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Abstract Thirty-nine patients with schizophrenia, diagnosed according to DSM-III-R, who were under 15 years of age, were studied in two groups; 16 subjects with obsessive-compulsive symptoms during the prodromal phase, and 23 with no obsessive-compulsive disorders. The group with obsessive-compulsive symptoms during the prodromal phase was characterized by a higher ratio of males, higher incidences of perinatal and brain computed tomography (CT) abnormalities, fewer hereditary factors, longer duration of the prodromal phase, and a higher incidence of insidious onset and negative symptoms compared with the group without such prodromal symptoms. Schizophrenic patients with obsessive-compulsive symptoms during the prodromal phase were clinically distinct from those without, which suggests the possibility of subtype categorization.  相似文献   
MATSUOKA, K., et al. : Electrophysiological Features of Atrial Tachycardia Arising from the Atrioven-tricular Annulus. Atrial tachycardia (AT) arises from various sites in the atrium and the mechanisms are nonuniform. McGuire et al. reported that the cells around the atrioventricular annuli resembled nodal cells in their cellular electrophysiology. The purpose of this study was to delineate the electrophysiological features of AT arising from the atrioventricular (AV) annulus (AVAT). The study included five patients with six AVATs that were abolished by the radiofrequency energy delivery. The location of the AV annuli was defined by using the AV ratio of the local electrograms and the amplitude of the ventricular electrograms, in addition to the anatomic findings under fluoroscopic guidance. The tachycardia cycle lengths were  403 ± 117 ms  . An AV ratio of the electrograms at the successful ablation sites was  0.4 ± 0.4  at the tricuspid annulus and  1.5 ± 0.3  at the mitral annulus. Small doses (  mean 3.2 ± 1.8 mg  ) of adenosine triphosphate could terminate all the tachycardia episodes for five of the ATs without the development of AV nodal conduction block. The successful ablation sites were located at the right mid-septum in 1 AT, right posteroseptum in 2 ATs, right posterolateral region in 1 AT, and left anteroseptum in 2 ATs. These findings suggest that the cells with nodal-type action potentials around both annuli might play an important role in the genesis of AVAT.  相似文献   
Autologous marrow was collected from patients with acute leukemiaduring their first remission, and cryopreserved. In relapse,four of the patients were treated with remission-induction chemotherapymore intensive than the previous treatment, followed by infusionof the cryopreserved autologous marrow. Autologous marrow infusioncaused relatively rapid hematological recovery from the bonemarrow depression induced by high-dose chemotherapy. All fourpatients achieved a second complete remission, but with no maintenancetherapy leukemic relapses were observed in three of them. Onepatient survived without leukemic relapse for 19 months, 13months longer than the previous remission period. Another effectof autoinfusion was reduction in blood products required duringthe bone marrow depression. These observations suggest thatcryopreserved autologous marrow may retain its hemopoietic activityand autologous marrow infusion may be effective in providingearly recovery or rescue from bone marrow failure.  相似文献   
Four patients with advanced non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of unfavorablehistology were treated with marrow-lethal doses of cyclophosphamide(CY) and total body irradiation (TB1) followed by the infusionof cryopreserved autologous marrow. All four patients showedengraftment after autologous bone marrow transplantation andachieved complete remission (CR). Three of them, however, developedrelapse in 1.7, 12.9 and 14.5 mo respectively after the transplantation.The other patient has survived in drug-free CR for more than16.6 mo. There was no treatment-related death although therewere some tolerable complications. These data suggest that theCY-TBI regimen may be effective in inducing CR in patients withadvanced non-Hodgkin's disease but it does not contribute topreventing relapse.  相似文献   
Cutaneous ultrastructural diagnosis of ceroid-lipofuscinosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A skin biopsy from a 6-year-old girl was examined by electron microscopy and the diagnosis of ceroid-lipofuscinosis (CL) was confirmed. This has not been reported in the dermatology literature, because of the absence of specific skin manifestations. However, as we have shown, various cells of skin, including fibroblasts, Schwann cells, eccrine serous cells, endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells, accumulated characteristic substances to produce the finger print pattern (FPP) or the curvilinear profile (CLP) which are thought to be diagnostic for CL. Cutaneous ultrastructural research in such cases is important as asymptornatic skin disorders may exist in other congenital storage diseases.  相似文献   
