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Balloon dacryocystoplasty: indications and contraindications   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
PURPOSE: Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) Protocol 92-02 was a randomized trial testing long-term (LT) adjuvant androgen deprivation (AD) after initial AD with external-beam radiotherapy (RT) in patients with locally advanced prostate cancer (PC; T2c-4) and with prostate-specific antigen level less than 150 ng/mL. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients received a total of 4 months of goserelin and flutamide, 2 months before and 2 months during RT. A radiation dose of 65 to 70 Gy was given to the prostate and a dose of 44 to 50 Gy to the pelvic lymph nodes. Patients were randomly assigned to receive no additional therapy (short-term [ST]AD-RT) or 24 months of goserelin (LTAD-RT); 1,554 patients were entered onto the study. RESULTS: The LTAD-RT arm showed significant improvement in all efficacy end points except overall survival (OS; 80.0% v 78.5% at 5 years, P =.73), compared with the STAD-RT arm. In a subset of patients not part of the original study design, with tumors assigned Gleason scores of 8 to 10 by the contributing institutions, the LTAD-RT arm had significantly better OS (81.0% v 70.7%, P =.044). There was a small but significant increase in the frequency of late radiation grades 3, 4, and 5 gastrointestinal toxicity ascribed to the LTAD-RT arm (2.6% v 1.2% at 5 years, P =.037), the cause of which is not clear. CONCLUSION: The RTOG 92-02 trial supports the addition of LT adjuvant AD to STAD with RT for T2c-4 PC. In the exploratory subset analysis of patients with Gleason scores 8 to 10, LT adjuvant AD resulted in a survival advantage.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVES: To determine the spectrum of N and G genotypes of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) causing respiratory tract infection and whether particular genotypes are associated with severity of infection. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Nasopharyngeal aspirates (NPAs) were obtained from 114 infants with acute respiratory tract infection due to RSV over two seasons. Viral mRNA was extracted from NPAs or cultured virus, reverse transcribed, and the cDNA amplified by the polymerase chain reaction using primers directed to parts of the N and G gene respectively. Amplicons were separately digested with four different restriction endonucleases for each gene. The fragments were separated by agarose gel, electrophoresis, and the electrophoretic patterns used to assign the various genotypes. Disease severity was assessed as very mild (upper respiratory tract signs only), mild (coryza and signs of lower respiratory tract infection), moderate (requiring nasogastric or intravenous fluids), and severe (requiring oxygen or ventilation). RESULTS: Five of the six known N genotypes were detected, but NP4 and NP2 were found most frequently. There was no association between N genotype and disease severity. Six G (SHL) genotypes were detected. Significantly (p = 0.04) more of the infants infected with the SHL2 genotype had severe or moderate disease. CONCLUSIONS: During the seasonal peaks of RSV respiratory tract infection at least 10 different RSV genotypes cocirculated. While there is no association between N genotypes and disease severity, infection with the SHL2 G genotype appears to result in moderate to severe disease.  相似文献   
