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We report on a case of coexistence of replacement lipomatosis with xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis (XGP) in the same kidney associated with staghorn calculi. A 63-year-old man was admitted to hospital complaining of a right abdominal mass. Computed tomography (CT) showed renal parenchymal atrophy with extremely increased perirenal fat. Right nephrectomy was performed. Postoperative diagnosis was renal replacement lipomatosis with XGP. Renal replacement lipomatosis and XGP have several similarities in terms of clinical background and CT findings. Sometimes it is difficult to differentiate them from malignant diseases. It is extremely rare that both conditions coexist in the same kidney. To our knowledge, only one such case has been reported.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Local force distribution supporting the bodyweight of infants with Down syndrome (DS) appears to be different from that of healthy controls. The purpose of the present study was to establish methods to assess this force distribution and to allow therapeutic evaluation of neurological development in DS infants prior to walking. METHODS: Contact pressure distribution patterns in supine and prone positions were measured by photoelastic methods and were compared between DS infants and healthy controls. The DS group included eight subjects, seven with regular trisomy 21, and one with a Robertson translocation. The controls consisted of 14 neonates, four 4-month-old infants and eight 7-month-old infants. RESULTS: In both groups, head loading ratio decreased as age advanced but the decrement was less in the test group than in the control group. When the bodyweight loading ratios were measured in two different lying positions, that is, prone and supine, the ratios for prone generally tended to be smaller than those for supine in the controls. This kind of difference between prone and supine was not seen in the DS group. The bodyweight is somewhat sustained with limbs and the limbs loading ratios in the DS group were always significantly lower than in the controls. CONCLUSION: Coordinated development of weight-supporting limbs seems to be poor in the DS group.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to clarify whether bile acids influence chemiluminescence (CL) in the liver in vivo. Hepatic CL was determined on the surface of the liver of anaesthetized rats by using a photon counter. In normal rats, hepatic CL was significantly decreased 30 min after enteral administration of chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA) or deoxycholic acid (DCA), but returned to its initial level 3 h later, after part of the CDCA administered was metabolized. Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) and cholic acid had no effect on CL. In contrast, hepatic CL was markedly increased 30 min after CDCA or DCA administration in rats given either buthionine sulphoximine (BSO), an inhibitor of γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase, or diethyldithiocarbamate (DDC), an inhibitor of both superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase. Chenodeoxycholic acid further increased the CL of BSO- or DDC-treated rats during inhalation of oxygen via a tracheal cannula. Coadministration of UDCA eliminated the effects of CDCA on the hepatic CL of normal and BSO- or DDC-treated rats with or without oxygen inhalation. We conclude that cytotoxic bile acids, such as CDCA, increase CL in the antioxidants-depleted or oxidative-stressed liver in vivc, but that UDCA prevents CDCA from developing CL.  相似文献   
Background. The microvasculature plays an important role in the pathogenesis of psoriatic skin lesions. Our purpose was to try to define a psoriatic pattern in the nailfold capillary, to clarify the relationship between nailfold capillary microscopic changes and nail involvement and to note the general clinical features of psoriasis. Methods. Image analysis of nailfold capillaries was performed in 62 patients with psoriasis. The capillary pattern was defined statistically comparing it with that of 51 healthy volunteers. We attempted to differentiate the psoriatic pattern from normal controls with “canonical discriminant analysis.” Results. Forty-nine of 62 patients with psoriasis could be differentiated from normal controls by our definition of psoriatic pattern that was significantly correlated with periungual psoriatic plaque, nail pitting, onycholysis, and the extent of the involved area. Conclusions. Our data suggest that nailfold capillary changes reflect microvascular changes of psoriasis and that the nailfold capillary pattern is a useful tool in evaluating nail involvement and the severity of psoriasis.  相似文献   