Abstract— Saiboku-To is an anti-asthmatic herbal remedy which consists of ten herbal extracts. To investigate the clinical relationship between the effects and chemical components of Saiboku-To, a simple and sensitive high-performance liquid chromatographic method (HPLC) for determination of magnolol, one of the major urinary products, was developed. Organic solvent extraction of urinary magnolol was conducted by diatomaceous earth column rapid-flow fractionation using ethanol/dichloromethane (8/92, v/v). Recovery rates of magnolol were more than 99% with coefficient of variations less than 6% in the concentration range 9·7–970 ng mL?1. Subsequent HPLC determination of magnolol was achieved using a conventional silica-gel column, a mobile phase mixture of acetic acid/diethyl ether/n-hexane (0·2/17·0/82·8, v/v), and a UV-absorption detector set at 290 nm. Calibration was on the basis of peak height ratio between magnolol and flavone as an internal standard. The method was used to demonstrate excretion profiles of magnolol in healthy and asthmatic subjects following single administration of Saiboku-To.  相似文献   
Abstract  The relationship between the genetic polymorphism of S-mephenytoin 4'-hydroxylation catalyzed by CYP2C19 and the N-demethylation of imipramine was examined in 10 Japanese depressed patients. Five patients, who were poor metabolizers of S-mephenytoin, were determined to be either homozygous for a mutation in exon 5 or heterozygous for mutations in exon 4 and exon 5 of the CYP2C19 gene. In contrast, five patients, who were extensive metabolizers, had no mutations. The demethylation index (the desipramine/imipramine ratio) was significantly lower in patients with genetic defects. Plasma levels of imipramine and 2-hydroxyimipramine normalized by the daily dose (mg) per weight (kg) were significantly higher in patients with genetic defects. This suggests that the N-demethylation of imipramine is impaired in patients with genetic defects in the CYP2C19 gene, and that genotype determination may be useful in preventing side effects induced by unexpectedly elevated levels of imipramine.  相似文献   
Intestinal malrotation presenting beyond the neonatal period is associated with a multiplicity of symptoms, which are often non-specific and, consequently, are associated with delays in diagnosis. Pseudo-Bartter's syndrome, which mimics the manifestations of Bartter's syndrome, can be caused by a severe chloride deficiency secondary to vomiting, diarrhea, perspiration, diuretic abuse and so on. We describe a 6 year old boy who had been admitted to hospital three times during the preceding year. The patient lapsed into a critical condition with profound hypochloremia and hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis induced by extremely massive vomiting. The attacks of vomiting were spasmodic and self-limited. During the episodes of vomiting he fulfilled the criteria of pseudo-Bartter's syndrome, including hyperreninemia, hyperaldosteronism and normal blood pressure, but in the intervals between attacks he was completely asymptomatic. At the third admission, examination supported an overall clinical picture of bowel obstruction, which was confirmed by radiographic examination. Laparotomy revealed a midgut volvulus with intestinal malrotation. After surgery he made a good recovery and was symptom-free. In this patient, the high degree of hypochloremia and hypovolemia activated the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, then aldosterone promoted intensive reabsorption of sodium and excretion of potassium into the urine. Consequently the diagnosis of pseudo-Bartter's syndrome was established on the basis of an extreme decrease in urinary chloride and an increase in urinary potassium concentration. It is relatively rare for vomiting due to intestinal malrotation to induce pseudo-Bartter's syndrome. The importance of considering this rare diagnosis in such cases is discussed.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to compare the electrophysiological characteristics of posterior and anterior atrioventricular junctional reentrant tachycardia (AVJRT) during radiofrequency (RF) catheter ablation of a slow pathway. Twenty-four patients with common A VJRT, including 4 posterior (P) and 20 anterior AVJRT (A) were studied. We analyzed the retrograde atrial activation sequence of junctional rhythm and the presence of transient HA block during slow pathway ablation. When HA block developed, the AH interval before ablation and immediately after the end of energy delivery was measured. Successful ablation sites were divided into three groups; high (H), middle (M), and low (L) from the His bundle to the floor of the coronary sinus orifice. The results were: (1) the number of successful ablation sites were H 0, M 1, L 3 in P and H 1, M 8, L 11 in A; (2) the HA interval during AVJRT in P was longer than that in A (109 ± 48 ms vs 43 ± 6 ms, P < 0.01); (3) the retrograde atrial activation sequence during Junctional rhythm was strictly concordant with that during AVJRT in both groups, but HA block developed during slow pathway ablation more often in P than in A (100% vs 30%, P < 0.01); and (4) The AH interval did not lengthen after HA block developed in P. These data suggest that another pathway does exist from the A V node to the atrium in addition to anterograde fast pathway and slow pathway, and that this pathway is used as the retrograde limb of P.  相似文献   
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