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We studied T cell responses to four glutathione S transferase (GST)-fused mite antigens prepared in our laboratory using peripheral blood lymphocytes from mite-sensitive patients with bronchial asthma. Of the four recombinant antigens, purified GST-Mag3 had the strongest ability to cause patients' lymphocytes to proliferate, and its potency was almost comparable to that of crude mite bodies (Dfb) and faeces (Dff) antigens and a purified major antigen, Der f 2. The responder lymphocytes were mainly T cells, because the proliferative response was depleted by the treatment of lymphocytes with anti-CD3 antibody and complement, but not with anti-CD20 antibody and complement. The responsiveness of lymphocytes to GST-Mag3 correlated with that to Der f 2, but GST-Mag3 displayed slightly higher activity to stimulate lymphocytes than Der f 2. Simultaneously, the levels of Dff- and GST-Mag3-specific IgE antibodies correlated with the responsiveness of lymphocytes to GST-Mag3. These results suggest that Mag3 is a new valuable antigen for the response of T cell proliferation in mite-sensitive patients.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION: Although it is desirable to know drug efficacy before initiating antiarrhythmic therapy, there have been no methods for this evaluation. P wave signal-averaged ECG (P-SAECG) is useful to detect subtle changes in disturbance of atrial conduction. The purpose of this present study was to test whether P-SAECG mapping system would give any information on the efficacy of disopyramide on the prevention of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PAF). METHODS AND RESULTS: P-SAECG was performed before disopyramide treatment, at 3 hours after a single dose of oral disopyramide (200 mg), and after 4 weeks of disopyramide treatment (300 mg/day). After measuring the filtered P wave duration by the vector magnitude and mapping methods, we calculated filtered P wave duration dispersion, difference between the maximal and minimal filtered P wave duration within 16 chest leads at these three time points. Filtered P wave duration and filtered P wave duration dispersion before treatment were longer in 32 patients with symptomatic PAF than in 31 healthy volunteers. Disopyramide was effective for suppression of PAF in 17 patients and ineffective in 15 patients after 4 weeks of treatment. Filtered P wave duration was similarly prolonged at 3 hours in the two groups, whereas filtered P wave duration dispersion at 3 hours after the disopyramide administration behaved differently; it decreased in all of the effective group and increased in all of the ineffective group. The effective patients were prospectively followed with the same treatment for 6 months. In 16 (94%) of these 17 effective patients, no PAF was documented and they remained to be asymptomatic. CONCLUSIONS: Thus, measuring filtered P wave duration dispersion with the P-SAECG mapping method after a single administration may predict the long-term efficacy of disopyramide in patients with PAF.  相似文献   
Serum levels of CA15-3, a mammary tumor associated antigen recognizedby two different murine monoclonal antibodies (115D8 and DF3),were investigated in patients with mammary carcinoma and otherbenign or malignant diseases. The reference value of the serumCA15-3 level was obtained as 24 units/ml at the 99% confidencelimit among healthy individuals (n = 462). Elevation of serumCA15-3 levels was observed in 24.3% of overall patients withmammary carcinoma. Serum CA15-3 levels in breast cancer patientscorrelated with the clinical stage; higher percentages of positivitywere observed in those with advanced breast cancer (stage IV,64.7%, recurrent, 52.4% and metastatic, 70.3%). Furthermore,elevated serum CA15-3 levels in breast cancer patients respondedwell to the effect of therapy. Although the serum CA15-3 testgave percentages of positivity of breast cancer similar to thosefound by the serum CEA test, the serum CA15-3 test revealedlower percentages of posi-tivity than the serum CEA test amongpatients with benign breast lesions, liver cirrhosis or othercarcinomas. These results suggest that the serum CA15-3 antigenlevel provides a very useful marker for diagnosis and clinicalmonitoring of patients with breast cancer.  相似文献   
