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An ultrastructural analysis of human cytotoxic T lymphocyte-target cell (CTL-TC) interaction has been undertaken to enable a better understanding of the killing mechanism. Attention was focused on granules in the CTL, which are known to contain lethal compounds. Within the membrane-delimited cytotoxic granule an electron-dense core as well as numerous membrane vesicles were identified. In CTL-TC conjugates, specific membrane interactions take place, allowing the formation of intercellular clefts into which the granule cores and internal vesicles are released. T cell surface membrane molecules known to be involved in CTL-TC interaction (T cell receptor, CD3 and CD8) are present on the membranes of the granule cores and internal vesicles, facing outward. An explanation for this localization of the membrane may be found in the fact that the granule is connected with an endocytotic pathway. Moreover, the lumen of the granule is rich in the enzyme cathepsin D, which indicates an association with a lysosomal compartment. Exocytosed vesicles and cores are seen to adhere to the plasma membrane of the TC. Although the exact contents of the granule vesicles and core remain to be identified, we suggest that specific interaction of CTL membrane molecules on the cytolytic granule components with molecules on the plasma membrane of the TC may ensure the unidirectional delivery of the lethal hit.  相似文献   
Although posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is associated with chronic pain, preliminary evidence suggests reduced experimental pain sensitivity in this disorder. The questions addressed in the present study were whether pain perception would also be reduced in PTSD patients who are not suffering from chronic pain symptoms, and whether a reduction in pain sensitivity would also be present in combat veterans who did not develop PTSD. For this, we determined thermal detection and pain thresholds in 10 male combat-related PTSD patients, 10 combat control subjects (no PTSD) and 10 healthy controls without combat experience. All subjects were pain free. First, we measured thermal sensory thresholds with ramped heat and cold stimuli using the method of limits. Ramped thermal sensory stimulation revealed no deficits for the detection of (non-noxious) f2.1thermal stimuli between groups. In contrast, heat and cold pain thresholds in both combat groups (PTSD and combat controls) were significantly increased compared to healthy controls. However, these stimuli could not distinguish between the two groups due to ceiling effects. When using longer-lasting heat stimulation at different temperatures (30 s duration; method of fixed stimuli), we found significantly lower frequency of pain reports in PTSD patients compared with both combat and healthy controls, as well as significantly lower pain ratings. Our results suggest an association of PTSD with reduced pain sensitivity, which could be related to PTSD-related (neuro-)psychological alterations or to a pre-existing risk factor for the disorder.  相似文献   
Twelve clumsy children and 12 controls executed a four choice reaction time task in two compatibility conditions and three precue conditions. The experimental results indicated that the cognitive decision process of response selection contributed to the slow but not to the inaccurate performance of clumsy children. Clumsy children, compared with controls, had more problems with the translation of the stimulus code (s) to the response code (r) when this translation required more transformations. Response selection is a cognitive process that is likely to be important for deficits in perceptual-motor skills.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to assess the recovery of the left ventricular pressure (PLV), and the incidence and type of arrhythmias after effective low-dose defibrillation (Imax = 18 ? 70 A) in healthy hearts and in hearts with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in the intact dog. In fifteen dogs 84 episodes of fibrillation-defibrillation were studied in the healthy heart and 53 episodes were studied in the acute phase of myocardial infarction 12 to 3 hours after occlusion of a part of the left anterior descending artery by a catheter technique. Time to recovery of PLV depended on duration of fibrillation (tF) and cumulative defibrillation current (I12), and became critical at tF > 45 seconds and I12 > 45 A. Total duration of arrhythmias due to defibrillation increased with increasing tF and I12. Arrhythmias which have a relative greater chance of resulting in refibrillation or which may seriously decrease the cardiac output occurred more often with I12 > 55 A (p < 0.001), when 50% of episodes were followed by these arrhythmias. No differences were found in responses between the healthy heart and the heart with AMI.  相似文献   
The advance of neuroimaging techniques has resulted in a burgeoning of studies reporting abnormalities in brain structure and function in a number of neuropsychiatric disorders. Measurement of hippocampal volume has developed as a useful tool in the study of neuropsychiatric disorders. We reviewed the literature and selected all English-language, human subject, data-driven papers on hippocampal volumetry, yielding a database of 423 records. From this database, the methodology of all original manual tracing protocols were studied. These protocols differed in a number of important factors for accurate hippocampal volume determination including magnetic field strength, the number of slices assessed and the thickness of slices, hippocampal orientation correction, volumetric correction, software used, inter-rater reliability, and anatomical boundaries of the hippocampus. The findings are discussed in relation to optimizing determination of hippocampal volume.  相似文献   
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has opened a new window to the brain. Measuring hippocampal volume with MRI has provided important information about several neuropsychiatric disorders. We reviewed the literature and selected all English-language, human subject, data-driven papers on hippocampal volumetry, yielding a database of 423 records. Smaller hippocampal volumes have been reported in epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, dementia, mild cognitive impairment, the aged, traumatic brain injury, cardiac arrest, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, Cushing's disease, herpes simplex encephalitis, Turner's syndrome, Down's syndrome, survivors of low birth weight, schizophrenia, major depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, chronic alcoholism, borderline personality disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and antisocial personality disorder. Significantly larger hippocampal volumes have been correlated with autism and children with fragile X syndrome. Preservation of hippocampal volume has been reported in congenital hyperplasia, children with fetal alcohol syndrome, anorexia nervosa, attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorder, bipolar disorder, and panic disorder. Possible mechanisms of hippocampal volume loss in neuropsychiatric disorders are discussed.  相似文献   
