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The Developmental Toxicity of Diethylene Glycol Dimethyl Ether in Mice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Developmental Toxicity of Diethylene Glycol Dimethyl Etherin Mice. PRICE, C. J., KIMMEL, C. A., GEORGE, J. D., AND MARR,M. C. (1987). Fundam. Appl. Toxicol. 8, 115–126. Diethyleneglycol dimethyl ether (diEGdiME) is structurally related toseveral compounds which produce reproductive and developmentaltoxicity, including teratogenicity in laboratory animals. Inthe present study, diEGdiME (0, 62.5, 125, 250, or 500 mg/kg/day)was administered by gavage in distilled water to timed-pregnantCD-1 mice during major organogenesis [gestational days (gd)6–15]. Clinical status of treated females was monitoreddaily during treatment and on gd 17. At sacrifice (gd 17), pregnancywas confirmed by uterine examination for 20–24 dams pergroup; each live fetus was examined for external, visceral,and skeletal malformations. No maternal deaths, morbidity, ortreatment-related clinical signs were observed. Reduced maternalweight gain during treatment at 250 mg/kg/day was primarilyattributed to compromised pregnancy status resulting in reducedgravid uterine weight. Maternal weight gain during gestationcorrected for gravid uterine weight, and relative liver weight(% body weight) were not affected. Average fetal body weight/litterwas significantly reduced at 125 mg/kg/day. The percentageof postimplantation loss/litter (5, 8, 7, 12, and 50% for controlthrough high dose) and the percentage of malformed live fetuses/litter(0.4, 0, 2, 24, and 96%) were significantly increased at 250mg/kg/day. Developmental defects involved primarily the neuraltube, limbs and digits, craniofacial structures, abdominal wall,cardiovascular system, urogenital organs, and both the axialand appendicular skeleton. In summary, oral administration ofdiEGdiME during major organogenesis did not produce any distinctivesigns of maternal toxicity, but did produce selective and profoundadverse effects upon fetal growth, viability, and morphologicaldevelopment at 125 mg/kg/day.  相似文献   
Emulphor, ethanol, and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) were evaluatedas vehicles in studying the toxicity of CCl4 and CHCl3 in isolatedhepatocytes. The appropriateness of the vehicle was determinedby evaluating the following parameters: solubility of CCl4 andCHCl3 in the vehicle, cell injury (intracellular K+), cell death(LDH leakage), and lack of interaction (protection or enhancedtoxicity) with CCl4. and CHCl3. The relative toxicity of thevehicles according to maximum no effect levels (v/v) was: emulphor(0.125%) > ethanol (1.0%) > DMSO (5.0%). Emulphor at toxiclevels was inadequate to dissolve enough CCl4 to evaluate inthis system. Ethanol (5.0, 2.5, 1.0, 0.5%) was more toxic thanDMSO and interacted with both CCl4. and CHCl3 to enhance toxicity.DMSO (15.0, 5.0, 2.5%) did not significantly alter the toxicityof CCl4. and CHCl3 no interaction. These data suggest that DMSOshould be the vehicle for evaluating the toxicity of CCl4. andCHCl3 and their mechanisms of action in the isolated hepatocyte.  相似文献   
The Developmental Toxicity of Orally Administered Oxytetracyclinein Rats and Mice. MORRISSEY, R.E., TYL, R.W., PRICE, C.J., LEDOUX,T.A., REEL, J.R., PASCHKE, L.L., MARR, M.C, AND KJMMEL, C.A.(1986). Fundam. Appl. Toxicol. 7, 434-443. Timed-pregnant CDrats and CD-1 mice were dosed by gavage with oxytetracyclinehydrochloride (OXT) in corn oil on gestational days (gd) 6-15(0, 1200, 1350, or 1500 mg/kg/day for rats; 0, 1325, 1670, or2100 mg/kg/day for mice). Deaths among treated females occurredin a dose-related manner in all OXT dose groups (2-7%, mice;5-24%, rats), but no maternal deaths occurred in the vehiclecontrol groups. Significant dose-related decreases in maternalweight gain during treatment, as well as for corrected gestationalweight gain (i.e., maternal gestational weight gain minus graviduterine weight), were observed at all doses in rats but notin mice. Gravid uterine weight was reduced in a dose-relatedmanner only in mice, with the high-dose group significantlyreduced compared to the control group. At termination (gd 20,rats; gd 17, mice), the status of uterine implantation siteswas recorded and live fetuses were weighed. Fetuses were examinedfor external, visceral, and skeletal abnormalities. There wereno significant effects of OXT in either species on the incidenceof postimplantation loss (resorptions plus dead fetuses) ormalformations. In both species, there was a significant trendtoward reduced fetal body weight, and each group of rats receivingOXT was significantly reduced compared to the control group.Administration of OXT during organogenesis at doses exceedingthe therapeutic range for humans produced maternal and fetaltoxicity, but did not produce any treatment-related increasein malformations.  相似文献   