Diastolic mitral regurgitation has been observed in patients with DDD pacemakers when the atrioventricular (AV) delay was prolonged. However, diastolic mitral regurgitation associated with first-degree AV block has not been fully studied. We examined transmitral blood flow in 24 patients with first-degree AV block and normal cardiac function (ages 35.3 ± 17.4 years), and in nine patients with DDD pacemakers and normal cardiac function (ages 73.1 ± 8.1 years), using pulsed Doppler echocardiography. Diastolic mitral regurgitation was observed in 19 of 24 patients with first-degree AV block. Although PQ interval was shortened from 0.32 ± 0.06 to 0.20 ± 0.05 seconds (P < 0.01) after 1 mg atropine sulfate IV, the interval between P wave (ECG) and the beginning of diastolic mitral regurgitation did not change, while the duration of diastolic mitral regurgitation was shortened from 0.15 ± 0.03 to 0.05 ± 0.03 seconds (P < 0.01). There was a significant correlation between changes in PQ interval and changes in the duration of diastolic mitral regurgifation (r = 0.92, P < 0.001). Although cardiac output (3.9 ± 0.05 L/min) and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (5.1 ± 1.5 mmHg) were normal in all patients with pacemakers, diastolic mitral regurgitation was observed when the AV delay was prolonged. The critical PQ interval for the appearance of diastolic mitral regurgitation was 0.23 ± 0.01 seconds. In patients with prolonged PQ intervals, delayed ventricular contraction following atrial contraction may be associated with mitral regurgitation in the presence of a reversed AV pressure gradient. The results of this study suggest that diastolic mitral regurgitation occurs not only in patients with DDD pacemakers, but also with AAIR pacemakers when the PQ interval is prolonged. The occurrence of diastolic mitral regurgitation is associated with the pacing mode or the setting of AV delay.  相似文献   
We analyzed the carotid artery blood flow waveform (CABFW) of an infant of a non-insulin dependent diabetic mother with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (IDM cardiomyopathy) through multivariate autoregressive analysis and compared the developmental change of his CABFW with that of normal newborns. The total power was lower than normal newborns on the second and third day of life when his heart dysfunction was severe, and elevated on the fifth day of life when normal-heart function was recovered. The power of component 3 (C3), of which the damping frequency was 7–11 Hz, was slightly high on the second and third day of life and it decreased to the normal range on the fifth day of life by component analysis. In contrast, the power of C3 increased with decreasing resistance index of anterior cerebral artery (RI of ACA) which shows the cerebral vascular resistance of normal newborns. These results suggest that the carotid artery blood flow volume decreased by low cardiac output and the cerebral vascular resistance decreased to maintain the cerebral circulation, when the heart dysfunction was severe.  相似文献   
PROBLEM : It is well known that sperm migration in cervical mucus is impaired by sperm immobilizing antibodies secreted in the mucus. However, it is not clear yet whether sperm migration from the uterine cavity through the fallopian tubes to the peritoneal cavity is impaired by sperm immobilizing antibodies. To test the possible impairment of sperm migration in the tubes, laparoscopic examinations were carried out and the presence of motile sperm in the peritoneal fluid after intra-uterine insemination was investigated. METHOD : Peritoneal sperm recovery tests were performed in 28 infertile women with sperm immobilizing antibodies in their sera, and the results were compared with those in 322 infertile women without the antibodies. Both the sperm immobilizing antibody titers (SI50) and complement activities (C'H50) in peritoneal fluid were compared with those in patients' sera. In some experiments, the supernatant of the peritoneal fluid was used as a source of complement for the sperm immobilization tests instead of guinea pig serum. RESULTS : Among couples with normal semen characteristics by the criteria of WHO, sperm recovery in the peritoneal fluid was observed in only 3 (11.1%) of 27 patients with sperm immobilizing antibodies, compared with 72 (34.0%) of 212 patients without the antibodies (P<0.025). The antibody titers of the patients with the sperm recovery were very low by the quantitative sperm immobilization test. In most patients, a similar amount of sperm immobilizing antibodies was present in the peritoneal fluid and the sera. Though the complement activities in the peritoneal fluid were less than those in sera, the former were still found to be sufficient to immobilize sperm in vivo. CONCLUSIONS : These results suggest that the complement-dependent sperm immobilizing antibodies could interfere with sperm migration in the female genital tract at the level of the fallopian tubes.  相似文献   
