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Immunological studies were conducted on a case of granular lymphocytosiswith benign clinical feature. A 60-year-old Japanese woman wasfound incidentally to have lymphocytosis when she had a commoncold. A complete blood count showed 47,200 leukocyte per mm3with 82% granular lymphocytes, 8% small lymphocytes and others.Hemoglobin was 11.5 g/dl and platelet count was 365 x 103/mm3. Surface marker study revealed erythrocyte-rosettes 94%. Leu-159%, Leu-2a 70%, Leu-3a 14%, Leu-4 98%, Leu-7 57%, Leu-11 5%,HLA-DR 92%, BA-2 6%, common ALL antigen 4%, and surface immunoglobulin2%. These results suggest granular lymphocyte proliferationwith T-cell phenotype. Natural killer activity was 4.5%, butit was elevated to 11.4% after interleukin-2 stimulation by2 days' culture. Human T-cell lymphotropic virus-I antibodywas absent. No lymphadenopathy and no hepatosplenomegaly wereseen, except for bone marrow infiltration of granular lymphocytes.The patient has been in good health without any acute distress.The leukocyte count has gradually decreased to l2,300/mm3 with79% lymphocytes in 6 months of follow-up without any therapy. This case is suggestive of benign lymphocytosis, although similarcases have been reported previously as chronic lymphocytic leukemiawith T-cell marker and/or natural killer function.  相似文献   
A case of prollferative fasclitis arising In the left forearm of a 56-year-old man was examined. The lesion was preceded by blunt trauma, measured 1.5 times 1.3 times 1.0 cm, was poorly circumscribed and appeared white to light gray on the cut surface. Light microscopic examinations revealed that spindle cells and giant cells with one or two nuclei and abundant basophllic cytoplasm ware arranged without any organized patterns In collagenous stroma. Ultrastructurally, well-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum separated by varying amounts of fine to course fibrillar materials was detected in the giant cells. Only vimentin lmmunoreactivity was detected In both spindle and gtant cells. The Ki-67 labeling Index of spindle cells was 35% but that of giant cells was less than 5%, and this reflects the quiescent or slow-growing features of these giant cells in proliferative fasclitis. DNA content of the calls, which was examined by Image cytometry, demonstrated diploidy In both spindle (DNA Index = 1.01) and glant (DNA Index = 1.09) calls.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: To assess the prognostic usefulness of the nuclear area index (NAI), a new nuclear morphometric parameter expressed as the mean nuclear area (MNA) ratio of cancer to normal transitional cells in patients with bladder cancer, who have undergone radical cystectomy. METHODS: Measurements of the nuclear areas of cancer and normal transitional cells were carried out on the histological slides of 73 patients with bladder cancer. The clinical usefulness of MNA, NAI, grade, and TNM categories for the prediction of the cause-specific survival of the patients was examined. RESULTS: The median values of MNA and NAI in the 73 patients were 39 micro m2 and 1.2, respectively. Cause-specific survival rates of the patients were calculated according to stage (T1-2 vs T3-4), grade (grade 2 vs grade 3), MNA (<39 micro m2 vs>/=39 micro m2) and NAI value (<1.2 vs>/=1.2). Using univariate analysis, all these parameters were statistically significant prognostic factors. However, by multivariate analysis, NAI was the only independent variable for the survival of the patients (P < 0.01). Cause-specific survival rates of patients with NAI values of less than 1.2 were significantly higher than those with NAI values of 1.2 or more, in both grade 2 and grade 3 tumors. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that NAI could provide improved prognostic information for patients with bladder cancer.  相似文献   
Catheter ablation with the use of radiofrequency energy has been used as a treatment for atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia in patients with Ebstein's anomaly. However, the success rate in these patients is generally low. We experienced a case in which the decision regarding precise accessory pathway (AP) localization was impaired by the presence of an abnormal electrogram in the atrialized right ventricle (ARV) in a patient with Ebstein's anomaly. After the AP conduction was abolished, the abnormal electrogram was observed behind the ventricular wave in the ARV during sinus rhythm. Furthermore, the interval between ventricular potential and the abnormal electrogram observed in the proximal ARV was longer than that in the distal ARV. We suggest that the abnormal electrogram might represent delayed local ventricular activation, and that the potential conduction might be impaired in the ARV.  相似文献   
Urgency is the core symptom of the overactive bladder symptom complex, but the underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. Clinical findings have led to the assumption that bladder outlet obstruction (BOO) caused by benign prostatic enlargement (BPE) induces storage symptoms and detrusor overactivity. Presumably, BOO by BPE accounts for urgency; however, urgency is not always caused by BOO. Sensory nerves in the wall of the urethra fire in response to urethral fluid flow, and this activity initiates bladder contractions in the quiescent bladder and augments ongoing contractions in the active bladder. In humans, prostatic urethral anesthesia results in significant increases in bladder capacity among BPH patients without neurological diseases, therefore sensory stimuli from an anatomically altered prostatic urethra has the possibility to induce urgency and detrusor overactivity. Studies in animals demonstrate the basis for an excitatory urethra to bladder reflex. Urethral stimulation by prostaglandin E2 induces an excitatory effect on micturition reflex by activation of C‐fiber afferent nerves. α1A‐adrenoceptor blocker has an inhibitory effect on the micturition reflex, suggesting excitatory urethra to bladder reflex is mediated by α1A‐adrenoceptor. Even if there is no obstruction, increase in urethral sensory due to BPE may induce the development of the detrusor overactivity.  相似文献   