Postoperative pain in children with spastic cerebral palsy (CP) is often attributed to muscle spasm and is difficult to manage using opiates and benzodiazepines. Adductor-release surgery to treat or prevent hip dislocation in children with spastic CP is frequently performed and is often accompanied by severe postoperative pain and spasm. A double-blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial of 16 patients (mean age 4.7 years) with a mainly spastic type of CP (either diplegic or quadriplegic in distribution) was used to test the hypothesis that a significant proportion of postoperative pain is secondary to muscle spasm and, therefore, might be reduced by a preoperative chemodenervation of the target surgical muscle by intramuscular injection of botulinum toxin A (BTX/A). Compared with the placebo, BTX/A was found to be associated with a reduction in mean pain scores of 74% (P<0.003), a reduction in mean analgesic requirements of approximately 50% (P<0.005), and a reduction in mean length of hospital admission of 33% (P<0.003). It was concluded that an important component of postoperative pain in the patient population is due to muscle spasm and this can be managed effectively by preoperative injection with BTX/A. These findings may have implications for the management of pain secondary to muscle spasm in other clinical settings.  相似文献   
目的:比较清开灵与利巴韦林对呼吸道合胞病毒肺炎患儿治疗效果的差异。方法:选择2005-02/2006-04在北京儿童医院分中心治疗的小儿呼吸道合胞病毒肺炎97例,患儿法定监护人知情同意。采用单盲、随机、平行对照试验的原则,按区组随机化方法分为2组,清开灵注射液组49例,利巴韦林组48例。①清开灵注射液组:清开灵注射液静脉滴注加口服中成药。②利巴韦林组:利巴韦林注射液静脉滴注加口服复方愈创木酚磺酸钾口服液。两组疗程均为10d,比较两组患儿的疗效。结果:清开灵注射液组脱落3例,利巴韦林组脱落1例,进入结果分析清开灵注射液组46例,利巴韦林组47例。①清开灵注射液组发热患儿体温恢复正常时间比利巴韦林组短[(2.72±1.86)d,(6.29±2.41)d(P<0.01)]。②清开灵注射液组患儿咳嗽、痰壅、气促症状积分改善方面优于利巴韦林组(P<0.05~0.01)。③清开灵注射液组的呼吸道合胞病毒转阴时间明显优于利巴韦林组。④咳嗽、痰壅、病毒转阴时间、气促均进入Logistic模型,其中前两个症状的回归系数绝对值较大。结论:清开灵注射液治疗小儿呼吸道合胞病毒肺炎在退热、止咳平喘、呼吸道合胞病毒转阴时间等方面均具有明显优势,咳嗽、痰壅这两个症状更能反映清开灵注射液的疗效优于利巴韦林。  相似文献   
目的:了解中国不同地区间中老年人群膝关节骨性关节炎患病危险因素。方法:调查时间为2005—07/08。①从中国六大行政区(西北,华北,华东。中南,东北,西南)选出六城市(西安,石家庄,上海。广州,哈尔滨市,成都),用分层多阶段整群抽样方法,抽取6218名40岁及以上具有正式户口常住男女人群进行膝关节骨性关节炎的流行病学问卷调查(包括一般情况、现病史、既往史、体格检查、X射线片检查情况和疾病诊断6个方面,共计94个问题141个变量指标),并对其中4808名有症状者进行X射线平片膝正侧位投照。②膝关节骨性关节炎诊断标准为临床症状阳性加X射线Kellgren & Lawrence分级二级及以上者。③计算患病率,并采用Epilnf06.0和SPSS 10.0软件对其中83个变量进行多因素非条件Logistfc回归分析,表示疾病与暴露因素之间联系强度的指标用比值比(OR),若OR〉1,说明疾病发生危险性增加,与暴露因素呈正关联;若OR〈1,说明疾病发生危险性减少,与暴露因素呈负关联。 结果:①六城市膝关节骨性关节炎总患病率为15.6%,其中西安7.7%,石家庄11.2%,上海9.8%。广州30.5%,哈尔滨16.9%,成都17.5%,各城市患病率比较差异显著(P〈0.01)。②Logistic回归分析膝关节骨性关节炎在大部分城市有共同的危险因素如年龄大(OR=1.032—1.181),使用蹲坑排便年限长(OR=1.021-1.077),体质量高(OR=1.048—1.073),和开始饮酒年龄大(OR=1.008~1.028);而从事专职体育运动(OR=1.651,西安),骨质疏松病史(OR=3.311,石家庄),吸烟(OR=2.654,石家庄),类风湿关节炎病史(OR=4.964,上海),文化程度高(OR=2.593,上海),女性(OR=2.510,广州),姐妹骨关节炎史(OR=13.251,哈尔滨),母亲骨关节炎史(OR=5.683,成都)等危险因素分别在不同地区出现. 结论:年龄大、使用蹲坑排便年限长、体质量高和开始饮酒年龄大是中国六地区膝关节骨性关节炎患病的共同危险因素,同时,不同地区主要危险因素又有一定差异。  相似文献   
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