Papillary meningiomas are rare meningeal tumors which are associated with a grim prognosis. These tumors usually recur locally and in some cases they metastasize. The clinical, radiological and histopathological features of a case of a papillary meningioma with a pleural metastasis in a 13-year-old boy are presented. The literature on metastasizing papillary meningiomas is reviewed. Up to now, 131 cases of papillary meningioma have been reported in the literature. Only 8 cases gave rise to metastases outside the central nervous system. The preferential site of metastasis appeared to be the lung. This is the first report of a papillary meningioma giving rise to a metastasis in the pleura.  相似文献   
Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) contain granules that are exocytosed during specific interaction with target cells (TC). In this process, the granule contents, including the lethal protein perforin, as well as granzymes, a family of serine esterases, are delivered to the TC. Information regarding the routing of these proteins towards the granule and their exact localization within the granule is of primary importance to resolve the mechanism of granule-mediated TC killing. In this study, the subcellular localization of perforin, granzymes, and known endosomal and lysosomal marker proteins was determined in human and murine CTL, by immunogold labeling of ultrathin cryosections followed by electron microscopy. Perforin and granzymes can be detected in rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex, trans-Golgi reticulum, and in all cytotoxic granules. Within the granules, they have a similar distribution and are localized not only in the so-called dense core but also over the region containing small internal vesicles. This finding implies that perforin and granzymes can be released in membrane-enveloped and/or -associated form into the intercellular cleft formed upon CTL-TC interaction. On the basis of the present evidence, additional release of these molecules in soluble form cannot be excluded. The lysosomal membrane glycoproteins lamp-1, lamp-2, and CD63, are abundantly present on the granule-delimiting outer membrane, which becomes incorporated into the CTL plasma membrane during lethal hit delivery. In contrast, the cation-dependent mannose 6-phosphate receptor, known to be present in endosomes and absent from lysosomes, is found only in a minority of the granules. Together with our previous findings that the granules are acidic and connected to the endocytic pathway, these observations define CTL granules as secretory lysosomes.  相似文献   
Severe fatigue and co-morbid depressive symptoms are frequently reported by recently deployed military personnel. Stress can induce lasting changes in the negative feedback regulation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis (HPA-axis) and the regulation of the immune system by cortisol. Since these actions of cortisol are modulated via glucocorticoid receptors (GR), we investigated the effect of deployment and of deployment-related fatigue on glucocorticoid binding to peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) in a prospective design. Psychological assessments and blood sample collection took place before and one and six months after deployment. Participants were selected from a larger group and assigned to three groups based on their level of fatigue and depressive symptoms six months after deployment. We compared fatigued participants without depressive symptoms (n = 21), fatigued participants with depressive symptoms (n = 14) and non-fatigued participants without depressive symptoms (n = 21). Fatigued participants with depressive symptoms at six months after deployment had higher glucocorticoid binding to PMBCs than the other two groups at all three time points. Notably, this difference was already present before deployment. There was no effect of deployment on glucocorticoid binding to PBMCs. The observed differences in glucocorticoid binding were not related to pre-existing group differences in psychological symptoms. No group differences were observed in the composition of the PBMC population and plasma cortisol levels. These results indicate that high glucocorticoid binding to PBMCs might represent a vulnerability factor for the development of severe fatigue with depressive symptoms after a sustained period of stress, such as deployment.  相似文献   
Background: Several studies have reported deficits in both immediate and delayed recall of verbal memory in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, most of these studies had several methodological disadvantages. None of these studies assessed parameters related to social or occupational functioning. Methods: Fifty Dutch veterans of UN peacekeeping missions (25 with PTSD and 25 without PTSD) were assessed with a comprehensive neuropsychological test battery consisting of four subtests of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale‐III, California Verbal‐Learning Test, and the Rey Auditory Verbal‐Learning Test. Veterans with PTSD were free of medication and substance abuse. Results: Veterans with PTSD had similar total intelligence quotient scores compared to controls, but displayed deficits of figural and logical memory. Veterans with PTSD also performed significantly lower on measures of learning and immediate and delayed verbal memory. Memory performance accurately predicted current social and occupational functioning. Conclusions: Deficits of memory performance were displayed in a sample of medication‐ and substance abuse‐free veterans with PTSD. Deficits in memory performance were not related to intelligence quotient, length of trauma exposure, or time since trauma exposure. This study showed that cognitive performance accurately predicted current social and occupational functioning in veterans with PTSD. Depression and Anxiety, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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