Objective: This study examined the relationship between bothersome symptoms of nocturia and erectile function. Methods: Subjects comprised patients with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) suggestive of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Patients were prospectively followed on treatment with the alpha‐1 blocker naftopidil for 8 weeks. Patient backgrounds and efficacy of naftopidil associated with LUTS and sexual activity were evaluated. Results: The percentage of patients who identified nocturia as the most bothersome symptom was 30.2% (n = 135), representing the highest percentage among International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) items. The number of patients with nocturia as the most bothersome symptom plateaued at an IPSS for nocturia of two or three points. In contrast, the number of patients with slow stream as the most bothersome symptom increased with symptom severity according to IPSS for slow stream. Logistic regression analysis on association between nocturia and erectile function confirmed that the odds ratio was 1.41 (P < 0.05). Naftopidil showed excellent efficacy related to male LUTS, but International Index of Erectile Function 5 (IIEF5) total score was almost unchanged. Among patients with nocturia improved by naftopidil, IIEF5 total score was significantly changed in the group with IPSS nocturia score ≤1 as compared to the group with IPSS nocturia score ≥2 per night (P = 0.038). Conclusion: Nocturia the most bothersome symptom correlated with aging. Nocturia could associate erectile dysfunction, and keeping the frequency of nocturia at ≤1 episode might be meaningful for maintaining quality of life in elderly men.  相似文献   
We describe the present view of performing diagnostic endoscopic ultrasonography guided fine needle aspiration biopsy (EUS‐FNAB). In the pancreatic diseases, our application of EUS‐FNAB for pancreatic disease has been as follows: as to the operable cases, EUS‐FNAB should not be performed through any pathway penetrating the duodenum and the stomach. EUS‐FNAB is contraindicated in cystic diseases. As to the cases diagnosed as inoperable with various imaging modalities, EUS‐FNAB should be performed to obtain the pathological evidence. In gastrointestinal disorders, all intramural diseases are appropriate indications for this procedure. Even if the target lesion is in the far oral part of the large intestine, we perform EUS‐FNAB by the special method described in this paper. Lymphadenopathy for appropriate cases is one of the best cases in which to perform EUS‐FNAB. Mediastinal lymph node metastasis influences the treatment plan of lung cancer; the application of this treatment is increasing in our institute.  相似文献   
Accidental transmission of contagious pathogens, especially hepatitis C virus (HCV), by needlestick or other means as an occupational hazard for medical staff is of concern. We retrospectively analysed cases of work-related accidental injury with pathogens such as hepatitis B virus (HBV), HCV, syphilis and human immunode?ciency virus (HIV) reported to the centres for disease control at 15 hospitals (total 5776 beds) in the Gunma prefecture, Japan, from December 1990 to August 1993 (24.7 months). There were 416 such cases (16.8 cases/month), with an incidence of 0.2–3.5 accidents per month per hospital. Such accidents occurred in 297 (71.2%) nurses, 98 (23.5%) medical doctors, 13 (3%) laboratory technicians, four (1.0%) hospital maintenance workers, one (0.2%) assistant nurse, one secretary and two others. There were 323 (77.6%) injuries caused by needlestick, 42 (10.1%) from suture needles or surgical knife cuts, 17 (4.1%) from blood splatters from patients into the eyes or mouth, 10 (2.4%) from contact with injured skin and 24 (5.8%) simple skin contacts. Of the pathogens, 60.3% were HCV, 22.6% HBV, 5.8% syphilis, 0.7% HIV and 10.6% were of unknown origin. Four cases (1.6%) of HCV infection were found and treated with one or two courses of interferon therapy, and HCV was subsequently cleared. All four patients were cured with interferon therapy. None of the HBV-injured cases resulted in infection, possibly because of prophylaxis with HB immunoglobulin and HB vaccine. No HIV or syphilis infection was contracted. In summary, chronic HCV infection acquired as an occupational hazard can be cured by appropriate treatment, such as with interferon, after early detection of the infection.  相似文献   
Abstract  Albumin immunoreactivity in the liver was examined on days 2, 5 and 10 after two-thirds partial hepatectomy by light and ultrastructural immunoperoxidase methods and the ultrastructural area of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in hepatocytes was measured. Albumin immunoreactivity was seen in the rough ER and Golgi apparatus of all hepatocytes in the hepatectomized liver and ultrastructural analysis showed a significantly greater area of rough ER on day 5 than on days 2 or 10. Albumin mRNA was studied by the in situ hybridization technique using radioisotopes and their numbers were determined visually. Albumin mRNA was present as grains in all hepatocytes and the grains varied in number during regeneration of the liver, being more abundant on day 5 than on days 2 or 10. The activity of [3H]-leucine incorporated into albumin synthesis, an indicator of translational activity, was higher on days 5 and 10 than on day 2 and was highest on day 5. In conclusion, albumin synthesis varied during liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy, being reduced at the peak of cell proliferation on day 2 and being most active on day 5.  相似文献   
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