Artificially inseminated New Zealand white (NZW) rabbits wereadministered ethylene glycol (EG) by gavage on Gestational Days(GD) 6 through 19 at doses of 0, 100, 500, 1000, or 2000 mg/kg/day,with 23–24 inseminated animals per group. Clinical signswere recorded and water consumption was measured daily; doeswere weighed on GD 0, 6–19, 25, and 30. At necropsy (GD30), maternal liver, kidney, and gravid uterine weights wererecorded. Histopathologic examination was performed on kidneysfrom 10 does/dose and for all unscheduled deaths. Ovarian corporalutea were counted and uterine implantation sites (total sites,resorptions, dead and live fetuses) were recorded. All livefetuses were weighed, sexed, and examined for external, visceral,and skeletal malformations and variations. EG resulted in profoundmaternal toxicity at 2000 mg/kg/day (42% mortality; three earlydeliveries and one spontaneous abortion) associated with renalpathology and unaccompanied by any other indicators of maternaltoxicity. Renal lesions at 2000 mg/kg/day involved the corticalrenal tubules and included intraluminal oxalate crystals, epithelialnecrosis, and tubular dilatation and degeneration. No dose-relatedmaternal toxicity occurred at 100–1000 mg/kg/day. Therewas no indication of developmental toxicity at any dose tested,including no effects on pre- or postimplantation loss, numberof fetuses, fetal body weight, or sex ratio (% male fetuses)per litter, and no evidence of teratogenicity. The "no observableadverse effect level" (NOAEL) for maternal toxicity was therefore1000 mg/kg/day and the NOAEL for developmental toxicity wasat least 2000 mg/kg/day in this study. The sensitivity of NZWrabbits relative to that of Sprague—Dawley rats and Swissmice for maternal and developmental toxicity from gavage administrationof EG during organogenesis can be determined for maternal toxicity:rabbits>mice>rats, and for developmental toxicity, mice>>rats >> rabbits.  相似文献   
Despite a burgeoning literature on some aspects of elder suicide, little is known about the specific attitudes that older people hold about suicide. The present study examined attitudes toward suicide and suicidal risk among 96 younger and 79 older adults. Participants completed the Suicide Opinion Questionnaire and the Suicide Risk Scale. Regarding suicidal risk, younger adults scored significantly higher than older adults. Regarding attitudes, older adults scored significantly higher than younger adults on 7 of 15 subscales, indicating that for older adults, suicide was more acceptable, more strongly related to a lack of religious conviction, more lethal, more normal, more irreversible or permanent, more strongly related to demographics, and more strongly related to individual aspects. An implication is that older adults hold both adaptive and maladaptive attitudes about suicide that may be useful in providing a social and cultural context to the study, prevention, and treatment of elder suicide.  相似文献   
Timed-pregnant CD-1 outbred Albino Swiss mice and New ZealandWhite rabbits were dosed by gavage with ethylene glycol diethylether (EGdiEE) in distilled water during major organogenesis.Mice were dosed on Gestational Days (gd) 6 through 15 (0, 50,150, 500, or 1000 mg/kg/day) and rabbits on gd 6 through 19(0, 25, 50, or 100 mg/kg/day). Maternal clinical status wasmonitored daily during treatment. At termination (gd 17, mice;gd 30, rabbits), confirmed-pregnant females (22–24 pergroup, mice; 26–32 per group, rabbits) were evaluatedfor clinical status and gestational outcome; each live fetuswas examined for external, visceral, and skeletal malformations.In mice, no maternal mortality was observed, but maternal bodyweight gain during gestation and treatment, and at terminationwas reduced at 1000 mg/kg/day. The reduction of maternal bodyweight gain during gestation was secondary to embryo/fetal toxicity,i.e., reduced gravid uterine weight as a consequence of decreasedlitter size and fetal weight. The no-observed adverse effectlevel (NOAEL) for developmental toxicity was 50 mg/kg/day. At150 mg/kg/day the number of litters of mice with malformed fetuseswas increased. At 500 mg/kg/day fetal body weight was reduced,and malformation incidence was significantly increased. Exencephalyand fused ribs were observed most often. In rabbits, maternalbody weight was unaffected by treatment even though 6% maternalmortality was observed at 100 mg/kg/day. The developmental NOAELwas 25 mg/kg/day. Malformations were increased at 50 mg/kg/day,short tail, small spleen, fused sternebrae, and fused rib cartilagewere observed most often. In summary, oral administration ofEGdiEE to mice and rabbits during organogenesis produced profoundadverse developmental effects even in the absence of significantmaternal toxicity. Developmental effects in rabbits were morevaried.  相似文献   
Introduction and Aims . A large legal market for party pills containing benzylpiperazine (BZP) and trifluoromethylphenylpiperazine (TFMPP) developed in New Zealand after 2004. The use of these party pills has been associated with adverse health effects. The purpose of this paper was to assess a general population sample of party pill users to investigate the relationship between (1) patterns of use of BZP/TFMPP party pills and concurrent use of other drug types, and (2) adverse side effects from BZP/TFMPP party pill use. Design . A national household survey of the use of BZP/TFMPP party pills was conducted using a computer‐assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) facility. The quantity of BZP and TFMPP in each brand of party pill was obtained from the National Poisons Centre. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to identify independent predictors of having experienced adverse side effects from party pills. Results . The mean quantity of BZP/TFMPP taken on an occasion of greatest use was 533 mg (median 400 mg, range 43 – 2500 mg). Being female, using cannabis and other drugs concurrently with BZP/TFMPP party pills, taking large quantities of party pills in a single session and taking 5‐hydroxytryptophan (5‐HTP) recovery pills at the same time as party pills were independent predictors of having experienced an adverse problem from party pills. Conclusions . Females may be at greater risk of experiencing problems from BZP/TFMPP party pills due to their smaller physical size. Taking 5‐HTP ‘recovery’ pills with party pills may increase the risk of adverse effects as both substances increase users' levels of serotonin.  相似文献   
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