appears to be mainly attributable to migration.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Topical corticosteroids are used extensively to treat inflammatory skin disorders including atopic dermatitis (AD). Several studies have described temporary reversible suppression of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal function. However, sound evidence of permanent disturbance of adrenal gland function is lacking. OBJECTIVES: To relate basal cortisol levels to prior use of topical corticosteroids and disease activity in patients with moderate to severe AD and to investigate the effect on basal serum cortisol levels of topical corticosteroid treatment during hospitalization. METHODS: Two groups of patients with AD were evaluated: 25 inpatients with severe AD who required hospitalization (group 1) and 28 outpatients with moderate to severe AD (group 2). In group 1, morning basal serum cortisol levels were measured twice, at admission and at discharge; in group 2, morning basal serum cortisol levels were measured once. Use of topical corticosteroids in the 3 months prior to the cortisol measurement was recorded and disease activity was monitored using the Six Area, Six Sign Atopic Dermatitis (SASSAD) score and serum thymus and activation-regulated chemokine (TARC) levels. RESULTS: On admission, basal cortisol levels in group 1 were significantly (P < 0.001) decreased in 80% of the patients. In group 2, the basal cortisol levels were normal in all but three patients. Comparing the two groups, group 1 on admission had a significantly lower cortisol level than that of group 2 (P < 0.001). Disease activity in group 1 on admission was significantly higher than that of group 2 (P < 0.001). There was no difference in use of topical corticosteroids in the 3 months before cortisol measurement. At discharge in group 1 there was a significant increase (P < 0.0001) of basal cortisol levels and a significant (P < 0.001) decrease in disease activity reflected by the decrease in serum TARC levels and SASSAD score. CONCLUSIONS: Disease activity, rather than the use of topical corticosteroids, is responsible for the low basal cortisol values in patients with severe AD.  相似文献   
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