Growth of transplanted hepatic tumours (T-9) was enhanced in immune rats under stress, compared with immune rats in an unstressed condition. Compared with unstressed immune rats, killer activity of mononuclear cells infiltrating the tumours against T-9 cells was significantly reduced in stressed immune rats. In contrast, killer activity of splenocytes obtained from stressed immune rats against T-9 cells was elevated compared with that from unstressed immune rats. In addition, natural killer cell activity of mononuclear cells infiltrating the tumours obtained from stressed immune rats was significantly reduced compared with that from unstressed immune rats. Cell populations infiltrating tumour tissues were identified by flow cytometric analysis. The percentage of CD8+ cells in mononuclear cells isolated from tumour tissues of stressed immune rats was reduced compared with that of unstressed immune rats. Furthermore, interleukin-2 responsiveness of splenocytes was suppressed in stressed immune rats, whereas T cell function as reflected by phytohaemagglutinin- or Concanavalin A-reactivity was unaffected by stress. Collectively, it is likely that stress suppressed the generation of cytotoxic cells from the spleen cells of immune rats.  相似文献   
The adverse effects caused by antibiotics and the interactions between other drugs based on the results of clinical studies on children recently conducted in Japan, as well as the results of previous studies in the literature were reviewed. Adverse effects of β-lactam, macrolide and azalide antibiotics commonly observed in children included gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea and loose stool, and hypersensitivity such as rash and fever. The incidences were 1–6% and 0.2–1.6%, respectively. Eosinophilia, thrombocytosis, and elevation of serum glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase and serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase were common abnormal laboratory findings. Although many of the antibiotics used in childen are relatively safe, cautions should be given because developing children tend to have adverse effects unique or common in children, in addition to those commonly seen in adults.  相似文献   
In order to determine whether the surface marker phenotypesof non-Hodgkin's lymphomas affect the prognosis, we have studiedthe differences in response rate and duration of survival betweenT- and B-cell lymphomas. Sixty-four patients who underwent first-linetherapy, including combination chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy,from February 1979 to August 1985 were evaluated. With the aidof standard immunological methods and monoclonal antibodiesrelated to T-cells and B-cells. 21 T-cell lymphomas and 21 B-celllyrnphomas were identified. In the other 22 cases phenotypeswere not determined mainly because of the inability to obtainfresh samples. The complete remission rate was 100% for B-celllymphomas and 52.3% for T-cell lymphomas. The median survivaltime for patients with lymphomas of Stage III and IV. excludingthose with low-grade histology, was nine months for T-cell lymphomasand 17 months for B-cell lymphomas. T-cell lymphomas were foundto have significantly poorer prognosis than B-cell lymphomas.One patient with B-cell lymphoma and six patients in an undeterminedphenotype group, who were treated with combination chemotherapy,have been alive more than three years without relapse and thesepatients are considered potentially cured. Our results suggestthat the surface marker phenotype study of lymphoma cells aswell as histological subtying is important in prognosis andthat more effective therapy is needed to improve the prognosisof T-cell lymphomas.  相似文献   
A case of ovarian mixed germ cell tumor In a 44-year-old woman was examined. The tumor was well circumscribed, measured 15 times 11 times 10cm and appeared solid and partly cystic on the cut surface. Light microscopic examinations revealed that the tumor was composed of four different neoplastic germ cell elements, Intermingled with each other. They are: (i) choriocarcinoma, immunohistochemically positive for human placental lactogen (hPL) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG); (ii) dysgerminoma, positive for placental alkaline phosphatase; (iii) endodermal sinus tumor positive for α-fetoproteln (AFP); and (lv) mature teratoma. Among these histological types, dysgermlnoma occupied more than 50% of the neoplasm. The patient was diagnosed as a stage la ovarian mixed germ cell tumor and was subsequently treated with chemotherapy. A second-look laparotomy after completion of chemotherapy revealed no residual tumors in the abdomen and the patient Is alive and well 15 months after operation. This Is the fourth reported case of ovarian mixed germ cell tumor arising In patients over 40 years old.  相似文献   
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