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A 73-year-old male with a history of diabetes mellitus was admitted to our hospital for acute renal failure. An ultrasonogram revealed bilateral hydronephrosis, which worsened despite insertion of a bladder catheter. Nephrostomy catheters were positioned bilaterally, and Candida albicans was found in the urine culture. The patient was successfully treated with intermittent direct irrigation and i.v. antifungal agent therapy. Since 1977, approximately 50 cases of fungus balls or fungal bezoars in the urinary tract have been reported, but the majority of these cases have been characterized by unilateral ureteral or bladder involvement. Herein, we report a case of acute renal failure as a result of bilateral ureteral obstruction by Candida albicans fungus balls.  相似文献   
Okuno, A., Yano, K., Itoh, Y., Hashida, S., Ishikawa, E., Mohri, Z-I. and Murakami, M. (Department of Paediatrics, Asahikawa Medical College, Hokkaido; Medical College of Miyazaki, Kiyotake, Miyazaki; and Research and Development Division, Sumitomo Pharmaceuticals Co Ltd, Hyogo, Japan). Urine growth hormone determinations compared with other methods in the assessment of growth hormone secretion. Acta Paediatr Scand [Suppl] 337:74, 1987.
Urinary excretion of hGH was studied in children with short stature using a sensitive sandwich enzyme immunoassay technique. Urinary hGH excretion, in terms of hGH: creatinine ratio, showed excellent correlation with the mean and peak hGH values during physiological and pharmacological tests. It seems that the urinary hGH levels reflect serum hGH profiles during the urine collection period. A border zone for the lower limits of normal hGH levels in the urine was 7.5–13.4 ng/g creatinine for the physiological test at night (from 2000 hours to 0600 hours) and 17.4–35.0 ng/g creatinine for the pharmacological tests. Assessment of hGH secretory status by the urinary hGH levels showed good agreement with the serum hGH response. Measurement of urinary hGH could be used as a diagnostic test for impaired hGH secretion, and the multiple blood drawing required in physiological and pharmacological tests might be replaced by urine sampling.  相似文献   
The case of a 13 year old boy with an inflammatory esophagogastric polyp and ulcerative colitis is described. Endoscopy revealed a typical polyp and gastric fold complex at the esophagogastric junction and a hiatal hernia. Histology of a biopsy specimen confirmed an inflammatory polyp covered by hyperplastic squamous and gastric foveolar epithelium. Continuous 24 hour esophageal manometry suggested gastroesophageal reflux, which may be related to the pathogenesis of the lesion. Follow-up endoscopy showed marked regression of the polyp with medication for reflux eosphagitis. This clinical entity is rare in childhood and adolescence, and the manifestations may not be readily recognized. Therefore, endoscopic biopsy is important in children with esophageal polyps. However, polypectomy is unnecessary except when malignancy is suspected or when symptoms persist.  相似文献   
In a case with chronic pancreatitis and pseudocysts related to muscular cytochrome—c oxidase deficiency, endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) was performed to morphologically examine the pancreas for features that may have been missed by abdominal computed tomography and pancreatography. Conventional abdominal sonography had failed to show valuable diagnostic information of chronic pancreatitis in this case. EUS demonstrated several new findings. Parenchymal atrophy was remarkable, especially in the pancreatic tail, and a dilated pancreatic main or branch duct was clearly found in the region. Moreover, pancreatic stones in the main duct were also distinctly proved. EUS may become a useful new diagnostic method in pediatric gastroenterology, especially when sufficient findings are not obtained by conventional imaging techniques. However, an ultrasonographic endoscope with a shorter rigid portion and smaller caliber should be developed for pediatric patients.  相似文献   
An 8 year old girl with acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) is described. Elevated serum antibody titers suggested recent Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection. T2-weighted image of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) disclosed multiple lesions of high signal intensity in bilateral basal ganglia and thalami as well as in the white matter. Postcontrast T1-weighted image revealed an enhanced lesion in the deep white matter. She showed rapid clinical improvement in response to corticosteroid therapy. The lesions had disappeared completely on MRI performed 10 weeks after the onset. ADEM is believed to be a demyelinating disorder of probable autoimmune etiology. MRI findings in this case may support the hypothesis that the primary pathological event is vascular injury and demyelination occurs only as a secondary phenomenon.  相似文献   
A patient with urinary bladder pheochromocytoma and anotherpheo-chromocytoma in the para-aortic region is presented. Also,nine cases which have already been reported in Japan are reviewed. The following conclusions are made: bladder pheochromocytomacan appear at any age in either sex. The clinical triad consistingof hypertension, gross intermittent or transient painless hematuriaand micturitional attacks typical of pheochromocytoma are seenin most cases. Attention is called to such urinary bladder  相似文献   
Human mercaptalbumin (HMA) and nonmercaptalbumin (HNA) could be separated by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) at neutral pH. Using HPLC, the present authors found the nonmercapt-mercapt conversion (HNA ← HMA) during hemodialysis and the mercapt-nonmercapt conversion (HMA ← HNA) after hemodialysis in chronic renal failure, indicating HMA as the covalent carrier protein for sulfur-containing amino acids.  相似文献   
Bovine plasma albumin Fr. V(BPA) contains small amounts of proteolytic enzyme which catalyzes a very limited cleavage of BPA in the F-form near pH 3.8, resulting in the formation of partially hydrolyzed BPA(BPA*). BPA* had a tendency to form a transparent gel at pD 4.0 (pD range of the F-form) above 7%. Highly purified proteolytic enzyme-free bovine mercaptalbumin (BMA) was in a transparent solution at pD 4.0 even at 12.4%. after 5 days incubation at 35°. Cross-relaxation times (TIS) between irradiated protein protons and observed protons, such as side chain and water protons, were studied on BMA solution and BPA*-gel. TIS values of BMA solution, obtained by the saturation transfer (SATUR) and inversion recovery (INVER) methods, were a single kind of TIS for each side chain. Those of BPA*-gel by the SATUR method indicated the presence of two kinds of TIS, that is, short and long TIS values for each side chain. However, those by the INVER method showed a single kind of TIS for each side chain, corresponding to the long TIS value by the SATUR method. The short TIS values of BPA*-gel, observed by the SATUR method, may be due to immobile joint parts of fibrous BPA* aggregates. TIS values from protein to water protons (TIS(HDO)) in BPA*-gel, obtained by the INVER method, were far shorter than those in BMA solution, indicating a large amount of hydration of BPA* and rapid exchange between bound and bulk water in the gel state.  相似文献   
In the past 4 years, 34 asymptomatic patients with the Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) pattern underwent electrophysiologic study. The effective refractory period (ERP) of antegrade conduction over the accessory pathway was 288 +/- 29 msec. In three asymptomatic patients (9%), the antegrade ERP of the accessory pathway was shorter than 250 msec. The antegrade ERP of the accessory pathway became shorter than 250 msec in an additional 12 of 22 (55%) patients after isoproterenol administration. Nineteen (56%) of the asymptomatic patients showed the absence of retrograde conduction over the accessory pathway even after isoproterenol administration. The rate of induction of orthodromic reciprocating tachycardia in the asymptomatic WPW patients was 15% (5/34), which was significantly lower than that in the symptomatic patients. These data suggest that in the asymptomatic patients, the absence of retrograde conduction over the accessory pathway is the reason they remained asymptomatic, free of reciprocating tachycardia. However, even in the asymptomatic patients, some had the accessory pathway in which antegrade ERP was shorter than 250 msec. They may result in rapid ventricular conduction over the accessory pathway when atrial fibrillation develops.  相似文献   
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