The carotid artery blood flow waveform (CABFW) is regarded as a summation of cardiac impulse responses. These impulse responses are divided into several components through a two-dimensional autoregressive modelling approach. Using this approach, we determined the developmental change in CABFW in 94 normal subjects from the neonatal period to adolescence. Our analysis demonstrated that: (i) the total power of impulse response increased significantly with increasing age. The component of impulse response was divided into six groups according to the damping frequency: group I (0 Hz), group II (1–5 Hz), group III (5–8 Hz), group IV (8–13 Hz), group V (13–17 Hz) and group VI (> 17 Hz); (ii) the power-density and the damping time of group I and II impulse response increased significantly with increasing age; (iii) the power-density and percent power of group III impulse response and power-density of group IV impulse response increased significantly with increasing age. Our results indicated that CABFW contained some regular impulses and that group I, II, III and IV, which were influenced by several factors, including cardiac contraction and the compliance and frictional forces of the carotid artery, appeared to be important to the developmental change of CABFW in children.  相似文献   
Abstract: In this study we report on two cases of amebic colitis treated in our hospital. On admission both patients were in a severe state of malnutrition due to intermittent diarrhea which had continued for one month. Both patients suffered from amebic colitis presumably transmitted by homosexual intercourse. A definite diagnosis of amebic colitis was made from both fecal examination and colonoscopic biopsy. After the diagnosis was made, the patients were treated with metronidazole. This medication can eliminate Entamoeba histolytica, although it was insufficient for the treatment of the patients’malnutrition. Therefore we used total parenteral nutrition to treat their malnutrition. It was successful and resulted in their recovery and discharge. These two cases indicate that total parenteral nutrition therapy is useful for supporting the recovery of patients with amebiasis.  相似文献   
Summary  Osteophytes of the cervical spine are usually seen in elderly adults. When prominent, they have been blamed for dysphagia, cough, dysphonia and dyspnoea. This paper reports on an obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) patient with cervical spinal osteophytes, one cause of airway obstruction. A 75-year-old male complained of pronounced snoring. The diagnosis was mild OSA, apnoea hypopnoea index was 9·4. Patient reported no restrictions in neck movements, experiences of neck pain or neck trauma. Previously, patient underwent a tonsillectomy due to discomfort in the pharyngeal region. A lateral cephalometric image was taken to observe airway before oral appliance therapy. The image revealed the presence of large osteophytes or sclerotic enthesopathy, lying on anterior surfaces from the fourth to seventh cervical vertebrae. A computed tomography (CT) image revealed the relationship of airway position to the spine. In the reconstructed three-dimensional (3D) image, the airway appeared displaced to the right of the craniomandiblar bone, with the hyoid bone similarly displaced in a manner to that of the airway. The spine also appeared displaced to the left side ofcraniomandiblar bone. Additionally, the 3D image revealed calcification of the stylohyoideum ligament and ligamentum nuchae. This present case highlights the necessity of CT examination for OSA patients. There were several ligament calcifications in the head and neck region. Cervical spine osteophytes, as a component of Forestier's or cervical spine disease, have been associated with dysphagia and dysphonia. It was reported that bilateral vocal cord paralysis was caused by osteophytes compressing the post-cricoid area of larynx.  相似文献   
We investigated the usefulness of the time- and frequency-domain analysis of the P wave triggered signal-averaged ECG (P-SAECG) for detecting patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (Paf). In previous studies, the usefulness of the time domain of the P-SAECG to detect patients with Paf was described but that of the frequency domain is unknown. We analyzed the P-SAECG in the time and frequency domain in 23 patients with Paf and 19 controls. The 32-unipolar chest lead ECGs and the standard bipolar limb lead ECGs were obtained. The time-domain analysis showed that the filtered P duration (fPd) was significantly longer (P < 0.01) in patients with Paf than controls: the predictive accuracy of Paf with fPd > 120 ms was 69%. The frequency domain analysis showed that the area ratio of power spectrum area of 0–20 Hz to 20–100 Hz (AR20) was significantly higher (P < 0.01) and the magnitude ratio at 30 Hz (%Mag.30) calculated by dividing the magnitude at 30 Hz by the maximal magnitude was significantly (P < 0.01) lower in patients with Paf than controls in the left lateral chest leads. The predictive accuracy of Paf with AR20 ≥ 1.5 and that with %Mag.30 < 40% was 83% and 73%, respectively. Our results indicate that the frequency-domain analysis of P waves in lateral leads is useful as is the time-domain analysis to detect patients with Paf. The AR20 ≥ 1.5 and %Mag.30 < 40% provides accurate predictability of Paf.  相似文献   
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